Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 15

by Carter, Garrett

  He centered himself, swallowing the rest of the potent emotion, that roiling rage would have its target soon enough.

  Placing a kiss on his sweet's forehead Cade covered her sleeping form with their blanket.

  Turning to the rest of his wives Cade gave them a strained smile.

  As they surrounded him in a group hug Promena gave him a mental push towards the guest room they had placed Xandia in.

  "Go, my love, take care of our newest guest and get her to rights before Sabine awakens."

  After her mental message, Promena separated from the group and pulled Mina and Beth with her to the bed to snuggle up with Sabine in a big pile of comfort and love.

  Taking his monumental task to heart Cade strode out of their room and made his way to fix the physical damage to his mother-in-law's body.

  Arriving at the guest room door he hesitated with his hand on the knob of the door. He hoped his power was up to the task of fixing the mental damage the woman had endured for ten long years.

  As Cade stepped into the room after a short waylay by Eve and a subdued Nat as they had asked what they could do to help, he took in Xandia once again.

  He had asked for a change of clothes for her from the teenaged jaguar woman and his short green-skinned stalker and they had gone above and beyond in the half-hour he had waited.

  Gone were the dirty wrappings that barely covered her modesty, they were replaced by a grey sundress with golden tooling around her neck and the hem of the garment.

  Eve and Nat had also given her a sponge bath and braided her black hair into a ponytail that fell to her tail as she sat glassy-eyed on the bed.

  Walking up to the woman Cade was surprised to find that he was only a few inches shorter than him.

  As he looked into her glassy-eyed gaze he pushed power from the house into her body, causing her injuries to heal.

  As he watched her arms re-grew and her pale complexion changed to a healthy olive tone that complemented her green scales well.

  As her form filled out he smiled as he was treated to the woman from Sabine's memories.

  "Let's get you back all the way mom, your bean is waiting for you," Cade said as he felt her body stop taking the energy from the house.

  Stepping gently into Xandia's mind Cade was met by a bleak sandy windblown landscape.

  The idea he would be stepping into a mirror image of Sabine's cave was stripped away as he took in the desolate place.

  A few still snakes caught his attention as they traveled aimlessly on the ground as he searched for her mental twin.

  Walking in a direction he chose at random Cade had no luck finding her mental twin an hour later.

  With an apprehensive gulp, he expanded his senses into her subconscious and was assaulted by Xandia's memories of the last ten years.

  His bile rose and he almost heaved whatever his mental doppelganger had in its stomach as he watched his mother in law raped and tortured untold times in flashes of memory that thankfully he didn't have to dwell on for more than a second as he found no trace of her mental self in them.

  The ember of rage that had been keeping alive with spite went out suddenly as he came upon Xandia's mental doppelganger in a familiar memory.

  As he watched her once again hide Sabine away from the slavers that had been pursuing them so long ago the memory of herself left in a rush as her doppelganger held onto the memory of her child as if her life depended on it.

  As Cade cautiously approached he took in her mutilated form and he realized this memory really was keeping her alive, in all the ways that counted.

  "Xandia... Xandia... Mom, can you hear me?" Cade asked hesitantly as he watched the massive shivering woman coil around the small Sabine as she sobbed into her child's rain-soaked hair.

  Walking up and placing a hand on Xandia's bare shoulder he attempted to get her attention again with better results.

  "W..who are you human? Haven't you done enough, haven't I suffered enough? You have my body and most of my mind can't I have this little piece, PLEASE JUST LET ME HAVE THIS, PLEASE!!!"

  As Xandia broke down again into sobs, her whole body shivering with loss and sadness Cade did the only thing he could think of and tore away from the memory hoping his crazy idea would work.

  As he knocked on the link he shared with Sabine he hoped he wasn't making a mistake by tearing the distraught woman away from the only thing that was keeping her sane.

  "What do you need my love, is mommy ok?" Sabine mental twin asked as she slithered out of the shadows of her mental cave before she devolved into tears once again.

  "She will be my little snake we just need you to give her hope my love. Are you ready to do that?" Cade asked as he hugged Sabine to his chest as he rubbed her slim back under her iridescent locks with one trembling hand.

  "Yes, anything I just want my mommy back," Sabine said through her tears, a small note of hope making its way into her voice.

  "So do I, my love, let me warn you though I healed her body her mind is still ravaged by her time under those dead men's care but we will bring her back to us. Are you ready?"

  Cade's question was asked with the same crumb of hope in his voice, he desperately hoped the sight of her daughter would bring Xandia back from the brink of true madness.

  "Yes my love," Sabine said her voice stronger as she rose from her spot in front of Cade and joined him at his side ready to get her mother back.

  Cade gathered his ragged emotions and pulled Xandia's mental doppelganger from her place of relative peace and placed her sobbing form in front of them.

  Sabine had a moment of shock as she took in her mother's mutilated form before she softly said "mommy?".

  Xania's response was sluggish as she tearfully looked around for the source of the word.

  Her glassy-eyed gazed locked onto Sabine and cleared as her blue eyes focused and a hopeful expression bloomed across her sharp features.

  "Sabine? My bean is that really you?" Xandia said her tone full of disbelief tinged with a small amount of hope.

  "Yes mommy it's me come back to us, please," Sabine choked out the last part of her answer as she leaned toward her mother, her small hands clasped to the front of her chest.

  Sabine's quivering form launched toward her mother as tears sprang forth anew from Xandia's eyes as the ravages of her ordeal cleared and her arms sprouted from her mutilated form to encircle her baby as they both cried to each other's arms.

  Cade formed a chair under him right as his legs gave out in relief.

  As his head fell back he gave thanks to his goddess for giving him the ability to make this reunion happen.

  As tears flowed from his eyes a phantom kiss caressed his lips.

  "You did this my love and I couldn't be prouder to call you mine. Now clear those eyes I want to meet our new guest sometime today."

  As Promena's voice left his mind Cade leaned forward and listened to the two snake women make up for lost time in each other's arms.

  As Xandia ran her new hands through Sabine's hair she looked up at Cade, her appreciation and love for her rescuer in law radiating from her mental form.

  "I think I have you to thank for reuniting me with my bean, Cade. I would like to see her with my own eyes please."

  Xandia asked her question as she slowly disengaged from her daughter with a regretful look that changed to an expectant one as she looked to Cade.

  Confusion crossed his face for a moment before he realized he was keeping the woman's mental form here by force.

  "Yes mam," Cade said as he released Xandia's mental doppelganger from his grasp and watched the woman disappear from Sabine's mind.

  "I love you so much my Cade, now get out so I can go to my mother. You will make time for me later I have a lot of appreciation to show after we get caught up in another scheme."

  Finishing her request she kissed Cade breathless and pushed him gently from her mind.

  Smiling as the vision of joyful tears fell from his little snake's violet
eyes wavered, Cade was again grateful he could bring his mate such joy and left her mind with a blown kiss.

  Returning to his body Cade let out a startled shout as Xandia scooped him up with her tail and tried to squeeze the life out of him.

  His half-hearted attempts to remove himself from her bone-crushing embrace were interrupted as Sabine destroyed the door as she entered the room and joined in on trying to asphyxiate her mate with her mother.

  "...can't...breathe" Cade managed to get out before a mental message from Sabine for him to "put it in yourself" left him startled and confused for a moment.

  His confusion lifted as the need to breathe left him with the sole option of filling his lungs with fresh air by transporting the air in and the carbon dioxide out with his power.

  A few hundred rounds of this had Cade almost proficient with the task as he was held hostage for almost an hour.

  He had mentally checked out around twenty minutes in after introductions with his mother in law and Sabine's praises of him.

  He had almost tried to transport himself out of the embrace as Sabine and Xandia began the age-old talk of grandkids, except this one came with TIPS!

  After his new mother in law had asked a few VERY personal questions about how much seed he was giving her daughter a day and suggested a few herbs and spells to improve his quality and quantity he had knocked himself out to keep from answering.

  His mental shield was in full effect for the remainder of their conversation only coming down after Mina came to save him and collect her reward from yesterday's experiments.

  Waking himself he looked into Mina's golden eyes with a plea for help.

  "Hello, Xandia it is nice to finally meet you I am Mina." His Dresk said with a smile as she let him stew for a few moments longer surrounded by his alluring mate and her mother.

  Cade barely heard Xandia's polite response as his little freinemy decided to make his presence known.

  His muffled shriek of horror was swallowed by Xandia's bust as she smiled down on him and groped him lightly saying "my daughter is truly blessed".

  His muffled shriek of "help" caused Sabine and Mina to laugh as Sabine said "yes I am" and Mina looked at Xandia speculatively.

  Cade's voice grew high as he shrieked a "Noooo" towards Mina. Her guffaw at his pleading tone and her laughter rose as Xandia said "shame" before her and Sabine's coils released him.

  His happiness at her swift recovery warred with his earth sensibilities as he made his escape to their bedroom.

  Quick pecks were the dish of the day as he passed his wives as he rushed past them. Eve caught her own on the lips as Cade gave them out like candy in his headlong rush to sanctuary.

  Her squeal of triumph didn't make it past Cade's frantic scramble as his full concentration had been set on hiding under the covers until he could collect himself.

  A slap of hands cut through his panic as he realized he had kissed jail bate and greeny mcpushy girl in his rush.

  Nat and Eve looked at him through the bedroom door hungrily as they sized Cade's form under the blankets like a side of beef.

  "Ladies don't you have work to do," Mina asked as she sauntered past them and turned her Dresk glare on them.

  "Yes, Dresk' was the two women's response as they hurried down to begin cooking dinner but not before they looked back at Cade with the same hunger in their eyes.

  "Under the jail, passed around by the whole yard," Cade said dejectedly as he tried his best to burrow into the bed.

  "Well, Nat is thirty and of age so there's that my Cade. Now there was a promise to fuck me until I couldn't walk straight my love and I intend to cash in on that promise." Mina said as she chased her reluctant mate on to his back before attacking his clothing with a single-minded purpose.

  "Really? now? I was just groped by my mother in law and sneak kissed by my underaged wife and pushy housekeeper, and now you want SEX!?"

  Cade's pleas fell on deaf ears as Mina gave up trying to get the clothes off properly and sat back with a huff.

  "You didn't even know Xandia was alive a few hours ago and Eve knows her place. Nat was chasing you from day one and you failed to see it, she came to me and got my blessing long ago. Now she is going to get you eventually, if you thought Eve was persistent you haven't seen an orc woman who wants a reluctant male. And Xandia is a grown woman if she really wants you she will make her own decision. Now that we have that cleared up give me what is MINE!"

  Mina added her claws to the end of her statement and grasped what was hers in a firm grip that melted Cade's mind.

  As he sent his clothes to the closet his Dresk took what was hers in her warm wet mouth.

  Groaning at the intense sensation Cade gave up once again. He never thought he would be such a hot commodity but the things Mina was doing to his length made him leave such thoughts for another day.

  Mina took her due as she impaled herself on his throbbing dick with a long moan that was mirrored by Cade's own as their bodies met.

  "You are going to be chased and conquered my love, get used to it. It is your fault for being such a powerful and good man. Now my mate my womb is hungry for your seed. If you fill me and give me your kits, I might hold back a few who will want to join us." Mina said breathlessly as she began bouncing her firm ass on Cade's lap signaling the start of their marathon.

  Cade was a little overwhelmed by the prospect of so many who would want him but as he joined his mate in creating their babies he found he could trust his Dresk to keep him safe from their clutches.

  Enjoying a bath after his hours' long marathon with Mina who was currently enjoying a sex coma after their vigorous lovemaking Cade was startled out of his own exhaustion by Promena entering the bathroom.

  "Hello, my love did our pretty kitty enjoy her reward?" Promena said as she stripped off her clothes and joined her husband in the massive tub.

  "You might have to ask her tomorrow, she is currently sleeping her reward off," Cade said with a grin, he had loved his Mina to sleep and woke her a few times to her pleasure and his.

  "I would love a few rounds with you too my love but I need you to focus for a few moments."

  Promena's request was followed by a knowing grin as the head of Cade's dick rose above the warm water of the tub as he took in his goddess's perfect wet body.

  "If only there was time," Promena said absentmindedly as she looked longingly at her husband's bobbing dick.

  "And what pray tell my love could be more important than enjoying a nice warm bath, hmm?" Cade asked as he flexed his length pulling a stifled groan from Promena as her gaze hardened.

  "We have a dragon to free my love. I fear our little heist might close the window for us to complete it without having to fight the whole keep." Promena said simply as she slowly advanced towards Cade with a hungry look in her silver eyes that Cade knew all too well.

  "Why hurry my love I could just knock them all out again?" Cade asked as he sat up ready to receive his goddess's glorious form.

  "It isn't the keep I worry about, or should I say the keep as it is now. Laurith isn't known for her... restraint. If they tried to free her in order to combat you I'm not sure we could stop her before she did too much damage to make waiting worth the effort it is taking to keep me from jumping you right now. Put that monster away I can't focus."

  Cade chuckled as he pushed down his little friend with a hand, glad he wasn't the one with a scrambled brain for once.

  His chuckle turned into a surprised moan as Promena dipped into the water and Cade swore she had just sheathed herself to the base on him from a foot away.

  "Don't get cocky my love or I might have to use my proper form and show you a really good time, you might not even die this time," Promena said with a smile as she rose from the tub, pulling another groan from Cade.

  "Now come along my Cade we have work to do and not much time."

  As Cade's mind reassembled itself as he watched Promena's spectacular behind walk into their room he wondered how m
uch he was going to regret this.

  He was evidently on his way to fight a dragon necromancer, how that battle of wills was going to work out he had no clue.

  Cade blew out an aggrieved breath as he rose from the tub and followed his goddess in their room and into another fight.

  Striding through their garage towards Poppy Cade gave Promena a hesitant look as she walked beside him as the late afternoon light bathed the large space in a golden glow.

  "What is the problem, my husband?" Promena asked as they made it to the passenger seat of the large vehicle.


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