Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 4

by Carter, Garrett

  Feeling a tickle against his mental shield Cade opened his mental link with his goddess as Promena provided the playback to him.

  A snort escaped him as he tried and failed to keep himself composed. "Well, I hope she learned her lesson." He said before a loud roar was heard from upstairs.

  Cade was about to investigate the noise before he felt the same tickling sensation from before.

  Looking at Promena in askance he received a shake of the head from his goddess. Diving into his mental space with a shrug at Promena and Sabine, Cade found his panther mate staring at him from behind his shield.

  With a thought, he let her mental doppelganger in and was surprised by her foul mood. "My Cade I need your assistance with a particular kit, she wants to fight you and be your mate. The stupid girl wouldn't know what to do with such a magnificent tool if she got it." Mina grumbled as she stalked over to Cade, ready to end the little jaguar woman.

  "And why would she think I would take her as a mate, I am more than happy with what I have. Promena was just made official this morning!" Cade finished his exclamation with wide eyes and arms thrown wide, his eyes begging Mina for a way out of this conundrum.

  "I have an idea but you are NOT going to like it my Cade," Mina said as she patted her exasperated mate on his chest before she captured his lips with a quick kiss.

  "Aaand why wouldn't I like it, Mina?" Cade asked hesitantly.

  "You are going to ravish me in front of her. If the little kit can stomach the idea of that monster invading her body, I might let her have a chance in a couple of years." Mina said simply and chucked as a shiver of revulsion ran through her mate.

  "Not in a million years," Cade said as his face went from righteous indignation to confusion as Mina snorted out a laugh.

  "I am kidding my Cade, I just couldn't resist. Don't be mad. The actual plan was to test her if she can keep her composure for the few seconds I will be implementing our plan. If she passes it then you will have another mate to fight after I train her to keep our family safe in two years. If not then she will still be trained but she will never touch what is mine." Mina then claimed what was hers with a fierce kiss.

  "Wait... what... two years? How old is she, how old are you... if...if I may ask my Mina, my love, my Dresk?" Cade's voice rose to a squeak as Mina's face fell into the rage-filled heated expression he had seen as he let her into his mind.

  His hands shook visibly as he looked for some way out of the situation. In the few moments it took for Cade to figure out he couldn't just hop out of his mind was plenty of time for Mina to walk up and kiss him, HARD.

  "You are such an easy mark? Yes, that is the word. You are fine my love, if I were to look 68 the same age as you really are I would still have no problem with your question, old man. But I am twenty if you needed to know. We reach our maturity at eighteen so your conscience is safe my Cade. Now let's go get that sixteen-year-old who wants you to jump her bones." Mina cackled as she looked into Cade's face as confusion, relief, amusement, then abject terror mixed in with a healthy dose of disgust.

  "And what are we doing with the sixteen-year-old again?" Cade asked in a defeated tone.

  "WE aren't going to do anything, I am going to challenge her to keep her eyes forward and not flinch as I take what is mine, you are just required to be there my Cade. It will stay... PG 13 yes that is the term." Mina finished and looked at her mate with expectant eyes.

  "Fine but the only R-rated slip-ups I will allow are a few curse words, ok?" Cade asked ready for this whole debacle to be over with. If this is what he could expect from females in this world he might just remove the de-aging he received and only break out young Cade for his mates.

  "That is fine Cade no nip slips," Mina said before she kissed her mate again and with a chuckle dissolved into mist.

  "Oh lord let this work, please I don't want to go to jail." Cade took a deep breath before he went to fight his hardest battle, teen angst.

  As Cade returned to his body he was assaulted by the sound of Promena and Sabine crying with laughter as they sat at the kitchen table.

  His sour mood worsened as Promena took a look at his defeated face and fell over on her side and literally rolled on the floor laughing.

  "Get those seven chuckles in you two. The mental scarring I might get from this possibly might keep both of you from getting more than sex with a pool noodle for a long time." Cade said as he left his two mates roaring with laughter at the kitchen table.

  Making the death march upstairs Cade took in his beautiful panther mate with anxious eyes.

  "Ready when you are," Cade said dejectedly through their mental link.

  "Come on my love have fun with this, I know I plan on it being a good time," Mina responded saucily. The look of lust on Mina's face as she licked her lips while purring gave Cade a little hope for the future as his libido responded to his mate's challenge.

  "PG 13 and a few curse words for our R rating, do you mind if I add a little bad guy to the mix," Cade asked as a plan began to form.

  "That is fine. Let's go she has stewed enough as it is." Mina said through their mental link before she opened the door to be met with a tirade from the teenaged jaguar girl.

  " may the D..dresk b...but your m...mate c...can p...pick who he wants to mate w...with!" The stuttering girl stood in the middle of the room as she tried and mostly succeeded in keeping her eyes on Mina as she explained her flimsy argument.

  Cade had enough of the teenager's angst as he heard her draw in another breath to try to challenge Mina's top spot once again.

  "And what will you do when you lose the fight you are asking for. I don't want a weak little kitten to carry my kits, why should I let you fight me, Eve? Why should give you the honor of being my mate? Mina could best you with her arms cut off and blind in one eye, she is my Dresk and I thought she was yours. So why do you not listen?" Cade said as he looked down on the girl that barely stood taller than Sabine.

  "B...because I c...can bear your k...kits and I w...will be safe. Y...ou protect those who belong to you. that's what they said before they left. They said they didn't want a little kit to come with them and if I gave you kits you would let me stay like the basilisk lady downstairs." Eve finished her stuttering proclamation with a straight spine as she stared Cade straight in his eyes.

  Cade had to give it to the green-eyed girl she had the backbone to take what she wanted. "Mina?" Cade said to his mate through their link.

  "The only soul I told about our meeting with Sabine was Sharee. I swear my Cade." Mina's reply wavered a little, whether in fear or rage Cade wasn't sure.

  He was half a second from dragging Mina's so-called friend into the room by force as the door burst open with a wide-eyed Sharee looking back and forth between Cade and Mina.

  "I can expla..." Sharees panicked words were cut off as Mina harshly said "kneel".

  Cade had never seen his mate so incised, he half expected the jaguar woman to burst into flames as Mina shook with rage and flexed her clawed hands.

  "Come here and sit with me," Cade said as he took a seat on Eves bed and waved the shaking teen over.

  Eve's jerky steps tore at his heart as the girl made her way over and sat next to him. Her facade of indifference lasted all of two seconds, he counted, before she broke down into sobs and fell into his shoulder.

  Wrapping the distraught girl up and pulling her into his lap he began to rock her while she cried her fear, rage, and sorrow into his shoulder.

  "You got this Mina?" Cade asked his mate.

  "Yup" was her only reply as she stared daggers at the other woman with pain and suffering for Sharee written in her golden eyes.

  As Cade rocked the slowly calming teen he watched Mina's expression changed to one that was less murderous a few minutes later.

  Cade continued steadily rocking Eve until her breathing evened out and her soft snores were the only sounds in the room.

  Looking down at her sleeping face Cade's heart broke int
o pieces. He would never hold his grandbabies like this, soothing their hurts and pains. He missed his children at that moment more than anything in this world or the last.

  Rallying his ragged emotions Cade laid the sleeping teen in her bed and covered her up with a blanket before he placed a kiss on her forehead.

  "You are staying, that is a promise and once you are ready I will be your mate, if our kits have half your spirit they will rule the world along with us," Cade told the sleeping girl who gave him a concrete reason to end all that he saw wrong in this new world.

  Stepping past his mate and the Sharee's still forms he kissed Mina on the top of her head to get her attention.

  "I'm going to go and build that dojo with Promena. She stays until she proves with her blood, sweat, and tears she wants to be here. Begin Eve's training soon my love, and if she still wants to, she may challenge me when you say she is ready, so train her well." Cade stalked out of the room after Mina gave him a nod to his request and as he made his way to collect his goddess.

  As stepped into the hallway he felt his bond with Mina flood him with love and support. She didn't want this to end the way it had and Cade had to agree.

  As he walked up to Promena all of the merriment from earlier was gone. Sabine's coils wrapped around him as he was embraced by his two mates.

  "Congratulations are in order my husband, our new sister is going to be a tough cookie it seems," Promena said with little humor.

  "If she still wants to mate me when she reaches her maturity that is," Cade said taking his wife's silver eyes in.

  "Who wouldn't she want a piece of all of this," Promena said as her gaze dipped down Cades body and fixated on his eyes as a small smile grew on her lips.

  "Because to get some of this she has to go through Mina," Cade said with a grin.

  "Oh never mind you're in no danger from her. Mina will eat her alive in weeks never mind two years... but you never know." Promena said before a small fraction of the laughter from before returned as she looked at Cades panicked expression.

  "Reading the future again?" Cade asked with a little trepidation.

  "Wouldn't you like to know handsome, come along this place is beginning to smell like dead slavers and we have a world to take over," Promena said as she sashayed out of the front door.

  "She does make a good point my Cade, Mina is not going to go easy on her. If she makes it through that how bad of a mate could she be?" Sabine said as she loosened her hold on her mate after she got a kiss of her own.

  "I have a few hangups to work through before we get there my sweet but two years sounds like a reasonable amount of time to work through them. I love you my little snake. Let's go get this done so we can leave, there are a few slave camps that need freeing and I have quite a few emotions to work through." Cade said as he captured his sweet Sabine's lips once again for a long passionate kiss.

  "I know a good way to work out a few of those emotions," Sabine said as she followed her mate out the door to stand next to Promena.

  "I'm not going to say no to that my sweet, we'll even have a new room to break in," Cade said with a smile as he and Promena go to work on their new addition.

  He was going to get in fighting shape if for no other reason than to ensure no one could take what he had created. His family was growing and Cade couldn't let them down.

  Scorched earth

  Rolling over onto his back with his sweet Sabine twitching atop him another massive orgasm rolling through her long body, Cade thrust on last time filling his little snake's rippling pussy once again.

  The force of his orgasm arched his lower back as Cade roared his climax into the high ceiling as his pulsing dick filled his mate with his life-giving seed.

  As his back flopped to the padded floor they had just christened five times he was glad for his power as he used it to scour the floor they were laying on, the doorway that led into the dojo from the living room, the large bathroom with communal showers, the water of the hot tub and the plumbing it was attached to and, finally activity room of their combined fluids.

  "That's how you break in a room my little snake," Cade said breathlessly after his basilisk mate came back to earth, or would that be Curset now? "We need to build more rooms," Sabine replied in a faraway tone.

  Her limp body bounced on Cade's as he laughed. "If we keep up this building trend we are going to end up with a floating castle within a month," Cade said as Sabine rolled off of him to lay on her back slowly catching her breath.

  "A castle sounds nice but I enjoy our little home," she said before she turned her head and began to giggle at Cade's bouncing eyes.

  "Caaade are you there? Earth to Caaade." Sabine asked as she used the deadly three-foot blade at the end of her long fifteen-foot tail to tap her mate on his dark-skinned forehead.

  "Huh what? Sorry, my sweet it was boobmer...mesmerized by your I'm sorry what did you say, love? I was starting at your tits." Cade said as he gave up trying to talk his way out of the fact that he had heard nothing his little snake had said, thoroughly entranced by her heaving bosom.

  "I was just saying I love our home my Cade. I never imagined I would live in such a wondrous place." Sabine replied after a fit of giggles that broke down into a laugh as the tinkling tones of her mirth revived her insatiable mate.

  "You and me both my love, oh, hello my pretty kitty what brings you here?" Cade said as Mina padded into the recently built dojo.

  "I was sent her to retrieve you by our goddess, she asked me to tell you that we are fifteen minutes away from the first camp. I was annoyed that she had me come to tell you so soon but the time frame she gave me to will allow me to complete another task." Mina said as she stepped closer, taking her mate's nude form in as she coquettishly nibbled on a claw.

  "And what task would that be my love?" Cade asked as his mate's impish grin and swaying hips gave him more than enough clues about the "task" she wanted to complete.

  "It seems I am overdressed though my Cade, maybe you removing these clothes will help me show you," Mina asked before Cade used the skills Promena had helped him master yesterday during their construction of the dojo Cade and Sabine had just blessed.

  With an unnecessary snap of his fingers, Mina's leather outfit disappeared leaving Cade's panther mate gloriously nude.

  "I think I enjoy that just as much as you do my love," Mina said as she purred at her mate's quickly swelling member.

  "Now my Cade, I must complete my task," Mina said as she stalked on hands and knees down Cade's prone form. She slowed her journey from Cade's head to his throbbing shaft to grind her sopping wet nether lips against Cade's lips pulling a groan from him as his tongue shot out to catch a taste of her flavor.

  His groan turned into a full moan as his shaft slipped into the valley of Mina's bust as she captured the head of his member with her lips.

  Bobbing her head with three quick thrusts Mina swallowed her mate's tool whole before releasing it with a slurp.

  "Ahh if we only had more time my love, oh well time for my task. Sabine if you would, you taste amazing by the way our little snake." Mina said as she lifted her ass above Cade's throbbing dick before Sabine aligned them with a giggle and an embarrassed "thank you".

  "I agreeee my Mina, maybe weeee let the slavers stew for a bit and make suuuuure we complete this task thoroughly," Cade groaned out as Mina sheathed herself on his length and began to bounce her pert ass on it to Cade's delight.

  "I am sorry my love, we can't let those vermin continue to take BREATH! aaannnnnyyy longer than necessary. Now give me your seed my mate, and plant it deep," Mina said before her impending orgasm made any more words impossible.

  "As you wish my love," Cade said simply before he settled his feet and helped his Mina complete her task, vigorously.

  Stepping into the ex-man shack after helping Mina complete her "task", though only once to his disappointment, Cade took in his goddess as she brought them to a slow stop above the tree line next to their f
irst target on the way to Opect.

  "I'm glad the soundproofing you insisted on works my husband. I could barely focus on my task as it is, the mere thought of joining you and our loves was enough of a temptation. If I could hear you all enjoying Minas task I fear some slavers would enjoy living far longer than they deserve. Now we are going to do this differently than the first camp, so listen, I'm going to bend a few rules." Promena said as she lounged on the large love seat that Cade had installed after their renovations yesterday for just the purpose Promena was using it for.

  Cade had a few heart-stopping moments as he took in her pantieless state, her lips moist with arousal before the sex goddess that was his wife closed her long thick legs and rose to look out the window down on the slave camp.


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