The Enemy Series

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The Enemy Series Page 57

by M. E. Clayton

  I crawled to her on the bed and gathered her up in my arms, letting her cry it all out. “I’m sorry, baby,” I whispered over, and over into her hair. “I’m so goddamn sorry, Lamb.”

  My heart started beating again, and my relief was palpable when Delaney turned in my arms and tried to bury herself inside my chest. She was crawling and moving like she couldn’t get close enough to me, and the more she burrowed herself to me, the tighter I held onto her.

  When she finally looked up at me, she sobbed out the most painful and beautiful words I will ever hear in my life, “I love you, Deke.”

  “Thank Christ,” I swore right before she tucked her face into my neck and continued to cry.

  It was hours later when she finally woke up again from crying herself to sleep, and my body was feeling it. I hadn’t moved a muscle because I had refused to let her go, even in her sleep.

  “Deke?” she mumbled sleepily.

  “I’m here, baby,” I muttered into her hair.

  She was quiet for a bit before saying, “I bought a house in Manotile, and-”

  “We’ll sell it this week after moving you into my place,” I said, interrupting her. No fucking way was she going to live in Manotile.

  I thought she might argue because, let’s face it, that video wasn’t shit enough to going towards earning her forgiveness, but she didn’t. Instead, she said, “You can never hurt me again like that, Deke. I’ll walk and never look back.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek enough to taste blood, and I knew I was going to have to talk to Ramsey some more about how he deals with what he did to Emerson.

  I positioned Delaney so she was straddling my lap and she had to look at me. Her face was a puffy mess, but she still looked breathtaking. “Delaney, I meant what I said in that video,” I replied. “I am going to spend the rest of my life making sure you never doubt what you mean to me.”

  “Forgiving you makes me feel stupid,” she admitted, and I understood. No one wanted to be the fool who forgave someone, only to be proven wrong later on.

  “I get that, Lamb,” I whispered. “I do. I understand your pride is taking a beating, I do. But, Delaney, I will do whatever you need me to do to make that feeling go away. If you need me to beg you during lunch in front of everyone at school, I’ll do it. If you need all my money, my car, whatever…it’s yours. If you need me to never even look at another girl again for the rest of my life, I’ll do it.”

  The tears came back, but they were quiet and tender, not violent and heartbreaking. “I don’t know what I need,” she confessed. “I don’t know how to make this feeling go away.”

  I brushed her hair back from her face. “Maybe talking with Emerson might help,” I suggested.

  Her eyes lit up a little as she agreed, “Maybe.” Delaney’s eyes searched mine before saying, “I need you to need me above everything and everyone else, Deke.”

  I smirked. “I already do, Delaney.”

  She fell against me, and I held her some more as I let her come to terms with her new future. I knew it was going to be a hard fight until Delaney believed what I was telling her, but I was up for it. Delaney Martin was everything I never knew would consume me.

  I spent a lot of time teasing Ramsey and Liam about how they worshipped the girls but having Delaney in my life made me see that love truly is a maddening sickness.

  Here’s the only person in the entire world who holds your heart, mind, and soul in the palm of their hands, and the idea that something could happen to them, or they could leave you?

  Yeah, Delaney wasn’t ever leaving my sight again.


  Deke – Ten Years Later~

  Vacation has finally started, and I couldn’t wait.

  It’s been about two years since I’ve taken an actual vacation, and it was showing if Ramsey and Liam telling me to go suck a dick this morning was any indication.

  Ten years, and a shit ton of hard work later, we were equal partners in our own company, and life couldn’t be more perfect.

  Actually, that’s a lie. It got infinitely a lot better as I snuck up on Delaney in the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Deke!” she screeched.

  “Expecting someone else?” I teased.

  Delaney turned around in my arms and smirked up at me. “You scared the crap out of me,” she grumbled.

  I looked down at my lovely wife and asked, “Where are your hellacious offspring?”

  She laughed and just shook her head and then narrowed her eyes at me. “Emerson came and got them. Roselyn and Liam are having some sort of Deke’s-Gone-Let-Celebrate party or something and everyone’s at their place.”

  I laughed. “Uh, the guys might have mentioned this morning they’ll be happy to be free of me for two weeks when I accused Lee of hiding my coffee creamer…uh, that was sitting on the kitchenette in broad daylight for the entire world to see.”

  She smiled. “An innocent mistake,” she said, defending me like the loyal wife she was.

  “Uh…we were throwing punches at the time of this ‘innocent’ mistake,” I mumbled.

  Delaney laughed and said, “No wonder Emerson came and got the kids. She was probably afraid you’d snap at one of them, and then I’d have to kill you.”

  “Speaking of kids,” I lowered onto my haunches, “how’s this little girl doing?” Delaney was pregnant with our fourth child, and she just started showing a couple of weeks ago.

  We had three boys and were finally getting a girl. And, while Delaney didn’t know this, I had planned on continuing to knock her up until she did give me a girl. Dash was eight, Crew was six, and Zane was four, and as much as I loved my sons, I really wanted a little girl.

  Ten years ago, after I moved Delaney in with me, Ramsey, Liam, and I had told our parents to go eat a dick and we started up our own company. The girls had gone to college, but they had all gone to Blaineview, where they got an exceptional education, and received their degrees. The only reason we had managed to survive them going to school while we worked to get our company off the ground was because we knew they were all together.

  They’d protect each other.

  And when Dash came into the world, Ramsey and Emerson had produced the first of their two boys, Ramsey Jr. and Maddox. Liam and Roselyn fell in line with their three children, Chance, Neo, and Gideon. The entire brood was made up of boys, except for Ava’s kids. She was able to throw some estrogen in the mix with her two girls, DJ (Delaney Jr.) and sweet little Maggie.

  And, now, Delaney was finally giving me a little girl.

  “Other than zapping all my energy, she’s doing well,” Delaney complained lovingly.

  I leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “How zapped are we talking about?”

  Delaney’s laugh turned into a moan when I reached around and took her ass in both my hands. “I’m not that zapped,” she answered huskily.

  Grabbing Delaney by the back of her thighs, I hoisted her up and planted her fine ass on the kitchen counter. Stepping in between her legs, I took her face in my hands and kiss her, pouring everything I felt for her in that kiss.

  Ramsey had been right all those years ago.

  The regret I felt at how I treated Delaney all those years ago at the cove has stayed with me every day since then. I did my best to treasure her daily, and I knew she was happy with our lives-happy with me, but it wasn’t enough for me. It’s been ten years, but I will spend the rest of my days loving Delaney like I should have from the beginning.

  I broke off the kiss to tell her, “I love you, Lamb.”

  She smiled softly because she recognized my tone. “I know you do, Deke. I love you, too.”

  The End.

  Provoking the Enemy


  Copyright 2019 Monica Clayton

  Published by M.E. Clayton

  All Rights Reserved

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you
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  This book is a work of fiction. The entire content is a product of the author’s imagination and all names, places, businesses and incidences are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), places or occurrences, is entirely coincidental

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent from the author, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Formatting: Smashwords

  Cover: Adobe Stock

  Warning: This book contains sexual situations and other adult themes. Recommended for 18 years of age and over.

  Table of Contents


  Author's Note




  1. Ava

  2. Ace

  3. Ava

  4. Ace

  5. Ava

  6. Ace

  7. Ava

  8. Ace

  9. Ava

  10. Ace

  11. Ava

  12. Ace

  13. Ava

  14. Ace

  15. Ava

  16. Ace

  17. Ava

  18. Ace

  19. Ava

  20. Ace

  21. Ava

  22. Ace

  23. Ava

  24. Ace

  25. Ava



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  Author’s Note


  Facing the Enemy had originally been a standalone work, but due to so many requests, I decided to write Roselyn’s, Liam’s & Deke’s stories, and so, the Enemy Series was born. I had also never planned on a fourth character, but upon writing Deke’s story, I fell in love with Ava, and how complicated she was, so Provoking the Enemy came to life. I liked the bond she shared with Delaney, so I felt the need to tell her story, too. I also added a short closer as proof that everyone did live happily ever after.

  So, while I did my best to write this book in a style that can be enjoyed as a standalone, I suggest reading Facing the Enemy, Engaging the Enemy, and Battling the Enemy first, so that the supporting storyline might flow better. If not all three, Battling the Enemy should still be read before reading this book.

  Also, as much as I tried (because I know how much everyone loved Ramsey’s and Emerson’s intensity), I couldn’t quite match the madness because…well, Ramsey’s a psychopath, whereas Ava is just complicated. I hope you still enjoy the book, nonetheless. Now, because Facing the Enemy was supposed to be a solo work, it was a challenge to match its intensity for the other four books, but I did my best, folks. I so promise I did my best.

  Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy the series, and thank you, once again, to everyone who loved the book so much, you pushed for the additional stories.

  And just a couple of things before I let you go and get your read on. While I am doing my best to work with better editing and proofreading software, all my books are solo, independent works. I write my books, proofread my books, edit my books, create the covers, etc. I have one beta who gives me feedback on my stories, but other than that, all my books are independent projects.

  That being said, I apologize, in advance, for the typos, grammar inconsistencies, or any other mistakes I may make. Since writing is strictly a hobby for me, I haven’t looked for commitments in regard to publishers, editors, etc. My hope is that my stories are enjoyable enough that a few mistakes, here and there, can be overlooked. If not, my books are probably not for you.

  Thank you, all, for turning this hobby into something exciting and magical!



  First, foremost, and always, I want to thank my family for their support. They continue to support me unconditionally and they were so excited for me when I told them how these books came at the request of my readers.

  Second, and always, will be Kamala. Next to my family, she is truly one of the biggest parts of this journey. I can’t thank her enough for being the best beta ever!

  And, of course, I want to thank everyone who took a chance on me when they bought this book! I understand the risk when you spend your money on a new name. Thank you, so much, for being a part of my experience.



  For everyone who secretly liked Ava, but didn’t want to admit it –

  This is for you!


  I had to hand it to her. I mean, I’ve seen her pull some great-looking men before, but I never thought she’d cross the line to cradle robbing.

  Never mind that fact that she was actually home for a change, but usually when she came home, it wasn’t with someone my age. Granted, I could be jumping to conclusions, but I didn’t think I was. My mother never came home without a man in tow. And, as history has taught me, she usually came home with a man in tow because she’s dumped her previous boyfriend and the new one needed to meet her daughter.

  You know, because we were one big happy family, my mother and I.

  I stared out my bedroom window and gave thanks for the fact that I had actually been home for once and not out partying. Had I walked in from a party to see my mother with a guy my age who knows what would have flown out of my mouth. While I very rarely curbed my tongue, I didn’t actually enjoy going rounds with my mother; the less interaction with her, the better. However, when I was drunk or high, all bets were off.

  Staring down at the boy, man, guy??...whatever he was, the only conclusion I could draw was that he must be with my mother for money. Husband #2 had been one of the few men who had actually loved my mother and he had married her and left everything to her in his will. No one expected him to die suddenly from a heart attack a few months later, but it can’t ever be said that my mother hadn’t seen the silver lining amongst the tragedy.

  But Ronald’s legacy still hadn’t been enough for my mother. She had developed a taste for the finer things in life early on, and after my father left her, she went on a one-woman crusade to land as many wealthy men as she could.

  And Elise Hill was racking up the points like a true professional, using my father’s last name to do it.

  And why wouldn’t she be? My mother was stunning with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and pin-up figure. She was what every man fantasized about; she was beautiful, fancy, and did whatever you wanted her to for the right price. Now, the difference between my mother and me?

  I gave it away for free.

  I gave it away for free, and I didn’t even need to be drunk or high to do it. I also knew all the reasons I behaved the way I did, but I wasn’t looking to fix myself just yet. The effort seemed…pointless at this stage of the game.

  Looking down at the guy lazily circling our pool, I wondered what happened to Greg. My mother had been dating him for about a year, or so, and I had honestly thought he was going to stick around for a while. I’d only been around him a handful of times when my mom had to keep up her good-mom image and come home for the holidays and crap like that, but those few times I interacted with Greg he seemed to really like my mom. He wasn’t the worst that she’s ever brought home.

  I laughed. That’s probably why she dumped him. He was too nice for her.

  I was only 18-years-old, but I’ve seen my mother go through so many men, I once told her we needed a revolving door installed on the house. She slapped me, but it wasn’t like it was the first time she’d ever put hands on me.

  The real shame? While I couldn’t make out the guy
’s features clearly from how high up my bedroom window was, I could tell he was good-looking. He looked to stand tall and his body was filling out his jeans and plain white t-shirt. He had dark hair, but I couldn’t tell if it was brown or black. I could see the details of his physique as he rounded the side of the pool closest to my window and I hated to admit he looked good.

  His t-shirt showcased solid, muscular arms and you could see the dips and valleys of ripped flesh molding to his shirt. He had jeans on with some Timberlands, but he looked to be proportioned evenly everywhere.

  I immediately hated him.

  Sure, it wasn’t his fault my mother was a gold-digging slut, but something made me take offense to his presence in my house. And, make no mistake, this was my house. I was the one who lived here day after day with the maids, gardeners, cooks, etc.; not my mother, her current boyfriend, or anyone else.


  Just me.

  My foot stepped back, ready to ignore Elise’s newest flavor, when suddenly his head shot up and he was looking at me through my window. I stared back down at him, and later down the road, I’ll realized that watching him watch me had been my first mistake.

  Chapter 1


  I stood by the window staring down at him waiting to see what he was going to do next. There’s no way I would cower. No current lover-one my age, no less-was going to run me scared. He couldn’t. There wasn’t anything he could say or do that I haven’t seen or experienced to make me shrink like a wilting violet. He was temporary. Whatever he brought to the table wouldn’t last long, so I could endure whatever he could dish out.

  The way I saw it, there were only two ways he could play this since he was so young. He could own up to what he was, or he would pretend to love my mother dearly and profess that age was just a number. However, it didn’t matter which role he chose because-again-he was temporary.


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