Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 34

by Carter, Garrett

  "That... thing should suffice Mage Cade. It is his old family crest, we won't miss it when the enchantment consumes it. Will we, my mate?"

  The shake of Vic's head as he smiled at his wife was all the permission Cade needed before he tied the enchantment to Vic and added his life-extending enchantment to Indaria, silently wishing the happy couple well before he handed the pendant back to Indaria.

  "That should allow you to grow your muscles again. Try to walk a few steps each day after you can move around in your chair under your own power for about a week. After that make sure to be as active as possible and you both should live a long life together."

  Rising from his seat he shook the two mages hands before leaving the happy couple to work on Vic's recovery.

  "Indaria I am still waiting for your decision on the Mages academy location, we will be in the city for a few more weeks. Please let me know soon."

  Closing the door behind him, he made his way home, ready to see his loves again after enjoying the two mages' hospitality and banter.

  It was a week later as Cade laid in bed surrounded by his wive's warm bodies frustrated by his stupidity, the memory of the fight with Olme's forces causing him to cringe every time he thought of how stupid he had acted trying to take them all on by himself.

  His wives had barely talked to him after Sabine and Xandia had finished Havrai and Graft off, even Eve sniffed in disdain whenever he came around.

  He couldn't blame them for their actions, they had jumped into the fray ready to sacrifice themselves for him.

  His frustrations came from their insistent touches as they ensured he was still alive and well, even as they avoided his hands as they caught air every time they dodged his advances.

  Mina let out an irritated huff before she rose quickly and straddled her mate's hips before sinking onto his erect length with a relieved moan.

  "MINA!!!" His wive's shouted in unison as she began to bounce on his lap as the wet sounds of their lovemaking filled the now quiet room.

  Following Mina's groan of release, she looked around at the leering women as they stared intently where she and her mate were joined.

  "I refuse to continue to punish our mate for his idiotic actions. I believe he has learned to rely on his mates when it comes to charging stupidly headfirst into a horde of orc and trolls, don't you all agree?"

  Distracted nods answered her question as she began to grind their sexes together ready to receive her next orgasm from her powerful mate's throbbing length.

  "Besides our family should be in harmony as the new father meets his kits."

  Taking his hand and placing it above her womb Mina gave her love a massive smile as his eyes widened.

  Cade could admit that the news that he was going to be a father again surprised him but the next words that came out of his mouth would be the talk of their family long into the future.



  Farth rushed into the richly appointed meeting room on his primary planet of Durith. His assembled compatriots the self-proclaimed gods of wisdom, war, and prosperity waited in their chosen seats as they awaited his arrival.

  His face took on a disapproving grimace as Machiel, the God of war groaned out his release as one of the denizens of Farth's planet gulped down his seed.

  "Miranda finish your meal and leave we have much to discuss and your presence is no longer needed."

  Growling out his demand Farth watched the female cambion release Machiel's pulsing dick from her black lips with a pop.

  Giving a short bow and salute to the chaos god she departed the room, her long red tail stiff with outrage.

  "Now that Machiel has had his fun I can tell you why I called you here today. My... our goal of usurping Unbolge's throne has reached an impasse. This Cade Willmartin has reached his godhood even if it lasted only moments that milestone will be an issue if we let him cultivate his power into something he can use at will. On top of that particular issue, he has impregnated Promena's corporeal body. If she is allowed to merge her godly essence into that body it won't matter if Cade completes his trial, their child will be groomed to replace Unbolge when he reaches adulthood."

  The four gods sat in silence for several minutes before Machiel huffed out an irritated breath and stared daggers at the other quiet gods.

  "We can just kill them both and be done, our plans on Unbolge's world are moving along well enough that we can afford a bit of censure from him, even after he removes our ability to perform reconnaissance on Promena's world. And if we can send a few expendable agents to remove the child and her corporeal body from the equation who's to say we were involved?"

  As Machiel finished his idea of how to deal with Cade's new godly abilities, Farth leaned back in his plush office chair and contemplated his options.

  His success in persuading Unbolge to limit Promena's use of her ability to view the future until her prospective husband completed his trial had almost resulted in the idiot's death to Farth's disappointment.

  He would have to find a way to swing the outcome of the trial in his favor, and that needed shift in balance amounted to one outcome that resulted in his plans coming to fruition, the godling Cade had to die.

  His plans spanning millennia hung on the demise of that man and Farth hoped the gods seated before him would provide a plan that would result in his death.

  As Miranda Flamberg backed away from the door removing her little incorporeal spy from the room she spat the last of the war gods seed from her mouth in distaste.

  Her ascension through the ranks of cambion had resulted in her being assigned to Farth's palace.

  Her race's need to feed on the essence of higher beings to grow into their evolved forms had been the main reason she had chosen this post, the chaos god was her meal ticket and a path towards greater power and freedom after she had received enough blood and or seed to ascend towards a full demon.

  What she had not agreed to was to be passed around like a prostitute. Miranda was a warrior breed and blooded, her lineage could be traced back for eons to the first demons created by Unbolge's father Erant.

  Smiling to herself she formulated a plan of her own as huge black armored bat wings sprouted from her back and she jumped out of the large window at the end of the hallway leading away from Farth's meeting room.

  As she caught an updraft and soared towards the massive spire in the distance, her smile grew cruel.

  She would travel to the goddess of change's world and find this Cade and after she had filled them in on the dangers the other gods were bringing to bear against them she would mold the godling into a proper threat to Farth's plans and piss on the chaos gods grave as she ascended to her proper place in the cosmos.

  Laughing to herself she couldn't wait to meet this Cade, he was going to be her path to power he just didn't know it yet.




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