Love Notes (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 4)

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Love Notes (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 4) Page 4

by Chanel, Jackie

  “This time it’s not about you, Aiden,” Sunny yelled. “It’s about me! In case you haven’t heard, I have a business that operates on word of mouth and referrals. My reputation can’t afford to take a hit right now! We can go public once the tour is over, but until then, calm your damn nerves!”

  “You’re the one screaming,” I calmly pointed out. “You think people really give a shit who I’m with?”

  “O-M-G! How naïve are you? I know people give a shit. I read the blogs every day,” she replied. “Maybe, while I’m gone, you should Google yourself and see what the hell I’m talking about. How do you even not know?”

  “My job is to make music that people love,” I said. “Not be on Twitter and Facebook all day long reading the stupid shit people say about me.”

  “That’s a different argument,” Sunny replied.

  “We’ll talk about this when you get back.”

  I was already tired of this conversation. I know Sunny’s career is important to her, but she’s being dramatic for no reason. The “last time” was a fucked up situation between her and Ramey. She lost clients because she sat back and let Ramey talk shit about her. If Sunny had set the record straight whenever someone pushed a microphone in her face, she could have let the world know that Ramey was a lying bitch. I tried, but it didn’t help that Sunny was hiding out in Atlanta.

  “Do you want me to have Tracy issue a statement while you’re gone?” I asked. “She gets paid a lot of money to handle the media.”

  Sunny rolled her eyes. “No,” she huffed. “I want you to say ‘I understand what you’re saying, Sunny. We can wait until we get back home to go public with our relationship.’ Why the hell is that so hard for you to do?

  “This is a dumb ass argument,” I complained. “I’m not agreeing to that. What I won’t do is touch your ass in public, but if they ask about us, I’m not going to deny that we’re together.”

  Sunny grinned. “Then I guess we’ll just have to keep you from talking to the damn paparazzi.”


  Sunny stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. I don’t know why she’s happy now. It’s not like I agreed to what she wanted.

  “I love you,” she told me.

  “I know. Go catch your plane. Call me when you land. And bring back my sax player please.”

  “I’ll try, but I think you should talk to her.”

  “I already know what you think, and I would if she’d answer the damn phone when I call! Tell her to answer the phone and I’ll tell her to get her ass to Detroit my damn self. Do me a favor and remind your friend that she’s under contract with me.”

  Sunny smirked and shook her head. “I’m not telling her that. I’ll do what I can. See you in a few days, babe.”

  We left my room. As soon as we walked to the front of the bus, Roxy rolled her eyes.

  “Did you kiss and make up?” she said in her usual sarcastic tone.

  “We’re fine,” I said.

  I watched Sunny hug and kiss everyone, including our driver, Will, before descending down the steps and right into the middle of the paparazzi frenzy. She lowered her sunglasses and walked right through them as if they weren’t even there. She never even stopped for one picture. They love her, but Sunny hates the paparazzi. One day I’m going to make her realize that she’s just as much as a star as I am.

  When Will closed the doors and pulled off, I sat down and picked up my Xbox controller, but Roxy snatched it out of my hand.

  “What the fuck?”

  “You think I’m here to watch you play video games? We need to talk business.”

  Thirteen years...that’s how long Roxy has been nagging me. Thirteen long years. As much as she gets on my nerves, I love her and wouldn’t trade her for another manager. She’s the best at what she does. I just wish I could keep her away from us when we’re on tour.

  She stopped traveling with me after my second world tour, but it’s not unusual for her to pop up at random times when we’re on the road. Occasionally she’ll fly in to catch a show and make sure everything is running as smoothly as she wants it to run. For the most part, we all stay one our toes because we never know when the “Boss” is going to pop up.

  I took my controller out of Roxy’s hand. “I don’t want to talk about Erica,” I said before Roxy could begin her lecture.

  “I don’t care. You are five shows in on a forty-city tour and a major component of your show is missing. From what I’ve heard and based on what I know, you have done nothing to fix this problem. Live Nation is being patient, due to the circumstances, but they won’t be for much longer.”

  “You’re her manager too!” I argued. “I hope you had a similar conversation with her. I left Erica plenty of messages telling her to meet up with us. We all have! I was trying to give her a little space after what she did, but I know I need her here. Why don’t you explain breach of contract to your niece?”

  “You’re kidding me, right? How do you think she feels right now, Aiden? You flew everyone out to the Caribbean for a wedding that didn’t happen. A week later, you start touring without your fiancée and bring her best friend instead? Do you even know how ridiculous that sounds?”

  I looked around at Mike and Eddie for backup. They were both pretending to be engrossed in the start menu for Call of Duty.

  “Back up,” I said to Roxy. “First, the wedding that didn’t happen is my personal business. We agreed that you would not get involved with anything dealing with me and Erica because it’s a conflict of interest. The only thing you should be worrying about is why your client is ignoring my requests for her to join the tour since we have a signed contract for forty shows.”

  “Besides,” I continued, “Erica isn’t some scorned lover that I left at the altar. She broke up with me and called off the wedding. I don’t know what her problem is.”

  “Find out, Aiden,” Roxy angrily shouted. “Because if we don’t give Live Nation the thirty-five sold out shows featuring you and your four person band that they expect, they will cancel your remaining dates and sue your ass for breach of contract. I’m talking millions of dollars, superstar!”

  I shrugged. “I’m not worried about any of that. Erica will show up in Detroit. She’s not completely stupid. Sunny will be able to talk to her. And if she isn’t in Detroit, then you and Paulie can go to LA and explain how contracts work. I gave her two weeks to get her head together. She needs to get here.”

  “I think you should be prepared to do something you’ve never had to do,” Tracy spoke up.

  “What’s that?”

  “Fire a friend.”

  “Bullshit!” I scoffed. “There’s no way in hell I’m firing her! What kind of sense does that make? We’re trying to keep this tour drama free! You’re supposed to stop me from doing shit to attract media attention, not encourage it!”

  “Listen,” I said to everyone on the bus. “Y’all need to give me fuckin’ credit and stop freaking the hell out. This Erica situation is going to work out. Have some damn faith. If I’m not worried about it, why should you? The only thing we need to concern ourselves with is the end of tour party. If we’re doing Vegas, you have to start planning now.”

  That’s all I’m really worried about. Erica will come around and Live Nation isn’t cancelling my first national tour since my daughter was born. The entire tour sold out in three days. My fans will riot if they cancel even one show and I’m healthy enough to play.

  Chapter 6: Detroit

  “You have the call-in interview with The Tom Joyner Morning Show on 105.9 in twenty minutes. Then we have to go down to 95.5 for your in studio with Mojo. Then we have first sound check, back here to change, then your Meet & Greet at Macy’s. Then sound check again, show, and back to the hotel. Tomorrow is free except for sound check and the second show. We have to be on the road right after the show in order to get to Camden on time.” Mona took a deep breath. “That’s all I have.”

  I glared at Tracy. “Who goes from P
A to Michigan to New Jersey? Who put this schedule together?”

  “Don’t start,” Tracy warned.

  “I gotta get Sunny from the airport. What time does she land?”

  As usual, on the morning of a show, Mona, Tracy, my stylist, and I sat in the living room of my suite. Show day is always so hectic, but our morning meeting is what determines if I’m going to have a good day or not.

  Shane, the stylist Roxy had recommended for me last year, was frantically putting together today’s outfits. I feel sorry for the guy. I’m not changing into three different outfits today, but he doesn’t know that. What I’m wearing to my interview is the same thing I’m wearing to sound check and my in-store at Macy’s. I’ll change before the show.

  One day Shane is going to quit and my life will be easier. Stylists are always so pushy. He doesn’t understand that all I need is a couple pair of jeans and a few shirts. I am the easiest person in the world to dress, if my stylists would listen to me and not Tracy.

  “Sunny gets in at 12:45,” Tracy answered. “But you’ll be at Macy’s. We’ll send a car to get her.”

  “There’s no way in hell my daughter gets here and I’m not at the airport to pick her up. You need to do whatever you have to in order to make that happen,” I demanded. “And then there’s this.”

  I pulled up an email on my phone that Chloe, my fan club president, had forwarded to me last night and read it out loud.

  Hey Aiden,

  My name is Kameron. I know you probably get tons of letters from people saying that they are your biggest fan so I’m not going to say that. But you are my hero. I’m 11 and I play guitar like you. I started last year with a J-45 Standard and my teacher just started me on a Strat like yours! My teacher says I’m really good and I should be ready to start learning your songs in a few weeks, but I already know some of them.

  My dad was a really big fan of you too. But he died. My mom said that I’m the man of the house now, but I don’t know what that means. I remembered that your dad died too. I’m really sorry that happened. I really miss my dad. I was hoping you could tell me what I’m supposed to do now. I have 2 sisters and a dog. Please email me back if you aren’t too busy. If you are busy, it’s okay. I hope my mom can take me to see your next concert in Detroit. She said maybe. Thank you for reading this.

  From Kam

  Your #1 Fan

  “He put his phone number on the fan club registration form,” I told Tracy after I finished reading the email. “Call his mom and see what they’re doing today. I want to meet this kid. Bring him here.”

  Tracy shook her head. “Can’t we just do front row seats and backstage passes? You have so much on your plate already.”

  “No,” I replied. “Please make this happen, Tracy. I won’t ask you for anything else for the rest of this tour.”

  “You say that every time we hit the road. There’s always some kid or some fan that you want me to make special accommodations for. You do remember the Six Flags event for those military families that you had me put together in twenty-four hours.”

  “Those guys had just got home for Iraq! And we had fun, didn’t we?”

  “That’s not the point. You’re going to do something fabulous for this kid and his family and no one except us is going to know about it. Don’t you understand that with all the positive stuff you do, you could really change people’s opinion of you?”

  “I don’t care what people think about me. I’m a platinum selling artist with a sold out tour. I’m doing a hundred and twenty shows this year. Obviously, someone likes me,” I stated. “Besides, have you not read the Bible? You’re not supposed to do good things for people for bragging rights. Matthew, chapter six. Read it.”

  “I can’t believe you know the chapter and everything,” Tracy laughed.

  “I’m not some kind of heathen!” I scowled at her. “You don’t worry about what parts of the Bible I know. You just worry about getting Kameron here.”

  I really don’t care about my reputation because the fans I gained from playing in coffee shops and dive bars around the South have been loyal to me from day one. I’ve gained some new ones along the way, but the people who love me will always love me. I don’t go out of my way to make people think I’m just a douchebag rock star. I just live my life and take advantage of the perks that being a celebrity has to offer.

  Occasionally, I do get a fan letter or hear someone’s story that really touches my heart and I like to do special things for the people who helped me become a celebrity. It’s not the media’s business. It’s mine. And this kid...well, I can relate. I’m three times his age and still reeling from my father’s death. I can’t imagine having to deal with that kind of trauma at eleven years old. I don’t know what to say to this kid, but damn it, I’ll think of something.

  “I think it would be nice if you called him yourself,” Mona said softly. She usually doesn’t say much of anything at these meetings after telling me what my schedule is, so Tracy and I were both surprised when she spoke up.

  “I mean,” she continued, “if I was a kid and my favorite celebrity called me, I’d be ecstatic. A simple phone call from you could change his life.”

  “Excellent idea.” I picked up my phone again. “I’ll call him now.”

  “It’s seven-thirty in the morning,” Tracy scolded. “You have to call the radio station in three minutes.”

  “This is more important.”

  I dialed Kameron’s number and hit the speaker button. Tracy’s frown grew more severe when a sleepy young woman answered.

  “Hey,” I said. “This is Aiden Tyler. I’m calling to talk to Kameron. Are you his mom?”

  “Oh my God! Is this for real?”

  “Yeah,” I laughed. “Kameron sent me a really great email and I was wondering if I could talk to him.”

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  The phone clattered on what sounded like a table. I heard a dog barking and toddlers crying in the background. Then a little boy’s timid voice whispered into the phone.


  “What’s up, Kameron?”

  “Holy crap!” he shouted. “Mom! It’s really him! I can tell by his voice! Aiden Tyler’s on our phone!”

  I grinned at my assistant and my publicist. Both of them had huge smiles on their faces. I knew that this was going to be a good idea. People should listen to me more often.

  “Hey dude,” I said. “I can’t stay on the phone long ‘cause I have an interview in a few minutes. I just wanted to let you know that I got your email.”

  “Really?” Kameron shouted. “I didn’t think you’d read it.”

  “Yeah, I did, and I want to meet you. Do you think you and your family would want to hang out with me today? I got some stuff to do before the show and you guys can tag along if you want.”

  “Holy crap!” Kameron shouted again. “Mom! Aiden Tyler wants us to hang out with him today! Can we go?”

  I heard a click and then I could tell I was on speakerphone.

  “Umm, Aiden, this is Karmen, Kam’s mom. What is he screaming about?”

  “I was asking if you guys would like to hang out with me today. I have a radio interview and a signing at Macy’s before sound check and my show tonight. I’d love to hook up with you guys.”

  “O-M-G! That would be awesome. He would love that.”

  “Good,” I grinned. “I gotta run, but here’s my assistant. Give her your details and we’ll have a car come get you in about an hour. See ya soon.”

  I handed my cell to Mona and walked over to where she’d set up another phone and computer for the call-in interview.

  “You know you just screwed the whole schedule for today, right?” Tracy asked.

  “Have a heart. The schedule will be fine. We’re going to make this kid’s day. Can we send the tour bus to get them? I bet he’d like that.”

  I had a million ideas on how to make today amazing for this kid. I know my girls won’t let me down. They never do.

nbsp; ***

  Mona, Tracy, and I were waiting in the hotel lobby when two things happened at the same time; my tour bus pulled in front of the hotel which I knew Kameron and his family were in, and my daughter came running across the lobby towards me at full speed.

  “Daddy!” Summer screamed as she flew into my arms. I scooped her up and kissed her chubby cheeks.

  Nothing, not music or money...nothing makes me happier than my baby girl. When Sunny confirmed that Summer was mine, my entire life changed. All I want is to make sure that when Summer grows up, she can say she’s proud to be my child.

  “How’d you get here so fast?”

  “We came on the airplane,” Summer answered. “I had grapes and juice. Mommy didn’t eat anything.”

  I looked up at her mother. “What is she talking about?”

  “We caught an earlier flight,” Sunny explained. “Mona sent me your schedule and I knew we had to get here earlier.” She grinned. “Look what I brought.”

  I looked over Sunny’s shoulder and immediately wanted to kiss her. Not only was Erica standing behind Sunny and carrying her saxophone case, but so was Joey.

  Joey is my business partner, the head of our record label, and one of the best blues guitarists I’ve ever played with. He doesn’t always tour with me since our label is getting pretty big, but when he does, it’s pure magic on stage. Detroit is in for a real treat tonight.

  “How’s it goin’, A.T?” Joey greeted me. “My niece said you might need a little help on the road so I brought reinforcements.” He nodded his head at Erica.

  Despite the fact that she was surrounded by people who genuinely loved her, Erica looked like she’d rather be back in LA.

  “I owe you big time,” I replied. “Mona, grab two rooms for Erica and Joey and fill them in on the schedule for today, please.”

  “Aiden,” Tracy interrupted and nodded to the lobby doors that were sliding open again.

  A small little boy was leading his mother into the hotel. She was struggling to maintain her grip on the hands of two twin girls who were doing everything they could to break free and catch up to their brother. They had to be Kameron and his family.


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