His Playmate

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His Playmate Page 2

by Ace Fawn

  “As much as I get off to seeing you in pain, I want to see you squirm with pleasure too.” Wolf said before he started to stroke him firmly, pulling his hand back and forth repeatedly. Diego’s cock twitched then tensed suddenly before another moan ripped out of Diego and he came. Thick spurts of semen stained Diego’s briefs as he let himself come loose in Wolf’s hand. Diego couldn’t control his trembling voice or his body as he rubbed his ass against the front of Wolf’s pants, making the mafia boss’ own cock swell with pleasure.

  Pulling back, Wolf left Diego panting against the desk. His ass and thighs quivered from that intense release, and Diego wasn’t entirely back to his usual state of mind yet. The sight before Wolf was rather lewd. Wolf had brought a gang leader to his knees, and he was only at the beginning.


  There was a lot that Diego wanted to say to Wolf, but he was still recovering from the assault on his ass and wasn’t ready for another round with that belt.

  He sat awkwardly in a marble bathtub, the warm water making the burning sensation in his ass worse. Brows furrowed and dignity high, Diego didn’t feel the need to say anything. Wolf leaned against the marble counter, watching as his new guest attempted to clean himself.

  Diego’s phone and wallet had been taken off him. Wolf made sure to remove any source of contact Diego could have outside of the mansion.

  He did his best to not look at Wolf. He surveyed the bathroom instead, but it brought his mind back to Wolf without fail. Everything about this bathroom said Wolf. It was clearly expensive and chosen by a man with fine taste. Was Diego just another chosen object for Wolf to put in his house to look at and use as he pleased? Diego didn’t think so.

  “I’ll have you killed,” Diego threatened, glaring at Wolf.

  That wasn’t the first time Wolf had gotten a threat like that, and it surely wouldn’t be the last either. Of course that was something that Diego would not be able to do, especially if he was here and his gang members were not. Wolf was smart with where he located himself, strategic in how he carried out illegal operations. No one was going to find Diego here.

  Unfazed by Diego’s words, Wolf smirked. He didn’t like to be threatened, but hearing Diego say something like that only reinstated the power Wolf had over him. Diego watched Wolf, sneering at him. He really was like a caged Tiger, always fighting for dominance. They both knew well enough that Wolf was the one in control here, no matter how hard Diego fought back.

  That was something Wolf was starting to appreciate about Diego. His need to fight back proved ineffective over and over again, but Diego wasn’t one to give up. That persistence was what reminded Wolf of himself. They were like one in the same, but Wolf had more experience than the younger man.

  “Watch that mouth of yours.” Wolf warned.

  “Or what?”

  “I put something inside it.”

  Diego shut his mouth, knowing exactly what Wolf was alluding to. He glanced at Wolf’s crotch and licked his bottom lip before he sighed and continued to wash himself. After a long moment, Diego was finding it harder and harder to stay quiet.

  “When are you going to let me go?” He asked.

  “I’m not going to.” Wolf answered simply.

  A look of denial crossed Diego’s boyish features.


  “You heard me.”

  Diego stared at Wolf to catch his bluff, but Wolf was being serious.

  “What – what do you mean you’re not going to let me go? Like never?”

  “For as long as you keep my son captive. That’s how long you will be here.”

  Diego’s staring stopped and he looked away. He had to seriously think here. Was it really worth giving up his own freedom just to kidnap a mafia boss’ kid? But Diego had his own plans, and he wasn’t going to give them up so easily.

  “If any harm comes to my son, then the same will come to you.” Wolf added. “If you kill my son, then I kill you.”

  “An eye for an eye,” Diego commented, his gaze dropping. He didn’t expect that from Wolf, but then again, he didn’t know the man well enough to judge his thought processors either. Diego stared down at the soapy water that was turning cold. He had to figure out a way to get out of here and he knew it better be fast.

  Diego sat upright in the tub, clearly revealing the black and grey tattoos that littered his skin. From where he stood, Wolf could clearly see Diego’s upper body and the ink that was permanently on his chest, arms and back. It was not surprising for a gang leader to have tattoos, though Wolf found it attractive on Diego.

  Wolf remained quiet as he watched the young man in his bathtub. He loved to admire and now was a great time to do it. Diego had a lean muscular body. He wasn’t bulky at all, maintaining an athletic type build. His toned chest led down to a set of defined abs. His rounded biceps flexed as he washed himself. Everything about Diego, from his body to his attitude was very appealing to Wolf. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from such a beauty.

  Diego was magnificently different, and Wolf liked different.

  “I haven’t hurt your son…” Diego murmured. “It was going to be a trade, but you ruined my plans.”

  “Naturally,” Wolf smirked. “I have a way of doing that.”

  “Obviously,” Diego said. “I don’t even know your son’s name. I just knew who he was from the pictures.

  “My son’s name is Levi,” Wolf answered stoically. “And it’s an idiotic move to kidnap someone who is so closely connected to me, without even knowing who he is.” Wolf carried a tone akin to a lecture. Diego didn’t like that, not one bit. But despite himself, and to his own amazement, Diego remained quiet and let Wolf continue.

  “You are going to tell me why you’ve gotten your gang to kidnap him. I want a reason.”

  There was a lot that Wolf wanted from Diego, and they had only come alight after his capture. Diego watched Wolf with intensity in his eyes. He was not afraid. Under the bratty attitude, he was a smart man. Just as intelligent as Wolf himself. Diego never gave in so easily, and Wolf knew this all too well despite the short amount of time they had known each other that night.

  There was much that the two could learn about each other. Wolf knew that he was in for quite a ride with Diego, but he was definitely looking forward to it.


  Wrapped in a towel, Diego was led out of the bathroom and to a nearby bedroom that was equally as expensively furnished like the rest of the house.

  Diego had to work hard for all he was worth. He had to pull a few strings and make illegal moves to make the amount of money he had now. But all that hard work seemed to fade away when Diego saw the riches Wolf had. It appeared so effortless that Diego could envy it, but he didn’t envy Wolf’s wealth, he envied the amount of power, control and discipline he had over him.

  Each assertion of dominance forced its way into Diego’s very being, even when Wolf wasn’t trying. Everything was just so effortless and screamed danger and power about him. Diego realised that he was admiring that very trait, but he couldn’t bring himself to push that away no matter how hard he tried to.

  Comfortable clothing had been set out for Diego on the king sized bed, appearing to fit his size and stature. He was marvelled at Wolf’s ability to read someone with his eyes, to make appropriate decisions without making it obvious. Diego wasn’t about to deny the fact that Wolf was a rare type of man and it fit in well with what he liked. Maybe spending his time with Wolf wouldn’t be so bad. Then again, Diego was here for a reason, and he wasn’t about to be treated as some type of five star hotel guest.

  The towel dropped from Diego’s waist and he promptly pulled the briefs on. He tried to be careful, feeling the unfriendly sting of reminder in his ass. Diego pulled the long sleeve shirt on before pulling the sweatpants up and tying a knot in the front as though that would stop Wolf from undressing him again.

  Diego was not left alone for long, because the door opened and Wolf walked into the bedroom. He was captive here, a
nd Diego knew it. He didn’t expect Wolf to start treating him like he was some lover. Although that was a thought that didn’t sound so bad in Diego’s mind.

  “Here to question me again? Actually no, you’re probably going to rip my pants off and whip me again.”

  “Your pants?” Wolf smirked. He stopped directly in front of Diego, towering over him a few inches. “I believe I supplied them for you. And if that is what you’d like, I will just grab my belt.”

  Diego took a few steps back, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking up at Wolf who never tore his gaze away from him.

  “Is this your room?” Diego asked. He wanted to change the subject. Thinking about that belt against his sore ass was a daunting thought for Diego, but an exhilarating thought for Wolf.

  “Yes. You will be sleeping with me.” Wolf answered.

  There was no way Wolf was going to let Diego sleep in a different room. There was the obvious risk of Diego escaping, but Wolf also wanted to feel another’s body heat next to his in the night. It had been a while since he’d been so intrigued by someone as such as Diego and Wolf wanted to make the most of it.

  Diego didn’t argue over that. Wolf was giving him a warm bed and a companion, something that Diego had not experienced before. He was all for one night stands, not something like this, like a relationship he found himself wanting.

  At this rate, Wolf was starting to want to keep Diego here for a long time, even if they did release his own son and sent him back to safety.

  “Get in the bed,” Wolf instructed, unbuttoning his dress shirt and revealing his firm chest and hardened abs. A sharp Adonis belt led into the hem of his slacks, causing Diego to follow the lines and stare at Wolf’s crotch.

  He remained silent and watched with hungry eyes as Wolf slid the dress shirt from his arms, revealing a sleeve tattoo that began at the shoulder and ended right before a cuff where a suit would go. If Wolf had never taken his shirt off in front of Diego, he wouldn’t have known Wolf had a detailed sleeve tattoo in the first place.

  That gaze remained and Wolf noticed. It was flattering to see Diego’s obvious interest in him. He appreciated how easy it was to read Diego’s emotions, even when the gang leader tried to hide it from him. Wolf was too perceptive. Diego would come to learn that soon enough.

  “Careful now, I wouldn’t want you to strain those pretty eyes of yours.”

  That seemed to do the trick, because just as Wolf’s body had slipped Diego into a transfixed state, Wolf’s voice brought him back to the reality of the night.

  Diego did as told and slipped into the silky sheets. When he laid down on the mattress, Diego felt a wave of comfort consume him. He was following commands, something that wasn’t common for Diego. He was the one that did the leading, not the following. Yet with Wolf’s expecting nature and firm responses, Diego couldn’t help but to respect that. Wolf must have been doing this on purpose. Everything he did, everything he said was making Diego fall for him without even realising it.


  It was peaceful during the night. Wolf did not entertain any more conversation, and Diego was thankful for it. He needed to think things through, and now happened to be the best time to do it.

  No matter how hard Diego thought of an escape plan or how to go about Levi, he was still distracted by Wolf. The man laid beside him and was still a source of inspiration even when he was quiet.

  He still had no idea how Wolf had found him in the first place. It was baffling to say the least, but by what Diego had gathered so far, Wolf was a man who knew what he wanted and found ways to get it.

  It was not clear if Wolf was still awake or not. He was on his side, facing the other direction. Oddly, Diego felt a distance from Wolf and he didn’t like it. Had he wanted the mafia boss to be close to him in bed, to show him something other than his dangerous ways? Even so, Diego turned to his side, staring at Wolf’s broad back from the moon’s blue hue shining in through the wide pane windows.

  Thankfully, sleep had come to Diego. For what felt like the first time in a long time, Diego was at ease and remained in a deep slumber the entire night.


  The entire morning Wolf remained in his office sorting out documents at his desk. He wore his regular attire of business casual, white button down with a silk black tie and slacks on his fit form.

  Diego woke on his stomach in the middle of the bed. He sat up, realising that he was alone. This was his chance.

  Pulling the blanket off, Diego slipped out of bed and stood in the room briefly. He listened, only hearing his own breathing. Thoughts flooded Diego’s mind as he walked around the room. Diego could confirm that he was alone when he didn’t hear anything on the other side of the door. No sight of Wolf or anyone else for that matter. Not in this bedroom, or possibly out of it either. Diego took this as an opportunity, and he would make use of it.

  First, Diego walked out onto the connecting balcony from the bedroom. Placing both hands on the railing, he peered down to see the height difference. There was no way Diego was going to get out of the building from up here, not unless he wanted to break a few bones and potentially kill himself. Diego turned his attention away from the balcony and walked back into the bedroom. It seemed the door was the only viable option for him.

  His fingers curled around the handle of the door and pulled it open. Diego was mildly surprised. He expected the bedroom door to be locked, but this was clearly a more desirable outcome. Perhaps it was going to be easier for Diego to escape than what he thought.

  The narrow hallway was empty aside from a long rectangular carpet that covered the hardwood floor and a chandelier in the ceiling. Everything was so fancy, Diego was still trying to get used to it all. He half expected there to be men standing by like the two in suits who had dragged him in here in the first place.

  Diego stepped out, tentative like a cat in the way he moved. He didn’t know if Wolf had left the door unlocked on purpose. Perhaps this was some type of a test, a way of measuring Diego’s loyalty to him. Or it could be that Wolf had no reason to worry about Diego escaping at all. That notion itself was worth challenging.

  The mansion had no neighbours for miles. Diego managed to find the front door and made his way through it. This definitely seemed way easier than he thought it would be. It seemed too good to be true.

  Without delay, Diego opened the door and stepped outside. He walked past the groomed trees and patterned cement, by passing a small fountain in the centre and headed to the fancy black glossy gates. Two burly men similar to those the night before stood by the front of the gate, blocking off Diego’s exit.


  The door to Wolf’s office opened and two of his men dragged Diego inside. Wolf did not appear surprised in the slightest. He simply continued to sort out his paperwork before he looked at Diego, a small knowing smirk on his lips.

  “Trying to leave so soon?” Wolf shook his head in mild disappointment. He saw this coming. Diego made quite the name for himself out in the streets, and that was coming into action here. It didn’t matter how powerful Wolf was to Diego. He still held his ground and kept a sense of self, a show of mental strength and resilience that never failed to impress Wolf. It could be put to good use.

  Purely out of strategic decision making, Wolf didn’t tie Diego down or lock him in the bedroom. He didn’t see a reason to do so when his men were up to par with keeping an eye on Diego when Wolf happened to be busy with other matters. Wolf wanted to give Diego a form of freedom, but in doing so, he had strict measures put in place to keep what he deemed as his.

  “I thought you were smarter than this, Diego.” Wolf spoke smoothly, keeping his piercing gaze on him. “You should know by now that there is no escaping me.”

  “We’ll see about that, Wolf,” Diego taunted. “And when I do, you’re done.”

  “I’m done?” Wolf sat upright in his chair and clasped both hands together atop the desk as he kept his eyes hard on Diego. “Be careful, Diego. Watch w
hat comes out of that mouth of yours.”

  “Or what?” Diego had the nerve to continue his little challenge.

  Wolf didn’t respond. It appeared that Diego had not learnt his lesson, but Wolf was in the mood to teach him another one.

  “It seems like you never learn. Come here.”

  “No,” Diego growled.

  An unsettling silence settled between them. Diego held eye contact with Wolf despite how intense the tension was between them. There was an air of unpredictability in the room, one that was thick enough with sexual desire that it become suffocating.

  “Rex.” Wolf called.

  The office door opened and a muscular man in a black suit and white button down shirt walked inside. He closed the door behind him and took a step forward, clasping his tattooed hands together in front of him.

  “Yes, boss?”

  Looking back, Diego sized the man up from where he stood. Rex was a big man. Corded muscular arms could be made out from under the sleeves of the suit, and his chest was broad enough to make Diego stare.

  “Help me with my guest.” Wolf said, keeping a curious eye on Diego. His new guest was definitely an intriguing man. He was wild in all the right ways, now a caged tiger with enough bite to keep making things interesting.

  Glaring back at Rex, Diego didn’t move from his spot. He was not easily threatened, nor would he suddenly start obeying Wolf’s every command unless he really had no choice but to. It was conflicting. Wolf was a unique man and Diego was a sucker for men like that, especially when they were older than him too. But it wasn’t something he would admit so openly, not yet anyway.

  Turning his attention back on Wolf, Diego held back an insulting remark. He knew that whatever he said now would come back and bite him in the ass.


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