Petros (Royal Bastards MC)

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Petros (Royal Bastards MC) Page 1

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Petros” Royal Bastards MC

  By Esther E. Schmidt

  Copyright © 2019 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Petros is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.

  This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.


  The day Kinsey’s life shatters is the day a menacing biker appears and forces her to pick up the pieces of her miserable life.

  As the president of Royal Bastards MC, Lincoln, Nebraska Chapter, Petros knows how to rule with a steel grip and a rough demand. When he takes a woman hostage as part of a debt that needs to be collected, he doesn’t realize it could very well lead to a debt he ends up paying for.

  A rival MC, doubts of loyalty, cleaning up a mess others made—in the end everything can tip the balance of life and death for everyone involved.

  Cover design by:

  Simply Defined Art - Jay Aheer

  Editor #1:

  Christi Durbin

  Editor #2:

  Virginia Tesi Carey

  Cover Model:

  Darrin James


  Cortney Drake

  Table of contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve



  PROTECT: The club and your brothers come before anything else, and must be protected at all costs. CLUB is FAMILY.

  RESPECT: Earn it & Give it. Respect club law. Respect the patch. Respect your brothers. Disrespect a member and there will be hell to pay.

  HONOR: Being patched in is an honor, not a right. Your colors are sacred, not to be left alone, and NEVER let them touch the ground.

  OL’ LADIES: Never disrespect a member’s or brother’s Ol’Lady. PERIOD.


  LOYALTY: Takes precedence over all, including well-being.

  HONESTY: Never LIE, CHEAT, or STEAL from another member or the club.

  TERRITORY: You are to respect your brother’s property and follow their Chapter’s club rules.

  TRUST: Years to earn it...seconds to lose it.

  NEVER RIDE OFF: Brothers do not abandon their family.

  Chapter One


  My boot connects with the door and all it takes is one kick to rip the old thing off its hinges. Piece of crap old house in a bad neighborhood. Not somewhere I would let my daughter live—if I ever had one that is—but I guess this piece of crap accountant doesn’t care one shit what happens to his daughter.

  See, this accountant fucker, Alvin, has a huge debt I’m committed to collect; it’s what we do and how we make our money. Well, this Chapter does. I’m Petros, President of Royal Bastards MC, Lincoln, Nebraska Chapter. We buy bulks of debts people owe for a fragment of the market value, then we collect full price and quadruple our income.

  It’s a nice business where the cash flow is solid along with blowing off steam when someone needs some motivation to pay up. Or in this case we’re taking some leverage to motivate the accountant. We’re good at getting inventive when it comes to putting a little pressure on a person to make them pay up.

  When I read his background check, I found out Alvin has the picture perfect, white picket fence life with his wife and twenty-six-year-old daughter. I do hope she’s a hot piece of ass I can play with. It gives a man something to do while her daddy comes running with the cash he owes me.

  But for now, I need to focus on getting inside this crappy house and snatching up the daughter to set things in motion. Two of my guys are watching my back and another one out front is keeping an eye out. Loud music is coming from the living room. And it’s not your cheerful ‘let’s have a party’ music but rather the tunes for a funeral.

  Checking left and right, I see there’s indeed no one back here and I make my way toward the living room. I had West, a prospect, stake out the house for a few hours. Alvin’s daughter, Kinsey, came home and hasn’t left, nor did anyone else enter the house.

  The neighborhood is shitty, as is the house, but Alvin’s daughter doesn’t have debts and all her payments are up to date. Squeaky-fucking-clean. Unlike her father and it makes me wonder if she even knows how knee high in debt little ol’ daddio is.

  I hear my guys snicker behind me from the sight before us. The woman is dancing in the middle of the living room. All I see is her back and one damn fine curvy ass swaying back and forth. Damn.

  This woman’s got thighs I want to grab hold of while treating my cock to a nice tight hot space. Pussy or ass, with a body like hers, there’s no need to worry about breaking her; she’s made for my kind of fucking.

  Doesn’t matter if I haven’t seen her face—or if this isn’t Kinsey and just a roommate or a woman at the wrong place and time—this one is coming back to the clubhouse with me; my cock is getting wet tonight.

  Fuck. Maybe it’s because my cock hasn’t seen the inside of a pussy for a while but instant lust makes me hard as fuck. Yeah, that must be it ‘cause all I’ve seen is her nice curvy round ass and the bunch of strawberry blonde curls wrapped loose on the top of her head.

  “Can I have this one, Prez? Me and Taz can even share her. Hell, there’s enough woman for the two of us, look at that damn ass, whoa,” Helix groans behind me as the woman still shakes her ass, oblivious to the three bikers intruding her home.

  One look over my shoulder is enough to shut the fucker up. My bed has been cold for weeks now. Ever since I dragged the bitch—who couldn’t keep her cunt reserved for me—out. I kicked the bitch off my damn property, and out of the whole damn state. Women are nothing but cheating, conniving bitches who try to keep a guy by the balls and expect them to hand everything over because they deserve it.



  And don’t start with the whole judgmental, egocentric asshole. I’ve heard and seen it all and it is the way it is; I live life the way I want to live it. If a woman doesn’t like to take my cock up her pussy, ass, mouth, between her tits, or anywhere else I can spray my cum?




  My heart is as hard as my cock, but only one of those two is up for grabs…for as long as it takes for stuff to spray out. I don’t do love so don’t get confused; we’re talking about spraying out cum.

  Neither will I give a bitch an Old Lady status and I guess that’s where the bitch I kicked out of my damn clubhouse made her mistake. She was fed up with warming my bed and not getting the Old Lady status. She thought she could fuck my VP for a change, to open my eyes. It sure did open my eyes, she was right about that.

  I might be an egocentric asshole, but I’m an honest one and I told her up front I don’t share, I don’t cheat, and won’t ever take an Old Lady. Besides, this wasn’t all on her; it takes two to tango, right? Everyone in my MC knew her pussy was mine, and mine alone, to fuck.

  So, when I saw Sadie coming out of Hart’s room as if she’d freshly showered after a good round of fucking? It wasn’t hard to put two and two together to as
sume she fucked my VP, Hart. I wanted to kill them both.

  While I was busy roaring my fury at Sadie and getting her out of my damn sight—and out of my life for good—Hart was smart enough to run. Fucker. He’ll get his punishment, believe me, I’ve got every Royal Bastards MC Chapter out there looking for him.

  Getting my hands dirty by throwing Sadie out of the clubhouse repulsed me enough. I heard Jameson is comin’ home. The New Orleans Chapter’s so-called Prez needs to prove himself. What better way to prove his loyalty than to send him Sadie?

  Perfect fucking solution to shove her his way because I had enough to deal with. Hunting down my former VP and making sure I had a new VP, one who doesn’t screw around behind my fucking back.

  The vote was unanimous for Helix to become our new VP. Helix and I go way back and if it wasn’t for Hart’s father being the former VP…Hart would have never become the VP in the first place. I knew I had to follow my gut back then instead of following club rules and family ties, fucking courtesy my ass.

  Maybe now you understand the whole statement of women being cheating, conniving…holy fuck that woman is gorgeous. Even if she’s got a tequila bottle between those massive tits. I can’t tell what color her eyes are because she’s got ‘em closed as she keeps dancing but she’s now facing us.

  Both fuckers behind me suck in a breath so hard, I can hear it over the damn music. I throw a glare over my shoulder. “Dibs,” I growl, making the both of them groan with regret.

  The corner of my mouth twitches as I aim my gaze back to the woman in front of me and it’s then that her eyes flutter open. Heterochromia, otherwise known as mag-fucking-nificent. One of her eyes is a bright blue while the other one is liquid amber and the both of them are pulling me under her spell.

  The hand holding onto the tequila swings our way. “Oh. Three? I could have sworn I only wanted one stripper.” She swings the bottle back and holds it an inch from her face. “Tequila, my sweet friend, are you making me see triple hotness?” A sexy as fuck giggle flows out and I swear the sound touches my cock. “As long as the booze also guarantees triple ooooooorgams,” she fucking croons.

  “Taz, open the front door so West can come in,” I snap.

  The woman tilts her head and watches Taz step around me to stalk through the room.

  Confusion is finally spreading her pretty face. “Four? Wait…something’s not right.”

  I stalk straight into her personal space, the scent of patchouli and orange blossom instantly teases my nose along with a dose of tequila. “Something is most definitely not right, butter butt.”

  Her eyes narrow. “Butter butt? No need to show off your asshole side, stripper boy. Even if the tequila is dulling every emotion inside me—exactly what I need today—I’m still paying you to shake your ass instead of insulting my fat one,” she rolls her eyes and grumbles to her bottle. “I knew I should have saved my money and ordered a turbo vibrator online; less talk, more good vibes.”

  What. The. Fuck?

  My hand flashes up and my fingers instantly wrap around her throat, giving it a little squeeze to draw her attention. “Watch those butter lips, darlin’. No one talks to me like that and…”

  Her index finger is being pressed against my lips and I’m stunned into silence when she says, “Stop. Dancing. Everything is moving and it’s annoying.” Her hand falls away from my lips and slides to my biceps. “Oh. Super stud qualities,” she mutters and gives me a squeeze.

  I hate repeating myself, but again…What. The. Fuck?

  “Name,” I snap, making her body jolt as those unique pair of eyes hit mine.

  She takes a firm step back. “Kinsey.”

  “Perfect. You’re coming with me,” I state and grab her upper arm.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” she mutters and digs her heels in, preventing me from guiding her out the door. “Do I need to pack a bag or something? Where are we going?”

  “Not something you need to know, and for sure as shit you don’t need to pack a bag. The clothes you have on are enough, otherwise your birthday suit will be a good second choice,” I snicker, making the rest of my guys bark out a laugh.

  Kinsey glares and snatches up the largest damn bag I’ve ever seen a chick have on her. She caps the bottle and puts it in her bag too before she shoves her arm through and throws it over her head. She then opens a drawer and shoves some clothes and some other stuff in there, along with the remote for the TV. This chick is toasted for sure.

  “Fine. Lead the way, stripper boy,” she states, but after one step she stumbles back and I manage to catch her just in time to prevent her from hitting the floor.

  Fuck. She’s out cold. I guess it makes my work somewhat easier since I can now drag her away to the clubhouse without kicking, screaming and raising unnecessary attention. I take one last look around her room. While the whole interior screams no cash, it’s cozy and clean. No pets, though, and nothing of value.

  “Make sure the back door is closed and nailed shut, West,” I order. “Helix, open the truck so I can put her in the back.”

  I hoist Kinsey up in my arms and stalk to the truck, the first part of the job is done; obtain Alvin’s daughter as leverage. “Let’s head back to the clubhouse. I’ve got an important call to make.” I’m actually curious to see how fast her father is willing to move his ass to get the money he owes if his daughter’s life is at risk.

  Seems the answer to my question will have to wait till morning. The fucker doesn’t pick up his phone, and when I sent two prospects over to check Alvin’s house, they came back empty-handed. This was supposed to be an easy ‘snatch leverage, twist the fucker’s arm, get the cash’ job, now I have to wait till morning to do some more digging to find out why the fucker isn’t home when he should have been.

  The main room in the clubhouse is too damn loud, and too damn crowded for my aggravation tonight. Normally it wouldn’t bother me at all. I’m all for blowing off a little steam with good company, easy going conversations, and all while having a few drinks.

  Yet now the shit from the past few weeks is taking its toll. Add the strange way the simple ‘snatch up the daughter for leverage’ turned into and the asshole gone missing...yeah, I’m not in the mood for anything tonight.

  I smack Helix on his back. “I’m turning in for the night, we’ll handle this Alvin fucker tomorrow before we swing by the butcher. At least we’re sure the butcher will have the ten grand he owes us.”

  Helix snickers along with Blake and Gin, both are sitting next to Helix. We were all there when we confronted the butcher and the idiot pissed his fucking pants before Gin—our enforcer—had a chance to so much as point a finger in his direction.

  “Sounds good, Prez. You gonna crash in your own bed?” My VP barely manages to keep the smile from his face.

  Shit. I forgot I dumped Kinsey there when I arrived at the clubhouse. “It’s my damn bed and I ain’t gonna sleep on the floor. I might kick her out if she hogs the covers but now that you mention it…I could use some friction in places and she’s got enough curves to get the job done. I’m out of here.”

  Helix chuckles and shakes his head. “If you need help moving her to another room, lemme know.”

  I grab his cut and snarl, “A bitch that’s in my bed is my business, and not my VP’s.”

  “Hey, man.” Helix pats my shoulder. “I’m just offering my help, I didn’t mean anything by it. You know I ain’t like Hart. No fucking way will I ever pick a bitch over a brother. I’d rather cut off my own cock and hand it to you on a silver platter before I get it wet with someone else’s property. Old Lady status or not, Hart fucked up. Wet pussy will always be a wet pussy, but a brother should have your back, not your…”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” I roughly tell him, letting my fist go of his cut. “No need to overdo it.” The corner of my mouth twitches at his reaction but then I sober up and lower my voice so my words only reach his ears. “Trust is a funny thing. The body can endure lots of blows, and yet the mind
is something where the bruise settles, only to take forever to heal.”

  “It’s only been a few weeks, Petros,” Helix says in an understanding tone. “The bitch is now the problem of our New Orleans Chapter. She’ll get what she deserves handed by Jameson.”

  I let my mind process his words. And when I think about it, “The bitch is dead to me, I don’t care if she is or if she’s still walking this fucked-up world. As long as she never steps foot in Nebraska, I’m fine either way. Now when it comes to Hart? Yeah, he needs to be dead to me, and I’ll make sure it’s gonna happen. By my hand or one of my brothers, I don’t care what fucking chapter, but I will make damn sure to see proof he’s been dealt with.”

  “Soon, brother,” Helix vows.

  I nod, feeling satisfaction in his vow as I return the words. “Soon.”

  Leaving the crowded and lively space, I head for my room and be sure to lock the door behind me. I toe off my boots and leave them near the door as I take a few steps closer to the bed and come to an abrupt stop. Kinsey is draped over my bed in just her black yoga pants, fucking skintight and hugging her curves perfectly.

  She was wearing a shirt when I laid her down on the bed and left her. I only took off her shoes and for me, it was more than I would do for any bitch. Hell, I don’t even fucking know why I put her in my bed in the first place ‘cause for sure as shit I don’t need a bitch messing with my head.

  But I have to admit…she looks damn fine hugging my pillow. Her leg is thrown over it—tits overflowing the soft fabric—and those long, strawberry blonde curls are sprayed all over the sheets. Hello, hard-on. Fuck. It’s been like that ever since I laid eyes on her. All those weeks before? My cock didn’t so much as twitch after that shit Sadie and Hart pulled.


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