The Enemy Series

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The Enemy Series Page 39

by M. E. Clayton

  Hell, I haven’t had any action since Roselyn put an end to our arrangement a couple of months ago. I can’t say I was sad about it, though. As much as I adored Roselyn, she and Liam were made for each other. I always knew I was just extra, and I never had a problem with that.

  But, never having been used to abstinence, it hadn’t taken much for me to cave to Melissa’s suggestions after a few beers. So, when she dragged me behind a cluster of trees for some half-ass privacy, I let her.

  However, I wasn’t so drunk that I hadn’t put a condom on before she sunk to her knees. A lot of people might argue that it’s just a blowjob, but I paid attention during sex-ed. Those pictures of mouth herpes had stuck with me. Besides, not judging or anything, but Melissa was awfully friendly with Sands Cove’s male population. Plus, the condom was flavored. I was thoughtful like that.

  I looked down, and I couldn’t deny she was doing her part. My dick was down her throat with her hand working my balls as she moaned like a porn star. I had my hands tangled in her dark red hair, and I held her firm as I fucked her mouth with my eight-inch cock. And, even with a condom on, that shit felt good.

  I tightened my hands in her hair, getting ready to work up to completion, when a sound to my left caught my attention. I turned my head, and saw something-or rather, someone I never thought I’d ever see watching me get my dick sucked.

  Now, it wasn’t that I was a stranger to voyeurism. I’ve been to my fair share of parties that had been full of debauchery and shamelessness, but I’ve never been to a party where Delaney Martin was in attendance and she was the one being the voyeur.

  Delaney Martin.

  I watched as her eyes were taking in Melissa on her knees before me. I knew from where Delaney stood that she couldn’t actually see my dick in Melissa’s mouth, but even from a distance, I could tell the look on Delaney’s face wasn’t one of disgust.

  She was captivated by what she was seeing and, suddenly, Melissa was no longer the person getting me off. The tingles developing at the base of my spine were because Delaney was watching. The burst of lust was so profound, my fists tangled and pulled on Melissa’s red hair, and I started fucking her bruised lips as if I was inside her easy pussy. And because my eyes were still on Delaney, I didn’t miss how she noticed the change. Her eyes shot up to my face and that’s when I saw it.

  Pure fucking desire.

  Our eyes met, and I was certain she’d turn red with embarrassment and take off running, but she didn’t. Her gaze held mine as I pumped my cock down Melissa’s throat a few more times before finally throwing my head back, closing my eyes, and cumming in the girl’s mouth.

  When I opened my eyes, Delaney was gone.

  Oh, hell fucking no.

  I pulled my dick out of Melissa’s mouth, pulled the condom off, tied that bitch up, and stuck it in my pocket. I’d rather have a busted used condom of my spunk in my pocket than become a Lifetime movie topic where some psychotic bitch turkey basted my sperm to trap me into marriage.

  Melissa looked up at me from where she was still on her knees. “Deke?”

  Now, here’s the thing-I had nothing against, uh, friendly girls, I just didn’t like when they tried to act like what this was isn’t what it was always going to be.

  I looked down at her as I stuffed my dick back in my pants. “Thanks for taking the edge off, Melissa, but I have to go,” I told her. She pouted as I further explained, “I caught a deer in my crosshairs and it just ran off.”

  Chapter 1


  I left Melissa on her knees in the trees as I ran after Delaney Martin.

  I wasn’t exactly sure what it was that had me chasing after her, but the second she met my stare and hadn’t shied away from watching me cum, something snapped in me.

  I’d been going to school with Delaney Martin all my life, and she had never made a splash on anyone’s radar. It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty enough or built, but I’d always taken her for an introvert. She never participated in our unsupervised antics. She never acted out of pocket. She never caused any drama. Delaney Martin was your typical wallflower. She had been all the years that I’ve known who she was.

  But, tonight, that wallflower stood hidden behind the trees as she watched me get my dick sucked. Delaney hadn’t stumbled upon me and Melissa and run away shocked at her intrusion. She hadn’t turned away when she realized what was happening. And she sure as fuck hadn’t run off embarrassed when she got caught.


  She kept watching, and the darkness in me that I worked hard to keep hidden stirred.

  Delaney watched me cum, and so, it was only fair that I got to do the same thing.

  As I came flying out of the thicket of trees and brush, my eyes scanned the throng of people everywhere in search of a brunette in a bright purple shirt. There was no way I was going to let Delaney Martin get away from me.

  When I rushed past Ramsey, Liam, Emerson, and Roselyn, Ramsey and Liam immediately stood up when they noticed my preoccupation. I waved them down letting them know everything was fine as I passed them. That was the beauty of unconditional love and loyalty; no questions ever needed to be asked.

  I finally found her on the hill near where all our cars were parked, tugging on her friend Ava’s arm. But Ava had a beer in one hand, while nestled on Marcos Sergio’s lap, and she didn’t look like she was ready to leave. That assumption was confirmed the closer I got, and I noticed that Marcos had his hand up Ava’s skirt.

  Ever since I’ve known Ava Hill, she has always been a wild child. She was a knockout with her long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a body that boasted of hot sex and wild fantasies. And, unfortunately for catty girls everywhere, Ava was also smart as a whip. She might look like a dumb blonde, but I’d bet money she’ll be the head of her own Mob syndicate one day.

  But, while Ramsey and Liam have both fucked her a time or two throughout the years, I’ve never gone there with her. Not because she wasn’t capable of getting my dick hard, but because she was too…off for my taste. Now, I wasn’t pretending to be a saint or selective, but I didn’t get off on girls who were fucked in the head. I wanted easy fucks with clean breaks, and Ava always struck me as the type of girl who could turn on you in a heartbeat. But, admittedly, I didn’t know her that well. I just knew what I’ve heard about her.

  I never understood how she and Delaney had become friends. Those two seemed like night and day, but they were tight as fuck. For all of Ava’s commanding ways, I’d never seen or heard of her treating Delaney badly. This wasn’t a case of having an ugly friend you could bully to make yourself feel better about yourself. From what I could tell, they were genuinely good friends.

  Granted, Delaney could never be cast in the role of the ugly friend because Delaney Martin was far from ugly. Her hair was a dark brunette but had different shades of that dark brown decorating the top of her 5’3” frame. She had keen brown eyes under a set of perfectly arched brows. Delaney could be described as pixie-like with her pert nose and high cheeks, but she had a set of lips on her that were made for sucking some lucky guy’s cock.

  The girls’ Windsor Academy uniforms had a choice of slacks or skirts, and while most of the girls chose to wear the skirt, I’d never seen Delaney in anything other than the standard Windsor top and pants. It was like she purposely tried to hide her figure, but it was no use. Delaney Martin had a woman’s body made up of a healthy-sized rack and wide hips.

  But the best thing about her?

  Delaney had this scar that started on the apple of her right cheek and slashed back towards her ear. It looked as if her face had gotten caught on a wire or something and had ripped her face open.

  Ramsey had a scar that ran from his right eyebrow across his eye and stopped at the edge of his nose, but it was a clean scar. It was a straight line. He had gotten it when we were 8-years-old and his father had wanted to teach him a lesson in control. Little did his father know what kind of psychopath he was grooming Ramsey to become one day.r />
  But here’s the thing that had always fascinated me about Delaney’s scar, her parents were just as filthy rich as the rest of the families in Sands Cove, but she never got plastic surgery to remove the scar.

  She wore it proudly, never shielding it with her hair or applying layers and layers of makeup to make it less visible. Nope. Delaney had a jagged scar that tore across the side of her face and I found an immense amount of strength in that.

  Delaney Martin might be a wallflower, but she wasn’t weak.


  I saw Ava’s eyes widen as she saw me approach, and Marcos head nodded me, but I ignored everyone around me as I grabbed Delaney by her arm and yanked her towards me. She looked up at me and her big brown eyes widened, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say she was holding her breath.

  Fuck, she was pretty.

  Low enough for her ears only, I whispered, “Did you like what you saw, Delaney?” This time her face did redden with embarrassment. “What part did you like best? Did you like seeing Melissa sucking my dick or were you wishing you had been Melissa?”

  Delaney’s eyes narrowed and I could see the tick in her jaw from trying to exercise some restraint. The last thing she wanted was for everyone around us to find out she’d been watching me get a blowjob. It didn’t go with her good girl persona. “Let me go,” she whispered harshly.

  Even though I was ignoring everyone else around us, I was very aware that everyone had stopped whatever bullshit they had been up to, and were now focused on the two of us. I’ve never run after a chic before and the fact that I had now was bound to catch people’s attention. “Not until I get my answer,” I told her brining my other hand up to clasp her other arm, showing her I was serious.

  I had Delaney in my grip, her body backed up against someone’s car, while my body blocked her from the party’s view, and you know what? My dick started getting hard even though I had just shot my load only a few moments earlier.

  Staring down at Delaney, I would never have guessed this girl would be the girl that would change everything. Things were changing, and I knew they were changing because it wasn’t the feel of her body up against mine that was making me hard. It wasn’t my bruising hold on her arms that had me rock hard.


  It was that motherfucking scar on her face that kept drawing my attention.

  My eyes kept flicking towards it and I could feel this quiet hum in my blood warning me of danger. I was so focused on that crude marking on her face, I hadn’t heard anyone approach. It wasn’t until I heard Ramsey’s voice did reality finally breach the trance she had me under. “Deke, everything cool?” he asked.


  No, everything wasn’t cool. Quiet, invisible, solitary Delaney Martin was fucking me up, and I hadn’t even had enough beers to blame it on the alcohol.

  My mind couldn’t rid itself of the image of Delaney burrowed behind the trees watching me; watching Melissa get me off. And I couldn’t ignore that it was my connection to Delaney, in that moment, that had made me shoot off like a rocket in Melissa’s mouth. Melissa had become a nonfactor the second my eyes landed on Delaney.

  My words were for Ramsey, but everyone invested in our little scene could hear me. “Everything’s perfect, Ram,” I assured him. “Me and Delaney are just having ourselves a conversation, is all.”

  Because Ramsey and Liam knew me so well, I heard Liam snort behind me, and Ramsey let out a deep sigh. Again-no questions asked. Ramsey and Liam were already on board with whatever I was doing without even asking what it was I was doing. Ramsey just asked if I was cool because that’s all he cared about. He didn’t care what I was doing; he just cared that I was okay while doing it, and Liam was pretty much of the same mind.

  Emerson and Roselyn wisely kept quiet because, while we might all be friends, those girls knew better than to push past where they belonged. I loved them both to pieces, but Emerson’s control didn’t extend beyond Ramsey and Roselyn’s control, no matter how close we were, didn’t extend beyond Liam.

  But what they did do?

  They joined Ramsey and Liam in standing at my back so that Delaney and I were closed off from prying eyes as much as possible. However, turns out I hadn’t needed to worry about shielding Delaney from the crowd.

  Her quiet, demur, wallflower persona was shed the second she pushed at my chest and yelled, “No, we’re not, Deke. Now get the hell off me!”

  Chapter 2


  I was embarrassed-no, humiliated.

  I had never even wanted to come to this stupid party. I didn’t go to teenage parties, because that wasn’t me.

  Ava guilt tripped me with ramblings of this being our senior year and our times together were coming to an end, yadda, yadda, yadda. And so, I caved because for all of Ava’s wild ways, she’s been my best, and often, only friend for years.

  It wasn’t that I had anything against normal teenage life, but nothing about the kids from Sands Cove was normal, and that included me.

  My life was already carved out for me, so I didn’t see the point in dating or partying. I was destined to be a socialite wife whose job would be to help make her husband flourish. I was to be the arm candy that, that in itself was a joke, because I wasn’t even that pretty. I had brown hair, brown eyes, and my body could do with a bit of dieting. But that didn’t matter; my parents had already set my life on a particular path, and that was that.

  The only reason I worked my ass off in school was because, even if I was destined to just be someone’s wife, I didn’t want to be a stupid one. I wanted to be able to talk finance, politics, etc. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life discussing the latest nail trends or shoe collection.

  So, I spent my teenage years in the library or classroom instead of at parties or with a boyfriend. I was a virgin with an uncomplicated life. Or it had been before Deke Marlow caught me watching him getting a blowjob from Melissa Randall.

  As soon as we had arrived, Ava immediately had a beer in her hand and powder on the tip of her nose. I never judged her for being wild because she’s never judged me for being a weird nerd, but her partying always worried me a bit. But it wasn’t until she landed on Marcos Sergio’s lap that I knew I needed to make myself scarce. While I’ve gotten used to Ava’s drugs and alcohol party ways, I wasn’t too keen on watching Marcos finger fuck her in front of everyone. I had taken a stroll to avoid the sexual scenes often played out at these parties only to catch Deke Marlow getting his dick sucked.

  Oh, the irony.

  I hadn’t meant to watch, either. That’s the bad thing about all this. Never having been to one of these parties before, I had gotten lost in the thicket of trees. When I heard some noises, I had really believed I had found someone to save me.


  That wasn’t the case at all.

  When I had peeked around that cursed oak tree, my feet had frozen at the sight of Melissa Randall on her knees in front of Deke Marlow. Now, while I was a virgin, I wasn’t a sheltered one. I knew exactly what was going on, and curiosity had gotten the better of me. I’ve never given a blowjob before, and I was enthralled at what Melissa was doing. I was pathetically taking pointers.

  It wasn’t until I saw Deke’s hands tighten in her hair that I felt a sudden pulse between my legs. He had been anchoring himself as he began really driving into her mouth. My eyes had shot up and when they met Deke’s eerie green gaze, sparks of heat curled deep in the pit of my stomach and I knew I was in trouble. And, Sweet Baby Jesus, when he kept looking at me as he fucked Melissa mouth, I knew in that moment what it felt like to be turned on.

  His question pissed me off because his snide accusation had been spot on. For a split second I had wished I were Melissa on my knees before Deke. I wanted to be the one to feel those rough hands tighten in my hair. So, when he finally closed his eyes and threw his head back as he came, I ran.

  I fucking ran.

  I ran so blindly, I miraculously found myself back a
t the party. I saw Ava, and I hadn’t cared that she was drunk, high or getting fingered in front of everyone. I wanted to leave before Deke came out of the trees, because once the lust had died down, I had been embarrassed as hell.

  I still was.

  And now Deke was standing in front of me, holding me captive, ready to embarrass me some more. And what’s worse? He had Liam McCellan, Roselyn Bell, Ramsey Reed, and Emerson Andrews at his back, protecting him. They were his cover for whatever it was he wanted to do or say to me, and everyone knew not to mess with this crew. Ramsey Reed was a psychopath and Liam McCellan was as unstable as they came. And Liam was the nice one, for Christ’s sake.

  My little push to Deke’s chest hadn’t moved him a bit, and he stepped closer-if that was possible-and leaned down before saying, “Now, why would I want to do that?”

  “I’m sorry, okay?” I mumbled. Maybe that’s all he was looking for. “I won’t tell any-”

  Deke threw his head back in a sinister laugh. He looked back down at me and said, “You think I give a fuck if these people know that I just got my dick sucked?” Evidently, not. “Do you think Melissa Randall’s virtue is so pristine that we need to protect her reputation?”

  Oh, my God! What a jerk!

  “Then what do you want,” I asked through gritted teeth. I may be a nerd, but I wasn’t a pushover.

  “Delaney, what’s going on?”

  I sidestepped Deke to look beyond his tall body to see Ave standing behind Deke’s little band of lunatics. She was standing behind, but in between, Liam and Roselyn. Good choice. The entire town knew Ramsey lost his mind anytime anyone came too close to Emerson. “Noth…nothing, Av-”

  Deke tilted his head back and addressed Ava in a voice loud enough for everyone who was nearby to hear. The party around us had already quieted down when they took notice of Deke grabbing me and pushing me up against the car, so he didn’t have to raise his voice all that much for Ava to hear him. “Mind your own business, Ava. This is between me and Delaney,” he warned her.


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