Scholomance 6: The Devil's Academy

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Scholomance 6: The Devil's Academy Page 17

by Logan Jacobs

  “Vinculum!” Circe shouted again, and there was no trace of fear or doubt in her soothing voice. “You are mine to command, slave! Obey my every whim and desire, or so help me, I will send you back into cold, numbing darkness!”

  Gasps filled the air as Circe’s shadow immediately cowered back and lowered its wispy head. Then the darkness of the forest quickly evaporated, and pale, warm sunlight quickly returned and washed over us. A sense of calmness filled the void. Everyone was incredibly quiet as the air settled, and the shadow patiently hovered by Circe and awaited her next command.

  “Oh, well done there, Miss Circe!” Luna clapped with excitement. “That was most impressive.”

  “Thank you, Professor.” Circe grinned, and her serpentine eyes sparkled with pride. “Perhaps I was a shadow master in my previous life, and I didn’t even know it.”

  “You never know,” the lavender-eyed witch laughed. “Well, now that we’ve covered that, let’s move on to the hunt! Firstly, for you to call upon your shadow, you must shed yourself of any doubt and fill your heart with the wrath of Satan. Let the darkness penetrate your soul and overcome your mind. Then, when you feel like you’re ready, you must mentally utter the words, ‘nunc apparet.’ Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Professor,” we answered in unison.

  “Great,” she said as she looked around the crowd of students. “Well, what are you all waiting for? Summon them, for hell’s sake! Circe already has hers… just do it!”

  As I looked around the sea of students, there was no way to tell if anyone was summoning their other half, but I wasn’t going to just stand here and wait to find out. So, I closed my eyes and took in a deep, steady breath before I willed the dark lord to take control over my senses and penetrate my heart.

  When I felt like I was ready, I uttered the words inside my mind.

  Nunc apparet.

  In mere seconds, my crimson silhouette swept like a bolt of lightning through the trees and hovered in front of me like a blood tinted phantom. His glowing eyes bored into mine, and as he floated in front of me, I couldn’t help but stare at his protruding horns and wonder why I was the only one with a horned shadow.

  “Well done, Cole!” Professor Luna cheered. “Now, what are the rest of you waiting for? Summon your damn doubles so we may proceed with the lesson!”

  It took them another minute or two, but the rest of the students silently eventually called upon their shadowy silhouettes, and soon, we were surrounded by flying dark doubles.

  “Excellent!” Luna squealed as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. “Now, this next part may be a bit more complicated, but what we’re going to do next is bind ourselves to our doubles. I know the concept seems redundant, since technically your shadow is a part of your soul, but you must understand that once a shadow is split from your consciousness, it develops immense powers far beyond your own. By binding ourselves to our split selves, we are inheriting their energy for as long as they will allow, and it’s important we learn how to connect with our shadows and not let them overpower us. Now, it will be a little painful, and it will feel invasive, but if done correctly, the discomfort won’t last awfully long, I assure you. It’s almost the same feeling you experience when you bond with your familiar… a little strange at first, but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.”

  “Um, Professor, has this ever been done before?” Beatrix asked as her wide eyes darted around the students. “I’m just curious.”

  “Nope,” Professor Luna answered with a light chuckle, “but there is a first for everything, right? Now, I believe the incantation is ‘tena corpus tuum.’ No, wait, sorry, actually it’s ‘teneat corpus tuum.’ I think.”

  “We’re all going to die,” Akira muttered.

  “Does everyone think they’ve got it down?” the blonde professor asked as she blankly stared at the sea of students.

  “Yes, Professor Luna,” everyone responded at the same time.

  “Fantastic,” Luna giggled with delight. “I cannot wait to see how this turns out… go on and tether yourselves to your shadows when you’re ready! But don’t take too long now! Time is of the essence.”

  Everyone slowly turned to look at their shadowy silhouettes, and as my horned double hovered in front of me, I carefully studied his wispy, red shadow and wondered what it would feel like to be tethered to his misty and hellish form.

  “I hope you’re ready for this,” I said as I stared into his glowing yellow eyes. Then I took a slow, deep breath and aimed my wand right where his heart would be if he had one. “Teneat corpus tuum.”

  In the next moment, a bright yellow flash hit him in his translucent chest, and suddenly, I could feel my body jerking forward. It felt like I was floating away for a second, and I could feel myself drifting into my double’s body. The sensation was fleeting but still uncomfortable, and when I stared down at my new form, I was surprised to see my own body. The only physical difference was the red mist emitting from my flesh like a scarlet glow.

  However, despite the minor change on the outside, I felt completely different on the inside. My lungs, heart, and muscles seemed stronger, like they were made of the purest and sturdiest form of metal or steel. My senses were also in overdrive, and I could hear everything around me. I could listen to the insects crawling along the forest floor, the birds nesting in hidden branches, the fawns hiding behind their mothers, and the fairies spying from their groves.

  “Unholy fuck, Cole!” Akira gasped when she looked at me. “You look hot! You should see yourself with those horns.”

  “She’s right, and your eyes are truly captivating,” Circe added as she narrowed her serpentine gaze at me. “What a lovely shade of red.”

  “My eyes are red?” I asked with a half-smile.

  “Go and see,” Faye said as she pointed to a small puddle of water not too far away from us.

  When I lifted one of my legs to walk over to the water, my body jerked upward, and I found myself drifting toward the puddle instead of walking.

  “Whoa!” I breathed. “This feels incredible.”

  It does, doesn’t it? a voice that sounded exactly like my own asked. Just wait until you see what else we can do.

  I nearly jolted from surprise because I had no idea my shadow would have a voice, let alone a voice that sounded exactly like mine.

  Before I could respond, I was already hovering over to the small shimmering pool of water, and when I glanced down, my entire body was floating in the air while bright red smoke wafted from my skin like I was half-ghost and half-man.

  But what really stood out to me were my soulless red eyes and giant curled horns, and the more I stared down at my new form, the wider my smile grew. To my pleasant surprise, my teeth had also been sharpened and were as long as wolf fangs, and when I studied my hands, I noticed my nails were longer, like a bear’s claws.

  As I admired my new form, I could feel another sensation taking over my body. This was a feral feeling I’d never felt so intensely before, and all I knew was that I needed to sink my teeth into some warm, raw flesh. The feeling was so overwhelming, I could hear my heart and blood pumping inside my ears, but if I was going to rummage for meat, I didn’t want to experience it alone.

  “I order you to morph with your doubles,” I growled as I turned to look at my coven. “We’re going on a fucking hunt.”

  Chapter 14

  “Hell, yeah, master!” Akira was the first one to squeal with delight. “That was fucking awesome!”

  The rest of my women nodded, and once everyone realized it could be done, I noticed other witches preparing to morph with their shadows as well.

  “Finally!” Professor Luna cried out with satisfaction. “Why does Cole always have to be the one to finally push you ladies into doing what you’re supposed to do? Satan… maybe he should run the class.”

  “No, professor!” Circe called out. “We love you, don’t worry!”

  “Err, well… thank you, dear,” Professor Luna chuckled as
she regarded the students. “Easy does it now… be sure to free your heart from any fear. Yes, that’s it! Well done!”

  I watched with fascination as witches began to morph with their doubles, and their transformations were similar to mine. However, instead of red mist emitting from their skin, their bodies were surrounded by ebony smoke, and their eyes turned completely black. And like mine, even their scleras had changed. Now, each witch possessed pitch black eyes, and once again, I was the only one with red smoke and eyes, but I wasn’t surprised.

  “Wow,” Vesta marveled as she stared at her purple hand surrounded by thin black smoke. “I feel… wide awake… as if all my senses have been placed into overdrive or something. It’s a glorious sensation!”

  “I second that!” Circe added with wide black eyes, and it was unusual to see her without her snake-like orbs.

  “Yeah… I’ve never felt so powerful in my life,” Beatrix mused aloud. “I don’t feel any self-doubt or fear.”

  “Neither do I,” Morgana added as she floated above the forest floor.

  “This is cooler than helix powder,” Nyx giggled as she waved her smoky hand in the air as if she were waving to someone.

  “It may be super fucking cool,” Akira said with her black eyes darting around the forest, “but it’s also making me strangely hungry.”

  “Yeah, I’m fucking starving,” Faye growled as she licked her wispy lips, and I caught a glimpse of her protruding fangs.

  “So, go off and hunt, for Satan’s sake!” Professor Luna urged with wide lavender eyes. “Gooooo! Find something to tear apart and devour!”

  “You heard the woman,” I said with a wide grin. “Let’s fucking do this!”

  I flew upward through the trees and gracefully dodged the cluster of branches in my way, and as I did so, I could hear the women right behind me as they screamed with adrenaline and joy. The air whipped past my shadowy face, and it was like every nerve was on fire as I sped through the woodland.

  I knew at this rate, we’d never be able to see anything down below, so when I saw a tree with multiple branches, I decided it would be a fantastic place to hover and scan the floor for food.

  “Follow me!” I ordered.

  “Yes, master!” I heard my women call back.

  I floated toward the towering tree, and with my half-shadow, half-flesh hand, I grasped the branch and took a seat. The others also situated themselves on the tree limbs, and when we were comfortable, we began to scan the ground for some game.

  Blood pumped through my ears as I sniffed the air and then marveled at everything around me. All my senses were on high alert, and I could feel the entire forest flowing through my veins as I hovered above the ground and sniffed the air. Then, after a minute or two, I thought I could smell blood and fur.

  “Do you smell that?” I grinned as I looked at the others. “I think I can smell meat.”

  “Me, too!” Faye gasped, and when I looked into her black eyes, a pleasant shiver ran up my spine. “I cannot wait to sink my teeth into some warm, raw flesh and rip the meat off the bone.”

  “Just like the sirens did!” Circe chuckled as her black orbs wandered around the woods. “Oh, I can practically smell the blood already! We must be close to a herd of antelope… or maybe elk… possibly unicorn?”

  “Wait, I think I hear something,” Akira snapped as she turned her shadowy head in different directions. “Listen!”

  “I hear it, too,” Morgana added as her ebony eyes glanced up and down. “It sounds like a stampede… down below.”

  My improved vision scanned the forest floor as we remained high above the canopy. I strained to listen for any signs of prey, and again, it felt like my shadow double was trying to merge his thoughts with my own.

  Indeed, it is a herd, his deep voice echoed inside my mind. It sounded exactly like my own, and it was unnerving and strangely entrancing at the same time. Why don’t we fly down there and take what is ours? Let us stain the earth with fresh blood and fill the forest with the dying screams of our kill! You know you want to… you’ve always harbored a thirst for blood and violence. Together, we can cause unwavering chaos and glorious destruction. Let us wreak havoc upon these pathetic beings, rip their hearts from their chest, and drink the blood from their thin veins! We’ll do it together… you and I… we will become death itself and drain the life out of the woodland.

  “Let’s fucking do it,” I answered in a low growl that sounded like a starving wolf. “Whatever is approaching, I’m ready to taste blood.”

  “Me, too,” Nyx giggled. “I must say… this shadow bonding makes me feel even higher than dragon breath.”

  “I’ll bet it does!” Circe laughed. “Satan, I feel incredible… like three times more powerful and feral.”

  “True, but I wouldn’t want to stay like this forever,” Vesta said as her black eyes wandered around us. “I think my silver eyes are far more attractive than these lifeless black ones.”

  “Of course, that’s your only concern,” Akira mumbled.

  “Guys!” Penelope snapped. “Pay attention… the meat we desire lies just below us… I can sense a herd of antelope approaching, so if you’re hungry, you need to be quick when we make a dive for it.”

  “And try to aim for their arteries and veins, too,” I added. “One quick bite to the jugular and bam… you have yourself a meal.”

  “He’s right.” Morgana nodded. “It will be an easy kill if done properly.”

  “So, what are we waiting for?” Faye demanded with sleek black eyes. “Let’s goooooo!”

  We all laughed as the shadow-bonded redhead swarmed down through the canopy and toward the forest floor, and in seconds, we could see her misty body speeding toward a herd of galloping antelopes.

  “How the hell did she do that?” Akira asked in a surprised voice. “She was totally right… it was a herd of fucking antelopes!”

  “Are you really surprised?” Morgana giggled. “It’s Faye! She’s practically made out of the forest.”

  “Hey!” I clapped with my new hands. “Do you want her to have all the fun?”

  “No!” they all gasped at once.

  “Then let’s snatch our kills!” I chuckled before I dove down and followed the bloodthirsty Faye. “Come on!”

  I could hear the others laughing as they headed after me, and soon, we were all flying in a straight line behind the massive herd of galloping and terrified antelopes. Faye was already hot on their tails, and as she sped up, the antelope began to cry out in fear and instinct.

  They knew death was literally behind them.

  As we drew closer to their heavy hides, I found myself licking my lips and extending my shadowy claws. With each passing second, I envisioned myself bringing down the creature, digging into its flesh, and ripping out its intestines and thick, juicy heart. I couldn’t wait to tear their furry bodies apart, drink their blood, and feast on their warm, red, soaked meat.

  After a minute or two, I was just above a large antelope, and when I glanced down at its moving body, I could feel my eyes focusing on the pulsating veins in its neck. The blood vessel thumped through its thick fur, and I could practically see the warm, titillating blood coursing through its neck.

  Dive down and bite his neck, my shadow’s voice urged. Do it! Drain him dry!

  Without another moment of hesitation, I swarmed downward, wrapped my wispy hands around the thick, furry neck, and squeezed it with all my strength. It felt as easy as squishing a piece of soft fruit, and I watched with feral anticipation as the animal’s terrified eyes bulged out of its head. The antelope tried to cry out in pain, but I was holding it so tight, it couldn’t scream or make any noise at all. As I kept my fingers wrapped around its neck, it quickly came to a halt, and as it did so, I swiftly bent down and sank my elongated teeth into its warm pulsating neck.

  A cry of pain reverberated in its throat, and its eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. As I dug even deeper into its fur, its body crashed down into the earth and tum
bled forward with my teeth still in its neck. The other antelopes were running off, but I began to feast upon my prize. I tore its neck wide open and started to drink the blood from its flowing, open wound like I hadn’t had a drink in weeks.

  “Nice work, Cole!” Faye shouted.

  When I looked up, I saw the redhead on the back of an antelope, and I watched in fascination as the redhead gouged the animal’s neck out and nearly decapitated the thing with one swift bite.

  Her meal also came crashing down, and Faye quickly began to dig into its swollen belly and pull out its stomach, intestines, and other organs. As she ate, the sound of her chewing and slurping echoed throughout the forest, and it reminded me of a lioness feasting on a deer for the first time.

  “That was hot, Faye!” Akira called out before she grabbed an antelope and snapped its neck with one quick turn, and then it fell to the ground with a loud crash. “Fuck, yeah!”

  As I ate my meal, my eyes wandered between Faye and Akira while they both ripped their kills into bloody ribbons and devoured their rewards until there was nothing left but bones and bloodstained earth.

  While I finished my meal, Beatrix, Morgana, Nyx, Circe, Penelope, and Vesta had conquered their own kills and proceeded to dig into the fresh meat without hesitation. Once we tore the flesh and muscle clean off the bone with our teeth and hands, we hovered in the air and wiped the blood off from our lips.

  How did it taste? the voice inside my head asked. It was delicious, no?

  “I think it was the best meal I’d ever had,” I answered under my breath.

  And it was true. I’d eaten freshly killed meat before, but something about the raw, warm, salty blood seeping down my throat set every nerve on fire. I knew the others had enjoyed themselves as well because they’d moaned and slurped when they tore the juicy, bloody flesh into shreds. It was like every bite was an orgasm, and now we were relishing in the aftermath of the mind-blowing sensations.

  “Fuck…” Akira grunted as her black eyes met mine. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “I second that,” Penelope moaned as she licked her bloody lips.


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