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Rise Page 40

by Heather MacKinnon

  Beatrice’s eyes widened almost comically as she looked from him to me and back again. “You’re kidding.”

  I shrugged. “That’s what the doctor said. Apparently shifting is hard on the body and I need to take it easy. I guess we’ll just have to wait until the babies get here.”

  She shook her head sadly. “That’s gonna suck for you.”

  Nana slapped her on the arm. “None of that out of you. A pregnancy is a gift and you’ll treat it as such.”

  Beatrice looked properly chastised, and I had to hold back a laugh. I didn’t think I’d ever seen someone put her in her place like that. That would have been even better to see back when we were enemies but was still funny as hell.

  “Nana, I was hoping this might convince you to move up here permanently,” Abraham said, his hand squeezing my shoulder.

  Nana looked between us and shrugged. “Oh, what do you two need with an old woman like me?”

  “Nana, you know we all love you and want you around more. Now that you’ll have great-grandbabies that need you, how can you say no?”

  I had to bite my lip to hide my smile. Abraham was laying it on a little thick, but if it worked, it worked, right?

  Nana pursed her lips. “I don’t know, Abey. What help can I be?”

  “Well, you know we’ll need your help on the full moon. We have Ms. Elsie, but three babies will be a lot for her to handle on her own.”

  I frowned up at my fiancé. “Why do we need help on the full moon?”

  He smiled and shook his head. “El, what happens when we have to shift, and the babies are left alone?”

  The ramifications raced through my head as I gasped. “Holy shit! What are we going to do with the babies when we all have to shift?!”

  Of course, we could stand watch in their room, but what if one had to eat? What if they needed a diaper change? What if they were sick and up all night? What if they didn’t want to go to bed before the moon rose? What if–

  “El, calm down. That’s why we have pack elders.”

  I frowned at him again. “What do you mean?”

  Nana stepped in to explain. “When you get as old as me, you don’t have to shift every full moon.”

  My frown deepened. “I thought every wolf had to shift no matter what.”

  Everyone in the room shook their heads. “What would happen to all the children of the pack then?” Callie asked.

  I threw my hands in the air. “That’s why I’m freaking out!”

  Abraham chuckled and pulled me closer. “Don’t worry, baby. It’s the elders’ job to take care of all those too young to shift whenever there’s a full moon.”

  “But why don’t old people–”

  Nana cleared her throat loudly, and I shot her an apologetic smile.

  “But why don’t elder werewolves need to shift?”

  Callie spoke up again, “It isn’t feasible for elder werewolves to shift every full moon. Like Doc Monroe said, it’s stressful on your body. Now imagine how frail an older werewolf might get. It makes sense that the urge to shift lessens with age.”

  “Callista, I’m gonna let that one slide, but I don’t wanna hear you usin’ the word frail to describe me again,” Nana said with a raised brow in her direction.

  Callie’s face reddened, and she immediately backtracked. “I didn’t mean you, Nana. We all know you’ll be shifting for years to come. I meant wolves that are much older than you.”

  “Uh huh,” Nana said, her blue eyes still fixed on the middle McCoy.

  “So, what do you think, Nana?” Abraham interrupted. “Will you move up here with us? We’ll really need your help in a few months.”

  Nana pursed her lips and met every eager eye in the room. Finally, she sighed. “I guess I can’t expect Ms. Elsie to be the only one watchin’ after the pups. Besides, if I’m up here, I can make sure Ellie’s eatin’ right.”

  Abraham’s big smile spread across his face. “So, you’ll move here?”

  Nana’s grin matched her grandson’s. “I’ll start packin’ as soon as I get home.”

  Chapter 48

   The next week flew by.

   Between my duties as alpha, my work with The Asheville Initiative, and how tired the babies were making me, I was lucky to make it to eight p.m. before I was dead on my feet.

   Abraham, though, was a saint. He took care of me in every way imaginable and some I would never have thought of. Every night I got a foot rub, and every morning I woke to him talking to the babies through my stomach.

   The first Monday back to work after he found out I was pregnant was difficult, though. He wanted me to stay home where he could watch over me and make sure I wasn’t overworking myself. Both Callie and I had to talk him down and eventually he agreed, although reluctantly. I had to promise to check in with him often and leave work if I got too sick.

   It would have felt overbearing if I didn’t know it came from such a genuine, loving place.

   “Are you ready for breakfast, baby?” he asked from behind me.

   I was in our large bathroom, smoothing my hair into a simple ponytail. I might have done something more elaborate at my old job, but not only was that not expected of me here, I couldn’t be bothered.

   Although I was only about eight weeks, the babies were kicking my butt.

   I was so tired all the time, and yet I found myself waking every few hours throughout the night. The morning sickness, or all damn day sickness as I called it, was still as strong as ever.

  Katie tried to eat a tuna fish sandwich in her office down the hall earlier in the week and I threw up for an hour. After that, we had to ban smelly sandwiches from the office. I would have felt bad if I hadn’t almost turned my organs inside out with how sick I got that day.

   I smiled at my fiancé. “Yeah, I’m ready. I’m starving.”

   He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “You’re always starving.”

   I just shrugged. He wasn’t wrong.

   Before I became a werewolf, I barely thought about food. It was something I did whenever I had time and, occasionally, I’d spring for a favorite takeout option.

   As soon as I was bitten, my hunger had increased, but it was nothing compared to now. I needed to eat about every three hours, or not only would I get nauseous, I’d also get dizzy. I made sure to walk around with granola bars in my pockets just in case hunger struck when I wasn’t able to sit down for a full meal.

   We arrived in the kitchen to a mostly empty room. I’d been getting Abraham to take me to work earlier than usual lately. I liked getting there before everyone else because, often, the morning sickness was worse late in the afternoon and I had to leave early. For whatever reason, I felt best in the morning and tried to be the most productive then.

   We greeted Ms. Elsie who heaped an extra serving of eggs onto my plate before shooting me a wink. I smiled back at her, not complaining about the extra food. I knew I’d eat it all.

   We’d told the pack about my pregnancy shortly after telling the McCoys. I hadn’t expected the great outpouring of love and affection, but I’d received it in spades. Since that day, I hadn’t been able to go a whole twenty-four hours without a pack member or two checking up on me. I didn’t mind in the least. It felt good to have that many people care for me after being alone for so many years of my life.

   I wondered how much of their excitement stemmed from my pregnancy alone, and how much from their own ability to have children now.

   Since I’d found out I was pregnant, a conversation I’d had with Abraham at the first pack barbecue kept spiraling through my mind.

   He’d said no member of a pack would have children before their alpha. I’d asked if it was some weird wolfy rule of theirs and he’d explained it all had to do with stability. A pack is only as stable as their alpha, and if the alpha isn’t having children, it sends a message to everyone else. Once the alphas felt safe enough to reproduce, that meant the rest of the pack woul
d too.

   I wondered how many other couples would turn up pregnant in the coming months.

   Predictably, the news of my pregnancy hadn’t been received well by everyone. The one person I noticed looking less than thrilled was Paul, Peyton’s brother, and his mate, Annalise.

   I didn’t fully trust him, and I knew I never would. He was Peyton’s twin brother, and I’d had a hand in getting her kicked out of the pack. No matter what he told Abraham, I was sure he held a grudge against me. Knowing that, I kept an extra watchful eye on him whenever I could.

   There were a few surprises that came with our announcement as well. Most noticeably was Craig. After almost everyone had hugged me, kissed me, and rubbed my belly, the old pack mechanic had sought me out. I’d been wary initially, but that faded with the first words that fell from his lips.

   “I wanna thank you,” he’d said.

   When all I’d been able to do was frown at him quizzically, he’d chuckled and shook his head.

   “I know that probably sounds weird comin’ from me, but I wanted to let you know I appreciate you steppin’ in with Abraham the other day. He probably would’ve just killed me if you hadn’t.”

   I’d opened my mouth to tell him he was wrong but shut it just as quickly. With the way Abraham had been acting that day, I wouldn’t have put murder past him.

   Craig reached up and stroked his frizzy gray beard. “I know we got off to a rocky start, but I wanna let you know there are no hard feelings on my part. I wasn’t doin’ right by this pack and you called me on my shit. I didn’t want to listen, but you were right.”

   My jaw practically hit the ground, and he chuckled again.

   “Yeah, I know. You probably never expected me to apologize and that would make two of us, but you deserve it, and I’m sorry for everything I said to you. I hope we can have a clean slate goin’ forward.”

   Tears welled in my eyes and I’d tried to will them away. Now was not the time to turn into a blubbering mess. I’d walked forward and wrapped my arms around Craig, taking the old man by surprise. He’d huffed out a surprised breath before squeezing me back. When I’d pulled away, there was a huge smile on his face.

   “We can absolutely start fresh,” I’d told him.

   His smile grew even wider. “That’s real good to hear. And I’m happy for you and Abraham. You two are gonna make great parents and we’re all gonna be here to help you.”

   This time, there was no taming the tears as one raced down my face. Craig’s expression turned horrified and I couldn’t help laughing, although it was a bit watery.

   I’d wiped at my eyes and shook my head. “Don’t worry about these.” I’d waved at my teary eyes. “This happens all the time now. Can’t seem to turn the damn things off.”

   I’d hoped my joke would lighten the mood some, but he still looked incredibly uncomfortable. Deciding to let him off easy, I’d patted him on the shoulder and said, “I better go find Abraham before he sends a search party for me.”

   Craig’s face filled with relief and I’d had to hide a giggle. It seemed all men were the same. Big and tough until they saw a tear and then they ran scared.

   “Something wrong with your eggs, baby?”

   I snapped back to reality and turned to look at Abraham. Concern was clouding his beautiful blue eyes, and I shook my head.

   “No. Sorry. I was just lost in thought.”

   He grunted and pointed at my plate. “Then get to eating. You need at least an extra thousand calories a day.”

   I just barely stopped myself from rolling my eyes. Someone had been set loose in the bookstore and almost bought out the entire pregnancy section. He probably knew more about motherhood than me.

   I did as he asked though, because I really was hungry, and I wanted us to get on the road soon. The rest of breakfast passed quickly, and I finished everything on my plate which satisfied my fiancé.

   We handed off our dishes and Abraham led me out to his truck. Abraham’s phone went off and I let my mind drift as he talked to whoever was on the other line. When he hung up, he squeezed my hand to get my attention.

  “Wyatt got held up with his mom this morning so he’s going to meet us there in a little while.”

  I shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “I’ll be waiting with you until he arrives.”

  I shrugged and let it go. I knew my safety wasn’t something he would compromise on and it honestly wasn’t worth the argument. When we got to his truck, he opened the passenger door for me.

   I turned to get in the massive vehicle when his hands landed on my hips. His hard chest pressed against my back and my insides instantly heated.

   “I was thinking of stopping by for lunch today,” he whispered in my ear before kissing the side of my neck.

   I shivered in his embrace. “I love when you come for lunch,” I said, my voice breathy.

   Abraham pressed even closer to me, his erection hard and straining against my back. “It’s you who’s going to be coming for lunch.”

   A smile tugged at my lips as liquid heat pooled between my legs. I wasn’t sure if it was the pregnancy hormones running wild in my system, but it felt like I could never get enough of him. Don’t get me wrong, my need for Abraham was strong as hell before, but now it was almost ridiculous. I could barely go a few hours without thoughts of when we’d get to be together again crowding my head.

   It was the best kind of distraction.

   I spun in his arms and trailed my hands up his chest. “I can’t wait.”

   He growled softly and leaned down to nip the tender skin of my neck. “We need to stop now or I’m going to fuck you in this truck.”

   I shrugged again. “That doesn’t sound like a threat to me.”

   He surged forward again and gripped the back of my neck, tilting my head toward him. “If you’ll behave long enough for me to get you in this truck, I can race us to your office and make you come twice before anyone else arrives.”

   My stomach flipped deep inside me as I nodded quickly. “I like that plan.”

   He smirked down at me before capturing my lips in a searing kiss. When we finally pulled away, we were both breathless, and I was needier than ever. I spun around and hopped onto the seat before he could say another word.

   When I turned and found him still standing there, I snapped my fingers in front of his dazed eyes. “Chop chop, McCoy. Let’s get this show on the road.”

   He shook his head and shot me a devastating smile. “Yes ma’am,” he said before shutting my door and walking around the truck to his side. I divided my time between fastening my seat belt and watching the way he moved. He was so powerful, so sure of himself. It made the ache between my legs even stronger.

   When he got into the truck, I was practically panting. “How fast can you get us there?”

   He shot me a wink and fired up the engine. “I’ll hurry, but I’m not willing to risk you or our babies’ safety.” I groaned, but he picked up my hand and kissed the back of it. “I promise to make it worth it.”

   I grunted. “You better.”

   He laughed and threw the truck into drive.

   The trip to my office felt longer than usual and I knew he could smell my arousal from across the cab. His jaw ticked with the strain and his knuckles were white where they gripped the steering wheel.

   Thankfully, he found a spot right outside my building. He slammed the truck into park, and I unbuckled myself as quickly as I could. I slid off the leather seat and he was already there to catch me.

   His hands were tight on my hips as he pulled me hard against his chest, but it would never be hard enough. Close enough.

   I knew I’d always want this man as desperately as I wanted him right then.

   He gripped my hand and began tugging me toward the door.

   “What about my things?” I asked breathlessly.

   He didn’t even pause. “I’ll get them later.”

   I shrugged and picked up the pace. He wouldn’t hear a complaint out of me.

   When we got to my building, I handed him my keys, and he unlocked it before holding the door open for me.

   “Ladies first.”

   I shot him a smile and preceded him into the office.

   And that was when all hell broke loose.

   Something hard tackled me from the side, sending me across the lobby like a rag doll.

   “Elizabeth!” Abraham roared.

   I crashed into a wall, my head taking the brunt of the impact. Confusion swamped me as I tried to figure out what was happening and why.

   Whatever hit me was still on top of me and I struggled beneath the heavy weight.

   “Just sit still, bitch.”

   I froze for a fraction of a second before I started bucking wildly. I still didn’t know what was going on or what was happening, but I knew I needed to get out from underneath whoever was on top of me.

   Their big hands reached up to circle my throat, and I thrashed harder.

   My body itched to shift, but I held back. I knew I wasn’t supposed to, but in human form, I was useless. I decided to try to fight back a little longer before I gave into my wolf’s desire to be set free.

   “Just… stay… still,” the person panted above me.

   There was something in my eyes and I couldn’t see who my attacker was, but it sounded like a man and he felt a lot bigger than me. I scratched at his hands and kicked at every fleshy part I could reach.

   I didn’t know where Abraham was, but I could hear the sounds of another fight going on nearby and I hoped he got to me soon. I was doing everything I could not to shift, but in a few more moments, I wouldn’t have a choice.

   The room felt like it was spinning as my blurry vision began to narrow. A ringing static sound was blaring in my ears and I knew I only had moments of consciousness left.


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