Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2) Page 3

by Lea Hart

  “Caid, I’m not going to start anything with you, and maybe it’s time you moved on.”

  “I’m not moving anywhere, so just go on your stupid date with book boy. Because the sooner you get over the picture in your head, the sooner you’re going to see that it’s me you want.”

  “He could be the love of my life.”

  “That’s about as possible as Milton the squirrel giving up.”

  Looking up at the little brown ball of fur, she let out a laugh. “We’ve been sizing each other up for weeks, so you may have a point. He sits on the fence that faces the kitchen window and stares me down while I do dishes, and I don’t think he’s near ready to stop.”

  “Guess he knows what he likes.”

  “Seems so. But now that he’s gotten bold enough to make his way into the house, I need to up my game and show him who’s boss.”

  “If anyone can do it, you can since you’ve been trying to boss me from the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “As if it’s done me a bit of good.”

  “Doesn’t make the effort any less impressive.”

  Leaning over, she lifted his arm and checked his watch. “I should get going since I’m meeting some friends at the beach for a surf sesh.”

  “You surf?”

  “Why do you look so surprised?”

  “Didn’t think a book nerd could be synonymous with a surf chick.”

  “Sure it can.”

  “Should I run home and get my board and join you?”


  “Want to think about it for more than five seconds?”

  “I thought you were from Texas.”

  “I’m from Galveston and have been surfing since I was a kid.”

  “Color me surprised. I was picturing you as a cowboy, not a grommet who spent his time at the beach.”

  “My grandparents have a cattle ranch in West Columbia, and I spent a lot of time with them, so I actually have a little cowboy in me.”

  “Surfer, cowboy, SEAL…what else should I know about you?”

  “Dump the professor and spend the day with me and I’ll give you the full list.”

  More tempted than she could admit, she scooted away and crossed her legs. “Do you usually surf near the base?”

  “Your non-answer and lousy non-sequitur tells me you’d love nothing more than spending time together.”

  Standing, she crossed her arms. “Thanks for the donuts and help with Milton.”

  “You running from me, Court?”

  “No, I’m slowly walking away since you’re flirting, and donuts are messing with my indifference.”

  He tipped his chin and grinned. “You’ve never been indifferent toward me, and we both know that.”

  “Bye, Caid.” She gave him a small nod and ignored his laughter. Wrapping herself in a big blanket of self-denial, she closed the door and told herself that all the jumbled-up emotions in her chest meant nothing.


  Caid strode into the library and decided seeing Courtney once a week wasn’t going to cut it. The seven days separating his last visit had left his temper frayed and his good manners nothing but a distant memory.

  He waved to the woman who was in charge of the information desk and kept his pace, hoping that he wasn’t too late to catch Court for an afternoon coffee. Stopping at the entrance to the children’s area, he took a look around and noticed how quiet it was. “Must be a lull in the action,” he said to himself as he walked around a pile of stuffed animals.

  Spying Courtney at a corner table, he made his way over quickly and whistled when he got close. “I think you’re the prettiest librarian in the whole state.”

  She raised her eyes slowly from the pile of pipe cleaners she was sorting and tilted her head. “Did you get hit in the head this morning?”

  “No, but your smile has knocked me on my keester.” When she said nothing in response, he sat in the chair closest to her and leaned in. “Go ahead and smile ‘cause I know you want to.”

  She pushed her shoulder into his and let out a small laugh. “Have you come to harass me?”

  “No, I’m just checking on you. By my calculations, you should be well and done with that book boy and ready to take me on.”

  “Well, my friend, I hate to break it to you, but you need to go back to math class because you’ve come up with the wrong answer.”

  “For now,” he replied as he pulled a box of cardboard pieces closer. “What are you doing with all this stuff?”

  “Sorting and organizing.”

  “The smile on your face tells me you’re in a happy place.”

  She hitched her shoulder, keeping her eyes down. “I do enjoy a certain amount of order.”

  “Well then, let me get you some.” He looked at the different boxes on the table and cracked his knuckles. “Which one do you want me to tackle?”

  “Caid, you don’t have to help. I’m sure you have a million other things to occupy your time.”

  “Nothing more important than sitting next to you, so give me an assignment or I’ll make one up for myself.”

  “You can separate the cardboard by size.”

  “You got it, boss.” Moving his chair closer, he felt her leg brush against his and wondered if she was experiencing the same electricity he was. “What’s going to happen with all these supplies?”

  “We’ll be making robots after story time on Thursday.”

  “Maybe I’ll come and hang out and let Caspian know he’s got some competition.”

  “He only comes on Tuesday, so you’ll have to save your chest-beating for another time.”

  He let out a bark of laughter and noticed she was biting back a smile. “I think your resistance is evaporating with every charming thing that falls from my lips.”

  “Or just becoming stronger.”

  “The flush on your cheeks is telling me that’s a lie, but I’m not going to make a big deal about it ‘cause that would be bad manners and probably just make you dig your heels in deeper.”

  “Quit flirting and tell me something about an average day in the life of a SEAL.”

  “Ain’t no average days on the Teams, which is why I knew it was the place for me.”

  “So the whole infil, hit target, mission complete, exfil doesn’t get boring day in and day out?”

  “Woah, didn’t know you were so well-informed.”

  “I watch a lot of shows.”

  “Well, colored me impressed.”

  “Smart ass!”

  “And I know you love it,” he replied with a smile. “To answer your question, yeah, that’s what happens a lot of times…unless conditions are not favorable. And considering conditions are hardly ever that, we’re guaranteed not to rinse and repeat the same thing day in and day out.”


  “Sometimes we’re going into airspace that’s restricted, so we have to HAHO into the DZ, five or ten clicks outside of the area. When that happens, we’re likely to come across some patrols, which usually results in contact, and we both know what that means.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Things get interesting,” he replied with a wink. “That restricted airspace I referred to earlier also means we’ve got no ISR, so unless we’ve got a Raven to launch, we’re shit out of luck and operating blind. But, yeah…like you said, infil, hit target, exfil—it ain’t no thing and just another easy day on the Teams.”

  Courtney looked around and then laughed. “Guess our work days are a little different.”

  “Yeah, and I’ve got to admit, I like the idea of you being in here with all the kids, books, and happy shit. It’s why I go out and do what I do.” Leaning over, he kissed her head. “Whatever sacrifice the guys and I make is so people like you can bring magic to a bunch of munchkins.”

  “That might be the finest thing anyone has ever said.”

  Doing his best not to overreact to how incredible her statement made him feel, he continued to separate the cardboard and mov
ed a tiny bit closer to his target. When she melted into him just a fraction, he knew their day was coming. All he had to do was be patient. “Maybe we should each make a robot and see if you have enough stuff.”

  “I’d like that, Caid.”

  Looking down, he noticed the smile she had pointed in his direction hit her eyes. “Me too, Court.” He returned his focus to the scraps of cardboard and decided an afternoon with his girl making robots was better than having a winning lottery ticket.


  Courtney finished painting her toenails and then watched her best friend, Lisa, water the flower beds in the little courtyard of their triplex. They were deep into August, and most of the plants they’d put in at the beginning of June were thriving. Which is not a word she could use to describe her dating life, despite the fact that she was seeing a nice man.

  “How are things going with the professor?” Lisa called out over her shoulder.

  “They’re…good. He’s intelligent, well read, has a lovely manner, and witty repartee.” Looking up, she narrowed her eyes. “And, unfortunately, the sex drive of a panda.”

  “That might be one of the strangest statements you’ve ever made.”

  “Hardly,” Courtney replied. “I recently did some research for an author and discovered that male pandas have a short window when they’re interested in breeding. It was long believed that only the female pandas experienced it, but it seems the boys do as well. It’s a miracle the breed hasn’t become extinct.”

  “So, your professor is a boy panda with a low sex drive?”

  “Yes.” Pushing her legs out, she flexed her feet. “We’ve been dating for a month and have only made out and done some light petting. It’s so frustrating since he’s got an amazing bod that I have yet to get a real glimpse of.”

  “Is he playing hard to get?”

  “Not sure.”

  Turning off the water, Lisa coiled the hose, then took a seat next Courtney and picked up the bottle of polish. “Maybe you need to give him clearer signals.”

  “I answered the door in my robe the other day, and then sat next to him on the couch, and do you know what he did?”


  “Nada. His eyes didn’t darken, his breathing never changed, and his smile was as polite as ever. It was the most depressing thirty minutes of my life.”

  “Wow, that is discouraging. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going out with him one more time, and I’ll lay it on the line. If he just wants to be friends, then I need to know, so I can go out and find someone else to satisfy my sexual needs.”

  “Is Caid still stopping by the library and calling you?”

  “Yes,” she replied rolling her eyes. “I’ve told him over and over again that I’m dating someone, and he acts like it means nothing and just said he’d wait until I was singled up. Whatever that means.”

  Lisa let out a laugh and shook her head. “Typical SEAL. They seem to ignore anything that doesn’t fit the picture in their head.”

  “That’s exactly what Caid has done.”

  “Is it annoying or intriguing?”

  “I’m not sure,” she replied as she took the bottle of nail polish back and started on a second coat.

  “At least you know he’d react if you answered the door in your robe.”

  “The man is practically a walking sex machine since he gets all hot and bothered when he sees me at the library in my work dresses. He’s tried to talk me into going into the stacks to do naughty things more times than I can count.”

  “Have you been tempted?”

  “How honest do I have to be?”

  “As honest as I am with you.”

  Courtney twisted her mouth together and looked over. “More than a little.”

  Lisa leaned back on her hands and let out a sigh. “Those men are so damn irresistible. If they weren’t so incredible, it would be really annoying.”

  “Are you thinking of keeping Ace?”

  Covering her face, Lisa let out a groan. “Yes, and I’ll probably not want to let go either.”

  Sitting up, she took her best friend’s hand. “You’ve never said that before.”

  “I know, and believe me, I’m freaking the freak out but know I don’t have a choice.”

  “What about his ex-girlfriend and baby situation? What if it’s his and you get to co-parent a kid with Victoria?”

  “I haven’t given it much thought, to be honest, since Ace is confident that it’s not his child.”

  “Well, think about it before you totally hand over your heart and confess your feelings. If you can handle being a step-parent from the word go, then, by all means, go right ahead. But if you have a shred of doubt, you need to think long and hard before you fall completely.”

  “You’re right, Court. I think I’ve been in denial this whole time, thinking the situation would resolve itself neatly.”

  “It might, but if it doesn’t, then you need to be ready.”

  “God, I’m such a donkey. I got caught up in the whirlwind without really thinking what I was getting into, and now it’s almost too late.”

  “It’s never too late and maybe it won’t even become an issue.”

  “And when do things ever not become an issue?”

  “In romcoms,” Courtney replied with a laugh.

  “Which is why we love them.”

  “Want to watch one tonight and make pasta or something?”


  Capping the bottle of polish, she stretched out her legs. “Do you think the road to love should be easy?”

  “I do, but that doesn’t mean it’s possible.”

  “I wish my professor was more into me because he looks like who I thought I’d end up with.”

  “Maybe he is and is just being super respectful.”

  “If that’s being respectful, then I’ll pass because it just feels frustrating. I think a man can respect me and still be a filthy animal in bed. In fact, that’s what I’d prefer.”

  “Then you need to update the picture in your head because the nerdy men you’ve been going out with don’t have a filthy bone in their body.”

  “I know. I guess I was just hoping that I’d eventually find my gentleman by day and pervert by night, but maybe it’s not possible.”

  “I think it is; he just may not come in a package you immediately recognize.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “I’m definitely right.”

  “Would you have gone out with Ace if you met him in town and not in the middle of a war zone?”

  “Probably. I was smitten from the moment I saw him, despite all his yelling and fussing, so if he’d been charming and sexy, then there’s no doubt.”

  Courtney gave her friend a smile and thought about the man she’d been resisting and wondered how much longer she was going to last, especially if her panda man turned out to be a bust.

  “Let’s go grab a bottle of wine from Olive Market and some bread and then we’ll make dinner.”

  “Sounds perfect; I’ll get my purse and then we can go.”

  Courtney heaved herself off the step and thought about the man who’d been filling her dreams and knew it was a damn shame it wasn’t the one she’d been dating.


  Caid heard his name and glanced over his shoulder and saw Jax saunter over. All the frog hogs packing the tables in Danny’s bar took note, and he guessed his friend could scoop more than one up before the end of the evening.

  He probably could as well, but since it held absolutely no appeal, he let go of the thought. “You feel all those eyes on you?”

  “Sure, but since none of them wanted me dead, I didn’t pay much attention.”

  Signaling to the bartender, he put up two fingers and watched Jax slide onto the barstool next to him. “You want to get a burger here or head over to Nicky Rottens and grab some grub there?”

  “I’m about to chew my arm off, so I vote for staying pu

  “Roger that.”

  “I thought Ace was going to join us?”

  “He called and said he was running late, so he should be here in a few.” Caid nodded to the bartender as he slid their drinks over and listened to Jax put in their orders. Lifting his beer, he took a gulp and realized there were few people in the world who knew him well enough to get his burger order exactly right. “You’re coming up for reenlistment; have you decided what you’re going to do?”

  “I’m staying in and praying I’ve got another three years before my shoulder gives out and makes it impossible for me to operate.”

  “I thought that’s what you’d do but wasn’t sure if the lure of the big bucks Max is paying his operators over at SAI would be too tempting.”

  “Had a long talk with him when we got back last month and decided I wasn’t ready to walk away from team life. I’ll have plenty of years to make bank, so I’m in no rush.”

  “Me either and I’m hoping my knees don’t give me any trouble.”

  “We sound like a bunch of old men.” Jax looked from side to side. “Remember when we were newly minted and were sure our bodies would never break down?”

  “Yeah, and there’s a part of me that wishes I could go back and do it all over again.”

  “Groundhog day for SEALs.”

  “Yeah, that would be fucking awesome,” Caid commented as two women waved at them from across the bar. Turning toward Jax, he ignored them and picked up his beer.

  “Thought you’d be up for reconning targets.”

  “Doesn’t hold any appeal.”

  “You still waiting on that librarian?”


  “Never thought I’d see the day when you’d wait on anything, much less a woman to get singled up.”

  “Didn’t think it was possible myself, but I can’t let go of Courtney until I know for sure it won’t work.” Seeing Ace approach, he lifted his hand in greeting. “Didn’t think you’d get a hall-pass for a Sunday night.”


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