Dark Days of the After (Prequel): The Last Light of Day

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Dark Days of the After (Prequel): The Last Light of Day Page 10

by Schow, Ryan

  Lion, not a house cat, he thought.

  He put the bike in gear, worked the gas and clutch perfectly, then moved through the gears as he disappeared into the night.

  For the first time in a long time, he was scared. No, terrified. There was so much ahead. He was bound to run into the Commies, a war was brewing and Skylar…what the hell was he going to do about her?

  The first outpost surprised him. He didn’t realize how fast he was going. He was so juiced thinking this thing through—the city that felt more like hell, Skylar, the people he killed, Harper’s kiss—that he nearly blew right past the Chicom policemen holding their hands out for him to stop.

  When they saw him moving too fast, they drew their guns and started screaming. He couldn’t hear them, but their eyes and moving mouths, along with their guns, had him braking fast. He came to a wobbly stop in front of them, set down the kickstand, and was promptly yanked off the bike and thrown to the ground.

  The two men started kicking him about the same time he thought Lion. Three unanswered kicks to the face had them thinking he was a punching bag. But he wasn’t. Rolling over slowly, playing possum even though he was genuinely hurt, he slid his gun out of the front of his jacket, then slowly rolled back over, groaning.

  When he came around, he put a round in the first man’s crotch, turning his peen into a vajeen. The second round punched a hole in the second man’s face.

  “Assholes!” he roared, his face on fire.

  Getting up, spitting out blood and checking his teeth, he tried to shake off the beating. He shot the man whose genders he changed, then dragged the two of them to the side of the road and confiscated their weapons. He checked the mags, then set them down and rolled the men into a small, grassy culvert.

  He grabbed the guns, stored them in the compartment under the motorcycle’s seat, then ransacked the small guard shack. Much to his delight, he found a hot cup of coffee and a biscuit on the desk. On further inspection, he netted two more full mags and a fifty round box of ammo.

  Victorious, he took a sip of the coffee. He didn’t care that Commie lips had touched the rim. He was beyond that crybaby crap.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he said, his eyes all but rolling back in his head. The coffee was amazing. The hot liquid draining into his belly was something else. Still, he was cold, his body shaking. It would get worse when the adrenaline wore off.

  He finished the coffee, stowed what ammo he could, then got back on his bike and rode.

  Heading down the hill, he rode until the sun rose in the east. It was coldest before sunrise, his fingers numb, his face stinging from the bitter chill and the wind shear. He felt the swelling tightening his eye where he was kicked, but the cold was helping. He could still see. He was in pain, but he was grateful for it. This was what was keeping him awake and alert.

  When he saw several cars stopped ahead with three soldiers searching each vehicle, he pulled up to a stop behind the last one and gave a cordial nod when they saw him. He flexed his fingers, but they were stiff, the feeling gone. He quickly and discreetly tried working some blood into the appendages. He finally took off the gloves, sat on them, then blew heat into his fingers, flexing them faster and deeper in an attempt to work the sluggishness from his knuckles.

  When the car in front of him pulled forward and the men were watching it go for that split second, Logan tore out his pistol and started shooting. He got two of them, but the third was already shooting back.

  Logan rolled off the bike, dropped prone and fired three quick rounds at the man. He was on the ground, too—flat. A puff of black hair jumped off the Chicom’s skull, stopping him. The bullet had cut a trail through the top of his skull, but it didn’t punch through the bone. The blood took a second to come, but when it did, it drained in large quantities, scaring the man.

  Logan put the next round right into his forehead.

  He got back up, beat his cold fingers on his pants, then went to the side of the road and hurled. Chili and cornbread. God, it looked so much better going in.

  When he pulled the dead men out of road, he lined all three of them up on their bellies, face-to-ass in a crude display of disrespect.

  He then put a round in the back of each of their heads.

  These fools brought the war to them, but if he’d learned anything in this last forty-eight hours, it was that the war was bound to find him sooner or later. It was best to get the upper hand now, even if it was just nine men.

  “Nine down, two hundred thousand to go,” he muttered as he picked up his bike.

  He kick started the engine, but it was flooded and needed a minute or two. He waited a good five minutes, the sun a little higher in the sky, the air a degree or two warmer. When he tried to start it next, the engine sputtered to life. He gave it a little gas, let off, then waited for the engine to purr. When it did, he put the bike in first gear, then second, third and forth as he headed back into the city.

  It took him the better part of the day to get home. He had weapons on his person and in the storage box under the seat. If he was stopped, they’d kill him on sight for being armed, let alone armed to the hilt with the weapons of dead Chicoms.

  Fortunately, in the two checkpoints he went through, the men waved him through with a visual inspection only. Then one of them looked back at him as he rode off. He saw this in the side view mirror.

  Please, God…

  The Chicom policeman went back to work and he found he could breathe again.

  When he got into the city, Logan got home and found the crappy apartment empty. His phone was looped though. It was in his bedroom and it was playing him asleep. Like he was sick and unable to get out of bed.

  Taking a big chance, he stopped the loop, hustled into bed, then slowly got out. By the time the six o’clock hour hit, he was torn. Did he want to see Skylar or was there a part of him hoping she wouldn’t come home? He decided he never wanted to see her again.

  That was about the time she walked in the front door.

  She saw him and her face let go.

  “Oh thank God, Logan,” she said, hurrying to him and pulling him into the most genuine hug he’d ever gotten from her. “Is Harper okay? Is everything okay?”

  “I think so, but I’ve been in bed sick,” he said, letting her know he wasn’t looped.

  She looked at his face, how it was all beat up, and he could see the pain it caused her. If he hadn’t known better, he almost thought she cared.

  When it came time for their Krav class, she said, “Are you up for a walk before curfew?”

  Housecat or Lion?

  “I am,” he said, thinking lion. They got dressed, walked to the night’s new location, then trained their asses off for the next two hours before hydrating.

  “Who are you and what did you do with Logan Cahill?” his instructor asked.

  “That guy’s dead,” Logan said with conviction.

  “Good to know,” he replied, giving Logan the next address on a slip of paper—an abandoned church this time.

  When they got home, they changed, turned on the TV to fake Chairman Mao then screamed out their hatred, their rage, all their mounting emotions. But Logan wasn’t angry anymore. Instead, he was focused.

  He had purpose.

  If Harper or Skylar were part of the Resistance, if this city was going to burn, or worse—the country—he wasn’t going to stand on the sidelines and hope it didn’t touch him. He had nothing left to live for but vengeance and freedom and he’d be damned to hell as a coward if he didn’t get in and fight.

  “How’s Harper?” Skylar asked after looping their cell phones. He was eating a warm burrito, barely getting it down. He didn’t answer her. “She made it, yes?”

  “Yeah,” he finally said.

  He could barely stand that she was in the same room with him, acting like she hadn’t crushed his heart days ago. She was sleeping with the enemy. She gave up her body to get an edge up on the road ahead. But wasn’t that what he was planning on doing? It was

  He looked at her and said, “I just think you should know, I slept with Harper.”

  Her eyes flashed a little, but she contained any emotions knowing she brought this on herself. He studied her expression for a moment, saw the slightest hint of remorse.

  “How was she?” she asked, her voice a bit unsteady.

  “I killed nine men and buried a poacher your aunt killed. I pissed on his grave and didn’t feel bad about it. How she was is secondary to how I am.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “Wow, you’re…you’re different.”

  “You killed Logan Cahill.”

  She sat there for a moment, stricken, then she said, “You really killed that many men?”

  “I had no choice,” he said, talking with food in his mouth.

  “And you really slept with Harper?”

  Technically he was telling the truth. Swallowing the lump of pressed flour and beans, chasing it down with a big gulp of water, he looked right into her eyes and said, “Not only did we sleep together, I liked it.”

  He just looked at her, his eyes venomous, unblinking.

  She stood, crossed the distance between them, then bent down and pressed her mouth to his, kissing him like she’d never kissed him before. She pulled his chair out, undressed herself like it was a race, then did for him what he’d wanted from her ever since he laid eyes on her.

  When she was done, when her hair was laying over his head, and their faces were near each other in a post-coital hug, she leaned close to his ear and said, “Tell me how many again.”

  “Nine,” he replied.

  “Describe each of them in detail.”

  He did, and by the time he told her he had laid the last three soldiers ass-to-mouth and pumped a round into the backs of their skulls, she was ready to go again. So was he. When they ended up in bed that night, they left the cameras on loop, falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  He woke early the next morning and she was still there, still in his bed, still asleep. He shook her awake. She rolled over, yawned, then pulled the sheets up over her breasts.

  “Did that really happen?” she asked, looking at him with bright eyes.

  He nodded with a hesitant grin.

  “God you look good with bruises on your face,” she said. “But it’s time for work.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” Logan asked.

  “I covered for you. So for now, just do what the ugly bitch wants you to do like a good little minion, but be ready for war.”

  “I can do that,” he said.

  “If I’m not mistaken, I think you just became one of us,” she said. “Am I reading this situation right?”

  “You are,” he said, confident.

  “Good,” she said, kissing him on the mouth. “Because their ships are already in the water, meaning the war is about to begin.”

  The story continues in Dark Days of the After…


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  Dark Days of the After: A Look Ahead…

  THIS IS NOT THE AMERICA YOU KNOW. In the near future, the Constitution is outlawed, the government is ceremonial at best and the country is about to lose her name. No one knows how this happened, or why America prostrated herself to the kind of foreign forces who would impose obedience through compliance. Resistors call the occupation “creeping death.” Those countries grabbing at the reins of power see it for what it is—a full scale invasion.

  SECURITY ENGINEER, LOGAN CAHILL, is part of the underground effort to reclaim America, but when he finds a cryptic message in the world's largest server room leading to a doomsday clock, everything changes. With the help of a local hacker, Logan traces the clock to its origins where he discovers a truth so horrific, so terrifying, the mere mention of it carries a death sentence. He now knows the enemies, the weapons and the time of America’s death, right down to the minute. If he wants to survive the apocalypse, he and the feisty Skylar Madigan have to bug out fast. This won’t be easy considering the surveillance grid in place, or the armed lock-down of all major cities.

  THE FINAL DEFENSIVE FRONTIER for dedicated patriots is life on the land held by their ancestors, those men and women dug into their off-grid homes and operating a black market economy. But not everyone has what it takes to survive life outside the occupied cities, and precious few know how to defend themselves against the brutality of America’s captors. All that is about to change…

  CLICK HERE for Dark Days of the After (US)

  CLICK HERE for Dark Days of the After (UK)

  CLICK HERE for Dark Days of the After (AU)

  CLICK HERE for Dark Days of the After (CA)

  The Complete Last War Series

  Need something to read while you wait for the next book? Check out the series that put Ryan Schow on the map as one of Post-Apocalyptic fiction’s most influential writers!

  The EMP hit. Society collapsed. America now sits on the precipice of a new dark age…

  When a breathless assault on California hammers the power grid and lays waste to much of the population, an EMP strike might be America’s only salvation. But will this bold, almost hopeless attempt to preserve the nation trigger something far more devastating? An extinction level event perhaps? Who is behind this attack, and what is their endgame?

  Ripped straight from the headlines, this edge-of-your-seat, post-apocalyptic EMP thriller will usher in humankind’s last war, an epic tale of survival like no other. This groundbreaking new series follows a ragtag group of ordinary people through the ravages of war, a post-apocalyptic wasteland and a dark new world where only one question remains: if you manage to survive, is your future even worth living for?



  “Wow! I love this author! This is an awesome series...amazing characters, both good and bad...the action never stops plus the scenarios are incredible! I just didn't want it to end!”

  – Mama Who, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

  “This is the best so far. The focus is not just survival but the description of human behavior, thoughts and ethical conundrums. Character development is very strong and the boo
k addresses all the male/female issues being struggled with today.”

  – Christopher La Londe, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

  “An epic tale of human fortitude! When the worst happens, some give up, some prey on the weak and then some stand up and become more. The series will stay with you beyond the last page!”

  – Robert V, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

  “What a story! The author managed to weave a tale of action, depth of personality and realism around an apocalyptic event that grabs you by the throat and does not let go to the very last page!”

  – Dusty, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★

  “This series is one of my favorites! I can’t bear it to end; I need to know what happens with AI. Such a wonderful cast of characters with real life feelings and needs. This series won’t disappoint!!!”

  – Johnnie L. Ritchie, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★


  The Last War

  The Zero Hour

  The Ophidian Horde

  The Infernal Regions

  The Killing Fields

  The Barbarous Road

  The Terminal Run





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