Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 10

by Carter, Garrett

  As the minutes ticked by as his power pulled on every power source in the house Cade cried tears of frustration from his position on the floor as he leaned against the bed.

  "Under the jail, 50 feet under with big Bubba and his friends." His wet gurgling words were spoken to his Promena as she appeared with his other wives just outside their room.

  "She did nothing wrong except for that last comment, Mina control yourself, please. Now, husband, I am going to go create our transport and you and our other wives are going to complete your tasks, I love you my Cade we will pick up where we left off later." Promena said, her frustration at the young jaguar woman sharpening her words until her tone changed to one of love and unsatisfied lust.

  "She's mean when she is grumpy," Beth said as Promena walked away in a huff.

  "I kind of like it," Cade said as he watched his goddesses amazing ass bounce through her long white dress.

  As Cade rose from his spot on the floor his stomach growled, his energy-starved body signaling another need as he looked at Beth.

  "Beth I have a question for you," Cade said as he summoned a fist-size piece of mithril to his hand.

  "How much trouble would we be in if we coined this and filled our pantry with some food?" Cade's desperate look after he asked the question caused all three of his wive's to laugh.

  Clearing her eyes of her tears of laughter Beth responded. "We can get you some food my giant, but you are not well-liked in the city. If I get you a coin to use as an example could you make a few coins out of that lump of rock?"

  "I think I could but don't we have to worry about them finding out it is counterfeit or the amount of Procs in circulation?" Cade asked as he felt the plan to just magic up money would be more difficult than him waving a hand at the problem.

  Beth's gaze grew distant as Cade recognized the look of his wive's skimming through his past life before his short redhead eyes refocused before she burst out laughing once again.

  "They aren't dollars my husband, we don't put value on slips of paper. A coin is worth as much as the metal it is made of. The stamp of the emperor is just there to try and prevent what we are going to do as soon as we make a trip to my old home."

  Beth's explanation was followed by smiles from all around the room as Cade and his family's money and food problems were solved by their newest member.

  "Well let's go I am starving and I really want to take our new vehicle out for a... spin?" Sabine said as she gripped Mina's arm in her hands.

  Cade knelt down and kissed his new wife breathless before he made a quick circuit around the room. Kissing each in turn before stalking out of the room to help Promena with her task. The sooner they had that monster of an SUV up and running the sooner he could eat his fill.

  Coming to terms

  Running down to the garage slash dojo Cade watched his goddess create their family car with a frown on her face. Halting his rush as he took his wife in.

  Cade smiled at his wifes determination as she took his earlier request to heart.

  Promena's constructs had always been damn near perfect but this one she took her time with. A chuckle escaped Cade's lips as he watched his goddess run a finger down the seem of one of the slides that kept water out of the vehicle if it needed to change size underwater.

  Coming down into the garage Cade smiled at his goddess as he began crating the interior of their family car and was graced with a small smile from Promena before she got back to her own job.

  As they finished up the last details he may or may not have slipped into her warm depths as she inspected the movement of the third-row seats.

  Cade took his goddess quickly for the first round and then slowly and lovingly for the second.

  He marveled at the amazing woman that had chosen him forever as she came apart underneath him. His resolve to make sure that forever was everything she could hope for redoubled as he filled her once again her cries of passion driving him to go for a third round.

  After he left his goddess sated by five rounds of lovemaking that had only ended after his little firebrand had cleared her throat outside of the tailgate.

  Her unspoken urging of her husband to finish ravishing their goddess so they could make some money clear in her both irritated and amused face.

  "I want some of that later my giant, but we need this love machine at the moment my old home isn't going to uncover itself. Now put that thing away before I decide that our counterfeiting scheme can wait for tomorrow." Beth said licking her soft lips and gazing longingly at Cade's sex slick member.

  "She's gone, hurry up, Mina had a long talk with her and you will give her an apology later. Dangling food in front of a starving babe like that, should be ashamed."

  As he watched his dwarven wife grumble as she walked towards the others as they collected the soon to be sold slaver and bandit gear Cade blew out a breath he didn't know he was holding and summoned his clothing.

  As he finished dressing his well-loved wife had climbed into his arms saying "carry me" in a sleepy voice.

  Smiling at the woman who could transport herself into the bed with a thought, Cade placed a kiss on her forehead as soft snores escaped her perfect mouth.

  "Happy wife happy wife." He said as he started the journey to their bedroom his wife slumbering in his arms.

  Promena asleep and goods stored in the back of the SUV Cade had gotten his wive's situated, showing them how to buckle their seatbelts and open and close their doors before he hopped into the driver's seat and with a push of a button gotten their shopping trip on the way.

  He cackled like a mad man as every one of the girls from Mina to Eve scrambled for a handhold and clutched the oh shit bars he had installed for just that purpose as they ambled out of the garage and down the road.

  They arrived at the western gate of the city to the wide-eyed surprise of the guards posted there after a few hours of waiting in line.

  Cade had suffered through the wait in air-conditioned comfort though, with music even. That little strawberry on the icing on the cake had resulted from a request to his goddess as they had completed the vehicle, and after a few moments of her digging around his skull, she had created a playlist of every song Cade had ever heard.

  The looks of disbelief had been worth it as the girls sang a random boy band song that had Cade ready to climb out of the car and run for the hills.

  Beth did NOT have a singing voice her gruff nature making its way into her tone.

  Sharee was no better, that woman couldn't carry a tune in a bucket that had someone that COULD sing filling it constantly.

  His Mina was passable and his Sabine was amazing but Nat, surprisingly, and Eve competed for the top spot in the family in his mind.

  As Cade aimed apologetic expression at the guard that walked up to their window and began to ask for something Cade missed as they both winced as Sharee tried and failed to hit a note she should never have been around he decided he had enough fun and pushed up on the control yoke of the SUV and rocketed them up and over the massive gate.

  Cade had a quick man moment as they sailed over the gate as the women screamed out the last note of their song and he almost started to drive slash fly them around in circles as he looked for the granite block that was Beth's old home.

  As Mina who was in the passenger seat next to him asked what was next Cade's mental filter failed him as he mumbled "blessed silence" before back-peddling and after giving the group an apologetic smile he asked his Beth how to get to her old home.

  The redheaded dwarf leaned forward from her position between Eve and Sharee and peered out of the windshield and squinted.

  Cade smiled as he mentally tossed up one of his eyes in the sky and a hologram of the city was laid out before his short wife.

  "That way my God of a husband," Beth said with pride in her voice as she was again blown away by the man she had chosen.

  Turning the flying car to the north he slowly accelerated as Mina used the touch screen to start another song, s
adly firmly in the pop genre once again.

  As they arrived at the huge block of stone Cade watched a short shadow scamper away.

  A quick scan of what he assumed was a dwarf confirmed his suspicions.

  Karl Strong Stone had left a lookout, and the little snitch was running off to do his job. Cade had an idea that didn't deviate much from that plan he had thought up if the frat boy returned and seized the snitch with a thought.

  As he brought the SUV in for a landing with the tailgate of the vehicle just far enough away for it to open Cade turned to Sabine.

  "My little snake how much room do we have back there," Cade asked Sabine as she sat next to Nat in the third row, her long tail curled up in the bed of the SUV.

  "Not much my love, I'm sorry there is maybe a little room for Beth's things my tail is taking up the rest," Sabine said her tone so soft Cade almost missed it.

  Cade decided he didn't like his sweet Sabine questioning any part of herself and applied some magic lips to hers.

  It would have been amusing for him to watch her surprised face change to one of love and lust as she got into a make-out session with nothing.

  His attention was elsewhere as he had his own makeout with thin air from the driver's seat.

  "Never question yourself, my love. I love you just the way you are never change anything, ok?" Cade said after he released his sweet Sabine from their thin air kiss.

  "Now Sabine said we needed more room and more room we shall have, if you ladies will get the packing started Beth and I have a visitor to talk to," Cade said as he exited the armored car.

  His mates and two out of the three jaguar women shook their heads in disappointment as they passed him and made their way to the opening Cade had created in the hollow block of stone as they landed.

  His unasked question was answered as he counted the ladies that had passed him. "Could you go help them my Beth?" Cade asked as he realized why the ladies had walked by him like a dead man walking.

  "Took you long enough my husband, let her down easy or don't we don't judge it's your own Earth sensibilities that have kept you from claiming that one," Beth said as she followed behind Sabine into the granite block with a loving smack on Cade's ass.

  "And some light would be nice," Beth shouted out of the dark doorway.

  Tying some of his LED bulbs to the SUV's power source and placing them on the ceiling of the granite block Cade turned to the man still struggling in his mental grip. "Sleep," he told the man before he did just that and shut his mind down.

  The comatose dwarf slipped to the ground gently, Cade needed information, and to deliver a message, the more whole his messenger was the scarier the message would be.

  With his captive secured for the moment and his wives occupied with their task of getting his Beth's home cleared out he turned to the backseat of the SUV and looked at the morose girl sitting in the seat.

  "You don't want me. Not as much as I want you. Mina told me what you said to me that day and I thought I could wait the two years but it hurts to see you giving them everything I want." The distraught Eve said as she hung her head.

  "I do want you but not as you are now. I... I can't... I can't be with you like I am with them. In my old world, I would be in jail or worse, dead for even giving you what I already have. I would have done and would still do the same to anyone who would do what you are asking me to do." Cade said as he tried to explain the swirling emotions he had for the young woman who was slight but attractive in an innocent sort of way, but all of that was wrapped up in his revulsion at having any kind of intimate relationship with what he considered at a child.

  He would sooner remove his manhood than have any intimate contact with the young jaguar woman.

  "So what should I do, I want you more than I have wanted anything ever, and you show me every day why I am making the right choice. I want what they have I want to be loved and made to feel safe and powerful, like Beth when you brought her home and Sabine when you gave her Rista to do what she wanted with. I want that... I... I want you." Eve said as she finished her emotional request of the man she wanted to tie her life to.

  As she looked into Cade's grey eyes with her forest green ones she internally pleaded for him to understand and accept her.

  Cade's heart ached in his chest for a moment as he took in not only the impassioned speech but the fervent look in her eyes as he saw a single tear make a slow trail down Eve's muzzle.

  Reaching over Cade wiped that sign of her internal conflict away to her surprise. As that surprise slowly faded to be replaced by a look that broke his aching heart as Eve rubbed her face into his palm, a soft purring sound emanating from her chest, Cade's willpower broke, a little.

  "I hear you my little Eve, but I can't give you what you want. At least most of it, I can't be intimate with a child, I just can't." Cade's explanation was interrupted by Eve's body wracking sobs as her heart began to break as she heard Cade's rejection.

  Pulling the distraught woman into an embrace reminiscent of their time in her bedroom with Mina and Sharee his irritation with the gossiping jaguar woman came back, not as powerful as the first time, it disappeared just as suddenly as he focused on the sobbing girl pulling on his shirt in his arms.

  As Eve tried to make herself part of his clothing, as he shifted to sit in the seat of their car Eve let out a low growl as she gripped his shirt in a death grip shredding the cloth as her claws came out.

  Her refusal to be separated from him at that moment soothed his aching heart a little, "the girl had spirit that was for sure" he mused to himself as he gathered his willpower for the next step in this conversation.

  "I can't give you everything but this... this I can give you with a clear conscience," Cade said as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her tear-soaked cheek.

  He was confused and surprised as Eve's sobbing suddenly changed. The confusion written on his face caused the slight young woman to begin laughing, her mirth interspersed with small shuddering breaths of air.

  "It's enough, it will be enough. I can be happy with that for two years." Eve said as she hopped into Cade's lap and with her clawed hands clasped to her slowly mending heart and placed a hesitant kiss on Cade's cheek.

  Cade had a moment of uncertainty as his hands looked for a place to go that wouldn't end him up in jail. He gave up trying to find a place for his hands and let them flop to the seat next to Eve's furred legs.

  As he looked into the spirited young woman's eyes, those green pools radiated happiness and contentment back at him.

  Cade stiffened up as Eve suddenly embraced him, the sudden movement taking him by surprise.

  Returning the embrace hesitantly, Cade made sure to keep his hands well above forbidden territory.

  "Are you ok?" Cade asked in concern as he felt the collar of his ripped shirt begin to stick to his neck as Eve's tears soaked it.

  A nod and a soft "happy" was her only response to his question.

  Cade smiled as he gave the short young woman another kiss on her cheek which to his dismay caused the waterworks to increase, short gasping sobs again making her body shake in his arms.

  "Only this, a hug here and there and a kiss ON THE CHEEK ONLY, please. We will revise those rules when you reach your majority ok?" Cade said as he patted the joyful young woman in his arms.

  "Ok," Eve said into his soaked neck in a hushed voice before she released Cade from her embrace.

  Placing a quick peck on his cheek she leaned back and looked again into his eyes.

  As Eve's joyful tears slowed then stopped Cade hoped he had made the right decision to continue to give the young woman hope for their future together.

  The look of love and devotion she was giving him at the moment made him both parts uncomfortable and happy that he could wipe away the young woman's sorrow.

  "So my little pixie how about you help the ladies, WHO SHOULD BE WORKING ON GETTING OUR BETH MOVED OUT, sound good my Eve?" Cade said as he used his hands to wipe away the wet trails of
tears from the young woman's face.

  "Ok, my Cade" Eve said as she closed her eyes and enjoyed her accomplishment, it wasn't everything she wanted but it would be enough until she was ready in his eyes.

  Cade smirked as he looked again through his eye in the sky, which was positioned over the back of the large vehicle pointed at the opening in the block of granite that was covering Beth's old home.

  Mina, Sabine, and Beth had been frozen in the process of moving out a few items.

  Sabine and Beth had a long chest suspended in between them, their strong hands not shaking and inch as they had stood with rapt attention as they watched Cade and Eve's emotional conversation.


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