Finding the Power Within

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Finding the Power Within Page 7

by C. C. Masters

  “And your father?”

  He chuckled. “What’s the phrase the humans use? It’s better to ‘reign in hell than serve in heaven.’ He might be king here, but would merely be a noble there.”

  I was surprised that the prince was opening up to me. He had just been mocking towards me so far.

  “What happened to your mother?” I asked softly.

  He shrugged with surprising vulnerability on his face. “She was just gone one day. I used to think she would be back at any moment, but now? I don’t think she’s coming back.”

  I gave his hand a squeeze and he looked at me in surprise. “I’m sorry, it sounds like you must have had a difficult time growing up.”

  He gave me a half-smile with his full lips. “You have no idea.”

  He stood back up with poise. “Let’s get back to work, Anna. I need you to strike fear in the hearts of the Summer Court fae.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I doubted that the sight of me would ever strike fear into the hearts of anyone, let alone some of the most powerful creatures in existence.

  The prince shared a smile with me. “One of you might not be so frightening, but an entire army? That would give them pause.”

  “How could you fake an army?” I asked incredulously. “They’re going to notice that I’m just one person.”

  He laughed. “We aren’t so obvious as to present them with an army. We just need them to think that we have been breeding with the wolves regularly. Once they get a sense of the raw power that you possess, they’ll back off.”

  I just looked at him dubiously. I was like a clumsy child just learning how to write with a crayon whereas the prince was a master artist using magic. I doubted that anyone would be impressed with me.

  The prince just seemed entertained by my doubts. “Magic is like a muscle, my darling. The more you use it, the stronger you’ll get. And I intend to be giving you some very good workouts,” he purred.

  I rolled my eyes at him, but he gave me a wink before striding back to the door to ask the guards to send us new ‘victims’ to practice on. It looked like I was not going to be able to get out of this lesson so easily.

  The prince saw the stubborn look on my face when he turned back to me. “Anna, Anna, Anna,” he murmured as he strolled in my direction. “As a wolf, you should know that you are either the predator or the prey. And believe me, no one will ever mistake me for prey.”

  I lifted my chin defiantly. “Haven’t you ever heard the saying: ‘If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand against you, defeat them?’ Just because someone is weaker than you, it doesn’t give you the right to take advantage of them. It gives you the responsibility to stand up for them.”

  The prince scoffed. “There’s no room for weakness in our world.”

  My eyes flicked to the doorway when I saw one of the guards shove a human girl inside and then pull the door shut behind him. She backed up, looking terrified. I can’t imagine what the guards must have told her before pushing her inside.

  I walked towards her slowly with a smile. “Hello, there. I’m Anna. What’s your name?”

  The girl gave me a shaky curtsy. “My lady, my prince. My name is Gloyers.”

  The prince pushed passed me and gave her an evil grin. “Excellent.” He grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her to the center of the room, motioning me to follow. I reluctantly trailed after him. How was I going to get out of this? The thought of letting the prince harm this poor girl made me sick to my stomach.

  “Take her hands,” the prince directed me. “When you are first starting, physical touch can make it easier.”

  I reluctantly took her hands and the prince positioned himself behind me, placing his hands on my hips. “I’m going to connect with you, and then guide you through what we need to do to the human.”

  “Gloyers,” I corrected him.

  He gave a snort, but otherwise ignored me. I felt the familiar sensation of the prince’s magic invading my mind. I didn’t try to hide my discontent with today’s lesson plan, but it didn’t seem to bother him at all.

  What should we make her do? I felt the prince debating in my mind. Usually, he kept his thoughts blocked off from me, but today I could feel his thoughts flicking through my mind, faster than flashes of light. I struggled to process them into something I could understand or put into words. I did understand that his usual compulsions had to do with inspiring lust in others, but he wasn’t interested in doing that with a human child. I was grateful for that.

  He came to a decision and I felt wicked glee emanating from him. Watch and learn. Whatever he was about to do, I knew it wasn’t anything that I wanted to be a part of. He delved into my magic to use it for his purpose. But where usually I was content to let him guide my magic, today I struggled against him. I felt his ire and we grappled for control. I was surprised that I was able to hold my own with him for so long.

  Fine. I heard him in my mind. We’ll do something else today.

  This time when he delved into my magic, I felt him pull it into himself instead of using it for a purpose. I fought against his draw, but he was too strong. I felt my magic gradually draining away from me and my body growing weak. I desperately fought against him with everything I had, but my struggles were completely useless. I had not felt so helpless since I was a small child. I felt like a butterfly being crushed in the hand of a giant.

  It seemed like an eternity had passed before he finally released me, and I tried to stumble away. I would have fallen if he hadn’t taken me back in his arms.

  “You can go,” he told Gloyers. She ran out of the room and the prince and I were left alone.

  I tried to push him away, but he held on tighter. His darkness pulsed against me, feeling stronger than ever. With his body pressed against mine, I was surrounded by his scent and it reminded me of a dark night in the forest.

  “This is a lesson I need you to learn,” he murmured into my ear in a low voice. “We can feed on humans and weaker fae to make ourselves stronger. You can call this a payment for the lessons I’ve given you, since you clearly have no intention of coming to my bed.”

  Dread flooded through me. Had he tried to manipulate me into sleeping with him? There had been a few moments where I felt a flash of uncharacteristic attraction for him. I had wondered why. Because although the prince might be physically handsome, he was nothing like the men I loved back home.

  “There’s a part of me that wants to take you for myself,” the prince murmured as he rubbed his face in my hair. “I want to conquer you and make you mine.”

  Fear flowed through me, sharp and cold. “Is that what you want?” I asked him. “Would that make you happy? Having a puppet? Wouldn’t you prefer for someone to choose to be with you?”

  He was silent for a moment and I held my breath. I realized that I was in a lot of danger here. I was as weak as a newborn kitten right now, if he attacked again I wouldn’t be able to defend myself. If he tried to use compulsion on me would I even be able to stop him?

  “They do choose me. They choose me for my wealth and power,” the prince said bitterly. “But that’s not something you want, is it?”

  I was shaking as I chose my next words carefully. “Maybe you need to be the first to love? Open your heart to someone?”

  The prince snorted. “There’s no such thing as love for princes.” He tightened his grip on me. “Others won’t be as kind or gentle with you as I am. I heard you have already had several visits from Morpheus. You had better decide who you want as an ally and who you want as an enemy.” He released me with a rough shove and I fell to the floor.

  “We’re done for today,” he announced before striding out of the room without a backwards glance.

  I stayed kneeling on the floor and closed my eyes. Helpless tears dripped down my face and splattered on the floor in between my hands. I had let my guard down with the prince and forgotten just how dangerous he was. I thought that he had been
opening up to me, but had he just been manipulating me? Was he even capable of kindness and empathy?

  I wanted to believe that some of the good inside of him had been peeking out earlier, and that he had just reverted to his old ways when I challenged him. But after today, it was clear that I could never trust him or let him in again.

  I heard Caylee’s soft footsteps as she approached. “My lady?”

  The exhaustion had set so deeply into my bones that I could barely raise my head to speak with her. My hands braced on the floor in front of me were the only thing keeping me in an upright position.

  She gasped as she took in my condition and tried to help me up, but she was just too small and slender to be able to bear my weight for the length of time it would take us to get back to my room.

  Caylee wrought her hands nervously. “I don’t want to leave you here alone like this, my lady. If any of the other fae come in here…”

  “It’s alright, Caylee,” I mumbled. Her intentions were sweet, but if any of the other fae attacked me like the prince had, she wouldn’t be able to prevent it.

  “Should I get your father?” she asked nervously.

  I gave her a nod and she darted off.

  I fought to keep my tears inside. I didn’t want to become like the prince – cold and manipulative. I didn’t want to learn compulsion. I had been afraid of what the fae would do to me, but now I was also afraid of what they might make me become.

  It wasn’t long before Caylee and Froston came through one of his portals into the gym. Froston helped me up but once he realized he would have to support almost all of my weight to walk, he decided to just pick me up and create a portal back to my room.

  He laid me on my bed gently and sent Caylee for some tea.

  “What happened, Anna?” he asked softly.

  “The prince.” I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my voice.

  He sighed. “The prince drained you?”

  “Yes.” Tears came to my eyes again and I hated myself for it. “I was helpless, I couldn’t stop him.”

  Froston frowned. “I doubt he truly wanted to hurt you, it was more likely that he wanted to teach you a lesson in power.”

  “Well, he accomplished both,” I said resentfully.

  He sat down on the edge of my bed and smoothed my hair back. “I should have known that my previous warnings wouldn’t have been enough.” He sighed. “I forget how different things are in the human world. If you show weakness here, another fae will take advantage of that. You’re lucky that the prince didn’t really want to hurt you. Our enemies won’t show the same restraint. You need to be prepared for what’s to come.”

  I just gave him a dirty look and closed my eyes. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I needed to stop whining about how the prince hurt me and pull myself together. I needed to become stronger so that he wouldn’t be able to do that again.

  Froston leaned down and laid a kiss on my forehead. “Get some rest, you’ll feel better soon.”

  Chapter 7


  I gazed up at Austin as we walked down the moonlit beach. The sand was cool under my bare feet, but Austin’s hand was warm in mine. The stars twinkled up above us and the moon glimmered over the gentle waves of the sea. He smiled down at me and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

  He was dressed more casually than usual in khakis and a short sleeve button down shirt that revealed his tats. His dark blond hair was looser than his usual style and his blue eyes were bright with excitement.

  The last time that we had planned a date, the night had ended in disaster. We had tracked our enemies down, but in the process James had been shot and I had discovered my fae side. I was glad that we had another chance now.

  “The surprise is just up ahead,” Austin promised with a warm smile. “I’ve been looking forward to this night for so long.”

  “Me, too,” I told him honestly. “I feel like we needed some time alone together.”

  He sighed. “I know what you mean. I love my pack, but sometimes I just need to step back and be just a man or just be a wolf.”

  I squeezed his hand. “I get it. You feel like you can’t be yourself sometimes - that you need to be what everyone else expects you to be.”

  He looked at me in surprise. “Exactly.”

  I laughed. “I’m not just a pretty face.”

  “I never thought you were,” he murmured. We stopped walking and he pulled me up against him. Gently brushing a stray lock of hair out of my face, he leaned in closer. “The moment I met you, I knew that you were something more. Something that I had been looking for my entire life.”

  My heart pounded as I looked into his eyes, but I knew he was right. There was something between us that I couldn’t deny. I wound my hand around the back of his neck as our lips met.

  The kiss started as just a gentle brush of lips but deepened into something more tender and sweet. I sighed as he pulled away, but he grinned at me. “The night is just getting started.”

  He led me over to a blanket where a bottle of wine and two glasses were waiting for us. I sat carefully and arranged my dress, so my legs wouldn’t get tangled in the gauzy fabric. I frowned when the dress flickered from blue to pink and then back to blue again.

  “I picked out something sweet for you.” Austin drew my attention and the strange dress was quickly forgotten. He held out a glass for me to take. “Would you like the honor of making the toast?”

  I paused to think, but then I smiled and held up my glass. “To many more nights like this.”

  He grinned. “I can promise you that we will have plenty more nights like this.” We clinked our glasses together and I took a sip. True to his word, Austin had picked out something sweet for me. It made me smile because I know he would have preferred something dry.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked softly.

  I leaned forward to give him a peck on the lips. “I was just thinking how you’re just as sweet as this wine.”

  He laughed and put an arm around me. “I’m glad I chose well, then.”

  I leaned into him and enjoyed the warmth that his body gave off as the cool sea breeze swirled around us.

  “Tell me one of your secrets,” Austin murmured into my ear. His low voice sent shivers down my spine and made forming any thoughts difficult.

  “A secret?” I pondered for a moment then smiled. “I hid a secret stash of chocolate somewhere in the house.”

  Austin laughed. “That’s not the type of secret I was looking for.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t really have deep, dark secrets.”

  “That’s not really true, now is it?” Austin flashed an evil grin before his face smoothed back into a warm smile.

  I blinked in surprise but shook my head to clear the image. I must have imagined that.

  “What if I tell you one of my secrets instead?” Austin paused and then gave me a gentle kiss. “You are so sweet and delicious… I could just eat you up.”

  I giggled but kissed him back. Our kisses deepened and he pulled me onto his lap. I pressed my body up against his and groaned when he cupped my bottom to pull me close.

  I moved to straddle him and threaded my hands through his silky hair. He moaned as I rubbed up against him and ran his hands over my body. I lost myself in the sensation of his mouth on mine and his hard body against me. I slid my hands under his shirt to feel the chiseled planes of his abs.

  Austin pulled away from me to lift his shirt over his head but I started to feel a pull on my magic, similar to what the prince had done. It was more faint and subtle, but still there. I pushed Austin back from me with an accusation on my lips. He laughed, and before I had a chance to get the words out his face morphed into that of a stranger’s. I screamed and tried to pull away, but the stranger held me tight to his body with a malicious grin.

  “We’re just getting started, my dear. I intend to enjoy every moment of this.” His laughter echoed all around me with a sense of familiarity. I felt li
ke I should have recognized it, but the memory floated just beyond my grasp.

  This time when I tried to pull away, I used more than just my body. I pulled my entire sense of self away from him. He looked at me in surprise as the scene around us slowly dissolved.

  “This isn’t over,” he snarled.

  I pulled back again and felt something snap. A moment later I sat up in my bed with my heart pounding and a thin sheet of sweat covering my body. The soft glow of light started to emanate from the walls from my motion and I sat on the edge of my bed to think. Even though I must have been sleeping for hours, I felt more exhausted than when I had first gone to bed. I tried to hold on to the last vestiges of the dream that were slowly fading away from me.

  I had been having strange dreams lately, but this one was suspicious. During the dream, I had felt a drain on my magic – similar to what the prince had done to me. I narrowed my eyes. I think I needed to learn more about how to protect myself. And I was going to have a lot of questions for my father the next time I saw him.

  I was a little angry at him for how casually he had acted when I told him about what the prince had done to me. But I was even angrier with myself. I had been thinking of Froston as if he were the caring, loving father that I had always wanted in my fantasies. But this was reality. I had been letting myself be weak, thinking that he would take care of me. I was on my own, just like I had been my entire life.

  I had survived a lot and I would survive this. Even better than survive – I would come out stronger. I would get my rest tonight. But tomorrow? I was going to be ready to fight. I was done passively waiting for the little scraps of information that Froston and the prince were willing to dole out to me. It was time for me to take control of this situation.

  I laid back down to go to sleep. I needed my rest if I was going to be able to take on the prince again, but how could I protect myself while I was sleeping? That thought wasn’t enough to keep me from drifting back to sleep.


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