Sinful As Hell

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Sinful As Hell Page 9

by G. Bailey

  “No, thanks,” I reply.

  “It’s rude to turn down an invitation, didn’t you know?” he asks, stepping into my personal space and clamping his hand around my arm.

  “Then consider me rude and get your hand off me!” I growl, pulling my arm, but it only serves to pull him closer to me, close enough our bodies line up and press against each other. He is warm, so damn warm that I can feel him through our clothes, and it makes me want to sink into him. His lips tilt up as his eyes flash with amusement.

  “I don’t think so, darling,” he states, and before I can react, he starts dragging me into the room, kicking the door open. I look back before the door is shut, seeing Sera looking panicked. I shake my head at her, willing her to stay out of it. I need to handle this all on my own.

  The room is dimly lit, the two small windows on the wall doing little to shine much light though the blinds. The thick metallic smell of blood drifts to me first, so strong I struggle to not feel sick at the smell. It takes me a few seconds to really take in what is in this room. Five large, tall cages are at the ends of a pentagram that is drawn onto the floor. In each cage, there is a man. Oddly, each one of them is blond and young, reminding me of someone I can’t quite think of. Each of the men has long cuts down their chests and arms, and blood freely pours down their still bodies onto the ground. The sickest thing about it all is Nikoli. He is lying in the middle of the pentagram, blood sticking to his uniform and back, all the way to his hair. His eyes are closed, a smile is on his perfect lips.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you both?” I demand, pulling away from Claus, but he is too strong. He pulls my back to his chest, and spins us around, forcing me to watch Nikoli. Claus’s warm breath caresses my ear and cheek as he whispers to me. I hate myself for liking it.

  “There is so much wrong with us, darling. What else would you expect from sons of the King of Hell?”

  “To be better than he is,” I say, regretting the words the second they leave my lips. Nikoli’s eyes pop open at my words, his head swiftly turning to me. He slowly sits up; the movement makes me more nervous than anything else he does. Fear makes me breathless as Nikoli stands up, blood dripping onto the floor as he walks to me and almost tenderly places his wet hand on my cheek. His other hand comes up and cups my other cheek as he moves ever so closer. I’m pressed between the Lucifer brothers, completely powerless, completely fearful.

  And a fucked-up part of me loves it.

  Nikoli’s eyes are all I can look at as his hands slide down my cheeks to my throat, and he ever so slightly tightens his grip, his nails digging into my neck. I hold in a cry when his nail cuts a line across the side of my neck; the cut feels small. Something changes the moment my blood drips down my neck, because Claus turns my head to the side at the same time Nikoli does, and both their lips press onto my neck near the cut. I gasp as one of their tongues runs across the cut, and a strange feeling of acceptance and pleasure fills me, making my legs weak.

  “You’re our mate. You.” Nikoli’s words are spoken in such wonder and disgust that I’m not sure which one is winning for him.

  “No!” I shout, pushing away from them both and backing away to the door. Claus is silent, though his tongue ever so slowly runs across his bottom lip before he smiles at me. A big, very pleased grin.

  “We have been waiting for you, darling,” Claus tells me, taking a step forward, but I take one back, which makes him frown.

  “You are torturing people in here and lying in their blood. You are monsters, and I don’t want monsters for mates!”

  “Do you really believe you aren’t a monster, Alexandria?” Nikoli asks, a cruel laugh following his words.

  “If I am, then what the fuck does that make you, Nikoli?” Before he can answer, before I can suffer for saying that, I turn and run out of the room. Sera doesn’t say a word; she just runs with me back to our room. They can’t be mine.

  Chapter 14

  Angel blessings are not a nice as they sound

  “Oh, there she is. Come here, little demon of mine,” Claus says the moment I step out my door and see him leaning against the statue in the distance, looking ridiculously attractive for this early in the morning. Claus has a black hoodie on, with the DA logo on the arm and a cheeky grin on his lips. Where the hell did he get that hoodie? I want one.

  And he isn’t alone, much to my distaste.

  Plastered to his side is Letitia Lale, acting like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth as she lovingly looks up to him. I’m one hundred percent sure that Letitia has redesigned her uniform to look even sluttier than it already was. I mean, I can see the bottom of her ass, and her boobs look close to popping out the top. I watch as she strokes a hand down Claus’s chest, and anger fills my emotions, and a buzzing noise hums in my ears. I briefly close my eyes and take a deep breath, pushing back the emotions that I presume come from my demon. They certainly feel demonic.

  “No, thank you. I don’t need to throw up my toast before my morning run,” I sarcastically say, trying to walk past them, but Claus steps in front of me, grabbing my shoulders with his large, firm hands. Frustration builds up in me as my plan to ignore Claus and Nikoli for the rest of the year is going up in smoke. I need a new plan, it seems.

  “How am I meant to get to know my mate if all she does is run away from me?” he asks with puppy dog eyes.

  “I’m not your mate,” I bite out, ignoring how good it feels to have his arm wrapped around my waist.

  “Your blood says differently; I can still taste it on my tongue. I know a way we could find out for certain, if you really wish,” he seductively suggests, and I push him away, which only makes him laugh. He and Letitia follow me as I head down the corridor to the doors, carrying on their conversation like I’m not even here. I wish Sera was with me, but it’s her only day off due to the full moon, and even though she hasn’t left the apartment yet, she can’t be seen with me. The academy is empty of all wolves in their green clothes that make them stand out.

  “Did you see that human Nikoli was practising hexes on yesterday?” Letitia asks. “The handsome blond man.” I don’t know why she bothers describing him; they are all blond and pretty. Claus and Nikoli clearly have a type of men they like to kill. The psychopaths.

  “The angel-blessed one?” Claus asks.

  “Yes! What a very unlucky thing to be born with. I’d hate to be angel-blessed,” she says like it’s disgusting to even talk about it.

  “It’s funny they call it a blessing, if you ask me,” Claus replies.

  “Anyway, want to go back to my room—”

  “No, I have a meeting with Mr. Bisgaard. See you around, Letitia.” Claus drops her like a plank of wood, and I look back just once, seeing Letitia glaring at me like this is all my fault. I suppose it likely is. Claus winks at me before disappearing into one of the rooms. Not wanting to be late or be alone with him more than necessary, I quickly head outside, letting the salty, cold air blow against my cheeks. I look up for second as I feel cold drops of rain on my cheeks, and I sigh in the simple relief of the feeling.

  “We are practising in the library for the future. This way, Miss Cameron,” Mr. Morganach instructs, much to my relief. I blink my eyes open as he passes me, his gaze travelling all over my face until he steps through and carries on walking. I quickly catch up with him as he goes to the sixth door down the corridor and holds it open for me. I head inside to the small spiral stone staircase that is lit up by modern spotlights on the ceiling, and I look back at Mr. Morganach as he pulls the door shut.

  “Silent still? So silent you can’t ask which way? Up or down?” he asks, crowding my space as he comes closer, so close I can’t help but breathe in how he smells.

  Which is too flipping sexy and alluring for anyone’s good. I raise an eyebrow at him, and he sighs, looking like he really, really wants to kill me. I don’t know why I keep testing his patience, but I can’t help myself.

  “I’m sorry for pushing you and not giving you a ch
ance. For fuck’s sake, I told you I’m not a good teacher. What did you expect?” he asks me, looking beyond annoyed that he had to apologise.

  “That’s all I wanted,” I say, and he smiles for just a second.

  “I’ve never said sorry to anyone in years; you should feel proud that you have frustrated me enough into apologising,” he remarks.

  “I’m a little bit proud, Mr. Morganach,” I reply, not able to hide my grin. I almost want to laugh, but I don’t have a death wish. Yet.

  “Go up the stairs, Miss Cameron,” he bites out, but there is a hint of a smile on his lips he can’t hide.

  “Sure, Mr. Morganach,” I sweetly reply, and I’m sure I hear him growl as I walk up the stairs. That’s something I’d expect Javier to do, and I weirdly like hearing Mr. Morganach so frustrated. The top of the stairs winds around into a big library with tall bookcases in rows, long and thin windows pressed into the gray stone walls.

  “Why is it empty in here?” I ask, because it’s a pretty old and cool room. Also, it strikes me odd that no one is reading. I’m super interested in finding a book on the history of demons so I can catch up on everything I am clueless about.

  “Not many people like to read these books after one student got sucked into the book, and they haven’t got him out yet,” Mr. Morganach explains to me. “The book then disappeared and likely put itself away somewhere in here. Books are dangerous, Miss Cameron.”

  “Holy shit, a book ate a student?”

  “They are enchanted books, and there is a price for reading them. Best stick to your Kindle, baby,” he suggests.

  “Why are we here, Mr. Morganach?” I ask, wanting to leave the subject of student-eating books behind.

  “Training. Do you think I want to spend time with you unless I have to?” he asks and laughs at his joke. “We simply needed a room with obstacles. The bookcases will do that brilliantly.” He starts pulling off his cloak, resting it on a nearby chair. He has nothing more than a thin black shirt on, one that presses against his muscular form, and I try not to drool as he starts rolling his sleeves up. There is something super sexy about watching a guy do that simple action.

  “Can I ask you something?” I muse, leaning against the desk, sliding my hands into the pockets of my joggers. He doesn’t say yes, instead he just looks at me and sighs. I’m taking it as a yes. “Letitia said a human in the hexes class is angel-blessed. She said that was unlucky and made it sound—”

  “Terrible?” Mr. Morganach suggests. “Because it is. I was angel-blessed when I was human...and it is nothing but a curse.”

  “I don’t understand; what does it mean?” I ask, slowly taking in the information that he was once human. So angels can be turned?

  “An angel blessing is a mark on your body that appears a day after your birth. It simply means you are chosen and blessed by an angel. It also means you will die between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, and become an angel in training and attend The Angel Academy.”

  “Wow,” I whisper, and Mr. Morganach reaches into his pocket, then pulls out a small white box. He flips the box open, and a small ball of green light floats into the air in the middle of us. It zooms off, brushing past my cheek, and by the time I’ve spun around, it has disappeared into the library.

  “Now, question time is over; we have a lesson to get on with,” Mr. Morganach says. “The aim is very simple: you get the orb before I do.”


  “But what, baby? Are you scared of losing?” he asks with an amused smirk.

  “I just know you can move super quick,” I remark.

  “So can you if you start using your demonic powers. You aren’t human, Miss Cameron. Stop fucking acting like you are and get your ass moving. It’s no fun to play on my own,” he tells me.

  “You seem like the guy that plays on his own all the time,” I reply with a small smile. I know he gets my flirty joke because he narrows his eyes.

  “Careful,” he warns, walking to my side and looking down at me. “I still want to kill you.” He runs off before I can see his expression, but I’m stupidly not scared.

  For the first time since I met Mr. Morganach, I think he was lying to me. I run after him only to find him holding the orb in his hand, a downright pissed off expression on his face as he throws the orb into the air.

  “At least make it interesting, baby,” he suggests, knocking my shoulder as he runs past me, and I run to chase after him.

  One day, I’m going to beat him.

  One day.

  Chapter 15

  Having a talking cat is fun

  I sit staring at the doll I’ve made with string in my first voodoo class, coming to the conclusion that my doll looks more like a man with a giant head and one big foot instead of the basic shape I was aiming for. Knitting is not my jam, unlike most of the other students in here. We don’t have a voodoo teacher because she is in hell for a week, but we have Mrs. Herman coming in and out to check on us every so often. I look over at Maggie and Letitia at the desk next to mine, and their dolls are perfect. They are even knitting hair for their dolls now, and strangely Letitia’s doll looks just like me. I’m sure it’s just my imagination though. I shake my head and look back to see Nikoli sitting on his own, flipping a knife around like the crazy lunatic that he is. His eyes shoot up and crash with mine before I turn back, making him well aware that I was just staring at him. After a few seconds of willing my fast-beating heart to calm down, it spikes up again as Nikoli pulls the seat out next to me and sits down. He doesn’t say anything as he picks my doll up, and to my surprise, he laughs.

  A real, deep throaty kind of laugh that is contagious as I chuckle a little bit. His eyes meet mine once again; this time, I look at the different colours and how they really are fighting against each other to win.

  “Want some help with whatever this is meant to be?” he asks me.

  “You want to help me?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “Look, we never thought it was possible to find a mate with our mixed blood. You shocked us to our core, and we didn’t handle it well,” he remarks. “Before that, you were a stranger who attracted me to her, and I didn’t like it. I presumed you were using some fucked-up magic to get my attention.”

  “I don’t want a mate,” I tell him. “Sorry, but I don’t. Though I am happy to see you being nice to me instead of being a bully.”

  “Too bad, you have two mates then. And your soon-to-be mate is dying inside a little, watching you knit this doll so epically bad,” he says, and I sigh, knowing there is no getting through to him. I might as well at least be his friend and make life easier for me. There is no way he is getting more than a friendship though. He and his muscular arms can think again.

  “Are you telling me you can do better?” I ask.

  “Hell yeah, I can, Alexandria. Just watch,” he says, winking at me before grabbing the string and getting to work. I watch as he swiftly and persuasively makes a doll, never once looking at the instruction manual in the book. In about twenty minutes, he finishes the perfect doll and hands it to me.

  “Most guys give girls flowers for gifts,” I say, rubbing my thumb across the doll.

  “Isn’t a voodoo doll a romantic gift?” he asks, frowning. “Now you can torture and control your enemies.”

  “It’s a lovely gift, Nikoli, thanks,” I say because I know, in his mind, this is a charming gift.

  “I was brought up with humans, you know?” he says, grinning at me. “I know this is a weird as fuck gift in the human world. Chocolate, jewellery, or flowers would have been better.”

  “We aren’t in the human world though,” I reply. “And I really appreciate this.”

  “Want to come to my room after class? We could watch a movie or something?” he asks me. “I want to chill with you.” I see the look in his eyes that suggests more than chilling, and roll my eyes at him.

  “I have another class,” I say, pulling out my schedule from my pocket. “It’s familiar hunting or

  “Oh yeah, I don’t attend that class, and neither does Claus. We have a familiar, but we keep him in hell for reasons,” he tells me. “We found him on our seventeenth birthday, and he is a bit of a brute.”

  “What reasons?” I ask.

  “He is too big for Earth for one, and the other is that he sets fire to most things he touches. One day I will show you him,” he tells me.

  “I’d like that,” I reply, knowing I’d actually like to see their familiar.

  “I’m sure you will find a cool familiar soon,” he tells me.

  “I think I have one. I have a cat called Amethyst, and she is, well, strange,” I mutter.

  “Impressive. You must be stronger than you look, Alexandria,” he tells me, and I almost want to correct him about using my nickname, but I like how he calls me Alexandria.

  “Why are you being nice today?” I ask.

  “Can’t I be nice?” he muses with a smirk.

  “No,” I swiftly reply, and he grins, leaning into me and resting his hands on the back of my chair.

  “Maybe I’ve decided I want you, Alexandria,” he tells me, and I try not to breathe in his minty smell.

  “Like a toy? I don’t belong to you because of this magic mate shit, Nikoli,” I warn him.

  “Call me Nick, people close to me do,” he tells me.

  “Fine, Nick, you need to realise—” I’m cut off as his lips press onto mine for only a second, and I’m frozen still until he leans back. Before I know what I’m doing, my hand slaps across his face, wiping that smug expression off his lips.

  “That hurt,” he tells me as I push my chair back and stand up.

  “You shouldn’t have kissed me. I didn’t want you to,” I say, and he catches my arm, tugging me down to his level so I have to meet his eyes. I hear the teacher say it’s the end of class in the background and the whispers of everyone who are no doubt looking at us.

  “You’re playing a dangerous game, Lex. I’m starting to see you as a challenge, and I never back down from a challenge,” he warns me.


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