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Rise Page 45

by Heather MacKinnon

   “I got you something else, too,” he murmured against my hair.

   I turned to look at him again. “Oh?”

   He shrugged. “It’s kind of a hybrid gift. But, yeah, it’s ready whenever you want to see it.”

   I crawled out of the bed as quickly as I could. “I’m ready now.”

   He chuckled and climbed off the mattress too. “How did I know you were gonna say that?”

   I shrugged. “You know me well, McCoy.”

   He shook his head, the smile still spread across his face. “Get dressed and we can go see it.”

   I hurried over to the dresser and threw on the first clothes my hands landed on. When I was done, I spun around to find him still naked, his tanned skin so smooth my fingers itched to touch him.

   “If you keep looking at me like that we aren’t going anywhere,” he muttered as he crossed the room to the dresser.

   I bit my lip and turned away. Honestly, it was impossible to not look at him like that. The best I could do was not look at all.

   A few minutes later, he grasped my hand and spun me around. “Come on, baby. Let’s go see your present.”

   I smiled up at my fiancé and let him lead me through the sitting room and out into the hallway. I didn’t know where we were going, but when he stopped at the door that used to be my bedroom when I visited Asheville, I frowned up at him.

   “It’s in here?”

   He shrugged. “Go on in and see.”

   I turned back to the door and swung it wide open, eager to see what this mysterious gift was. But it wasn’t just one thing, it was a whole room.

   I stepped in cautiously as the tears gathered in my eyes.

   Abraham had talked about making this room into an office for me, but I guess with the news of my pregnancy, he’d made other plans.

   He’d turned my old bedroom into a nursery for our babies.

  The walls were painted a soft gray, and lining them were three beautiful wooden cribs.

  “Did you make those?” I asked, my voice soft and shaky with the tears I was trying to hold back.

  He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I did.”

  And that was all it took. The first of the tears went cascading down my face, and I didn’t even bother to wipe them away. My head rotated back and forth as I took in the changing tables, baby swings, toys, and rocking chairs that he’d lovingly placed around the room.

  It was all so perfect, my heart filled to capacity and overflowed as I tried to take it all in. Finally, when the tears were so plentiful that I couldn’t see properly anymore, I spun in his arms and squeezed him as tight as I could.

  “Do you like it?” he murmured in my ear.

  I pulled away with a laugh. “I love it.”

  He smiled wide and reached up with both hands to wipe the tears from my face. “I’m glad, baby. All I want is for you to be happy.”

  If I thought my heart felt full before, it was nothing compared to now.

  “I am, Abraham. I’m so happy.”

  His smile softened as he pulled me against his chest and gently rocked me back and forth.

  “I feel like my gifts are pretty lame compared to yours,” I muttered against his hard chest.

  He pulled away and frowned down at me. “Don’t say that. I’m sure they’re great.”

  I shrugged. “I can give you one now and one later if you want.”

  A brilliant smile spread across his face as he nodded. “Sounds perfect.”

  I sniffed back my tears and took his hand. “Come on. It’s upstairs.”

  He let me lead him up to the rooftop where I’d stashed his gift. I’d had to employ his sisters to help me take care of it for the past couple of weeks because I wasn’t always able to get out from under Abraham’s ever-present gaze.

  I sat him down on one of the couches and clasped my hands together. “Close your eyes, and I’ll go get it.”

  He did as I asked, and I scurried away to fetch his present. When I got back over to him, I set it on the coffee table and took a seat beside him.

  I took a deep breath. “Okay, you can open them.”

  He blinked his beautiful blue eyes open and his gaze landed on the little potted tree I’d set before him. Turning to me with a quizzical smile he asked, “You got me a plant?”

  I shrugged. “It’s a tree, actually. A weeping willow to be exact.”

  He looked back at the pathetic looking twig with its half-dozen leaves and then back at me. “Thanks?”

  I laughed, although it sounded more strained than I would have liked. “Let me explain,” I said, and he turned back toward me. “This tree is about five months old, just like our relationship. I thought it would be a nice idea for us to plant this guy next to the lake next spring and it can grow with us. Kind of a like a physical manifestation of our life together.”

  He blinked slowly and then turned back to the tree. When he’d been quiet for so long that my skin began to itch, I raced on. “It’s not that big of a deal and if you hate it, I can bring it back. I just figured getting you something like a watch or a pair of cuff links would be kind of lame and that this had more symbolism to it. I can take it back, though,” I repeated with a wince.

  Finally, he turned toward me, his eyes wide with what looked like wonder. He scanned my face over and over before pulling me onto his lap.

  “I love it,” he said, his voice deep and rough with emotion.

  I pulled back so I could see his face clearly. “Really?”

  He shook his head. “It’s perfect, baby, and so thoughtful. I’m just imagining sitting beneath it with our children someday, or hanging a swing from its branches when it’s bigger.” He looked down at me and cupped my face in his big hand. “I love this, and I love you so much for thinking of it. It’s perfect.”

  I blew out a deep breath as my muscles relaxed. I hadn’t realized how worried I’d been to give him his gift, but seeing how much he liked it, I felt so much better. He got it just like he got me, and I’d always be endlessly grateful for that.

  “I had the same thoughts,” I said softly. “I imagined our kids playing beneath it, or us reading to them in the shade. I think the idea of a swing is perfect.”

  His smile widened as he pulled me closer and rested his forehead against mine. “I’m so lucky to have you,” he murmured.

  The tears sprang up again, but I willed them away. “I love you,” I said.

  He squeezed me tighter. “I love you too, El.”

  We sat like that for a long time, his arms wrapped tightly around my body and my heart. I knew there was no way he was letting go of either for a long time.

  But like it was prone to, my hungry stomach gurgled its displeasure at being left empty for so long and Abraham released me with a chuckle.

  “Let’s go take care of that.”

  I gave him a sheepish smile as he took my hand and led me to the stairs. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  When we made it back to our floor, I made a pit stop in our room to throw on a bra. In my haste to see his present, I’d neglected to put one on, but I wasn’t walking down to a crowded kitchen without one. Especially because my boobs had already grown what felt like a cup size since I got pregnant.

  I was just shrugging my t-shirt back on when there was a knock on the sitting room door.

  “Ellie! I need you out here!”

  It was Evey, and I knew that meant her day filled with wedding preparations was about to begin.

  We must not have answered quickly enough because she hollered through the doors again. “Don’t make me come in there Birdbox-style, ‘cause I will!”

  I turned to Abraham, and we both laughed. “Your sister is crazy, isn’t she?”

  He shrugged. “If you didn’t know that by now, you weren’t paying very close attention.”

  “I heard that!” she yelled, and we laughed harder.

  Abraham grabbed my hand and led me through the
sitting room and out into the hallway. Evey was there, already dressed impeccably, although I knew she’d be changing before the ceremony.

  Although she hadn’t let me see my dress, I’d been allowed to see the bridesmaids’ dresses already and knew they were stunning. If she did half as good a job at picking out my dress, I knew I had nothing to worry about.

  Not that I was all that concerned, anyway. I was so ready to marry Abraham that I’d have done it in a burlap sack if I had to.

  Evey grabbed my arm and went to drag me down the hallway. “Let’s go,” she said without preamble.

  Abraham grabbed my other arm and halted her march. Thankfully, I was a werewolf, otherwise the tug of war between the siblings might have been painful.

  “She’s eating breakfast first, Evey.”

  My soon-to-be sister-in-law pursed her lips and looked me up and down. “I suppose that’s all right.”

  Abraham scoffed and pulled on my arm until Evey let go. “Her health is more important than whatever you have planned, Evelyn.”

  Evey rolled her eyes. “I have a jam-packed day for her, and you aren’t gonna mess that up.” Abraham opened his mouth to argue with her some more when she went on, her voice louder and drowning his out, “Thankfully, I’ve allotted some extra time, so she’s got thirty minutes for breakfast.” She turned to me. “Think that’ll be enough?”

  I shrugged. “Should be.”

  Evey smiled in satisfaction. “Sounds good. Come up to my room as soon as you’re done, and we can get started.”

  With that, she stormed off down the hall, her presence like a category five twister, except instead of leaving behind a wake of destruction, she left a path of preparation, order, and schedules behind her.

  “What did I get myself into?” I muttered softly to Abraham.

  Evey had just reached the stairs when she yelled back, “I heard that, too!”

  Chapter 54

   When I’d sufficiently stuffed myself with breakfast, Abraham offered to escort me to Evey’s room where I was sure I’d be stuck for hours. We walked hand in hand like always, a comforting silence between us.

   When we got to his youngest sister’s door, he pulled me into his chest and dipped his nose to the crook of my neck. “I’m going to miss you.”

   I shook my head, but there was no stopping the smile from spreading across my lips. “You’ll see me in just a few hours.”

   He sighed and pulled back far enough that I could see the brilliant blue of his eyes. “I know. I just feel like I’ve been waiting for this my whole life. I can’t wait to officially make you mine.”

   Somehow, my smile widened further as my heart thumped hard in my chest. “I’m already yours, baby.”

   His eyes softened before he dipped back down to press a kiss on my lips. “I know. This is just a formality, but it’s important to me.”

   “It’s important to me, too, Abraham. I want to be bonded to you in every possible way.”

   His smile grew before he dipped his head again and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was just starting to get heavy when Evey yelled from the other side of the door.

   “Quit suckin’ face out there and let Ellie come in here! Y’all will have plenty of time to roast the broomstick later!”

   We pulled away with a laugh and a mutual shake of our heads.

   “She’s relentless,” he whispered.

  “What does roast the broomstick even mean?”

  His eyebrows wiggled suggestively as he pulled me close again. “Want me to show you?”

   I had to cover my mouth to suppress my laugh.

  “Ellie get in here, you’re already late!” Evey hollered through the door again.

   Abraham sighed. “I’ll see you in a few hours,” he murmured against my lips.

   I smiled. “I’ll be the one racing down the aisle toward you.”

   He smiled against my mouth. “And I’ll be the one standing there with a stupid smile on my face wondering how I talked the most amazing woman I’ve ever met into being my mate.”

   I pulled away so I could look into his handsome face when the door behind us whipped open.

   “If you make her cry and get her face all red, I’ll kill you myself, Abraham,” Evey warned, her hands on her hips and her face leaving no room for argument.

   My fiancé chuckled and pressed one more kiss to my forehead. “Yes, ma’am. I’m leaving now. No tears were shed.”

   Evey nodded once with satisfaction and stormed back into her room. I held onto Abraham’s hand as long as I could as he walked away from me. It didn’t feel right spending time away from him on our special day and I vowed that would be the last time I saw his back again any time soon.

   With a sigh, I turned and trudged into Evey’s room, ready to face whatever she had in store for me. To my surprise, there was a pair of middle-aged women in there I’d never met before. My first instinct was to be wary because I didn’t know if they were werewolves or if we had to keep our true natures hidden while they were here.

   Evey must have sensed my hesitation because she waved me over. “This is Linda and Lucy. They’re here to give you your manicure, pedicure, and facial.” When I still looked cautious, she added, “They’re on loan from the Boone pack.”

   My shoulders dropped with relief as I hurried over to the women and held out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, ladies. Thanks for being here today.”

   They each shook my hand enthusiastically. “We’re happy to be here, Ms. Ellie. If you’ll just have a seat, we can get started.”

   And thus began my transformation.

   I was scrubbed and scraped and polished and plucked until it felt like they’d revealed a new layer of skin. Just when I thought it was done, they’d bring out a new oil or ointment to rub into my skin. I’d never felt more pampered or fussed with in my life.

   I could have done without half of that stuff, but I kept my complaints to myself. Evey was trying her hardest to give me the best possible wedding day, and I was going to be nothing but appreciative. On the outside, at least.

   When the Boone werewolves finally finished with me, my chair was spun toward an eager-looking Evey.

   “Now, it’s my turn,” she said, her words sounding ominous and the clink of the lash curler in her hand seemingly a warning of what was to come.

   She dove into working on my make-up, her hands sure and swift as she puffed and powdered and shellacked all kinds of products onto my face. I’d thought I’d received the Evelyn McCoy treatment before, but it was nothing compared to what was happening today.

   At some point, Del slipped into the room and got working on my hair. She brandished a curling iron like a sword, her quick fingers curling and draping strands of my blonde hair across my shoulders.

   As usual, my gurgling stomach interrupted us, and I smiled sheepishly up at Evey. She just shook her head and continued to powder my cheeks. “We don’t have time for that, Ellie.”

   Del tsked from behind me. “She’s pregnant, Evelyn. She needs to eat.”

   Evey sighed and straightened up to shoot a glare at her older sister. “And she also needs to be dressed and downstairs in less than an hour.”

   Del huffed and picked up another lock of my hair to curl around her wand. “You’re bein’ a bit tyrant-y today, sister.”

   “Tyrant-y isn’t a word, Delilah.”

   “Tyrant-y is the perfect word to describe you right now, Evelyn.”

   “It’s my job to make sure–”

   “Ladies!” I interrupted.

   They both shut their mouths with a snap. “It’s okay, I’ll be fine until after the ceremony.” My mouth said one thing, but my growling stomach said another.

   Evey took a step back and shook her head. “No. Del’s right. I can’t starve a pregnant woman. I’ll get someone to bring you up somethin’. That way, I can still work on the rest of you while you’re eatin’.”

   I smiled up at my future sister-in-law. “Sounds perfect.”

   I knew this day was stressing her out, but none of it was affecting me. All I could feel was the raw anticipation swirling through my veins. I didn’t care if my make-up wasn’t spot-on, or my hair wasn’t in the perfect up-do. All I cared about was promising myself to Abraham and spending the rest of the night on his arm.

   Evey grabbed her phone from the vanity behind her and pressed a button before holding it to her ear. “Callie, I need you to get Ellie some food. Make sure she can eat it with a fork, got it? Thanks,” she said and hung up. “She’ll be up in a minute.”

   I reached out and grabbed Evey’s free hand before she could begin to paint my face again. “Thanks, Evey. For everything. I know you put a lot of work into today and I know it’s going to be amazing.”

   Her blue eyes, so much like her brother’s, softened. “You’re welcome, Ellie. I’m glad to do it.”

   We lapsed back into silence while both women worked on different sides of my head. Callie wandered in shortly after with a plate of pasta and a bottle of water. I thanked her and dug into the food like I hadn’t just eaten a few hours ago. When I was done, Evey put the final touches on my face, including painting my lips before taking a step back to evaluate her work.

   “I think you look perfect,” she declared.

   Callie and Del walked around to see me from Evey’s position and both of their eyes widened. “You look stunning, Ellie,” Callie said softly.

   I felt my cheeks heat and was thankful Evey had smeared so much makeup on them.

   “Thanks, ladies.” I turned to Evey. “Do I get to see my dress now?”

   Her eyes lit up before she tossed the make-up brush she’d been using onto her vanity and scurried away. She walked back over a few moments later with a big white garment bag. She had Del hold the top while she unzipped it and pulled the dress out for me to see.

   My heart thundered as I looked upon the dress I’d be wearing as I married the man of my dreams.


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