Finding Faye:

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Finding Faye: Page 12

by A. J. Andersen

  I woke up hard and throbbing the following morning and the two mornings since, not to mention going to sleep after the same painful routine as the night she left me standing in the bedroom. I’ve never jacked off so much in my life.

  All day long she goes everywhere with me, looking beautiful as fuck. Radiating sunshine and happiness on everyone she meets. She and Becca became instant friends and Faye immediately found ways to help out around the office while I worked and made plans for going to Vegas. We’re leaving first thing in the morning.

  When we checked on Ana she seemed happy with that plan and had already packed up almost all of her belongings. Her apartment came furnished, so there really wasn’t that much that needed to be done. Both of the girls are excited for the road trip. Me not so much. If I don’t have Faye soon… I’m going to lose my ever loving mind.

  Even now, sitting at my desk at work I can’t concentrate on anything but the sweet sound of her voice from the lobby. She is helping Becca work on filing and whatever else it is that Becca has decided needs done today. Every time I hear the bubbly sound of her laughter my dick twitches and my heart melts at the same time. I love hearing her happy, but still the only thing I can think about when I hear it is how that lilting voice is going to sound when I have her bouncing on my cock and screaming my name. I’m a fucking degenerate and I know it.

  “What’s up boss?” Faye’s voice breaks through my lustful daydreams and I realize that I’ve been sitting here with my hand on my dick… again. Her playful tone clues me in that she is completely aware of where my hand is and I look up guiltily.

  “Nothing.” I growl. I can’t help it. I’m grumpy. “What’s up with you?” I ask, trying to soften my tone. It’s not entirely her fault. I’m the one that drew that line without really discussing it with her.

  Twirling a lock of hair around her finger she sashays across the room until she is standing right beside me. She is wearing tattered cut offs and another one of my t’shirts. She has this one knotted at her side so a small strip of her skin is revealed when she moves. Her bare feet are laced into her battered Chuck Taylors. I think they are the only shoes she owns. I’m going to have to do something about that. Like send her shopping with Becca. I don’t think I could survive several hours of watching her try on clothes. Not without taking her into a dressing room and fucking a couple orgasms out her her against a wall.

  NO. No. No. Not going there.

  “It’s time for lunch, Travis,” she grins mischievously before sitting down on the arm of my office chair and scooting back until her tight little ass is on my lap. I know she can feel how hard I am for her and getting harder by the second. She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck before pursing her pretty pink lips and smacking a loud kiss to my cheek.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” she murmurs softly.

  And this is why I’m slowly going insane. She just won’t stop teasing me. All day long it’s soft hands brushing against me. The most mundane conversations said with hidden meaning behind every word. She is pushing for what she wants without actually pushing. Who would have thought she would be like this? Not me, that’s for sure. But just when I’m starting to wonder if she is as innocent as I thought I capture her honey colored gaze with mine. Her cheeks flush a bright pink and she bites her lip shyly and I can’t help my smile. She is definitely innocent. Her purity shines in her expressive eyes, tempting me.

  “I am hungry.” I grumble back, pressing my face into the sweet curve where her shoulder meets her neck and gently biting her there. She shudders against me with a small moan.

  “What are you in the mood for?” She whispers against my ear. Her sweet breath tickling, causing a small shiver to race down my spine.

  A dark chuckle escapes my lips. I know exactly what I’d like to eat, and every delectable morsel is tucked in my lap. I refuse to give in to the temptation that she poses. She is adorable and delicious, but I can control myself… at least for a while longer.

  “A burger and fries.” I groan against her skin holding her tight against me as I rise from my seat. Her legs slide down me as I slowly lower her to her feet, savoring the feel of her soft body against mine. It won’t be much longer until I make her mine, but it won’t be tonight.


  We have hardly been at Travis’ house at all. Already we have fallen into a busy pattern. He wakes me up early and while I stumble into the shower he fixes me breakfast with lots of coffee. Thank goodness for coffee! Already I can tell that I’m gaining some weight. I know that is his goal. After breakfast it’s off to his office where Becca has been teaching me how to do everything she does. I had no idea how much is involved in managing an office and I have so much respect for how easy she makes everything look.

  After work we go to the gym that K&S has in the big garage next to the office. Yeah, that’s fun. Not really... Well, watching Travis work out is fun for me. Watching his big hard body in nothing but shorts, a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin, is the stuff of dreams. I could do without exercising myself though. I’ve never been one to do anything other than take a walk for exercise, so finding myself suddenly jogging on a treadmill and lifting weights is just… awful. Especially since I know that he is only making me tag along so that I’m too exhausted to try to get him to come to bed with me. So far his devious plan is working. By the time he gets me home I barely have had the energy to do more than eat dinner, shower and fall into bed alone, too tired to even try. He’s been sleeping on the couch in his home office, much to my chagrin. The least he could do is sleep beside me, but he’s probably scared I would wake up before him and try to have my evil way with him.

  I totally understand why he wants us to wait. I really do. I just happen to disagree with him. He told me he loves me and I said it back. I know he’s trying to protect me. To make sure that this is really what I want and not misguided gratitude or something like that. I appreciate it. I really do, but I’m so over it. I want to make him mine as badly as I want to be his, and I’ve known that since I was a teenager. I also know that all of this is new to him. Before now I was way too young for him to entertain these kinds of thoughts about me… not that I would have minded. If he had any idea about how I have used photos of him as my personal spank bank… he might actually do something about how we are both feeling. I may just have to let him in on that little tidbit of information just to see if I can make him blush. I can’t help the smile that flits across my face at the thought of telling him something so personal.

  As frustrating as the last couple days have been, him dodging my advances at every corner, I also can’t remember the last time that I had so much fun. In all honesty, I don’t think I have had so much fun with anyone since my dad died. He was always the fun parent and after we lost him the small part of my mom that was happy died too, leaving me completely alone. Until Travis. He always did his best to protect me and to make me happy. He’s trying to do it now and I love him for it even though it’s making me crazy!

  “What are you smiling about, Sweetpea?” Travis asks, dragging a crispy golden french fry through the catsup on his plate.

  Lifting my burger I take a huge bite and chew slowly while I debate telling him the truth. Instead, I shrug a shoulder and wink.

  “Believe me Trav, you don’t really want to know.” I sass before taking another big bite. The burger is amazing! I had forgotten how wonderful food could be and I’m getting spoiled by the dining out and having him cook for me.

  His voice is a low rumble when he responds. “Try me, sweetheart," he challenges.

  Now I’m in a pickle. I can either brave it out and just say it or I can back off and maybe even stop with the constant teasing. Sucking in a deep breath I reach for my glass of iced tea, giving myself a moment to form my words.

  “It’s nothing.” I finally say setting my glass down and pushing it away. I’m happy when he doesn’t push for more but gives me a soft smile and returns to his food. I do the same, determined to stop teasing him so much
and to just let what is going to happen unfold naturally. Feeling better, and slightly less crazy, we finish our dinner in companionable silence.

  The server brings our check and Travis reaches for his wallet.

  “Do you want dessert or anything?” He asks me. He never misses an opportunity to offer me food. Right now it’s endearing, but if I’m not careful I’m going to end up gaining more weight than I should.

  “Yes please. Could I get a piece of the chocolate cream pie to go?” I ask the server. She nods and hurries away while Travis chuckles. It’s probably a good thing that he keeps dragging me to work out with him.

  It’s the first evening that we have gone straight home after dinner. Travis has been taking me back to the office so that he can work on cases, while I read on the e-reader that he bought me. I can’t help but admire his dedication. It’s just one more facet of his personality that draws me in. So far, the only thing I don’t like is his stubborn ability to keep me at arms length.

  “Want to watch a movie?” I ask as we walk in the door. Max greets us with happy wiggles before running out into the dark to take care of his business.

  “Sure, Sweetpea. Why don’t you go find something while I wait for Max.” he says, standing just inside the open door.

  “Ok.” I sing out, “But don’t be upset if I pick something Disney.” I can’t help it. I love Disney movies. I always have. Even now, they are my guilty pleasure.

  “It’s not like I haven’t ever watched a Disney movie with you,” he responds with a laugh. It’s true. I’m sure he must have almost died of boredom when I was ten. I must have made him watch Lilo and Stitch a hundred times that year. It’s still my favorite so I turn on the tv and look for it. He has it saved on his DVR! Yay! We are so going to watch it. For old times sake. Pausing the movie I snuggle into the soft cushions of the couch to wait and pull the fuzzy blanket off the back to cover myself against the slight chill in the room.

  “Cold?” Travis asks a couple minutes later as he comes into the room and crossing to light the gas fireplace. The dim glow of the flickering flames casts dancing shadows across the floor cozily.

  “Just a little,” I tell him scooting closer to him as he sits down and props his feet up on the coffee table. With a smile he wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me against his side and tucking the blanket more snugly around me. Contentment floods through me making me oddly sleepy. Yawning, I press play on the remote and feel his laugh vibrating in his chest when he sees what movie I picked.

  “You have it saved on your tv,” I defend my selection.

  “Yes, baby, I do. It was your favorite movie.”

  Pleased that he remembers that I turn my head and kiss his bulging bicep where it’s holding me and settle more heavily against his warmth to watch my movie with another wide yawn. His chin rests lightly on the top of my head and I can feel his whiskers catch on the loose strands of hair. This is the best feeling in the world. Warm. Safe. Cherished.

  I wake up later to the sounds of the movie credits as I’m being lifted into strong arms. I don’t remember much of the movie, so I must have fallen asleep pretty early on. It’s all the food and exercise. I never sleep so much.

  “I missed the whole thing,” I complain quietly, looping my arms loosely around his neck as I cuddle closer to his wide chest.

  “You did,” He agrees, dropping a quick kiss to the top, of my head.

  “Sorry about that,” I mumble, a little embarrassed, but not sure why.

  “It’s ok. You need your sleep,” he murmurs softly. The click of Max’s toenails follows behind us like a quiet sentinel. It’s amazing how safe I feel knowing that Max is watching me whenever Travis can’t be by my side. Becca has told me all about him. She loves dogs as much as I do and even has two of her own. Travis thinks she’s crazy to have two, considering that she lives in a school bus that she has turned into a tiny house. I haven’t seen it yet, but she has promised to have me over once we get back from taking Ana to Vegas. I think she is going to be my friend and that makes me happier than I can really express. I’ve lived such a solitary life for so long that realizing that I can make friends for the first time in my life is a heady feeling.

  Bubbling with happiness, I tighten my hold on Travis as we reach the top of the stairs. He glances down at me with a small grin, showcasing that dimple again. I want to kiss it so badly so I screw up my courage and do it. His stubble rough against my lips making them tingle from the slight abrasion. It feels so good. Without thinking I rub my soft flesh against him savoring the contrast of our textures.

  He groans at my caress, the sound primal and deep. I do it again, nuzzling him with my lips as I part them slightly and let the very tip of my tongue explore the sexy little divot. I have been wanting to do that for way longer than I will ever admit.

  Another deep rumble of approval vibrates against my breasts, pressed firmly against him in my efforts to get as close to him as is humanly possible. My nipples tingle and I feel them harden under the tank and sweater that I’m wearing. Closing my eyes with a whimper, I lift my face, offering my mouth to him. My heartbeat throbs in my veins. I can feel the flush crawling up my throat and cheeks when he doesn’t make a move to take what I’m so clearly offering to him.

  Another long moment passes and shame washes over me. Clearly I’ve been reading everything wrong. Opening my eyes my gaze clashes with his sapphire blue one before skittering away.

  “I’m sorry.” I mumble, pulling away and squirming to be let down. It’s no wonder I read him wrong, I haven’t ever been close enough to a man to know anything about this attraction stuff. And if I’m honest, even if there had been an opportunity I wouldn’t have done anything about it because I was stupidly saving myself for this man. The one I can’t seem to stop acting like a fool around.

  “Let me down Travis.” My voice shakes with the effort it takes for me not to cry. I’m humiliated by how badly I have misread this entire situation. Even if he did kiss me. Twice. And told me he loves me. Maybe that was just the heat of the moment. The newness of finding me. Now that things are settling down he’s not made one move toward me. Not one kiss, not a single touch that could be construed as anything other than friendly.

  His arms tighten around me, limiting my movements.

  “Please put me down.” My voice cracks and a tear slides down my cheek. “Please.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Her choice of movie couldn’t have been more perfect. Even if I tried I couldn’t count the number of times that I watched it with Faye tucked under my arm giggling at the antics of Experiment 626. Tonight was my all time favorite viewing. Faye fell asleep just minutes into the movie, but I sat up watching the whole damn thing. Sure, I could have switched channels, but it was nice to listen to the familiar dialogue with her small body resting heavily against mine. For the first time in days she finally stopped blatantly trying to tempt me and I am finally able to let down my guard. So I take advantage and gently pull her warm weight onto my lap. With her sleeping so sweetly in my arms it’s easy to set aside the rampant desire I feel for her and just enjoy holding her.

  A little over an hour later I rise from the couch, my cuddly burden still in my arms, intending to tuck her into bed and make my way back to the sofa in my office. It’s not the most comfortable place to sleep, but it’s safer than sleeping in my own bed. I probably should have bought a bed for the spare room but I never took the time. Never have overnight guests so there was no real reason. The stiff muscles in my back and neck have me regretting that decision.

  I know that Faye is awake when her arms loop lazily around my neck and she grumbles about missing her movie. I know I’m in trouble by the time I reach the top of the stairs. When she nuzzles my face like a sweet little kitten, then kisses my dimple and tastes it with the hot point of her tongue, I have no idea how I’m going to deposit her in my bed and walk away from her. I can’t help my desperate groan of need. She smiles up at me with so muc
h trust and hope shining in her exquisite amber eyes before they drift shut and she sweetly presents that sweet, lush mouth for me to take.

  With my composure fracturing, I wrestle with my urge to take what is being offered. I have to look away for a moment to take calming breaths. Until her small voice apologizing takes me by surprise. How long have I been standing here trying to pull myself together?

  She wiggles in my embrace.

  “Let me down, Travis,” she demands, her voice quivering. I tighten my arms and she wiggles more.

  “Please, put me down,” her voice is even more broken and I watch a fat teardrop roll down her cheek. “Please.”

  It’s her second please that breaks through my stubborn idea that I know what is best for her. She needs me and I’m hurting her by holding myself back from her because of my misguided idea that she doesn’t know what she wants. It’s obvious that she does. She isn’t a child I need to protect from myself. She is a grown woman who clearly knows what she wants. Who she wants. By some miracle, who she wants is me, and I’m fucking everything up by treating her as if she isn’t smart enough to know her own heart and mind. I told her that I love her and she returned the words without hesitation and I’ve been withholding my affection from her.

  Fuck! I hope she can forgive me for being a stupid asshole.

  “No.” I growl the word and she freezes. “I’m not putting you down. You belong right here. In. My. Arms.” I punctuate the last words with kisses against her silky cheeks tasting the bitter salt of her tears. I finish by slanting my mouth over hers, swallowing her little squeak of surprise.

  My tongue teasingly licks at the seam of her lips, begging for admittance. When they part allowing it to sweep inside, I can’t stop my broken groan. The taste of her mouth is the greatest prize I’ve ever won.

  “Why?” she gasps, pulling back slightly. Her eyes are still glazed with tears, her lips swollen and red. She is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.


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