Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes)

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Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes) Page 18

by Billie Lustig

  A legacy for my brothers.

  Making sure they won’t have to do the things that I’ve had to do. Making sure that by the time they have their own families, they can be free, safe, and won’t have to worry about anything other than keeping their wives and children happy.

  I never wanted to walk this path myself, the one I’ve created for them, the one that includes a family and children. But if Kendall is another reason for me to get out, I’ll take it. I will take it because I want it all with her. I want to wake up next to her, put a ring on her finger, and fuck me one day I want to have kids with her. I feel stupid just thinking about it, and never in a million years would I have admitted this to myself if she wasn’t about to slip from my fingers.

  “Please,” I beg, looking into her troubled sapphire gaze. When she doesn’t answer, I suck in a deep breath and wonder if there’s more.

  “Is there something else you need to tell me?”

  She closes her eyes, and for a second I think she may. But then she shakes her head slowly, and even though I don’t believe her, I don’t push it.


  I squeeze her cold, dainty hands.

  “You can trust me, Kendall. Just stay with me.”

  Finally, she nods, then I press a bruising kiss on her lips while the cogs in my head spin, urging me to break the connection.

  “Actually, there is something I need to say to you,” she whispers, her red-rimmed, teary eyes breaking my heart.

  “Wait.” I hold out my palm, suddenly realizing what she’d said. “Did you say you’re in love with me?”

  She looks up, panic creeping into her eyes while I eagerly wait for her to answer my question.

  “I … I…” she stutters, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

  “Don’t be scared, pretty girl.” I cup her cheek and offer her what is hopefully a reassuring smile.

  “I think I am.” The words are rushed as she pushes out the words as if she’s afraid she may back out if she waits any longer. A laugh escapes my lips.

  “Good. Because this would’ve been really awkward if you weren’t.”

  “What would be really awkward?” She straightens her body on the bench, a questioning look shadowing her orbs.

  “Me telling you I love you,” I confess, while she blinks in response.

  Finally, a big smile splits her face. Her tears have started to subside, happiness now shining through her instead of fear. I did that. I stopped her panic from escalating and replaced it with joy.

  “You do? You love me?”

  I growl while I circle my arms around her waist, pressing her to my chest, wishing I could show her with how tightly I hold her, that I never want to let her go.

  “Yes, Kenny. I love you.” I look down at her, still holding her close while I feel my heart open for the first time in thirty-one years. Loving anyone other than my brothers has always been a liability, a weakness I couldn’t afford, so I’d never wanted it. But Kendall Ryan sneaked up on me, it’s fucking impossible not to love her.

  She’s beaming as she looks up at me, her cheek pressed against my chest.

  “I love you, too, Franklin Wolfe.”

  “Good answer.” I lean in and press a kiss against her soft, plump lips, vowing not to go another day without them.



  I walk over the Central Wharf, trying to take measured breaths to control my nerves. Last night was intense. Like fucked-up, shitfaced intense.

  This morning I woke up, realizing I need to put a stop to things with Emerson, or things will go to shit again real quick. I need to tell him he needs to pipe it down with his unexpected visits before he’s going to fuck up his own plan. I’m feeling more confident now that I know I have Franklin in my corner, but I still have to be careful about everything I do and say. If I fuck this up, it will cost me my life. And my brother’s.

  The salty wind makes my brown hair whisp in front of my face, and I’m reaching up to tuck it out of the way when I reach the bar.

  The Alabama Anchor.

  I push the door open, and I’m greeted by one of Emerson’s guys, who gives me a sinister nod. I raise an eyebrow, daring him to stop me as I keep walking through the room.

  Since the first day we arrived in Boston, this was where I spent most of my time. The inside is dingy and dirty. I cringe, wishing I’d never had to spend more than a minute here rather than the years I wasted between its walls. Now that Franklin has asked me to move in with him, I know that I’ll never live like this again. Never have to live in squalor or struggle under Emerson’s thumb again.

  It’s a small bar with room for no more than about twenty people at the same time, but that’s not the reason Emerson bought it before he packed us all up and moved us to Boston.

  No, it’s the door in the back, covered by a black, velvet curtain, that’s the real reason he bought this piece of shit bar in the first place. I push the curtain to the side, stepping over the threshold before I descend down the stairs. Before I reach the last step, my nose is greeted by the thick scent of cigars mixed with a hint of coffee. I hear the sound of at least two deep voices.

  Well, he’s definitely up.

  I check my watch while I push the door open farther, two sets of eyes looking at me in surprise. Or annoyance, I’m not sure.

  “You’re up?” I ask Emerson the obvious. “It’s only ten in the morning. I thought you’d definitely sleep in after the busy night you had.”

  Emerson’s tongue presses against his teeth as his lips lift in amusement.

  “Morning, sweetheart.” He leans back against the corner booth he’s sitting in while Cary gives me a suspicious glare. “Take a seat, have a coffee with us. Just like old times.”

  “Old times would be me bringing you coffee, and those days are over, Em.”

  “They don’t have to be?” He shoots me a wink, causing goosebumps to scatter across my body.

  How the hell did I ever fall in love with this douchebag?

  “I’m not sure your new girl would appreciate that.”

  “She’ll learn to share,” he shrugs. “Just like you did.”

  I guffaw at the reminder of exactly why he and I will never work. Not deeming his remark worthy of a response, I press my hands on the table and glower at him. His amber eyes brighten in excitement, apparently enjoying my new attitude.

  “What the fuck was that stunt last night, Emerson?”

  He licks his lips when his eyes move to my boobs, now at the perfect height for him to stare at them.

  Right, not the best move, Kendall.

  Deciding I have to go with it now anyway, I glance at my boobs before I roll my eyes at him.

  “Emerson!” I bark, slamming my fist on the table, trying to get his attention back.

  “Hmm?” His eyes find mine again, and I clench my jaw in annoyance.

  “What was that stunt?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  He brings his coffee cup to his lips and takes a slow sip, probably making me wait just to piss me off.

  Son of a bitch.

  Finally, he puts his cup back down and lounges back, his arms outstretched over the booth.

  “Just a friendly reminder.”

  “A friendly reminder?” I parrot, harshly, not hiding the fury in my tone.

  “The Wolfes need to start understanding that this is inevitable. Me taking over. Regardless of what collateral damage may occur because of it.”

  “Like Nigel.”

  “Was that his name?”

  “You are fucking unbelievable! You want me to gain his trust, to make sure I will get you your shot, but then you barge in unannounced, killing his men. That’s not fucking helping, Emerson.”

  His face goes rigid, and he leans his forward while narrowing his eyes at me.


  I know I’m in trouble when his hand quickly reaches for my jacket, forcefully pulling me closer to him.

  “Listen up, sweetheart. First, you
don’t tell me what to do. Second, I’ve been watching you. They have no clue you’re working for me. Unless you told one of those fuckers, but you wouldn’t do that, would you?” My stomach recoils in fear as the tip of his finger strokes my cheek.

  I shake my head frantically.

  “N … No, of course not.”

  The amount of lies I’ve been telling for the last few weeks is killing me, but I have no choice, it’s for the best.

  “Good.” I almost fall when he lets me go with a slight push. I quickly straighten, trying to create as much distance between us without running away. I quickly glance at Cary, who dons a smug grin while staring at me with his icy blue eyes.

  “Just keep doing what you’re doing, and everything will be fine. You got it?” Emerson considers me with that soulless look that still haunts me at night.

  I’m eager to get the fuck out of here, so I nod in agreement before I turn around to walk away.

  “Kendall?” he calls out when I reach the door to the stairs.

  “Y … yeah?” I answer, unable to keep my voice steady while I clutch the doorknob.

  “You’d be wise to make sure you’re not part of the collateral damage when shit goes down. Or your brother.”

  I just stare at him, willing the nervous feeling in my stomach to relax.

  I hate him. He fucked up my life for a long time, controlling me in every way he could. Trying to literally scare me to death, and even though I still fear him, I refuse to cower like I did before.

  My chin raises up before a slight smile forms on my face.

  “Of course, Emerson,” I reply before I race back up the stairs, getting out of this hellhole as quickly as I can.



  I walk out the front door of the mansion, met by my chauffeur.


  “Morning, sir. Where to?” He holds the car door open for me while I lower my head to get in.

  “The Peppercorn, please.”

  “Yes, sir.” He closes the door before he sits down behind the wheel and starts the car. We are driving for about a minute when my phone starts to vibrate.


  “Morning, brother.”

  “Get to Reign’s place. Now,” he barks, making me growl in response.

  “Excuse me?” I retort through my teeth, not appreciating being talked to like that.

  “Whatever, Franky. Just get over here.” He hangs up the phone before I can reply, making steam erupt from my ears.

  That little shithead.

  I sent a quick text to Kenny to tell her I’m running a few minutes late to lunch, as I’m not planning on making this stop last any longer than necessary.

  “Change of plans. Take me to Reign’s condo,” I inform my driver, who nods in response.

  I fold my hands in my lap while I peer out the window, fucking pissed off about my brother barking at me like he’s the fucking alpha. We all know who’s the one in charge here, and I don’t let anyone boss me around.

  Not even my brothers.

  Five minutes later, after having too much time to think, I’m even more furious when the car stops in front of Reign’s building and I’m storming out of the car with long strides. When I reach the top floor, I stomp out of the elevator, fuming when I enter the small condo.

  My eyes quickly find Reign, who gives me an apologetic look.

  Fuck. If Reign has emotions about it, shit must really be hitting the fan.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I growl when Killian strides in from the kitchen.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Killian repeats, his eyes ripe with fury. “Your girl is a fucking traitor, that’s what’s going on!” He’s yelling, his livid energy making him seem bigger than usual.

  My chest lifts with a weighted sigh, walking towards the window to stand next to Reign as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “Not this again,” I grumble while I lean my back against the window frame.

  “Yes, this again,” Killian shouts, his face turning redder by the second. “I told you! I told you, and you wouldn’t listen. Now Nigel is dead because of that bitch.”

  My hand reaches up, and I point a threatening finger at him, a fire igniting in me upon hearing my brother call Kendall a bitch.

  “I’m giving you one pass for calling her a bitch, but do it again, and I will rip your throat out.”

  “What?!” A vein twitches in his jaw. His fury is palpable. For a second, I think he may actually have a heart attack. “You’re still defending her—”

  “Shut up!” I roar. “Shut the FUCK up, Killian!” My eyes are daring him to say another word while I show him my teeth. I hold his angry look for several seconds before I turn my focus to Reign.

  “What did you find?” I ask him, knowing that has to be the reason I’m here and why my brother is going fucking nuts over a business school student.

  Reign drags his hand over his face, as if whatever he has to say is hard for him to tell me while he slouches in his office chair.

  “She’s from Clover, Alabama. That in itself isn’t the part that’s disturbing, since clearly she’s not from Boston, but it’s the fact that she’s from the same town as Emerson Jones.”

  “Okay,” I drawl, waiting for him to continue.

  “I did some more digging, and it turns out they went to high school together. Along with at least three of Emerson’s guys, and that Josie girl Kendall is living with.”

  I close my eyes while I let out a troubled breath.

  “But that’s not all,” Reign keeps going. “Turns out they all moved here after high school. And Kendall and Emerson dated until two years ago. They split up because he found some other chick from the good side of town, and he pushed Kendall to the side.”

  Reign offers me a comforting smile, probably expecting me to lose my shit like Killian just did.

  Instead, I smile right back at him before I look at Killian, who is still heaving on the other side of the room.

  “I know,” I finally admit.

  “You know?” Reign’s eyes bulge out before he shares a look with Killian.

  “Wait, what?” Killian’s head moves back and forth between the two of us in confusion.

  “I know,” I repeat, a little more force behind my words this time.

  “What do you mean?” Reign asks.

  “She told me after Killian paid us a visit in the office.” I shoot him a reprimanding glare. “When we got home, she brought up Killian’s suspicions, and I admitted that Killian thought she knew Emerson. She was fucking terrified to tell me, I can tell you that, but she finally admitted Emerson was her ex. The one who used to knock her around.”

  “He was abusive to her?” Killian slowly moves closer to Reign and takes a seat next to Reign’s desk.

  Reign nods before looking at his brother.

  “Yeah, she told me she was abused by her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t tell me to what extent, but it’s clear he gave her a rough time. The girl has major trust issues.”

  “She does,” I agree, “but she found the confidence to tell me the truth.”

  Killian lets out a sarcastic chuckle before giving me another smug grin.

  “Okay, if he’s just her ex, why did she visit him this morning?”

  I slowly turn my head towards him, my eyes narrowing while I feel my heart speed up in my chest.

  “Are you still shadowing Kendall?” I ask softly, trying to keep calm so I don’t throw my brother through the window.

  “You bet your ass I am! She can’t be trusted!”

  “With whose permission?” I roar, crossing the small space separating us to get to him.

  Reign jumps up, quickly pushing me back.

  “Franklin! Stop!” he shouts, his honey brown hair flopping in front of his forehead. “He’s only looking out for you, for all of us. You’d do the same. It’s the same thing you do for us every day.”

  I take a step back, bringing my hands up in a placating way.

  “She was with Emerson this morning, Franklin. I swear. I saw her leave his bar at the wharf, and he was definitely there,” Killian explains with a pleading tone.

  I shake my head in frustration, annoyed that my brother won’t just follow my lead.

  “I sent her there.”

  “You what?” Reign snaps his head back towards mine.

  “I told her to go. He owns the house she and Josie live in. I told her to tell him she wants nothing to do with him, and that she will be moving out. She’s moving in with me.”

  “You d—” Killian cuts his words off, jumping from his seat to start pacing the room.

  “You sent her to the enemy, even though we don’t know if she’s part of his crew?” He rakes both of his hands through his hair in frustration. “Why didn’t you just ask Emerson over for some supper, you idiot!”

  “Shut the fuck up, Killian. And call me an idiot again, and I will throw your head against the wall.” I can feel my nostrils flare as I search for some calm through my nose. “She’s okay. We can trust her. She told me everything. She’s done with him. She is on our team.”

  “You only say that because you’re fucking the girl! You believe her over me?”

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you, Killian.” I sigh, feeling like we’re going around in circles. “It’s just that I know you are wrong.”

  “I’m never wrong,” he huffs, and I can’t deny his words.

  He never is wrong. He is my most valued business partner because he’s never wrong.

  About anyone.

  “You’re wrong about her, though.” I fold my arms in front of my chest, giving him a sympathetic yet stern look.

  A dry chuckle leaves his lips before he throws a hand up in the air.

  “Whatever, I’m out of here. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when she fucks you over.”

  I ignore him while Reign and I watch him storm out of the condo. I let my head hang when I hear the door slam shut.

  “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Reign’s words make me look up, and for the first time in years, I see a look of approval in my brother’s eyes. I let his words run through my head for a few seconds before I give him a modest smile.


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