The Enemy Series

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The Enemy Series Page 24

by M. E. Clayton

  Bret Simons snorted. “I can guarantee the carpet doesn’t match the drapes with that one.”

  “You don’t know that, man,” Larry Bentz chimed in. “Maybe she dyes that, too. Or maybe there’s no carpet. I mean, fuck. When was the last time you fucked a chic with pussy hair?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what’s between her legs,” Brandon snapped. “She’s nothing but a gold-digging whore like her slut mother.”

  “Oh, come on, Greene,” Jack challenged. “You can hate her all you want, but that girl is hot, and even you can’t deny that.”

  “Not to mention, if she’s a whore, she’s a ninja whore, because she’s been going to Windsor for over two years, and I haven’t heard of anyone fucking her,” Bret added, surprisingly defending Roselyn.

  “A ninja whore?” Larry laughed. “What the fuck is a ninja whore?”

  “A girl who gets down, but she’s so smooth and secretive about it, no one has ever seen or heard her in the act,” he joked.

  “You guys are fucking idiots,” Brandon barked.

  “Come on, Brandon,” Jack whined. “Do me a solid and put in a good word for me.”

  Brandon took another swig out of his vodka bottle before saying, “You don’t need me to put in a good word for you. She’s upstairs right now in her room. Go on up. Just be sure to lock the door first in case she says no. It’ll be your word against hers if she becomes difficult.”

  The four guys stilled. You could feel the chill in the room and the dark, ugly turn the conversation was taking. “No bullshit?” Jack asked. “Are you seriously saying I can go up there and do whatever I want to the girl?”

  Brandon shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t care what happens to the bitch. Fuck, for all I care, all three of you can go up there.” His laugh was sick and sinister. “You’ll be doing me a favor if you guys can make her leave Sands Cove and get the fuck out of my house.”

  I remember Deke stepping in front of me to stop me from killing Brandon, and it wasn’t because he didn’t think we could take those four assholes. He stopped me because if Brandon was cold enough to orchestrate Roselyn’s gang rape, then kicking Brandon’s ass wouldn’t be enough to stop him from going after her. We’d actually have to kill all four guys, and that couldn’t be done without some careful planning, and the psychopath of our group had already gone home.

  Instead, we had gone up to Roselyn’s room to make sure no one else did. The plan had been simple; hang out in her room, get to know her, make her feel comfortable, become friends of some sort, and then, make sure she knew she could come to us if Brandon gave her any trouble.

  I mean, sure, we were horrible, entitled assholes, but we weren’t rapist. We weren’t abusers. We didn’t condone that shit. Girls-any girls-had to be willing; willing to be our slut, willing to be our whore, or willing to give us her virginity…it didn’t matter. It just had to be their choice willingly.

  Deke and I never planned on sleeping with Roselyn, much less together. It was literally a case of one thing leading to another. And, while Deke and I had never dipped into a girl together, something made the idea come to life that night. I think we took the need to protect her farther than we had expected to. The protective touches became sexual touches, and when Roselyn gave us the green light, the rest was history. Hell, I even remember being surprised that we had managed to flow from position to position so effortlessly, you’d think we’d been doing that sort of thing for years.

  We had kissed and caressed that girl everywhere. We had her so out of her mind with want and pleasure, she hadn’t batted an eyelash when all three of us were finally naked and in her bed. All night long, Deke and I took turns inside her pussy and mouth, and she had held on until exhaustion had claimed her in the early morning hours.

  The next day, we had stopped by, and told her she was our girlfriend, and had laid out the expectations of our arrangement. At first, it had been because we were still concerned for her safety and wanted her to latch herself to us, so she’d feel comfortable coming to us if something happened. But as weeks passed, she started to mean something to us; me more.

  We never told her about Greene because we didn’t want to freak her out knowing she still had to live in the same house as he did, but we had cornered Brandon the following day at school and told him if we ever heard of him hurting Roselyn, or any girl, we’d pull his dick clean through his ball sack. And, as far as we know, he’s never done anything to her.

  I always wondered if the reason I had lost my shit so spectacularly when Emerson was attacked was because it reminded me of Brandon and what he almost allowed to happen to Roselyn. Watching it live and actually happening had fucked me up pretty badly. And, Christ on The Cross, I’ll never forget the sickening feeling I had when Emerson had accused Ramsey, Deke, and me of planning her attack. She had unknowingly likened us to Brandon and his fucked-up friends, and it had caused me actually physical pain.

  And, now, here I was, pulling up to Roselyn’s house because now that she dumped Deke, there was no reason my car couldn’t be parked in her driveway during daylight hours. Now that our situation has changed, and Deke’s bowed out-no hurt feelings-there was no reason we couldn’t take our relationship public.

  Well, other than the fact that she didn’t want me for her boyfriend, but she didn’t get a choice in that. Deke and I weren’t a package deal, and the sooner she realized that, the better off she’d be. I got where she might have reservations because, again, girls are funny in their guilt and self-image, but I never thought bad of Roselyn for sleeping with Deke, too, and I wasn’t going to start now.

  Now, I was going to show her what it meant to belong to only me.

  Chapter 9


  It’s been almost four years, but I still hated this house.

  I hated how big, cold, and empty it was. I hated how my mom is never here, and when she was, I put on a big smile pretending that I was happy.

  She didn’t know that Brandon hated me and made my life a living hell whenever he was home. I had never felt so relieved as I had when he had started dating Tiffany Sulton and started spending all his time at her place.

  Over the years, Brandon’s done some awful shit to me, but nothing so horrible it was worth my mom divorcing his dad for. And I was certain if he ever crossed the line, she’d leave Joseph over it. My mother might be happy and in love, but she wasn’t neglectful like all the rest of the parents of Sands Cove. She called all the time, and she always made sure I had what I needed, and I knew if I told her I was unhappy she’d fly back here to be with me, and I didn’t want to do that to her. She was the only parent I had left, and I wanted her to be happy.

  I stopped talking to my father a few months after he left us, and I couldn’t tell you where he was in the world right now, and I didn’t care. I blamed him for everything; every comment out of Brandon’s mouth, every dirty prank he’s played on me, my mother’s absence from my life, my depression…everything. I blamed that man for everything.

  I even blamed him for me being so lonely, I willingly lost my virginity to two boys at the same time. If he had never cheated on my mother and left us, I would never have been forced to come to Sands Cove and…exist. That’s what I did for those first two years; I existed. I made a few flyaway friends, but for the most part, I just did my best to get through the day and avoid Brandon at all costs.

  Now, don’t get me wrong. I always fought back because, while I wasn’t as strong as Brandon, I wasn’t weak either. I had no problem going up against him, but after the first few months of fighting with him almost every day, trying to defend my mother and myself, I finally just went to ignoring him. It was a battle I couldn’t win, and I had given up trying early on.

  See, Brandon blamed my mother for his parents not getting back together. Never mind that his mother had run off with some oil tycoon years earlier, he seriously blamed my mother for ruining his family. Somewhere in that warped head of his, he believed his father would have forgiven his mother
and they’d all reunite as one big happy family. Even had my mother not come into the picture, Joseph Greene was rich and good-looking. He wouldn’t have been single for long. Brandon was just pissed at the world and he chose to take it out on me instead of the people who deserved his wrath; primarily, his mother.

  The really jacked up thing about mine and Brandon’s relationship? I knew where he was coming from. I hated my dad for cheating and leaving, and I hated how his choices had upended my life and forced changes on me that I couldn’t control. If Brandon wasn’t such an entitled asshole, he’d see that we were rowing the same boat with the same holes in the bottom.

  At first, the pranks were stupid, little shit like emptying out my shampoo containers, pouring bleach on my clothes, adolescent crap like that. He upped his game though when that stopped getting a reaction out of me. I’ve found poisonous snakes in my room before. I’ve found fluids leaking from my car. He’s done things that have compromised my safety, but I still kept my mouth shut. I still believed I could handle Brandon Greene. I just hoped the day never came where I would have to say something to my mother. Besides, we were only a few months away from graduation, and I’d never have to see him again.

  Luckily, he was gone when I got home from school. After that scene with Liam today, I wasn’t up to dealing with Brandon had he decided to act an asshole. Liam had really thrown me for a loop, and I was just not in the right frame of mind to not murder Brandon if he had been home.

  After Emerson had rescued me, we had skipped seventh period where I told her everything about breaking up with Deke and Liam. It wasn’t until I told her how Liam lost his shit that she let out a low whistle, showing some surprise. Emerson was the only person I had ever told about our relationship, and as far as I knew, Emerson, Ramsey, Liam, Deke, and I were the only people on the planet who knew. Once I had spilled the beans to Emerson, it had been like a weight off my shoulders. I mean, imagine having this…highly intense relationship with two teenage gods but having no one to talk to about it?

  It hadn’t been until Emerson and Ramsey had gotten their shit together, and she moved in with him, that we were finally able to carve out some girl time so we could dish. She told me all about Ramsey’s innate ability to consume her every emotion when they were in bed, and I told her about how Deke and Liam worshipped my body until I was out of my mind with need.

  We hadn’t gone into detailed details, but it was enough that girls’ night had ended early and Emerson had called Ramsey to come home, and I had texted both Liam and Deke to meet me at my place.

  And, now, Liam was claiming he wanted to be my boyfriend, and he wasn’t at all bothered by the fact that I’ve slept with his best friend. From the way he acted, he really appeared to be unaffected by the fact, and that was bothersome.

  I wanted nothing more than to be Liam’s girlfriend, but I had no idea how he viewed our threesome or felt about it. Just because Deke was out of the picture, did that mean he’d never want to bring another guy into the picture again? Was he going to want me to reciprocate and let him bring another girl into the picture?


  I couldn’t even think about Liam with another girl without feeling sick. While I felt no reaction to the thought of Deke with another girl, Liam was different. And if I couldn’t even stomach the thought, I sure as hell couldn’t stomach actually watching him love on another girl in front of me.

  I knew sex was different for guys and girls, but I always thought that if you really loved someone you wouldn’t want to share them, period. I mean, look at Ramsey and Emerson. Ramsey loses his shit if someone even comes close to Emerson. He, Deke, and Liam had paralyzed three boys for having dared to touch Emerson. The boy becomes positively feral when Emerson is out of his protective bubble, and yet, Liam had no problem watching Deke holding onto my hips as his best friend took me from behind.

  Liam has watched me suck Deke’s dick. He’s watched as Deke’s played with my body and buried his face in between my legs. He’s watched me and Deke kiss as he buried his fingers inside my body. He’s watched Deke unload on and inside my body. The only thing Deke and I never got around to was anal sex. That had always been Liam’s thing. I didn’t know if it was because Deke didn’t like it or what, but that was the only thing reserved for Liam and me only. Everything else had been a free-for-all.

  How could Liam want that in a girlfriend?

  And, if I’m being completely honest, the only other thing we never got around to was taking them both at the same time, and that was something I had always been curious about, but never suggested. I let the guys lead the entire time during our relationship, and since they never tried it, I never brought it up. There were also quite a few times where I was with them separately. There were plenty of times Liam showed up at my house alone, or Deke. It wasn’t until these past few months that my alone time with Deke started to fade off.

  I wasn’t upset over our arrangement ending. I was upset that I couldn’t wrap my mind around Liam’s words and wants. He claimed to want to be my boyfriend, but how could he? And how would that affect my new friendship with Deke? Would we still be allowed to be friends if I was Liam’s girlfriend? Would Liam be jealous? It’s one thing to leave a person’s past in the past, but Deke wouldn’t be in our past. Deke would never be in Liam’s past. They were tighter than blood brothers.

  The knocking at the door snapped me out of my confused thoughts, and quite frankly, I welcomed the knock. If someone was knocking, that meant it wasn’t Brandon. Of course, his friends stopped by from time to time, but most everyone knew he spent all his time at his girlfriend’s house these days.

  I walked towards the front door, and swinging it open, I saw a very serious looking Liam McCellan standing in front of me.

  Christ, why did he have to be so hot?

  And then I remember he was on the verge of murdering me the last time we saw each other and so I went to shut the door in his face, but he must have seen my intent, because his hand was up against the door, slapping it open. I had to jump back or get smack the by force of the door, and the second I stepped back, Liam had used his large body to muscle his way into my house. He also slammed the door shut with enough force to shake the windows in the room.


  “What are you doing here, Liam?” I asked, even though I was pretty sure I knew what he was doing here. He was here to finish what he started earlier. He was here to kill me. I wondered if he’d let me call Emerson first and tell her goodbye.

  “What the fuck do you think I’m doing here, Roz?” he countered.

  I went with honesty. “I imagine you’re here to finish what Emerson stopped earlier.”

  Liam let out a humorless laugh. “That’s not off the table,” he informed me. “However, I’m not here for that just yet.” He stepped towards me until I had to tilt my head back to keep looking him in the eye. “I’m here for the same reason I’m always here, Roz. I’m here to fuck you.”

  Chapter 10


  Roselyn gasped at my audacity, but her shock at my boldness made her take a step back, and I stalked her until her back was up against the front door. “Listen to me, and listen carefully, Roz,” I said. “Emerson did not save you earlier.” I reached for a pink strand of hair and twirled it around my finger as my other hand slapped against the door beside her head. “One head nod to Ramsey, and he would have dragged her away, and let me finish strangling the fucking life out of you.”

  Roselyn’s big blue eyes narrowed. “You and I both know Emerson calls the shots now,” she taunted.

  I shook my head. “No,” I corrected her. “Ramsey allows Emerson to call the shots now, and she knows it. Just ask her.”

  Roselyn slapped her hands on her hips. “Are you here to discuss Ramsey and Emerson?”

  I finished playing with the pink strand of her multicolored hair and slowly slid my hand around her neck. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t stop me. “I already told you what I’m here for, Roz,” I whispered.
“I’m here so you can ride my cock, and ease the tension, before I fucking kill you.”

  “In case you didn’t hear me earlier, Liam,” she snapped. “I’m no longer your fucktoy.”

  I squeezed until her pretty, defiant face started turning pink. “Call yourself my fucktoy again and see what happens, Roselyn,” I warned. Her hands shot up, and she wrapped them around my wrist, but she didn’t struggle. It was a full ten seconds before I loosen my grip on her lifeline.

  I watched as she inhaled a deep breath and her face started returning to its natural hue. I have never been the violent type; that’s always been Deke. Up until Emerson came into Ramsey’s life, he had always dished out his vengeance ice cold. Ramsey was calculating and always in control. Or, at least, he had been until Emerson unleashed a different kind of crazy in him. Deke’s always been the hot headed one. He’s always been the one who like a little pain with his sex and a lot of pain with his revenge. I’d be willing to bet the night we paralyzed those three fucks for messing with Emerson, Deke had been sporting a wood the entire time. Deke loved the darker side of life.

  He liked it so much, it had surprised me how easily he had taken it on Roselyn. It might have been because she had been a virgin, or it could have been because he knew I liked her, but whatever it was, Deke had kept his dark side out of the bedroom, and it surprised me he had been satisfied for so long without it. Granted, now that he was single again, the next girl he took was probably going to be a battered, bruised mess by the time he was finished with her.

  That being said, my dick has never been harder than it is right now, having almost strangled this stubborn girl in front of me. I stared at her as she gathered her breath and came back to life. “What in the hell was that?” she spewed, her voice hoarse and ready to make me cum in my jeans.


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