Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 23

by Carter, Garrett

  The representative of the mages guild was surprisingly a jaguar woman who's name was Indaria, her story had been a little awe-inspiring.

  A slave from a young age she had freed herself and learned her fire magery on her own.

  Her position in the guild had been a little tenuous but as Beth had described it she had burnt any who challenged her to a duel to a crisp.

  As Yan took his place at the center of the table sitting in an ornate chair Cade frowned at the hulking minotaur.

  "Ok, I'm here what did you need from little old me?" Cade asked as he sat back in his uncomfortable chair.

  As the sneering minitour opened his mouth Cade seized the huge man in his grip and after hearing a few ribs snap he put the slaver into a coma.

  "Yea I don't care what that one has to say anyone else want to tell me why I am here?" Cade said as he let the man's bovine body fall unceremoniously out of his fancy chair.

  Grace was the first to reply to his question.

  "He was supposed to cow you into agreeing to turn over your new housing to us and accepting a tiny stipend for your trouble." She said with a laugh.

  "Clearly that plan was not thought through, so if you could give us a moment to discuss a new plan while we have you here Mage Cade we would appreciate it."

  As the leader for the healers in this city waved the other guild leaders over Cade thought of a better plan.

  "If I could have your attention for a moment I have a few ideas I would like to share... Or better yet how about I show you."

  As Cade finished he swept through the assembled groups' minds, bringing their mental doubles to his.

  As the assembled group stared in fascination as they landed in the wide meadow of Cade's mindscape he looked to his left and found Laurith standing next to him.

  Her human form was thankfully clothed in a yellow summer dress with red polka dots that Cade thought she looked delicious in.

  As an appreciative hum sounded in his chest Laurith licked her lips as she devoured him with her eyes.

  "Later my pet we have guests," Cade said as he turned his attention from his mouthwatering dragon mate and smiled at the slowly recovering guild leaders.

  "Thank you all for not doing anything brash, now if you will have a seat we can begin my presentation."

  As Cade took his seat his lap was claimed by Laurith as the group followed suit and hesitantly sat in the board room chairs Cade had created.

  A gasp went around the seated group as Cade formed a large pool of still water between them.

  "My plan... No my dream for Opect is large and far sweeping. I first would like to address the leader of the healers guild, Grace your group has fought to keep the residents of this city healthy and hale. I would like to aid your efforts by providing those of your choosing with clinics to run and healing magic to fill the spots where your knowledge fails."

  As Cade began he created an overhead view of his first clinic in the pool.

  As he spoke the view shifted to the front door and gave a walkthrough of the facility.

  As the view stopped on the MRI like healing pod Cade smiled at the guild leader.

  "This machine doesn't leave the premises is no matter what. Commoner and noble alike will be helped as they come, no one's life is worth more than another's. That is my offer to you, the payment for the services will go through my wife Sabine."

  Turning to Zag Cade expanded the view in the pool to encompass the newly renovated slums, or what they would be once he and his wives had finished with their work.

  "This I offer to your guild Zag. Only your group has the knowledge and experience to maintain these new homes. The profits for rent may be low but they are built well and will stand the test of time if you accept my offer, which includes a lower rent for your workers and knowledge of repairs and upkeep. I know your family has suffered for what you do and I think you are man enough to know a good deal when you see it."

  Zag's face had initially held only suspicion and distrust of the mage who had torn him from his mind, as Cade finished his offer of a better life not just for his family but for those he represented Cade saw a shift in the stoic man's body language as hope blossomed on Zag's craggy face.

  "The funds produced from the tenants go through Sabine once again, to be made available to you and your men for payment for jobs completed. A smaller retainer fee will also be paid to those who sign up for it, enough to live off of."

  Completing his offer to the leader of the builders guild with a smile Cade turned to speak to the next person in line.

  As he looked to Indaria Laurith growled at the mage who was giving Cade a speculative look.

  "I have my own mate great one I meant no offense, it just seems all of this is to good to be true."

  A mollified Laurith relaxed in Cade's lap as the leader of the mages guild looked to Cade for answers.

  "I kind of agree my self but all I can say is I do have the people of this cities best interests at heart. Where I come from there is a saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" what I offer isn't specifically for my own gain. I have more money than anyone in this city, I think. What I am asking for is for you six to give my ideas a chance, I think you will all be happy with the results."

  After Cade finished he gave the jaguar woman a hard stare, her response to his answer would determine his next steps.

  The acknowledging nod of the jaguar woman's head gave Cade more relief than he was willing to admit at the moment as he readied himself to deliver the guild leader his offer.

  "I have noticed your guild has no official place to learn and grow, personal knowledge being hoarded by those who would use it for their own gain or turn mercenary for the slavers guild and use their powers to hurt those who can't defend themselves. I offer a place of your own in this city and the facilities to expand your knowledge. I will create a school for you and your guild to accomplish tasks handed out by the council. Those who have turned to the slavers for their orders will have their knowledge stripped from them and I will provide that knowledge in books and other mediums for your use. That is my offer to you Indaria, knowledge, and a place to put it into practice."

  A wide smile crossed the jaguar woman's face as Cade finished.

  He almost blew out a relieved breath as the jaguar woman gave him a nod of agreement.

  "Again your pay will go through my wife for services rendered," Cade said as he turned to Trant.

  "Your task will require the most deviation from your usual activities. I would like to hire your guild for clandestine operations, be they stealing sensitive information, or eliminating targets of opportunity. I do not ask that you cease your current activities but turn them towards the more affluent and therefore more profitable targets. I ask you and yours to be the fingers in the night that stop those who would harm those less able to protect themselves. And if your guild makes a tidy profit along the way who am I to stop you from enjoying the spoils."

  Finishing his offer to the thieves guild leader, who gave no assent to Cade's offer, he held out hope the man would see reason and not make Cade destroy his operation.

  "You will accept my mate's offer or I will see to it that you offer him your services as a corpse," Laurith growled out as she turned her attention from tracing patterns on Cades chest.

  As the guild leader nodded vigorously towards Cade he let the matter lie with a kiss on Laurith's brown lips.

  Promena's suggestion had saved their lives and they didn't even know it.

  As his dragon mate returned to her earlier activity Cade hoped the last two members of the group wouldn't require such a heavy-handed approach to convince them to join his little cabal.

  "Solec and Brek your offers had much to do with one another so I will give them at the same time, I hope you don't take offense."

  As Brek replied with "I understand" Solec's deep baritone vibrated Cade's chest as he said, "understood". With their feelings assuaged he continued.

  "I have a mithril mining operation that
will be starting up soon in the south. With that said I find myself in need of merchants to sell my metal to. I have two options, I could sell to you wholesale and accept what profits I get. The other option is we write up a contract that will allow me to use you various shipping and delivery methods and your operations will gain a share of my mining business."

  As Cade finished his invitation to a mutually beneficial partnership the less than captivated expressions on the faces of the two merchants gave him pause.

  "Maybe I wasn't clear on how much mithril there is to mine, please observe."

  As Cade finished his viewing pool gave a miniaturized view of the mountain-sized deposit of mithril he had discovered.

  "That little speck right there is a representation of you Solec," Cade said.

  A grin split his face as Brek's large green eyes almost burst out of her skull.

  As the mermaid looked between the pool and Solec her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

  Suppressing a chuckle at the apt comparison Cade caught her next words "sole rights for shipping and a thirty percent share in the mining business".

  Cade's mouth fell into a frown and his inner haggler was warming up to refute the outrageous offer when his Laurith came to the rescue once again.

  As her growling rumbled the whole meadow Brek's olive-skinned completion paled several shades before she stuttered "ttttwentty...tttten...ffffive?"

  As the numbers lowered Laurith's rumbling growl lessened until the offer of a five percent stake was given.

  As Cade raised his hand and the threat of Laurith's rage disappeared Cade gave the merwoman a hard stare.

  "I want cooperation that benefits both parties, greed will get you nowhere with me."

  As Cade finished his statement he raised a house-sized chunk of mithril from the ground behind him.

  "I do not require your assistance I want this world to flourish. Does the thought of twenty percent less profit mean that much when I could give you none? Ten percent stake in the company and you answer to my dwarven wife in all business matters. The shipping costs will be split between us and you will have sole rights to smuggling our goods. Don't disappoint me or I will leave you with nothing."

  Finishing his ultimatum Cade was glad to see the terror fall away from the woman's face and a smug smile replace it.

  "You will not be disappointed, Mage Cade." The merwoman said with conviction.

  Nodding to the resolute woman Cade turned his gaze to the troll in charge of the merchants guild.

  "Fifteen percent, our costs are higher but we will get you a better profit. Oh, and we need your company name for our registries."

  As the troll gave his assent with a bored tone that belied the thoughtful look had given Cade.

  "Accepted and our company will be called Atom." As Cade finished he looked around at the seated group once more.

  "Any other questions before I return you to your minds, let me preempt a few. The slavers will be leaving the service of Opect and will be joining my service as an undead army courtesy of my wife. The dwarves have been sent a message to accept my mining operation or be eradicated. I think those are the big ones. Trant I will require your services after we leave, have a trusted capable representative sent to my home within the week. If you could manage it the same applies to you Solec and you Brek. If the time frame isn't feasible for you two then send a messenger before the week is out. Grace you will talk to my Dresk and you will work with her to assign your healers to their clinics, make sure they are trustworthy. Indaria find a place you want your school built on and contact my advisor Qetch. If your prospective location is in slaver controlled territory then it will have to wait until they are removed from the city. Does that cover everything?"

  A round of nods and yeses made its way through the group.

  Smiling at his new business compatriots Cade released their minds before turning his gaze to Laurith.

  "You have done well my pet, I am going to spoil you rotten when we get home," Cade said before he captured her lips intent on leaving her breathless in his arms.

  "I can't wait, my mate," Laurith said between gulps of breath after he released her.

  "Neither can I let's go," Cade said as he left his mind.

  Returning to his physical body Cade looked up at the group and smiled.

  "This is the first step, if any of you have misgivings about our deals please let me know before you do anything rash. Now go and please keep our timelines." Cade said before he rose from his seat and began making his way out of the large building.

  Walking out of the warehouse with a human Laurith striding beside him Cade felt a rush of energy fill him.

  As the jitters passed he smiled, his plan was in motion and little would stop it. Opect was his all that was left was to sip the tears of his enemies as they fell.

  Family matters

  After they joined up with Promena, Mina, and Beth as they finished the last group of buildings for the day Cade told them of the agreements and deals he had made with the leaders of the various guilds.

  The loud round of cheers and smiles they had given him gave him a warm content feeling, Promena's brilliant smile as she looked at him with a mixture of respect and lust settling the turmoil in his belly greatly.

  Accepting his giddy mate's affections as they excitedly threw ideas for their charges past each other was the icing on the cake, chafed lips and all.

  As Laurith seized his painfully erect length with a growl Cade sent an urgent pickup request to Nat, ready to fill his beautiful mate for as long as her gorgeous body would hold up.

  The trip to their home, though thankfully short, pushed Cade to his limits as his wives shoved him into the rear of the large vehicle and freed his dick from its confines.

  Using the last of his flagging focus he hastily created a privacy wall between the front of the vehicle as Nat drove them home and the rear as Promena put her powers to use and stripped them all.

  Groaning as his goddesses wet channel enveloped his throbbing length Cade's moan of appreciation was muffled as Beth stole the next best seat in the house and dropped her large behind square on his face.

  Grabbing Promena's well-padded ass Cade began thrusting into her depths as he simultaneously attacked Beth's drenched lips and hard bud.

  As a small portion of his lust-addled brain felt the Poppy shift as Nat expertly brought them in for a landing, the sudden realization hit him that if he didn't take extreme measures they would arrive in the garage with the car a'rockin.

  Pulling out a trick of his own as Promena did something with her tight wet pussy that almost caused him to fill her, he brought his other two mates into their little impromptu orgy.

  As he expanded his senses to envelop Mina and Laurith, Beth ground her delicious entrance down on his face as she grasped his bald head in her hands as a massive orgasm overcame her.

  As he drank down his Beth's bliss Cade groaned as he caught sight of how his Dresk and dragon mate had been passing their time as he pleasured his other wives.

  Muffled moans followed by the wet sounds of tounges lapping at wet folds threw Cade over the edge as his little spy eye captured the truly incredible sight of his Mina and Laurith attacking each other sopping pussies.

  Groaning out his orgasm into Beth's spasming entrance Cade spiked the pleasure centers of his wife's minds as he filled his goddess with his seed.

  The shrieks of bliss as his wives fell into paradise around him changed to shrieks of startled surprise as their landing turned from gentle to turbulent.

  As the last pulse of his load of life-giving seed left him and entered his goddesses flexing tunnel Cade realized he might have shot the mental pleasure attack off with a shotgun spread instead of a laser focus.

  As they picked themselves up off of the floor of their car Cade clothed everyone with a thought.

  Stepping out of the poorly parked vehicle Cade blushed as he heard the wet moaning sounds of Nat in the driver's seat as she pleasured her

  "Gonna pay for that later," he said to himself before he was bowled over by a happy Sabine.

  "You did it, my love," She said before she kissed him into silence.

  Cade's lips followed hers as she ended the kiss and leaned back from their embrace, giving her mate a brilliant smile that changed to giggles as she saw his questing lips.

  "Yes I did my little snake and I couldn't have done it without my wonderful wives, now if everyone wants to head to the kitchen I am starving."

  Cade delivered his request as he looked into Xandia's smiling face as she stood at the bottom of the stairs to the second floor.


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