His Hostage: A Dark Romance

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His Hostage: A Dark Romance Page 12

by Penelope Woods

  Jeffco socks me in the arm and looks me in the eyes. “You fool,” he says. “We’re all involved in this, and it ain’t your fault, dammit. They killed Ash. They broke the pact. They’re in violation of the rules we set in stone a decade ago.”

  Iago speaks up now, taking Jeffco’s stance. “I know I don’t want to go back to how it was back then, before everything became steady. Shit was scary then. You never knew when a petty retaliation would disrupt your gang. Things aren’t perfect now. But they’re better.”

  “What are we? The United Nations?” I scoff. “If we’re serious about this fight, we have to admit we can’t go out to battle, yet. We need more people.”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Iago smiles.

  “I think I am,” I say, patting his shoulder. “The Hell Squadron?”

  He nods. “The Hell Squadron. They’re a bunch of freaks, but they get shit done.”

  “Fucking hillbillies is what they are.” I laugh. “You’re right, though. They’ve got enough men to take on a state police squad. You know where they are right now?”

  “They’re constantly moving,” Iago says. “I haven’t heard from them in ages. I can send a man out to find them, maybe. Once you’re in their territory, they make themselves known.”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I don’t want to risk anyone else’s life. I’ll go by myself. Just tell me where I need to look, and I’ll do it alone.”

  “Like hell, you will,” Jeffco starts in. “I’m going with you. I need some excitement in my life. Plus, I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for Andy. He’d have done the same.”

  I nod.

  Iago grabs my shoulder. “Me too. You’ll need me, anyway. I know this area like the back of my hand. Without me, you’ll get turned around. We need to err on the side of caution. There’s going to be Hunters everywhere.”

  “Fuck,” I sigh. “Alright. This is a crew.”

  “What about your girl?” Iago asks.

  Jeffco chuckles.

  “My girl seems just about done with this type of life. I don’t know what she’ll want to do, but I don’t imagine she’ll be too keen on coming with.”

  “What the hell are you saying about me?” I hear her voice come after she slams the door open with enough fury to kill a man. “I’m coming with, you dolt.”

  “You’re coming?” I ask her, shocked.

  “I don’t have a choice, do I?” she asks, holding her hand against her hip.

  She looks hot, but she’s pissed as all hell. I don’t know whether to kiss her or run.

  “You should stay here, honey,” Jeffco says to her.

  She pushes his head and walks toward me.

  “I’m not staying alone with all these creeps,” she says. “Fuck that. No way. I’m coming with, but I’ll need a gun.”

  “A gun?” Jeffco scoffs. “Hey, just because you got lucky and shot a few guys, doesn’t mean we’re just going to give you a gun.”

  I give her one of my pistols, and Jeffco groans loudly.

  She says, “I saved your life. It wasn’t luck. Now, if you want me to continue to be a good shot, you’ll set up some bottles and train me to shoot.”

  We sit around the table, wide-eyed and on the verge of laughter. It’s not condescending laughter, it’s just that we’re surprised she’s bossing us around like this. This woman from Pennsylvania wants to learn how to shoot a man.

  She’s not fiery. She’s ice cold.

  She sits on my lap. “I’m going back to Pennsylvania. I’m sorry, Rowan. But I have to do it,” she says.

  My heart drops.

  “But first, I’m fixing this shit with you. The Hunters tried to rape and kill me days ago. I’m not going to let them get away with that. They can’t win this battle.”

  “Well, alright,” Iago says. “It’s settled then. Let’s teach this woman how to shoot.”

  I take her hand. “You’re leaving?”

  She tenses and looks down. “Can we talk about this later?”

  I exhale sharply. “Fine.”

  She grabs four bottles and walks outside, hips rocking back and forth. This time, the sight brings me melancholy.

  I thought I had someone. Was I wrong?

  She sets the bottles on the wood barrier of the compound and walks back toward the kitchen.

  Iago runs inside to warn the guys that they might hear some loud gunshots. She takes aim and fires six bullets.

  Two out of four bottles crash open.

  “Not bad,” I remark. Really, she’s not a bad shot.

  “I’ve been hunting with my dad and his friends before. It’s been a while, but it’s like riding a bike, right?”

  Jeffco laughs. “This woman is full of surprises, ain’t she?” he asks.

  “Yeah. Lots of surprises,” I say.

  “Shouldn’t have been much of a surprise,” she says.

  “News flash, sweetheart. Not everyone is a mind reader,” I mutter.

  She groans. “I’m not done shooting,” she says, firmly.

  I walk toward the fridge. “Guess we’ll have to drink more and set up some bottles,” I say.

  I take a whole 18-pack and bring it outside, feeling the cold tips of the bottles scrape against my fingers.

  She grabs them in a hurry and sets them up. As soon as she’s back in place, she takes aim.

  Like an idiot, I come up behind her before she can pull the trigger, placing my hands around her waist. “Whoa there. Take a second before shooting,” I say. “Feel the moment.”

  She drops her stance and glances at me angrily. “Am I going to have a second when I’m out there, and a guy has a rifle pointed at my face?” she asks. “Am I going to have a second if I get shot in the leg?”

  “Well—” I start to speak, but she’s on a roll of interruptions now.

  “Am I going to have a second if they’ve surrounded us in an enclosure?” she asks.

  “I guess not, but—”

  “Exactly. I won’t have that luxury. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to take the damn shot,” she says.

  “Aha!” Iago shouts. “Strength. I love it.”

  She pulls the trigger, and the bullets crash into the bottles. This time, they all shatter.

  She takes another breath and aims at a bird house in the corner of the property. She pulls the trigger, and the splinters go flying.

  “There. That’s how you shoot a gun,” she says, walking back inside.

  “Well, fuck me,” Jeffco whispers.

  “I think we’re ready,” I say, patting him on the back.

  “We leave in the morning,” Iago says.

  I can only hope she stays.



  Tensions are high when you’re stuck with this many men in a house, under the threat of a terrifying gang from south of the border.

  Before we leave, I practice my marksmanship some more, until I feel like I’m truly ready. Rowan is there with me the whole time.

  I have to admit, our relationship has turned into something pretty unexplainable. I can’t put my finger on what we are, but it’s something much worse than Bonnie & Clyde.

  When we leave, the rest of the gang protests to come with, but Iago warns them this isn’t a war we can currently win.

  “They’re out for blood, and they have a good amount of men. Do we have more? Yeah, we do. But I’d rather make sure all of you live to see the light of day. The more men we can gather, the better. By the end of this, we’ll have a full-blown army. How does that sound to you?” he asks.

  “Sounds like you’re scared we’ll lose this thing,” one of the men says. “I’d rather not lose the captain of our gang. If one of us has to go, send me instead. I’ll gladly give my life for the rest of my brothers.”

  “Here, here,” some of the men say in agreement. The rest grumble and smoke their cigarettes.

  Iago shakes his head. “I need you to keep the machine going. No police activity right now. We can’t take
the heat. Keep the wheels clean. We need food, more weapons, and as much supplies as we can get. This could get ugly. I’m talking about surgical kits, grenades, and anything else you can think of,” he says.

  The men nod in agreement. “This is how you prepare for battle, boys,” Rowan says. “The fun part is on the horizon.”

  The fun part…

  “We’ll light those bastards up!” one of the men yells. Some of the guys laugh. Some stay silent.

  “We’re headed out,” Iago says. “Keep the fort safe. I wouldn’t put it past Kaine to try and pull a fast one, despite the measures we’ve put in place.”

  When we step outside, the sun is brighter than I’ve ever seen it so far, and I realize this is the first time in a good while that I’ve been outside in daylight, in a long time.

  We get in the car and head in the opposite direction, toward the elusive Hell Squadron, wherever they may be.

  “The guys don’t think I can fight,” I tell them.

  “You’ve got a lot to prove, unfortunately.” Iago says. “You’re wearing a dress. They’re not used to that kind of thing. Around here, run things a little differently.”

  “It’s the only clothes I have,” I tell them. “This and that fucking pair of lingerie.”

  “Lingerie?” Jeffco asks.

  Rowan looks at Jeffco with annoyance. “Shut up.”

  “I thought ahead on that. There’re some jeans in that bag next to you,” Iago says. “They’re my ex’s clothes. You have a similar figure. They should fit.”

  “I’m not going to put them on in front of you guys,” I say.

  “We ain’t lookin’,” Jeffco says.

  Rowan turns to him and says, “Good. ‘Cause if you were, I’d have to break that jaw of yours.”

  He’s mad. For good reason, too. But he’s still trying.

  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

  He turns to me after and mutters, “Go ahead. They’re not going to look at you. I’ll make sure of that.”

  I slip out of my dress, trying to cover my breasts as much as possible. For the first time, Rowan doesn’t check me out.

  Why do we have to be doing this right now? Why can’t I just be back home, with him over top of me, thrusting his cock inside of me?

  Pennsylvania would be nice with him in it.

  I pull up the jeans, and they surprisingly fit pretty well on me. Inside the bag is a tight shirt I put on, and I’m feeling pretty okay about this.

  “I liked you better in the dress,” Jeffco says.

  Rowan slaps him in the face and grabs his cheek. “Treat my girl with respect,” he says.

  There it is. My girl. I guess that’s my fault for saying that the other night. I like to jump full force into my emotions, and it gets me into trouble.

  We drive until night hits, finally pulling over near a big desert valley. I never knew there was a network of backroads in the desert, but I know now.

  They’ve created a whole system out here. Rowan and Iago know it fairly well.

  “To our right should be an area with a well. We can camp out here for the night,” he says.

  We get out of the car and grab our things. I’ve never been camping out in the desert before. I’m sure it’ll be a night to remember.

  I close my eyes and feel the cold air against my face. For a second, I actually feel myself smile. When I block out everything else, things feel right. Under the stars, everything feels a bit more real.

  Jeffco trips over a small boulder. “Can’t see a damn thing,” he says.

  He’s right. It’s pitch black out here, blacker than any night in any city or town. Out here, you have to rely on your other senses.

  Rowan pitches a tent in a corner spot near some bigger rocks. The guys take one look at us and laugh, throwing their tent up in an opposite spot.

  It’s not as funny as it should be.

  “What the hell do you think we’re going to do out here?” Rowan calls out.

  “I know what you’re going to do out here,” Jeffco snorts. “Don’t play no games.”

  Their jokes only makes things more awkward. In fact, it fucking sucks.

  I head through the tent opening, throwing my pillow inside. “Ugh,” I groan, laying down. “It’s been a long week.”

  Rowan jumps in, throwing his bag behind him, using it as a pillow. “It’s almost over.”

  “How can you be so sure?” I ask.

  “I can feel it,” he says. “If we get the Hell Squadron behind us, there won’t be any stopping us. It’ll be a fucking coup.”

  “And what if they don’t? Does that mean we came out here for nothing?” I ask, feeling nervous about the whole situation.

  He sighs and looks down. “Then, we’ll have to reassess. If that happens, we might just have to fight and see who comes out ahead,” he says.

  “They play dirty, Rowan,” I say.

  “I know they do. Why are we talking about this right now?” he asks me. “Let’s talk about better things, like whether or not you want me still.”

  He eyes me very carefully, and I feel the guilt start to weigh over my shoulders. “Oh,” I mutter. “That.”

  “Yeah, that,” he says. “Come on. Did you think you’d just be able to get away with what you said? You have to let me know what the hell is going on, woman. If you don’t, I think I’ll just about lose my mind.”

  “Look, I don’t know what I want, okay?” I say. “I just know that I can’t do this forever. I can’t keep running from one major problem to another. I can’t have the pressure of a loaded gun pointed at me every single day of my life. You’re right to judge me, I guess. I didn’t have the cushy lifestyle like you think, but I sure as hell didn’t roam the plains with men holding rifles.”

  He should understand. This whole thing is obviously crazy.

  “That’s a funny image,” he says. “And I get it. You’re homesick.”

  “It’s more than that,” I say. “It’s just everything. I came here for—”

  “Peace and quiet. I know,” he says, grinning. He reaches over and brushes the hair out of my eyes. “And I ruined that dream. Doesn’t make you any less cute. Doesn’t mean I can’t stop liking you so damn much.”

  I feel myself blush. “You like me?”

  “Are you kidding me? Of course I like you. What’s not to like?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. I always thought that maybe you just wanted to fuck me, or something. You guys seem to get tired of women pretty fast,” I say.

  “Maybe they do, but I’ve always been different,” he says, hand falling against mine. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s crazy, but I like you a lot. I like your tenacity, your willpower, and the connection you have to your home, even if there is some bad shit back there.”

  “I like you too,” I whisper.

  He leans in and kisses me. Tenderly, His lips close in around mine, and his tongue slowly slides inside my mouth. I breathe and taste him, as if this could all end in a second.

  Our hearts beat in rhythm.

  “You feel that?” he asks me.

  I nod.

  Tears form around his eyes. “If you leave here and head back home to those green pastures, I’ll understand. But I won’t forget you. I won’t forget this. There’s not much else that’s good in this world. At least, not for me.”

  I look down again, trying to find the right words to say. In the end, I just kiss him. That’s all I want to do.

  I kiss him harder and faster, until I’m on top of him, feeling his chest against my breasts. I pull back and say, “I’m sorry for last night. I’m sorry for saying I want to leave. I want to make it up to you.”

  “You don’t have to,” he says. “You don’t need to feel any guilt. I kept you in a damn hole for nearly a week, remember?”

  “I want to,” I say, unbuckling his pants. I slip the button through the hole. I zip down and reach inside, staring into his eyes. I feel his hard cock against my palm and instantly grow wet.

p; I want to make him feel good about this. I want him to feel like he can take on the world.

  I fall further down, dragging my lips across his stomach and pelvis. I kiss his skin and pull his jeans down. His cock bounces onto his stomach, and he moans quietly, holding my hair up.

  I let my saliva fall onto his shaft, using my hands to glide it around him. I hold his girth in my hand, rotating it slowly. He looks like he’s in heaven.

  I bend my head and wrap my lips around his thick and throbbing cock. I slowly swallow every inch, until I reach his balls. He thrusts, forcing me to taste him.

  I pull up and take a breath, smiling and running my tongue up and down to his balls.

  I push forward again and feel him grow inside my mouth. “You’re so beautiful,” he tells me.

  The soft skin of his hard crown pushes against my tongue and I start to work him.

  “Touch your clit,” he commands.

  I do, and he digs deeper.

  The more I taste him, the more I want. I keep him in my throat for as long as I can, proving I can give him everything.

  “Keep working that clit,” he says.

  I feel my legs start to shake, and realize I really like this guy. Despite all his shortcomings, he really seems to care about me. That’s what does it for me.

  I come, nearly losing my balance. My mouth hangs open, and he thrusts forward three times, groaning, “Oh, fuck.”

  My skin prickles and my body struggles to keep on my knees. I hear an almost painful like sound coming from him, and when I look at him with my blurry vision, his mouth is open just like mine.

  He comes inside my throat, and I swallow it on gulp.

  I want to make him feel strong. I want him to cherish these moments because we don’t know what’s going to happen.

  I kiss up his chest.

  “Fuck. I just want this to last forever,” he says.

  “Me too.” I keep kissing him. “Who says it can’t?”

  No sooner than we close our eyes, do we hear something rustle outside. Rowan quickly throws on his clothes, and I do the same.

  He holds his finger against his lips and glances outside, holding his pistol.


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