Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 18

by Carter, Garrett

As their weight settled on the ground Cade almost made a move to get off of the still woman before Laurith growled and her head began to rise.

  Quick as thought Cade's head flashed down with a growl and latched onto the back of Laurith's head.

  Cade was rounding out the first draft of his victory speech in his head as he felt a strangely familiar but unfamiliar sensation between his rear legs.

  "No," Cade said softly in disbelief before he took back the controls.

  As he regained control of his body and tried to get off of the growling dragon woman beneath him he smelled the most alluring scent he had ever had the pleasure of sampling.

  A long growl of lust escaped his dragon maw as he held Laurith's body to the ground by her neck.

  As Laurith responded with a lustful growl of her own she shifted her tail to the side and gave Cade full access to her depths.

  Cade's lust addled mind barely registered his shock as he slammed his length home into Laurith's ridged tunnel with a roar that was quickly followed by her own answering call.

  As Cade regained a small amount of control over his dragon body he found he still couldn't disengage from the female dragon he was currently mounting.

  With a thought, he grew his dragon body as it thrust into Laurith's mewling body.

  A petty smile crossed his mental face as the lustful growling coming from the dragon that had up to that moment been thoroughly enjoying herself stopped with a squawk as his larger form stretched her to her limits.

  As Cade's body reached its peak and began to fill the senseless Laurith's body with his dragon seed he sent a mental message to Laurith's lust addled mind.

  "Talk about a mind fuck."

  After he had finished with the now unconscious dragon Cade left her mind with a smile, if there was any question as to who had claimed who then the river of seed exiting the sleeping dragon woman left no doubts in his mind.

  Urban renewal

  As Cade returned to his body he looked at Laurith's closed eyelid.

  With a smug grin, he pushed wake-up hormones into her dragon brain. As the massive lid fluttered open Cade gave his new mate a real smile, the woman might be a pain in his ass but she was growing on him.

  "Wakey wakey my pet it's time to go to your forever home," Cade said as the red yellow rimed orb focused slowly on him.

  He returned to his chair as Laurith's body shrank into her human form.

  His lust returned as he took her curvy mocha skin, much more alluring to him despite previous circumstances, her eyes enjoying their own journey as she took in his nudity.

  "I want that," Laurith commanded as she pointed at his rapidly rising member.

  "I think you have forgotten who is in charge my pet, now SIT," Cade said firmly and smiled as the dragon woman dropped to the ground on her well-padded ass.

  A hurricane of power blew through his mind as the petulant woman tried again and failed to breach his new mental defenses.

  As the flexible shield returned to its proper place after the blow Cade laid a firm power-laden smack across Laurith's soft ass.

  As the dragon woman rose to her feet with a yelp Cade excited the pleasure centers of Laurith's mind with a satisfied grin.

  "The next time you try that I will leave it like this for a full day. Do you understand my pet?"

  As Cade established their status quo he watched Laurith's incredible body heave in lust as she smashed through multiple orgasms and blew past hypersensitivity.

  Her moaned response of "YES MASTER" took Cade by surprise his focus shattering as his dick swelled in his pants.

  His lust roared through him as he watched Laurith's heaving breasts and almost overcame his good sense as he watched a trickle of fluid make it's way past her dragon skin thong.

  Shaking his head and clothing the nearly nude woman in a summer dress that matched the yellow rims of her eyes Cade turned to his goddess as she approached.

  "So I take it you fucked a dragon, my husband?" Promena said teasingly.

  "Yup," Cade said simply, the playful glare directed at his wife challenging her to continue.

  "Anyone who makes a donkey joke gets no sex for a week." Cade continued, his threat almost true as he watched Promena switch her hips and add a bounce to her step that did wonderful things to her breasts.

  Promena's lips on his as she giggled at his goggle-eyed gaze brought him out of his lustful thoughts.

  "Only a few?" She asked before her pouting lip broke through his wall of false bravado.

  "One each" Cade said in defeat as he turned to collect his recovering dragon mate.

  "Come my pet it's time to leave," Cade said not unlikely his actions having left the woman on the ground in ecstasy only moments ago.

  "Carry me, my mate," Laurith said as she stared glassy-eyed at the ceiling of the massive cavern that had been her home for untold years.

  As Cade moved to pick her up her form shrank into a cat-sized dragon.

  Leaping into his arms with a growl Laurith made herself comfortable on his shoulder.

  "Ready my love?" Cade asked his goddess with a shrug as he looked at the small dragon on his shoulder curiously.

  That motion earned him a tail swat on the back of his head from his newest wife.

  "Whenever you are my Cade," Promena responded with a smile, her family had grown and she for one couldn't be happier.

  Taking his Promena's hand and kissing it before lacing his fingers in hers Cade made his way out of the keep.

  As he laughed at the small dragon on his shoulder he shook his head, he was one wife up and had snubbed his nose at the men who would soon find themselves without a kingdom in the near future.

  As they departed the grounds of the keep in Poppy Cade swept the huge building once more and finding Graft in the bath soaking his pride and joy he dislodged a thousand-pound block of time from the wall of the slaver's bathroom.

  "What is that for my love?" Promena asked as she looked behind them at the massive block of stone.

  "My newest wife asked for something and I figured her old owners might as well help make it happen. I always take care of what is mine." Cade said as he turned the block of stone into a huge floating pile of gold and gems.

  Arriving at their home Cade was bowled over by his three other mates as he exited Poppy.

  "Did you get her?" Sabine asked after she collected a short but intense kiss from Cade.

  His affirmative reply was cut off as Mina collected her due quickly followed by his face being smothered by Beth's amazing assets.

  "Of course he did he is our husband and any man who could keep all of us so happy wouldn't disappoint us and come back empty-handed, isn't that right my love?" Beth's question being clearly rhetorical as her clothed breasts left barely enough space for Cade to breathe in her feminine scent, much less respond to her question.

  As Cade enjoyed languishing in the little cuddle pile with his wives he caught sight of his three prospective additions to his family.

  Nat's intense gaze aimed at him carried the promise of her interest and the chase that was going to culminate with him claiming her as his mate or her taking him, with the short but fierce orc woman Cade couldn't be sure.

  Eve's heated gaze was just as intense but held an edge of demureness that Cade was growing to love.

  His sweet but underaged pixie was alluring in her own special way but he was glad she was happy with her lot for the moment, their recent talk giving him hope for their relationship for the future.

  As his boob-restricted gaze turned to Xandia Cade was slightly uncomfortable with the heat that her gaze contained as she looked at him.

  His wife's mother, he couldn't bring himself to call her his mother in law as he remembered Mina's comments from earlier that day, held just as much lust as his other two stalkers.

  Returning that heat with interest he saw the lamia woman flinch and look down with a frown.

  That reaction more than the words from earlier gave him pause.

ia might be one of the strongest women he had met in this world, her mind and body assaulted constantly for the past ten years.

  She might play with his emotions with her teasing and comments but her mind wasn't ready to take that next step into their lives.

  Cade didn't see himself as any kind of counselor but for Xandia he would try to help erase the pain and terror of those long years.

  Cade's ruminations on grief counseling were interrupted as his newest wife joined them with a growl as she launched herself from the top of Poppy to the pile of gold and jewels that had recently been the wall of Graft's bathroom.

  As her dragon form grew to almost match Poppy's length Cade began the distasteful task of removing himself from the pile of curvy, soft, and supple flesh his wive's had surrounded him in.

  "Not here my pet, your room is this way. Now come." Cade said with a little irritation as he lifted the pile of precious metals and glittering rocks.

  As he made his way up to the guest rooms, his newest wife floating along behind him her claws latched stubbornly on the pile of gold and jewels, he gave Eve and Nat a kiss each.

  His ascent into the house was waylayed by Xanida for several moments as Cade called her bluff as she stood waiting for her own kiss.

  "You don't have to push yourself this way, you have a place here just like the others. My bed isn't the only way into my family, you are welcome here regardless." Cade said into the shaking lamia woman's mind as he stared into her teary blue eyes.

  "It can't be that simple Cade, and what of love, don't I deserve it? Don't I deserve to be desired by the one I want? I have had my body and mind assaulted for so long, can't I have what I want for once?"

  As Xandia's reply reverberated through the garage Cade raised a hand and cupped the sorrowful woman's face.

  Xandia's soft unblemished cheek rubbed against his hand as she brought her own recently regrown hands up to catch his offered one as her tears flowed.

  "You can have my love Xandia, but you can't rush what should be grown with the same love and care. Give yourself time to recover and grieve what you have lost, believe me, I know the feeling of losing what you care about most in the world. If you still want to love us and be ours when the time comes we will gladly take your love and cherish it like the gift it is. Until then just be with us and let us enjoy being with you, ok?"

  As Cade finished his request and lowered his hand Xandia's tears slowed as she nodded.

  "I can accept that for now Cade. Now I would like what Eve got please if that is ok with you?"

  Xandia's tearful smile gave Cade a little hope for the lamia woman's recovery as he leaned down and kissed her tear-streaked cheek softly.

  "Take as long as you need, there is no rushing love, though you wouldn't be wrong in assuming a quicker result than usual with my previous track record," Cade said as he gestured back at the group of women who had wormed their way into his heart in a scarily short amount of time.

  "If I didn't know better I would think he was talking about us, what do you think ladies? Is our husband being a little ungrateful?" Mina asked with a smug smile as Cade's brown completion paled at the thought.

  "He isn't so foolish as to fail to see the gift that is the love we give him, right my love?" Promena added with a raised brow.

  "Yes, you are absolutely right my goddess. What man would stupid enough to turn down the love of such a wonderful group of women. Not this guy, that's for sure."

  As Cade delivered his impassioned speech his brow began to sweat before he gave the group of women a disapproving look as they devolved into giggles.

  "I think I will take you up on that offer of love my Cade," Sabine said after the group fit of giggles dropped off.

  "Anytime my sweet. Now come my pet your room awaits and Promena we need to fill them in on our plan for the city." Cade said as he kissed Xanida on her forehead before he made his way to the guest room to set Laurith up with her hoard.

  As questions flew at Promena from every member of their group Cade smiled, his wives would be on the warpath soon and the citizens of Opect wouldn't know what had hit them when they began their urban renewal.

  As Cade trust down into Sabine's depths with a groan fighting to keep from filling his little snake for the fourth time that morning he captured a pink nipple in his lips as Sabine's back arched as she reached her bliss.

  Slowing his thrusts and rocking his body in long hard thrusts as he enjoyed the feeling of his sweet Sabine's rippling channel milking his length as she came again for him Cade lost the battle of wills with his impending orgasm.

  Wrapping his arms around his mate Cade thrust down once more and heard Sabine's keening moan as his member swelled as he filled her for the fifth time.

  Cade groaned into her iridescent locks as her moaned comment of "give me your babies my love I need them" caused stars to blast across his vision as his orgasm redoubled.

  Cade's hips pumped in long smooth strokes as his seed filled his little snake's womb as they shared a passionate kiss.

  As their orgasms waned Cade looked down on his sweets blissful expression.

  "I love you so very much my sweet" Cade said before he captured said sweet lips once again.

  "And I you my Cade" was her soft reply as Sabine cupped his cheek and aimed her adoring violet gaze at her mate.

  That look of absolute devotion and trust laid him bare and Cade had an urge to do the one thing he had avoided doing ever since he had begun his relationships with his wives.

  He held back by a hairs breath from inspecting Sabine's womb for the result of their lovemaking, the urge to find out if she was carrying his child almost overwhelming.

  "I have a question for you my love... two of them actually," Cade asked with a blush, the idea of her allowing him to check for their child's presence turning him on more than he was willing to admit to himself.

  The pregnancy sex he and Tony had enjoyed made him wish that he had the powers available now back when Tony had been pregnant with Vance, she had worn him out on several occasions.

  A small twinge of regret passed through him before it was squashed down, "no regrets Cade" be reminded himself before his little snake gave him her attention with a nod.

  "First I wanted to know why I haven't seen you or the other suffering from a period, we have been together for over a month now and no cramps or bleeding. My other question can wait until you answer that one if you want to." Cade asked as he tried to roll off his mate only do her to follow his move and end up in one of her favorite positions.

  "I have not had to suffer from that horrible time of the month since I realized I could just remove the lining of my uterus, either the natural way or by absorbing it. Mina and Beth have both enjoyed my little trick. Promena being what she is doesn't need the help but has praised me for my ingenuity. What is your other question my Cade?" Sabine asked with a hesitant knowing smile on her face.

  "It seems the direction of our conversation has outed me but I will ask it anyway. Do you want me to tell you ladies when our lovemaking has born fruit or do you want it to be a surprise?" Cade asked as he looked up into his Sabine's face as she giggled before looking down and to the side.

  "She told me it would be me, and I still didn't believe her." She said with a mirthless chuckle.

  Clearing her throat which did amazing things to Cade's softening length still inside of her cum slick depths drew a soft moan from Sabine as she did a little shimmy causing Cade to answer with his own moan of lust.

  "My Cade we will not get pregnant with your seed until we believe our family will be safe. Mina was particularly difficult to reason with. She believes we will have enough time to secure our home and base of operations before our children are born. Our discussions have convinced her before your seed took root though and she sees it as a goal to meet as do we all. So no surprises my love though I do enjoy the practice and your reaction as do we all, though I fear we might have ruined that particular on button for you. For that, we are all sorry."<
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  As Sabine finished she placed a soft kiss on Cade's lips to take some of the sting from the revelation that they wouldn't be carrying his children anytime soon.

  "I can't say I disagree my little snake but that just means we have another reason to own this world.

  Sitting up Cade captured her lips once again.

  "Again my love? Don't we have a plan to enact today?" Sabine asked as Cade pulled her down on his recovered length.

  "A little quickie won't hurt my sweet" Cade said as his Sabine showed off the flexibility of her tail as it slipped in between his legs as he kneeled with her in his arms.


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