The Princess and the Prospect

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The Princess and the Prospect Page 20

by Christine Michelle

  I’d like to thank everyone who has stood by me while I worked, offered encouragement, sent in any editing issues you’ve found (and there are bound to be some considering the timetable I’m running on), and to those who have promoted my work. I appreciate every ounce of time you have put into my books. Whether it’s just reading them for enjoyment and moving on, or taking the time to help promote – THANK YOU! Thank you again for your patience too. Things happen, and I am the queen of equalizing luck this year, it seems. In all seriousness for every bit of good luck I’ve had a setback that has kicked my ass. This year, I refuse to let that deter me though.

  Now, I’d like to drop a major thank you to the following people who have been there, working hard behind the scenes, or who have just been super supportive of me this year.

  First my children – who have had to fight for time with me this year thanks to the crazy schedule I’m keeping. I love you guys!

  To my oldest daughter – Bella Hickman – who has come to work for me full time in order to help ease some of the burden of the afore mentioned brutal schedule. She has been instrumental in making sure I get most (I wish I could say all) of my books out on time this year. If not for her, I would have buried myself in the work and probably not been seen or heard from again. She also made our first public book signing a huge success with her vivacious personality since I was basically the author with a horrible case of resting bitch face who grimaced at everyone (my back was killing me – I’m a twat when I’m in pain). So – THANK YOU to Bella who rescued me this year.

  To Barbara Gordon – who keeps me on my toes and is still bugging me about that book I was supposed to write eight years ago! I’m an asshole for not going back to finish that up yet, but she still hangs in there with me – hoping that one day I’ll go back to it. In the meantime, she also points out things like book events I should definitely sign up for! So, if you see me at an event, chances are you should thank Barb for it. You should also thank her for the goodies I have to give away, because I’ve taken a lot of advice from her on what people love to pick up. I Can’t thank you enough, Barb! You’ve been amazing through a lot of years. I’m looking forward to seeing you at Apollycon, 2020. For the rest of you reading that – I will be there as a reader, not a writer, but don’t be shy if you see me there.

  To one of my favorite people, and fellow author, John Abramowitz – who probably won’t even know this is here because romance is not his genre – THANK YOU! When I was at my lowest point, you were there making sure I was okay and handling things. I can never repay you for being my person! The shoulder to whine on, the person to joke with, and the one to draw me into arguments (even though they’re pointless when we both debate the same side) which drew me out of my shell and made me face the world on days I didn’t want to face it anymore. Over the years, you have become my family. There are no take-backs. You’re stuck with me now! Thank you for being there, and for being the first one to message me with congratulations when my books have taken off. You are a lovely cheerleader! Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

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