Gun Blade

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Gun Blade Page 46

by Rick Scott

  Bright light surrounds us right before the world vanishes in a swirl of sparkles. My vision goes black and an instant later I materialize right outside the grand stadium. I’m barely back in one piece and adjusting to the rapid transition when Gilly tugs me by the arm. “Come on!”

  She pulls me towards the rear entrance of the complex, where we entered through the tunnel the last time. It’s still morning and the sky is a brilliant blue without a cloud in sight. Already I can hear what must be a crowd of thousands within the stadium, their voices surging up and down.

  “So it all worked?” Rembrandt asks as he and Becky Sprint alongside us. “You got access to the archives?”

  Gilly grins back at him. “Sure did! I got everything! It was all there just like I thought. I know the way home!”

  The bombardment of the revelation has my head spinning. “So you found Citadel?”

  “I think so,” she says. “But don’t worry about that right now. We’ve got to save your brother!”

  We did it…But with the crisis at hand it’s kind of hard to believe, like it’s not even real. Something else doesn’t feel quite real either. I halt just before we exit the tunnel, bringing Gilly to a stop with a pull on her arm.

  She looks back at me, perplexed. “Reece, what are you doing?”

  Becky and Rembrandt stop as well.

  “Gilly, are you okay?” I ask.

  She furrows her brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re…” How do I say this? “I mean about Lexi…and what happened with Axel. Are you okay?”

  The smile drops from her face at the mention of Lexi and my stomach drops with it. Maybe she isn’t okay. But then, just as quickly, her smile reappears again. “Oh right! I forgot it all just happened a few hours ago for you, right?”

  I swallow with a nod.

  “I’m sorry, Reece.” She touches my arm. “But yeah, it’s been a couple of days now. The first day was rough, I admit that, but after you unlocked the archives, I was able to dive in and now we’ve basically got GPS coordinates for Citadel, no problem!”

  Despite the good news, my stomach sours yet again.

  “That’s great, Gilly!” I try to say with enthusiasm. “But that wasn’t what I meant.”


  “I mean…how are you dealing with Lexi…being gone.”

  For a second her eyes grow unfocused, but then quickly they shimmer brightly again. “Oh, she’s not gone. We’re going to bring her back soon, you’ll see.”

  My stomach turns as I finally understand what’s going on now. She’s in some kind of denial. I share a glance with Becky and she gives me a poker face along with a PM.

  Becky: Just go along with it for now. Between believing in that and searching for Citadel…it’s the only thing that’s been keeping her sane. She hasn’t slept or eaten in two days.

  My heart sinks through the floor. The thought of Gilly suffering like this tears me apart inside—her having to resort to this just to keep herself together. I glance at Rembrandt next and he responds to me without shifting his gaze from Gilly.

  Rembrandt: She’s dealing with it in her own way, mate. Time, remember. That’s the only true way to heal.

  I manage to put on a smile. “Yeah, I say. You’re probably right!”

  “Probably? I know I’m right, silly!” she says excitedly, giving me a jab in the arm. “I just need to find the way how within the Archives. But thanks for asking, that means a lot.”

  She hugs me then and I hug her back, trying to think of something reassuring and positive to say. “Yeah, I’m sure there’s a way to bring her back. You just need to find it, like you say.”

  It’s a lie. One designed to perpetuate her delusion just so she can cope. Again it tears me apart inside, that she’s had to split herself in two like this…but then something odd overtakes me as well: a feeling that…perhaps she’s right—that there truly might be some way to bring Lexi back.

  Ack, what am I thinking? Lexi’s gone. Don’t you go getting delusional too.

  “I’ve learned so much from the archives already!” Gilly says. “Even what that error code means! You remember? The one you found on the pillar?”


  “Yeah!” she says. “But I’ll tell you all about this later. We’ve got to get to your brother!”

  She takes off then and my doubts for her stability resumes.

  I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you, Gilly.

  I take off after her.

  Hopefully time will see us both through.

  * * *

  We enter into the stadium proper and I stare about in a daze as the entire city of New London fills the bleachers to the brim. The constant roar of voices sounds like an ocean as members from all houses, Major and Minor, sit segregated as before. The infield is dominated by the raised arena in the center, surrounded by the bullpens now packed full of house royals and their various entourages.

  But despite all that, what draws my attention immediately is the huge holographic image projected in the sky.

  “Mike…” On screen is my brother, sitting at 50% health, battling five people at once!

  The crowd roars with excitement as Maxis shifts and blocks, maintaining a completely defensive stance as he dances around the arena, simultaneously avoiding attacks while countering others. I vaguely recognize the five kings and proxies that were selected before the match, now attacking my brother nonstop.

  King Deathlock of House Hellion fires at him with dual pistols, decked out in black leathers, a cape and mirror shades. The pink-haired cat girl, Queen LeChat of House Sipian, keeps her distance as well, unleashing strange-looking spells from her tech-mage class. Right up close like a boxer, is House Posher’s proxy: the brawler android named De-Synch who pummels my brother blow for blow. The red haired Queen Vivika of House Amazonia follows suit, spinning with her massive battle axe, releasing non-stop AOEs. And finally, King Luther of House SoulEdge adds to the mix with his cowboy hat and two-handed sword.

  It’s all too much to keep track of, attacks and movements going off so quickly, I’m amazed my brother is still alive. And I’m not the only one. There’s a leader board set up below the holographic image, flashing with ever-changing odds as it recalculates my brother’s chances of survival blow-by-blow.

  “This is insane…”

  “We need to hurry,” Becky says. “I’ll run ahead and let the officials know that Rembrandt is here!”

  The Halfling disappears into a crowd gathered just outside the bullpens and I have a moral dilemma as the decision to trade Rembrandt’s life for my brother’s is finally at hand. The cyberpunker looks stoic as he runs after Becky and there appears to be no shake in his resolve.

  As we near the bullpens, I finally see the rest of my friends gathered just outside the combined stall for the minor houses. I spot Val Helena right away, towering above the other occupants, her face pale as she looks up at the carnage on-screen.

  I send her a PM.

  Me: We’re here, Val! We’re back!

  The giantess glances about, looking over her shoulder for me. When she finally does, her face relaxes with relief.

  Val Helena: Thank God! Where’s Rembrandt?

  Me: Right here.

  Val Helena: Good. Party up, quick.

  There’s an urgency in her voice as she sends me a party request. I accept it along with Rembrandt and our names appear in the corner of my vision next to everyone else. We then move in towards Val Helena and I see Aiko standing with her.

  “Good, you’re both here,” Aiko says, greeting me with a quick embrace. “Now we just need to get Max out of that ring.”

  I look back to the screen and see the fight has been going for 8 minutes, but in the time since we arrived my brother has miraculously downed two of his opponents, switching the match to a 3 on 1. The percentages shift accordingly, bets on my brother’s life going through the roof. I’ve never seen him fight like this before. His health yo-yos dangerously below 50% as h
e alternates between blocking hits from King Luther and dodging Spells from Queen LeChat while doing damage to De-Synch to regain HP. His opponents must sense the shift in power, because they go from chasing him non-stop to taking turns with hit-and-run tactics, desperate to avoid a counter in return. I know my brother is the king of PvP, but to see him pushed to his limit gives me a whole new respect for the title.

  “Holy crap…” Aiko says, echoing my thoughts as King Luther falls on the screen, taken down by a series of pressure-point blows. “He just might win…”

  Hope fills me.

  Then abruptly the numbers on the leader board freeze as a horn sounds throughout the stadium.

  [Battle Ended!]

  From atop the dais the High Council Najur stands, drawing the ire of the crowd as he halts the match. He looks much the same as he did before, long beard and blond hair, pulled into a ponytail, wearing an ankle-length white trench coat—but this time he’s added a bronze circlet to his wardrobe that’s formed in an olive wreath.

  “The Proxy match has now ceased!” he declares in an augmented voice that echoes above the turmoil. “All participants exit the ring!”

  A huge commotion breaks out in the crowd, people no doubt angry at having their bets cut short. Auto-docs zip into the ring and quickly revive the fallen kings as the scene grows more unruly. Maxis staggers about, clearly winded, but he’s still alive!

  We’re here, Mike… you did it.

  “The Trial of Lord Rembrandt shall now officially commence in 1 minute,” Najur states. The holo-projection then shifts to an image of Rembrandt standing next to me. “Lord Rembrandt. You are hereby called upon to fulfill your oath and take your stand within the ring.”

  The crowd bursts into savage applause as the cyberpunker appears on screen.

  “There he is!”

  “Burn him!”

  “Make him pay!”

  Queen Angela turns to me from within the bull pen and beckons for both Rembrandt and I to join her. But my attention turns to my brother as he limps out of the ring at 30% health, breathing heavily.

  “Max!” Val Helena rushes to him, topping him up with a heal spell.

  She embraces him briefly and then shouts through the party chat. “Okay we’re all here. Becky, hit it!”

  “What’s going on?” I say.

  “We’ve got fast travel now,” Aiko says. “And a location for Citadel. Everything we came here for. We’re headed back to Brookrun.”


  I share a look with Rembrandt as Becky raises her arms to cast the spell. But as quick as she does, the cyberpunker dashes forward and clasps them within his own. “No, love. This isn’t the way.”

  “Rembrandt, I’m not letting you go in there,” Becky says, fighting against him. “You saw what they did to Max!”

  “It’s the only way, bro,” Maxis says, still out of breath. “They damn near killed me, and I’m way better than you are…we both know that.”

  “Wait,” Gilly says. “You guys are bailing? But I still need to find a way to save—”

  “We’ve got no time for that now!” Aiko says. “We’ve got to—”

  “No one’s going anywhere!” I shout through the chat.

  My friends all pause and look at me like I’ve gone crazy.

  “Reece, we’re not staying here to see Rembrandt killed,” Val Helena says. “We all decided this when you were both—”

  “It’s not your call to make, Val,” I say, cutting her off. “It’s no one’s call but Rembrandt’s….”

  I then defer to the cyberpunker but I already know his answer.

  He smiles weakly. “Guys, I’m touched…really. In fact, I’d be downright disappointed if you didn’t try and pull a coup like this. But believe me…this is something I need to do.”

  Becky clutches to his arm. “Rem…please.”

  He stoops down to gives the Halfling a long hug. “Don’t worry about me, love. You’ve got the next piece to the puzzle. See it through. And besides …You’re all in good hands with Reece here.”

  The way he says it causes a heaviness to fall over the group.

  I’ve been through this already, heard him hint at his goodbyes. But for them, they’re seeing Rembrandt’s iron-clad resolve for the first time. And knowing where he’s headed, I can all but imagine it’s not something easy for them to swallow.

  It still isn’t for me.

  Rembrandt drops from the party and I follow suit.

  “Don’t you worry,” Rembrandt says as he starts towards Queen Angela. “If fate smiles on me, I’ll see you all soon…as the new High King.”

  Chapter 52: Reprisal

  Rembrandt’s words are as empty as the pit in my stomach.

  He has no intention of surviving this at all.

  I enter the bullpen along with the cyberpunker and find Queen Angela and Lance waiting for us inside. Other kings and queens of various minor factions are there as well, but they give Rembrandt a wide berth as we enter, avoiding him like a pariah.

  Queen Angela looks us both up and down. “A bit late, but you’ve both kept your word. Thank you.”

  “I hope you expected nothing less,” Rembrandt says with a smile. “From Reece, at least.”

  The queen gives no reaction to his attempt at levity and instead looks only to me. “You’re free to stay, Reece, but I’ll take it from here.”

  Take what from here? I want to say, but I keep my mouth closed and just nod back.

  “For what it’s worth,” Rembrandt says. “I’m sorry, Angela. For everything. I hope I do you justice now.”

  “30 seconds!” Najur calls from the dais. “Will you forfeit even a second time, Lord Rembrandt?”

  The crowd laughs at his mockery, but I glower up at the High Council and feel like telling him to shove his twisted sense of humor.

  Rembrandt turns to me and extends his hand. “Reece, it’s been a pleasure.”

  I almost don’t want to take it, but I eventually do and give him an embrace. I can’t even think of anything to say. I certainly don’t want to say goodbye. I don’t want to believe that yet, so like Gilly, I believe a lie instead.

  “Go tear ‘em a new one, Rem. See you when you’re done.”

  He smiles then and in one swift motion leaps out of the pen and into the ring.

  A horn sounds and the crowd goes wild as new odds appear on the leader board, now attached to Rembrandt’s name. It reminds me of the first time I ever saw Rembrandt: fighting in that tournament to gain access to the surface. Although I didn’t really know that was its purpose at the time. I didn’t really know Rembrandt at the time, either.

  But now he’s someone I’ve come to love as a brother.

  A mentor and confidant.

  I fully understand why he feels the need to do this, but it still doesn’t make it any easier to accept. I look back to my friends just outside the bullpen and they seem to be taking it even worse than I am. Val Helena paces up and down frantically while Aiko consoles Becky with a hug as the Halfling breaks down in tears. My brother gives Rembrandt a silent salute from the sidelines and Rembrandt returns it with a nod, the two perhaps sending PMs to one another—for the very last time.

  I swallow the lump in my throat.

  Rembrandt has taught me so much, but perhaps his greatest lesson will be his last.

  Taking responsibility for the things he’s done…no matter the consequences.

  “Lord Rembrandt, you are hereby charged with the crime of multiple regicide,” High Council Najur announces from the dais. “As is our custom, you shall have to opportunity to face your accusers in combat to determine your fate. Should you be defeated, the penalty for your crimes will be True Death—whether in or outside the ring.”

  His words bring a chill to my soul and reinforces the tragedy I’m about to witness.

  “Participants at the ready!”

  Rembrandt draws his weapons and the other five kings and queens do the same. Queen Vivika materializes her massive ba
ttle axe, King Deathlock a pair of pistols that match Rembrandt’s own, and King Luther his huge two-handed sword. De-Synch slams his metal fists together in a shower of sparks, while Queen LeChat positions herself at Rembrandt’s flank, cryptic symbols forming around her as she readies a spell.

  The air grows electric as the clock ticks down on the leader board.

  [Participants at the ready!]





  Rembrandt dashes to the side while firing a Paralyzing Shot at Queen LeChat, foiling her attempt to cast her first spell. He blurs as he dashes backwards, keeping just out of range of Vivika’s huge axe as she spins like a top. Rembrandt then splits his gun arms, shooting at both her and landing an explosive AOE on King Deathlock.

  The ground explodes at Deathlock’s feet and he goes flying into the air with a knock up, preventing him from firing back. De-Synch charges in next with a shoulder tackle, and Rembrandt narrowly avoids it, back-flipping out of the way. He gains a bit more distance, but the tip of King Luther’s blade catches him in a wide arc.

  Luther uses Wheeling Blade!

  Rembrandt takes 134(376) damage!

  Rembrandt is Stunned!


  Rembrandt breaks free with a spin, but I’m not sure how many CC counters he has left. The air fills with rapid-fire bursts as King Deathlock gets back on his feet and concentrates fire on Rembrandt. The cyberpunker desperately tries to keep his distance, taking hits while shooting roots and stuns wherever he can.

  The onslaught goes on, Rembrandt’s health dipping into the yellow as he takes stray hit after hit. He’s not a natural tank like my brother—can’t heal, block, and parry the way Maxis can. And with five versus one, it’s just a matter of time before he runs out of places to run and hide.

  Queen LeChat lunges in close and casts a spell at point-blank range.

  LeChat uses Phantom Grip!


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