Age of Vampires- The Complete Series

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Age of Vampires- The Complete Series Page 6

by Caroline Peckham

  The vampire shoved him back and my dad fell to the ground as if he’d been struck with a baseball bat. He skidded backwards on the concrete, his grey jacket tearing at the impact.

  The monster with the face of an angel advanced, reaching out to brush his fingers along the bleeding wound on my dad’s cheek. He lifted his hand to his mouth and licked the blood from it, closing his eyes as he savoured the taste.

  Acid burned my throat as revulsion raced through me.

  The lesser vampires all shifted like cornstalks in a breeze as they watched the interaction. I could practically feel their hunger. A shiver passed across my skin as their excitement grew.

  “I always did prefer my meals... fresh,” the General hissed as he opened his eyes. The bland look had been banished from them and a dangerous gleam glowed desperately behind his pupils. He seemed to take a moment to try and restrain himself but gave up and leapt forward, crushing my father to the ground.

  Dad screamed as the demon bit his neck but the vampire caught his arms, pinning him in place as easily as if he were a child instead of a full-grown man.

  I struggled even harder against my captor’s grip and he grunted as he pressed himself against me more firmly, stopping me from running to my father’s aid.

  The General released his hold on my dad and sat up, blood running down his chin as he turned his head to the sky and sighed in satisfaction. My dad raised trembling fingers to the wound on his neck as the vampire climbed off of him and returned to stand before him like nothing had happened.

  “Where is your other daughter?” Wolfe asked again, tipping his head to the side in a gesture that looked anything but human. My dad pushed himself to his feet before he answered and more tears pooled in my eyes as he staggered with the effort of doing so.

  “Go to hell.” My dad reared back and spat straight in the General’s face.

  The vampire glared at my father as he wiped the wad of spittle from his cheek. “It would be rude of me not to share my meal,” he said icily and it took me a moment to realise what he meant.

  The six lesser vampires understood more quickly than I did and they all leapt at my dad excitedly, knocking him back to the ground.

  He roared in pain as six sets of teeth found his flesh and I screamed around my captor’s fingers as my father’s limbs flailed wildly beneath the attack.

  “Don’t kill him,” General Wolfe added after a few more agonising moments had passed. “He still needs to tell us where his other daughter went.”

  The lesser vampires reluctantly stopped their feasting and moved away from my father’s body. He wasn’t moving. I could see rings of tooth marks bleeding on both of his arms as well as one on his leg where the vampires had shredded his pants in their efforts to devour him alive.

  My stomach clenched and flipped over at the sight, bile filling my mouth as I fought back the urge to vomit.

  General Wolfe sighed impatiently as he realised my dad had lost consciousness. “Bring him.” He snapped his fingers at the vampire standing closest to him. “He will answer my questions when he wakes. The rest of you, search this place for the girl. She can’t have gone far, but don’t forget the Royals want her. She’s not to be bitten.”

  The five remaining vampires turned and headed into the streets surrounding the buildings like dogs hunting a scent. Thankfully none of them headed towards us.

  “We have to move,” the man holding me hissed in my ear. I struggled against his hold again as my father was dragged away. I didn’t care about the vampires who were looking for me, I just wanted to stop them from taking my family away.

  The man seemed to realise I didn’t plan on going anywhere with him and shifted his grip on me so that he could flip me around to face him.

  He was huge; over six foot tall and built with more muscle than I’d ever seen on a man. He had long, black hair which was loose over his shoulders and his face was shadowed with stubble that was almost long enough to be called a beard. His clothes were dark and clung to his broad frame, it looked like they were made of leather.

  His eyes were the most striking thing about him though; they were golden in colour and almost glowed despite the darkened alleyway we were hiding in.

  He kept his hand pressed tightly over my mouth and glared at me. I felt myself shrinking under his heated gaze.

  “We can’t stay here,” he insisted. “But if you come with me I will help you get your father back. I know where they’re going.”

  I wanted to refuse, to push out of his grasp and run after my family before the vampires could get too far away but a small, defeated part of me knew I couldn’t help them. I’d only get myself caught.

  My eyes slid back towards the courtyard which was now empty. Wolfe had followed the vampire carrying my father back into the Realm. The only other option I had was to chase after them but then what? It was suicide and I knew it. They’d capture me as easily as they had my family and then we’d have no chance of escape. If this man really knew where they were being taken then maybe I’d have a chance. Albeit a slim one...

  With a surge of resolve that tore my heart in two, I nodded.

  He watched me for several seconds like I was some kind of cornered animal and slowly removed his hand from my mouth.

  I shoved him back and glared at him. No matter what help he was offering me now, he had stopped me from going to my family when they’d needed me most.

  “How do you know where they’re taking them?” I whispered angrily. I wasn’t just going to blindly follow some stranger and trust in his promises of help.

  “Come,” he instructed in a whisper as he turned away and started walking. Strapped across his back were two heavy, golden blades, their hilts covered in strange lettering. I bristled at his total disregard for my question.

  “Who are you?” I hissed, staying exactly where he’d left me. I’d never seen him before, I was sure of it. No one in the Realm was anywhere near as big as him or as intimidating.

  “Silence,” he instructed fiercely and I recoiled from him then cursed myself for it.

  I glanced back to the street where my family had been minutes before and wondered if I should just go after them myself. This guy could be a psycho for all I know.

  He took three long strides towards me, boxing me in against the wall again. I forced myself to stand straight and tilted my chin to hold his eye. I hoped I looked braver than I felt.

  “If you don’t follow, they will hunt you down and kill you or worse. I am going to free the humans they have taken. Come with me or don’t. It’s your choice.”

  “Not much of a choice,” I muttered angrily. He glared at me and turned away without looking back to see if I was following.

  I glanced back out towards the drain which led back into the Realm. They’d taken Dad and Montana back inside but I knew they wouldn’t be returning them to our old apartment. Following them would only serve to get me caught too.

  I had no chance of freeing them right then but if this man really did know their destination I just might have a shot.

  No one would expect another human to be outside the Realm. And even though they knew I’d escaped, they’d never expect me to come after them. They’d expect me to head south and keep running until the burning sun stopped them from following. But I wasn’t going anywhere without my family.

  The General had said the Royals wanted us for something which I guessed meant that we had passed their damn test. Whatever they wanted us for, it couldn’t be good. I didn’t even know the vampires had Royals but it didn’t matter. They could stick a crown on their undead heads or stick one up their asses, it didn’t make a difference to me. I wouldn’t bow down to their wishes, I’d do whatever it took to get my family away from them.

  Maybe they’d decided that our blood was particularly delicious and wanted to serve us up like the main course at a feast. Perhaps in the east where the Elite were rumoured to live they liked to drink their blood fresh; biting through flesh as the General had done to my dad.
The thought of their razor sharp fangs piercing my skin sent a wave of fear rolling over me. The agony present in my father’s screams when they’d bitten him told me all I ever wanted to know about the pain that would cause.

  I hesitated again then cursed as I ran to catch up to my unexpected companion. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, he seemed like my best chance of survival for now. At the very least he would make a more appetising meal for the bloodsuckers if they found us. And while they were dealing with him I’d have a chance to escape.

  He quickly led me away, taking turns between the buildings so rapidly that he must have been familiar with the route. I struggled to keep up with his long stride and fast pace.

  “Hold,” he said suddenly, putting a hand up to enunciate his point. “One of them has found us. Wait here.” He stepped out of the alleyway we were occupying, grasping the two blades over his shoulders and pulling them free of their sheathes.

  “Wait, what do you mean?” I jogged after him then staggered to a halt as I spotted the vampire standing in the road less than fifty feet away. She turned towards us with a triumphant smile, her scarlet hair twisting around her devastatingly beautiful face in a breeze I couldn’t feel.

  “There you are sweet girl,” she purred.

  My gut clenched in panic as I wondered how she could ignore the man-mountain prowling towards her with a pair of swords in favour of me.

  “If you want her, you’ll have to come through me,” he rumbled as he closed in on her.

  The vampire finally switched her attention to him and her eyes narrowed as she pulled her own sword from her back. “Slayer,” she growled. “We’d begun to think you were all dead.”

  “You thought wrong.” He twisted towards her so suddenly that I almost missed the motion. His blade swept low, aiming for her stomach but somehow she leapt above it, parrying his second blade with her own.

  The clash of colliding metal set my heart galloping in my chest but my feet were rooted to the spot.

  They danced back and forth, matching blow for blow in movements so graceful they almost felt choreographed. The man-mountain moved far faster than I would have believed possible for someone of his size. Each time she leapt at him, he was ready for her and drove her back onto the defence.

  I shifted back a step, wondering if I should be running away but unable to tear my gaze from the battle before me. My foot caught against something heavy and I glanced down to find a broken brick beside me. I bent down and grabbed it, feeling better to have something vaguely weapon-like in my hand.

  The vampire noticed my movement, her head twisting towards me as her eyes flared. He took her momentary distraction as a gift and swung forward viciously. His blade sliced straight through her slender neck like it was nothing but paper and her head fell from her body with a wet thump.

  I sucked in a breath.

  It rolled towards me, trailing blood across the concrete and I felt my mouth fall open in some mixture of horror and awe.

  Heavy footsteps made me look up from her face which was frozen in a moment of confused realisation.

  “What’s this?” he asked, pointing at the brick which I now held so tightly I thought it might be cutting my palm. I dropped it in embarrassment. It clattered loudly as it hit the ground.

  “You killed one,” I said. No other words seemed relevant. I’d dreamed of killing one of those things every day of my life but I’d never believed it was actually possible.

  He glanced at the decapitated body as though he’d almost forgotten it was there. “Not quite.” He turned one of his blades in his palm and drove it through the vampire’s heart.

  A sound like raindrops falling filled the air and I watched in fascination as her body disintegrated into thousands of tiny pieces like grains of sand.

  Some of it caught in the breeze and swirled towards me. I held my breath and took a step back. Who knows what would happen if I breathed in vampire dust?

  “You’ve never seen one killed?” he asked with a frown.

  I shook my head feebly.

  “I’d begun to wonder if it was even possible,” I breathed.

  His frown deepened and he looked about at our surroundings as though he were seeing them for the first time. “What year is this?” he asked slowly.

  I wondered why he was asking such a strange question but as I looked into his golden eyes I could see that he really needed to hear the answer. “It’s twenty one thirty three. Why?”

  His gaze clouded over and he turned away from me to look up at the grey sky. “Forgive me Brother,” he muttered and I could hear raw pain in his voice. “I slept too long.”

  This was a nightmare, it had to be. But the cold, steel box I was trapped in could only be real. I'd never seen anything like this in the Realm to even imagine it existed. I was chained to a hard metal bench, my hands and feet clad in cuffs.

  I thought of Callie, praying she'd made it to safety. But even if she had escaped, did that really make her safe?

  We'd been told stories of the ravaged world beyond the Realm's electrical fences. A relentless sun and scorching desert where birds waited to pick the flesh from your bones. That was to the south. But to the east? Who knew? The Elite were rumoured to come from there. Was that where I was being taken? Or was my destination more obvious than that? The blood bank.

  My stomach turned over. Was Dad there? Why wasn't he with me if that was where I was being taken?

  I thought of him strung up, barely alive, kept on a drip so he wouldn't die, but continuing to produce blood. If we were free-range in the Realm then the blood bank was the vampires' version of intensive farming.

  God, not there. Anywhere but there. Please be okay, Dad.

  I was jostled from side to side and the movement made me think I was in a vehicle, something Dad had told me about. A van maybe.

  I cried out to whoever was driving, but no answer came. So I thrashed and kicked the metal floor, making as much sound as I could. It did nothing but ease some of the anxious energy flowing through my veins.

  The vehicle made a rumbling noise and I jerked to one side as it stopped moving.

  “State line, let me see your papers,” a voice cut through the air beyond the metal walls.

  “Hey!” I called out instinctively. “Hey – who's there?”

  The voice fell silent, then another deep male tone sounded from the front of the vehicle. “I've got one in the back from Realm G. She's bound for NYC.”

  “You're heading to the airfield?” the man asked and I started slamming my feet to the floor again, making a cacophony of noise.

  Bastards, all of them. How could they take me away from the only people I had in the world?

  “Let me out!” I demanded but no one replied.

  “Open up, let's get a look at her.”

  My heart stumbled as footsteps closed in on the two doors at the back of the vehicle. As they opened, daylight fell over me but it wasn’t much more than a vague glow between the dark clouds. A drizzle hung in the air around the two men standing there.

  No, not men. Vampires. Both were alluring and built with lean muscle.

  I fell silent as I gazed at them and the one in a black uniform breathed in through his nose.

  “Delicious,” he sighed and my skin prickled. Despite knowing I was a food source for these creeps, I'd never been looked at like I was a steaming hot meal ready and waiting to be devoured.

  My eyes slid to a paved road behind them surrounded by a thick forest so green and bright, I was sure I'd never seen anything so vivid in nature before.

  “Where are you taking me?” I demanded, keeping my tone strong.

  “She hasn't figured it out yet,” murmured the one who I assumed was my driver.

  The other one chuckled. “They keep 'em stupid in the Realms for a reason.”

  “Wait-” I cried, but the doors slammed in my face again, drowning any more protests I might have been able to conjure. Fighting this was useless. They didn't see me as an equal; I wa
s their inferior. They weren't going to let me go, no matter how much I begged. So I only had one option left: escape.

  With my bound hands and feet, that wasn't a possibility right then. But they had to unshackle me eventually. Didn't they..?


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