Beauty Bride 2

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Beauty Bride 2 Page 6

by Gen Phan

  "Blow off a little..." His eyes narrow in confusion, then widen with hope. "I do hope you're implying what I think you are."

  I smile and nod.

  He stares at me with wide, thunderstruck eyes. Behind his shocked expression, I can almost hear the 'Fuck, yes!' echoing in his mind. A tiny smile breaks on my lips. I've hit a sweet spot.

  He takes along breath, trying to conceal his excitement. "If that's what you want."

  Spurred on by his enthusiasm, I nod and reach behind my back, scrabbling for the velvet ties of my dress. Lucifer laughs and rises his feet, pulling me off the bed and spinning me around.

  "Allow me," he breathes against my neck.

  "Please," I whisper back.

  He works quickly, pulling the ribbons apart and helping me out of the pool of fabric. He grins like a child at Christmas, and I can only stare and admire his superior beauty. How I'm able to look him in the eyes and remain sane is a mystery.

  He leans in for a kiss, but my libido is already fired up and has no time for games. I shake my head and gently shoe him towards the bed. He stumbles a bit, then regains his balance and smiles wickedly at me.

  "Take off your pants and sit down," I'm almost pleading for him to comply.

  He barks out a laugh. "Yes, ma'am!"

  He strips quickly and tosses his jeans aside, collapsing into the bed and grinning at me. His cock stands straight as a pole, proud and strong and ready to go. I giggle at his childlike excitement. There's something so innocent and untainted about him when it comes to sex, like every time is his first. It's charming, honestly.

  I step over to the bed, kneeling down in front of him. He's grinning like a madman, practically shaking with anticipation. I'm excited, too. I actually like sucking him off. With Lucifer, it grants me a rare moment of control, as well as allowing me to tease him for once.

  "I didn't know I was that good. You're almost bouncing." I can't suppress giggling at his enthusiasm.

  His smile never fades. "I have my reasons for liking your mouth."

  I glance at his cock, staring at it apprehensively. Iknow the extent my talents, and I know that I can make him beg, but I don'tknow what he likes. He's never told me if there was any particular way he likesbeing sucked off - something that would make this a bit more enjoyable for him- so I'm apprehensive to simply close my eyes and start.

  I look back up at him, biting my lipuncertainly. "Is there anything you want?"

  His smile fades, shifting to a confused frown."Anything I want?"

  "You there anything you reallylike? A certain way you want it?" I shrug.

  His eyes widen in recognition, and his browcreases for a minute in concentration. "Try going really slow."

  I stare at him, dumbfounded. "Slow?"

  His smile retunes. "It'll make the feelinglast longer."

  Makes sense. Alright, slow itis.

  "Anything else?" I reach out andgently grip his shaft, slowly stroking him as he thinks.

  "Uh..." He trails off, his breathingunsteady, unable to create a coherent thought for a moment. "No...drawinga...blank for now."

  I smile and release his cock. His lust has got atight grip on his mind, making his thinking hazy and his body hypersensitive.Perfect.

  I pull my hair away from my face and dip down,running my tongue along the underside of his cock. He twitches and gives asharp gasp. My blood starts to pound in my head. For some reason, this has gonepast simple oral sex. It has transitioned into a bonding moment for both of us,linking us together in a mutual give-and-take of pleasure.

  Finally reaching the tip, I open my mouth andsink down onto him. I hear his sharp intake of breath, feel his fingers reachdown and twist in my hair. I smile to myself. As broken, powerful and deceitfulas he is, Lucifer is all mine. And I'm all his. He can launch me into the starsand I can bring him to his knees. What a perfect match we are.

  Slow. Take it slow.

  I take his as far as I can go, which issurprisingly far with him being as gifted as he is. Taking a spare second tobreathe and catch myself, I begin the long, languid journey back up his shaft.It takes me a bit of effort to go as slow as I need to, but I get the job done.I reach the swollen tip of his cock and suck lightly for a few seconds beforedescending again. I do my best to keep the easy pace he requested, and it'sbecoming easier with ever second.

  His skin tastes like the same impossible mix ofdelicious flavors that fills his mouth. I briefly wonder how I could still havethe mind to pleasure such a man, even just kiss him, and not try to eat him inthe process.

  Above me, Lucifer shivers and twists his fingerstightly in my hair. "Oh, yes," he breathes through clenched teeth."That's...that is something else."

  I'm grinning like a fool on the inside. I'vestarted chipping away at that angry barrier he'd put up so long ago, pulling itdown brick by brick with every swirl of my tongue.

  He shivers again and exhales loudly. "Fuck,that is nice."

  Gently, his hands push me down to the root ofhis cock, forcing his shaft inside my mouth as far as it will go. He pauses,letting me adjust to having my entire mouth stuffed full of him. It's not atall unpleasant, just different. His hands hold me still, keeping me at maximumcapacity.

  "Just swallow," he breathes.

  I comply, running my tongue over his flesh as Ilisten to his harsh breathing.

  "Oh, that's good." His fingers diginto my scalp. "You stay right there."

  I shrug mentally. I promised to give himwhatever he wants, so I'll stay right here. I swallow a few more times, takingcare to press my tongue firmly against his skin with every movement. Hoping hiseyes are closed, I reach my hand down and cup his balls in my hand. I roll themin my palm, giving each orb a gentle squeeze with my fingers.

  He gasps, almost whimpering as his bodytrembles. "Whoa, Lisa! Easy there. Slow down a bit."

  Nope. Ask and thou shallreceive.

  I brush his hands away and continue my torture,keeping my slow pace just to feel him squirm. It works flawlessly, and I'mtreated to another round of my husband twitching against my mouth and beggingme to stop.

  "Lisa," he moans my name and a firestarts in my belly. Hearing my name spoken like that, with such pure sexualforce, has me getting aroused.

  In my palm, I feel his sac start to tighten.I've brought him to that deep, dark abyss that is sexual release, and I'mdangling him at the edge by a thread. I don't intend to cut that thread and lethim fall gently into that dark bliss; I intend the catapult him into it.

  "Please," he tries one last time tostop me. "No more. I'm not...Lisa, you don't-"

  His words of warning are cut off by his orgasm.His hips buck sharply against my mouth as his fingers twist into my hair again.The muscles of his stomach contract, and he gives a long, painful groan. Hisballs pulse lightly in my fingers, releasing their burden and sighing inrelief. His seed spills into my mouth, hot and salty and almost overpowering. Ido my best to swallow quickly, forcing down every last drop so I can catch mybreath.

  Once he's spent, I pull away and sit back on thecool tile, staring up at him. He's hunched over, bracing his hands on histhighs. His breathing is harsh and ragged, his eyes closed and his hair a mess.A light sheen of sweat covers his body, making him look like an oiled-up Greekwarrior. His skin glistens in the light, the lines and ridges of his musclesbeautifully highlighted.

  Oh...well, hello there.


  My gut twists again as another spark of lust surges though me. I'd expected to be proud of myself after giving him yet another stellar blowjob. Getting turned on in the process is an unusual, though not unwelcome, byproduct.

  He finally raises his head to look at me. His mouth is open slightly, his breathing still uneven. His golden eyes are blazing, but I can't tell if it's from lust or anger.

  "Why didn't you stop?" he rasps

  A sliver of fear races up my spine. Did I piss him off by letting him orgasm? Desperately, I try to search for an acceptable answer, by my mind goes blank. I sit on the
floor looking up at him with fearful eyes.

  "I... said..."

  He takes a long, slow breath and refocuses his gaze. "Because that was fucking amazing."

  Thank god!

  I sigh quietly in relief. He's not pissed, just a little bewildered that I was able to take him so far. I'm quite proud of myself. I've rocked him to the core and knocked him slightly off balance. I consider this a job well done.

  His sly smile returns, and he straightens his spine again. He crooks a finger at me. "Come here."

  I smile back and rise from the floor, stepping forward so I stand between his legs. His hands loop around my waist, reaching down to cup my ass and lift me into his lap. I straddle his thighs, feeling his softened penis press against my belly. His hands slid up my body, cupping my neck and pulling me towards him. Our foreheads touch, and I watch him close his hypnotic eyes as he inhales slowly.

  "Why do you always try to stop me?" I stare at him, waiting for an answer.

  He sighs. "The more you make me feel, the less control I have. I don't want to accidentally hurt you because I was blind with lust."

  I smile and run my fingers through his hair. "If your were blind with lust, I don't think I would mind."

  He shakes his head. "How I got you..."

  I lean forward and kiss him. "Because you did. Don't question how we got here. You might jinx it."

  He smiles and returns my kiss passionately, tangling his fingers into my hair. I copy him, burying my own fingers into his mess of hair, tugging at it gently and hearing him moan in response. His hands slide down again, gripping my hips and pulling me close so that my breasts are crushed against his chest. His cock hardens against my belly, pressing into my tender flesh.

  "Round two?" he asks between kisses.

  "Round five, I think," I whisper against his lips.

  "Fuck it."

  He lifts me off his thighs just long enough to reposition me. He pulls me back down quickly, his cock sliding into me easily. I smile against his lips and moan into his mouth. My body has been aching for this all day, and now it will finally have its hunger satisfied.

  Lucifer wastes no time, bucking his hips against me to drive himself deeper into me. His hands reach around to cup my ass again, holding my steady as he slowly pulls back. It's a slow rhythm, but steady and strong. I have no complaints. He's picked a fantastic position, rubbing against every sweet spot I have.

  One thrust in particular simultaneously rubs against my clit and the sweetest spot inside of me. I lose my ability to breath momentarily, and pull away from his mouth to catch my breath. I tremble slightly, a bolt of lightening streaking up my spine.

  "Oh, Lucifer," I moan his name. "That feels good."

  He laughs and kisses my exposed neck. "I aim to please, your majesty."

  He does just that, angling his hips and adjusting his hands so I'm leaning away from him, holding myself upright by gripping his shoulders. The new angle is perfect, allowing him to rub against both of my hotspots at once. The feeling is mind-numbing, and I close my eyes and let wave after wave of pure ecstasy roll over me.

  "If I could," he whispers between each kiss he places on my throat, "I would do this forever."

  Oh, please do.

  I moan his name again, my own mindless answer to his confession. I wouldn't mind that at all. He could have me tied to this bed for the next four centuries and I would never tire of him.

  Sadly, it over far too quickly, the direct pressure on my clit too much for my body too handle. A few more thrusts and I'm lost, but once again it's a slow, delicious burn. I dig my fingers into his shoulders as I shudder against him, biting my lip but groaning anyway. Lucifer breaks, too, burying his face against my neck as his body twitches against mine and he moans my name.

  Seconds pass and we're left panting and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Calling back my sanity, I giggle and lean forward, moving with enough force to shove Lucifer backward onto the bed when I collide with him. We fall back into the piles of sheets, still locked together as one.

  His hands move up my body, wrapping around my waist and holding me close. His cheek nuzzles my hair as he closes his eyes and inhales deeply. Gently, I maneuver my body off his cock and slide my hips to the side so I can rest my head against his chest. His skin is cool against my cheek, soothing yet seductive.

  "Oh, woman," he breathes. "The things you make me feel. I think I may have a heart again."

  I giggle and trace the lines of his chest with my finger. "You think so?"

  One of his hands slides up to stroke my hair. "Perhaps. With you around, I might have a chance at redeeming myself."

  I frown. "Please don't."


  He freezes, his breath nearly halting. "You want me to be damned and rejected forever?"

  I shake my head. "No, but I like you like this. It's the only way I know you. If you did redeem yourself and went back to your old glory, I might not recognize you as my husband." My lip trembles a bit. "You might not recognize me."

  His arms squeeze me thing, his lips pressing into my hair. "No, no, no. I would never forget you, even if I did go back. I couldn't. You've done so much to break me down and tear me to pieces. I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost my memory of you."

  "But you'd leave." My voice starts to break, my mind beginning to envision his ascending into Heaven and leaving me behind.

  He freezes again, understanding my fear and anxiety. We both know he'd jump at the chance to return to his birthplace, so there's no point in him trying to deny it. Silently, I pray that he keeps being his evil, manipulative self so he can stay here with me.

  "I would, but I'm not sure I could leave you behind."

  I look up at him, a mix of relief and confusion in my eyes. "Meaning?"

  He gives a soft smile a shrugs. "I may have to bargain with the old man so I could take you along. I'd go insane without you." He leans forward and kisses me. "Besides, you're too much fun to leave behind."

  I smile and return his kiss. "You're way too crazy for me to leave you alone."

  He grins. "Good." He shifts and settles into the soft bedding, reaching down to pull the blankets up to my shoulders.

  "We done for the night?" I ask sleepily. All this sex has left me exhausted.

  "Yep. We do the same thing tomorrow."

  I shift against him and close my eyes. "Good." On an instinctive self-dare, I kiss his chest. "Love you."

  He inhales sharply and stills against me, then relaxes. " you, too."

  The tremor in his voice gives away his discomfort, but also his sincerity. It's probably been forever and a day since he's admitted he loved someone, so saying those four words must be like pushing Mount Everest a few feet eastward. I smile and settle in against him, letting sleep claim me as my husband begins to snore softly into my hair.

  It's not the earth-moving change I've been looking for, but it's a start.


  I wake up starving. My body has survived the last few hours on the few slices of meat I consumed during dinner, but it's craving more. My stomach starts growling, warning me of a growing rebellion inside me that will turn into a riot if I don't eat within the next fifteen minutes.

  Groaning, I slip out of my husband's embrace and push myself upright. Gently, I pull back the blankets and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, landing softly onto the cool tile floor. I turn and replace the sheets over my sleeping husband's body, taking a spare second to stop and admire his beauty one more time.

  I've scored big time.

  I look around the room and spot my black satin robe lying in a heap on the floor. Silently, I walk over and scoop it up, swinging it around so I can slip it on. I tie the ribbon around my waist and check to see that I'm fully covered. I know it's Hell and there are topless demons walking around everywhere, but I feel uncomfortable having anyone besides Lucifer see me naked. As far as I'm concerned, my body is his to stare at and his alone.

  I make my way
towards the door to our room, moving as quietly as possible so Lucifer can sleep. He doesn't need to wake up to just because I'm hungry. I'll be back in less than fifteen minutes and he'll be none the wiser.

  The door to our room swings open silently, and I quick-step through the doorway. It swings closed, but seems aware of my intentions and locks with the slightest noise. I smile.

  Good door.

  Turning, I start my way down the main hall. It's empty now, so it must be either really early or really late. I'm alone now, which grants me a few precious moments to clear my head. I listen to the sounds of the screaming souls below me, trying to gauge if I can become numb to the sound.

  Nope. I still possess my human heart.

  I smile to myself. Good. Even after spending nearly a week married to the worst bad guy in the Bible, I haven't lost my empathy or my common sense. I'm normal. Thank God.

  I breathe a small sigh of relief and continue on down the hallway. It's a bit eerie walking by myself, but I don't really mind. I like the quite, and the cool breeze is keeping me awake long enough for me to get to the dining room. My gut is starting to incite a rebellion, so I quickly try to remember whether we turned left or right after the hallway.

  "He loves you so fucking much."

  I stop, freezing in place. Latifah's voice echoes around the silent hall, bouncing off the stones and ringing in my ears.

  "What I can't understand is why." Her tone is mocking and resentful, still upset that I got picked instead of her. Same old Latifah.

  I sigh and turn to face her, my hunger slowly being replaced by an acute case of fuck-you-bitch syndrome. This woman, no matter how many times she's been screamed in her face to stop, just won't let this fight die. I finish turning and glare at her, sending as much of my annoyance at her as possible.

  She stands about ten feet away from me, dressed in a long black Grecian gown, her cheery-red hair fluttering in the breeze. Her sickly yellow eyes are locked on me, and her lips are curved up in a sly smile.


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