Petros (Royal Bastards MC)

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Petros (Royal Bastards MC) Page 5

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Without a second thought I flash up and grab Taz by his cut. “I’m keeping her, she’s mine and no one else’s. And you better think twice about calling her a bitch again, clear?” I growl, and make sure to make eye contact with every single one at my table. “Her pussy is mine, and she’s not to be touched. I swear anyone’s cock so much as twitches her way, I’m going to cut it off with a blunt knife. Am. I. Clear?”

  Sounds of confirmation flow through the room and Taz is nodding his head as if it can snap off at any time.

  “Good. Glad we have one thing settled then,” I snap and take my seat again.

  “Well, we all also agreed to kill two fuckers,” Helix states. “To dive back into the matters at hand, we need to ask the woman if she has any idea where her father might be heading.”

  “Head for my room and get her in here,” I tell him and he’s wearing a look of shock the next instant. The corner of my mouth twitches. “What’s the matter, Helix? Thinking twice about your cock? Smart man. No need to tell you I left her in my bed wearing only my shirt?” I snicker at the way he swallows and smack his shoulder. “I mean it, VP, go and get her in here so we can ask, and move on from there.”

  I ignore the looks of sympathy all the other brothers give Helix as he stalks out of church. Satisfaction slides through me. All of them will think twice before they cross me. Though, the thought of anyone laying a hand on Kinsey somehow makes fury like no other roar its head.

  Absolutely different than what happened with Sadie and Hart. I was more furious about Hart stabbing me in the back by fucking a bitch I had warming my bed, than the bitch itself. Clearly the bitch didn’t mean as much to me as Kinsey has in the mere hours I’ve had her.

  Fuck. I have to keep a clear view on things. The way I lashed out at my brothers, the realization I just had on how Kinsey obviously crawled under my skin within a fucking day…something Sadie never even got close to doing for the fragment of time she warmed my bed.

  I don’t have to look to know Kinsey entered church. The eyes of the fuckers around me hitting the floor is all telling. Helix takes his seat and I slowly turn my head to face Kinsey. Her strawberry blonde curls surround her face and her hands are trying to pull my shirt further down her legs.

  For some reason I don’t mind showing her off now. It’s clear everyone will think twice about touching what’s mine. It’s for this reason I snap, “Stop fidgeting or I’ll rip the shirt right off.” Her hands flash to her sides while her glare is aimed fiercely at me. There she is. “Your father’s other family, any idea where they’re located?”

  Her eyes slide away from me and I can see the wheels in her head turning as if she’s searching her mind. Slowly she starts to shake. “He didn’t mention anything. To be honest, I have no clue and I didn’t ask when he dismissed me.”

  Curses and grumbling rumble through the room. I rub a hand over my face and a few times over my beard to think of another way to find out where the fucker might have gone. I automatically connect my gaze with Kinsey when I hear a sigh coming from her direction.

  I stand, stalk toward her, and tilt her head to ask, “What is it?”

  “He didn’t only get my mother killed like you told me…or dumped me when he casually said he could finally leave to be with his real family…but he also shut down the company. Well, the one I worked for since I was a teenager. It’s all I’ve ever known and he used to be out of town for days on end, visiting the other companies he owned. I would take over and handle the books. I’ve seen…I…ugh, how could I be so freaking stupid?”

  “Any details would help, little girl,” Helix quips. Her eyes meet his and the fucker shoots her a wink. “Even if you think it might be nothing, it could make sense to us.”

  Good thing I know he’s offering her some support, otherwise I’d punch his eye shut so he wouldn’t be able to wink for a long fucking time.

  Instead of giving Helix any attention, Kinsey directs everything at me. “I would also be the one who would book all the business expenses he incurred. Gas receipts, coffee, dinner, hotel, expenses, everything. Dates and places and so on are on there, that would help to pinpoint him, right? I mean those trips were all bullshit, don’t you think? All the time he went away…he’s been spending it with them. Makes me wonder if he even had other companies…maybe just one with his other family to use as an excuse like he did with us.”

  Pride hits my chest, she just found the perfect way to nail this fucker, I’m sure of it. “Where can we get the information you’re talking about?”

  “Uhmmm, your room?” she says, a little unsure of herself.

  My room? Suddenly I remember her monstrosity of a bag she took with her. “Your bag?”

  She nods shyly. “My laptop is in my bag and I can access the stuff I scanned, the receipts and so on. Would that help?”

  “Fuck, yeah, that would help,” I snap.

  I crash my mouth to hers in a quick kiss before I rush out to grab her laptop hearing her murmur “awkward” in a sing-song voice, making me chuckle because I’m pretty sure my brothers are all staring at her.

  Quickly jogging into my room, I locate her bag and laptop and jog straight back into church. Kinsey is still standing in the same spot I left her in. I place the laptop on the table in front of my chair and take my place at the head of the table.

  “Come sit.” I pat my thigh and she shoots me a look of horror right before her gaze slides over all my brothers. “Kinsey,” I snap. “If I’d bend you over this fucking table and shove my cock up your ass, there will be no judgement comin’ from my brothers. They sure as hell won’t fucking care if you set your pussy over my jeans covered cock. Do. As. I. Fucking. Say.”

  The glare is back on her face and she stomps all the way toward me and plunks down, crossing her arms underneath her damn fine tits.

  I lean in and place my mouth next to her ear. “I wouldn’t keep your arms crossed like that. You’re lifting those lush tits up while your nipples are poking through my shirt you’re wearing. No bra, darlin’, all on show.”

  A growl rumbles through her chest and I grip her hips tight to rub her over my cock, making sure she feels what she does to me.

  “Find the information you were talking about before I get too damn horny and bend you over the table,” I growl, barely keeping myself in check because I’ve already reached my limit of horniness, I want to be inside her again soon.

  She fires up the laptop and makes her fingers dance. A few keystrokes later and image after image fills the screen. I turn the laptop to Helix and he goes through them all.

  “Illinois,” Helix says with satisfaction. “There’s an obvious trail. Do you have scans of receipts from the other times he went on business trips?”

  Kinsey leans forward but I keep her in place. “Tell him rather than show him.”

  She huffs but I don’t care, she simply needs to follow my orders. She rattles off instructions and Helix nods and clicks a few times on the laptop. My VP stands and finds a pen and a piece of paper before he dives back in and makes some notes. All of us wait patiently as Helix narrows shit down.

  I let my fingers slide up and down her leg underneath the table. She starts to squirm on my lap and I fucking revel in it. Sliding up, I push her legs somewhat apart and any damn second I expect her to shove my hand away or even give a little gasp of horror, anything to indicate she’s repulsed by what I’m doing…but it never comes. Instead she opens her legs a little more, giving me enough room to work with.

  As I said, I already reached my level of horniness and this drives me to let my fingers slide through her pussy. Fuck. She’s drenched. Lazily I start to pump my fingers in and out. Her hands flash up and grip the table. The movement is making some heads turn our way but when I glance at the side of Kinsey’s face, I notice her eye is closed. Pretty sure both are because she’s ready to surrender to pleasure.

  Pleasure I can reward her with if I want to. I know damn well all it will take is the tip of my finger—slick with he
r juices—to circle her clit and she’ll light up beautifully. She’s already too far gone to care where she is. Her head falls back on my shoulder as I keep pumping two fingers inside her pussy before I suddenly rip them out. I let my other arm circle her waist to keep her pinned on my lap.

  She stiffens in my grip when she becomes aware how I almost brought her to orgasm in a room filled with bikers. I slowly bring my fingers to my mouth and lick her juices right off. I simply can’t resist getting a taste. And it’s so fucking good. A groan rumbles through me while a nervous husky laugh stumbles out of Kinsey.

  “Holy shit,” she gasps and mutters, “Not awkward at all.”

  “Darlin’,” I drawl. “Awkward would be the moment I impale you on my cock and let you stay in place until this meeting is done. But we can’t do that, women aren’t allowed in church and you’ve overstayed your welcome. Now, hop off and head for my room. I’ll give you a nice long and hard reward after I’m done here.”

  Her mouth opens and I’m pretty sure she’s about to throw out a smart remark. I raise one of my eyebrows in challenge. She snaps her mouth shut the next instant.

  I can’t help but smirk. “Good girl.”

  “I’ve found several hotel reservations. The fucker always makes the same one and stays two days. Worth a shot to check it out, right?” Helix states.

  I give him a nod as I watch Kinsey’s ass sway out of church.

  Taz snaps at Helix, “Couldn’t you wait a damn minute until she’s out of the damn room? She doesn’t need to hear club business. With the shit that happened with Sadie, no one around here trusts a bitch.”

  I shoot a death glare at Taz. “Don’t you fucking compare Kinsey with that filthy, cheating bitch. None of you will cross me like Hart did, touching a bitch that wasn’t around to share. But don’t make the mistake of confusing one bitch with another because the woman who let me put my fingers deep inside her a breath ago is as loyal as a bitch will ever be. You know why I know this with every fucking bone in my body?” I don’t wait for any of them to answer but give it to them straight. “Because she doesn’t expect or want me to make her my Old Lady. That’s what Sadie’s problem was. She couldn’t deal and was fed up, trying to get some jealousy shit going to take what she thought was hers; a fucking title. Now, Kinsey, she doesn’t expect anything from me other than the promise I made her to keep her safe. Her fucking mother was killed because of her fucked-up father. A father who told her straight to her face he was leading a double life and is dumping her to live with his real family now that he doesn’t have to be bothered with the life he had here. Her life just got ripped to shreds. She’s got no one. No. Fucking. One. So, she has me, and with it, us. And that gives the kind of loyalty you need to fucking respect. Get me?”

  The whole room is silent and all I get in return from everyone is fierce nods.

  “Good. Now let’s discuss Boone,” I growl, anxious to forge a plan to end that fucker.

  Chapter Six


  Petros’ voice makes my feet glue to the floor. The way his words are filled with anger and domination is making the hairs on my arms stand on end. Not to mention the value of those very words. I don’t have any idea who this Sadie person or Hart are, but they struck a big hole into the foundation of this MC.

  From the little information bomb he just dropped—one clearly not meant for my ears—tells me Sadie was his girlfriend of sorts and she cheated on him with Hart. All the things Petros mentioned about me and the whole train of events might be true to hold the reason why I wouldn’t cheat or cross this man—or any of the others in this MC. But the truth is…I despise cheating. I won’t even read a romance book if there’s cheating involved.

  Anger surges through my veins at the thought of this Sadie chick. I hope he kicked her out because if I were to run into her, and there would be a knife within my grasp…I’d gladly use her for some target practice. Ugh, what a bitch.

  I’m more annoyed by knowing this little detail, than rather to be embarrassed and angry about how he played with my pussy underneath the table…while being in a room filled with other people I might add. I stalk back to Petros’ room, grab my phone, and start reading. Diving into a book dulls the outside world and lets me drift off to a place I’d rather spend my time in.

  A few minutes of reading makes me realize I can’t really get into it. My mind is nagging me about all the arrangements I need to make for my mother’s funeral and the fact I haven’t heard back from my friend, Cassie, yet.

  I switch to the text app and notice Cassie hasn’t even seen my messages yet. I know how she sometimes forgets to charge her phone and dives into work but it’s really starting to worry me. With everything that happened I need to know if she’s safe. I should contact her employer to see if she’s checked in.

  The door swings open and Petros strolls inside. I check the time and where I thought I’d only spent a few minutes into the book I was reading, turns out it was almost close to an hour. Huh. I got sucked in more than I thought I had.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  His head tilts. “Always. Though you shouldn’t always expect me to answer.”

  Weirdo my mind easily supplies but I don’t comment and instead fire my question at him. “I have this friend…well, actually, it’s the only friend I have. Anyway, Cassie stepped on a plane and I haven’t heard anything since. Not a text or a phone call, and I can see all my messages haven’t been read. And…”

  He holds up his hand. “This Cassie isn’t a nickname for Kaz? Does this Cassie have a cock or a cunt?”

  I repeat; weirdo. “She is my friend,” I snap, irritated by the sound of the C-word. “Cassie is short for Cassandra. It shouldn’t matter if she is indeed a girl, boy, gay or straight. My question was if it would be weird if I called her employer to ask if she arrived safely. I know how Cassie is when it comes to work. She just dives in and doesn’t remember to charge her phone or check for messages. But with everything that happened to me, I really want to know if she’s safe. Even if I’m being paranoid. I am being paranoid, am I not?”

  “What was her destination? The Royal Bastards Chapters are everywhere. I could have someone swing by to check if you know the details of where she’s staying,” he offers.

  And though it’s sweet, I know the solid undertone he’s lacing his words with; Royal Bastards are everywhere. So, no matter if I would run to the end of the world, he has the ability to find me or others whenever and wherever.

  “I would like that, if it isn’t too much of a burden. And another thing I was wondering about is my mother…I need to make arrangements and I…I don’t know where to start or what to even do because I know I can’t leave here because this Boone guy wants my father and might want me like how you took me.”

  His eyes flash with something but before I can identify it, it’s gone. “I’ll have a prospect swing over to your house or your parents’ house if you need to get something from it. You and I, along with a few of my brothers, will go to your place in a few days to get some change of clothes and shit. I will mention it to Helix, my VP. He will make sure everything is arranged but for now we need to leave within the hour. We’re heading to the hotel your father might still be staying in. I can’t leave you here, so you’re comin’ with.”

  “Coming with? What do you mean?” Confusion hits me and I keep firing burning questions. “We’re going to drive to the hotel where he might be staying and then what? And will he still be there? Can’t I stay here? I don’t want to see him, you won’t make me, will you?”

  “Question marks slide in after words you throw out and you make it seem as if you got a fucking choice in any of it. Don’t confuse me with a boyfriend or some shit just because I had my cock and fingers inside you,” Petros snarls.

  Now this makes me snort. Not angry or agitated, just…snort an unfeminine sound. “Believe me, I’d never mistake you for a boyfriend. And to be clear, I only expect you to honor your word when you give it to m
e. Like how you mentioned you’d keep me safe or how you offered a way to check up on Cassie. Besides, to be my boyfriend one would have to agree on a relationship together, discuss and set shared goals so there’s no failed expectations. Boyfriend.” I snort again. “As if. My boyfriend would never shove his fingers up my pussy in a room filled with his buddies.”

  His fingers slide around my throat, his thumb lifting my chin up to connect our gaze. I’ve learned he does it a lot. I have to admit, it’s something I really think is hot. It makes my heart flutter and my pussy clench but I’m sure he does it so I fear him. Shit. I might be more of a weirdo than he is.

  “Good perspective there, darlin’. Though I hate to enlighten you, because clearly it sounds like you’ve only had boys around you all your life, if you haven’t had a man crave you enough not to keep his hands off you. A man would never let anyone else touch what’s his but for sure as shit will take what he wants, wherever or whenever.”

  “Never had a boyfriend.” I shrug. “Hence the reason I said ‘my boyfriend would never’ as in if I had one, I’d like to think he wouldn’t do it.”

  His fingers leave my throat and he turns to stalk off to a closet while he growls, “Then you should never fucking settle for a fucker who’d only appreciate you behind closed doors.”

  He takes out a bag and shoves a change of clothes in there. Next thing he opens is a drawer and now my attention is spiked as he rolls out a black satin bundle on the mattress showing off throwing knives as he ties a sheath to his upper thigh.

  “Oh, wow, can I touch?” I rush over and hover my hand above them but Petros snatches me by the wrist and glares at me.

  Disappointment fills me and my shoulders sag. He’s right. When he just mentioned the whole boyfriend thing, maybe subconsciously I slipped into la-la-land believing he might care about me on some level when he took me from my home and we had sex.

  This whole situation is insane the way the two of us are thrown together. Excitement got the best of me when I saw those knives. I guess the lines are blurred in my head, he’s only there to keep me safe, he doesn’t care about me at all. Ugh. Feelings. They always get in the way. Like now. Tears burn my eyes and my throat closes up.


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