The Complete Old English Poems

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The Complete Old English Poems Page 30

by Craig Williamson

  They had come from far, weary and woeful

  From their long journey, to enjoy their feast 585

  With pleasant food in the open fields.

  Now, my dear friend, you can hear how the Healer,

  The Guardian of glory, has offered us his love

  Through all of his holy words and works.

  His teaching has brought us untold joy. 590

  He has invited us home to the gates of heaven

  And the exultation of angels, where we may live

  In his fond embrace forever, even after death,

  Alive in the dwelling place of the Lord.”

  Once again the Guardian of wind and wave, 595

  The God on board unlocked his word-hoard.

  The bold-hearted captain asked Andrew questions:

  “Can you tell me, since I need to know the truth,

  Whether the Lord openly performed miracles

  Everywhere for people’s comfort and consolation, 600

  Even where bishops, scholars, and elders sat

  Studying sacred texts or deliberating in councils?

  It seems to me that they plotted treachery

  Out of malice or misjudgment, envy or error.

  They were deaf to the Lord’s deliverance, 605

  Hearing instead the teachings of the devil,

  That treacherous traitor, that devious foe.

  False fate misled those foolish men.

  The devil’s deceit has left them floundering,

  Wandering amiss, doomed to the death-road. 610

  Now the cursed must live with the cursed.

  They will find little comfort in the flaming embrace

  Of the devil’s clutch in that cruel hell-hall

  Where demons dwell, savaging men’s souls.”

  Then Andrew offered the captain his answer: 615

  “I’ll tell you truly—our Lord and Captain

  Made miracle after miracle before the multitudes,

  Before princes and people in plain sight.

  He also secretly offered small wonders

  Day and night to those who suffered distress, 620

  As he went about working goodness and peace.”

  The Protector of princes asked Andrew again:

  “Can you tell me, bold-hearted hero,

  Wise wayfarer, insightful traveler,

  What the Lord richly revealed to you 625

  In your private conversations with the Ruler of the heavens?

  Can you put his miracles into plain words?”

  Then Andrew answered his questioner again:

  “Beloved sea-lord, mightiest of captains,

  Why do you ask me these curious questions 630

  When you know through your wisdom every truth?”

  Then the Ruler of the world, the Guardian of waves,

  Answered his hero, his holy warrior:

  “I ask you these questions here on the whale-road

  Not to rebuke or reproach you but to rejoice 635

  Because my mind blooms in delight

  With your wise words, your noble thoughts.

  I’m not alone in this. Everyone who recalls

  How the Son of God acted here on earth

  Carries comfort in his heart. His spirit is hopeful, 640

  Forever seeking its heavenly home,

  The abode of angels, sailing away

  To its heart’s haven with the loving Lord.”

  Andrew immediately responded to the captain:

  “I see in your answer understanding and wisdom, 645

  Honesty and insight, a discerning truth—

  A mindfulness alive and blooming endlessly

  With knowing bliss. So I will tell you

  The beginning and end since I was there,

  Hearing him speak so often among us, 650

  His devoted disciples and faithful followers.

  Crowds often assembled to hear Christ’s counsel.

  Multitudes gathered to listen to his teaching.

  Then the Lord of lords, the Bearer of bliss,

  Would bring his holy message to a house 655

  Where many had come to hear him preach—

  Wise elders and prudent counselors.

  People rejoiced wherever he appeared,

  Their hearts lifted by the Guardian of cities.

  Once it happened that the triumphant Judge 660

  Traveled with a small group of dedicated disciples,

  Warriors of God. Only eleven were invited—

  He was the twelfth. At last we came

  To the great city where God’s temple was built,

  A high and wide-gabled hall of the Lord. 665

  It was breathtaking in its beauty, artfully adorned.

  The high priest of the temple was full of malice

  And began to mock and torment our Lord.

  He unlocked his vile word-hoard, unleashing

  His venomous speech. He knew in his heart 670

  That we faithfully followed the path of the Lord,

  The one righteous Ruler, but he raised his voice

  In cruel calumny against him, saying:

  ‘Look, you are pitiful wretches, lost on the road,

  Traveling in torment, trusting a foreign 675

  Itinerant preacher whose unholy power

  Is leading you astray. This man is a criminal,

  A thief of the faithful, a poser and pauper,

  Whom you proclaim a prince and the son of God.

  We know where this ungodly imposter came from. 680

  This “Lord” has an all-too-human lineage:

  His mother is Mary, his father is Joseph,

  His brothers are Simon and James. It’s clear

  That this so-called son of God has worldly kin.

  This holy man has a human family—he’s one of us!’ 685

  Many power-hungry leaders of this land

  Said as much—they wanted to conceal

  The righteous truth of the living Lord.

  Their evil lies persisted—their wicked ways

  Came back to haunt them in a dreadful doom. 690

  Then the Lord of mankind left that meeting-place

  With his devoted disciples, his faithful thanes.

  He sought a secret place in the wilderness,

  Where he revealed to men with a radiant strength

  The might and meaning of his holy miracles. 695

  Then they knew that he was the righteous King,

  Ruler of the universe, Guardian of glory,

  The one eternal God of all creatures.

  Then the Lord went to the temple a second time,

  Where he stood and listened to the unholy rabble 700

  Babbling about this and that in the great building.

  Those sinners could not see his true nature

  Or take in his teaching, even though he gave them

  Evidence of his miracles, the truest of tokens.

  He saw in the temple beautiful images of angels 705

  Artfully sculpted on the gray walls of stone

  And said to those gathered in God’s house:

  ‘These are images of the highest order of angels

  In the heavenly city. These beings are called

  Cherubim and Seraphim. They stand before God 710

  In his infinite glory, singing praise-songs

  To the power and majesty of heaven’s King.

  These images, crafted by an inspired hand,

  Are tokens of the beauty of the blessed beings.’

  Then the Lord of hosts, the eternal Son, 715

  The heavenly Spirit, spoke again:

  ‘Now I will make my message and meaning

  Manifest to you, doubters and disbelievers,

  By creating a miracle in God’s holy house,

  Commanding this stone image to come down 720

  From the walls to the ground to speak God’s truth,

you my parentage, revealing my true lineage,

  So that men on earth may find a firmer faith.’

  Then the stone image of the highest angel

  Could not deny the Savior’s command 725

  But leapt down to life, a wonder from the wall,

  A speaking stone, a rock of revelation.

  The angel began to breathe and speak

  Before the gathered elders in resounding tones

  With intelligence, understanding, and subtle wit, 730

  Preaching to the priests, teaching the teachers,

  Winding a web of wonder about the doubters,

  Binding their unbelief, speaking these words:

  ‘You are faithless, joyless, miserable men,

  Either ignorant or deceived in the throes of sin, 735

  Trapped in the snares of your own dark thoughts.

  Your minds are confused. You call God’s Son

  A mere mortal—the one who created

  Heaven and earth, land and sea,

  Ocean and air, with his own hands. 740

  He is the almighty God of the patriarchs,

  Who bestowed his favor on Abraham and Isaac,

  And also on Jacob. He gave them wealth,

  Prosperity and honor, a place in his heart.

  He revealed to Abraham his lordly lineage— 745

  That from his seed should descend in time

  The God of glory. That prophetic promise

  Now stands before you, finally fulfilled.

  Can you not see the God of victory now

  Or know his power and presence from this sign? 750

  How often do you listen to a speaking stone?

  How often do you see the miracle of a man

  Who is also the Lord? Open your eyes

  And tell me if you can, what this mystery means.’

  While the stone angel spoke, the men were silent, 755

  But the sinful elders, who were deaf to the truth,

  Said this was no miracle but some dark sorcery,

  Some evil illusion or odious enchantment—

  Said the riddle of the talking rock was unreal.

  Then doubt came slithering into the hearers’ hearts, 760

  Poisoning their minds, destroying their hopes,

  So that the wicked worm that devours joy,

  Left them hot with hatred, hungry with unhappiness,

  Their spirits envenomed with mortal sin.

  Those skeptics scoffed while their souls burned 765

  With each blasphemy. They reviled the Lord

  And revealed themselves. They mocked and scorned

  The Son of God and moved toward doom.

  Then the Lord commanded the sacred stone,

  The wonder of speaking, the riddle of rock, 770

  Into the streets to wander the wide ways

  Over green fields and broad plains

  To preach God’s news to the Canaanites,

  And through the power of the greatest King

  To command Abraham and his two sons 775

  To rise up from their tombs, lift their limbs

  From the grave, receive their separated souls,

  Rejoice in their restored and youthful spirits,

  And walk the wide world once again,

  Alive from ancient days to make manifest 780

  To the multitudes the great power of the God

  That they had worshipped, his miracles and might.

  So the strangest of angels, the rock of God,

  Traveled far and wide, a radiance on the road,

  As the Ruler had commanded, till it finally came 785

  To the land of Mamre where the beloved bodies

  Of the ancient patriarchs were secretly buried.

  Then the angel of God ordered Abraham,

  Isaac, and Jacob to rise up from the dust,

  Waking their bones from an earth-bound sleep, 790

  To gather their spirits at God’s command,

  To travel the land and talk to men and women,

  Telling each of them who shaped the world

  From the slate-blue sky to the succulent green earth,

  Warning them not to delay in following the faith, 795

  Fulfilling the commands, and working the will

  Of the King of heaven, the Gatherer of glory.

  So the three wise patriarchs, witnesses of wonder,

  Walking miracles, went throughout the land

  To testify to the true might and miracles of God, 800

  As they had been resurrected from the grave,

  The moldering earth-house, home of the dead,

  And given new life to preach God’s glory.

  When people heard the words of the once-dead

  Patriarchs’ preaching, they were seized with terror. 805

  This truth was more than many men could tolerate.

  So the Shepherd of heaven called them home,

  Not to ground or grave but to heaven’s glory,

  Where he promised them peace and eternal joy.

  Now, my dear young sea-captain, you’ve heard 810

  Through the Lord’s words and wondrous works

  The might and meaning of his great miracles,

  How he revealed himself to multitudes of men

  And how many were blind in heart and mind

  To his truth and teaching. I know more stories 815

  Of the Son’s holy and heroic deeds

  Than you can begin to comprehend on this ship

  For all your subtle craft and worldly wisdom.”

  All day long Andrew praised the holy one

  To the ship-captain till sleep crept over him, 820

  And he lay down, dreaming of his dear Guardian,

  As the craft sailed silently over the whale-road

  With a holy warrior sleeping beside his Lord.

  Then the generous Lord, the Giver of life,

  Commanded his angels to transport Andrew 825

  Above the surging sea, to carry with kindness

  His sea-weary sailors in their arms’ embrace,

  Safe and secure in their Father’s keeping.

  On waves of wind they came at last

  To the city which Andrew had earlier seen 830

  Revealed by God. Then the angels departed,

  Holy messengers, for their homeland in heaven,

  Leaving the saint in a peaceful sleep,

  Resting on the road under the sheltering sky,

  In night-long dream near the city wall, 835

  Near his evil enemies who dozed in hunger,

  Those devouring devils—till at long-last

  God lifted the candle of dawn, the day-sun,

  To wake the world. Darkness disappeared,

  Shadows slipped away, clouds drifted off, 840

  Leaving the land in a fresh, clean light.

  The torch of heaven touched each rooftop,

  A warm wake-up for the homes of men.

  Then God’s adamant warrior awoke,

  Looking at the landscape by the city gates, 845

  Where gray stone cliffs hovered like beasts

  Looming darkly over human buildings

  With their artful towers and colored tiles,

  Their wind-swept walls. The wise warrior

  Recognized at once that he had arrived 850

  In Mermedonia, where the Father of mankind

  Had called him before to his terrible task.

  He saw his faithful followers asleep

  On the hard ground and began to wake

  His bold-hearted thanes, speaking these words: 855

  “This is a true wonder worth telling—

  Yesterday on the tide, a powerful Prince

  Lifted us above the sea-surging waves,

  Raising our ship like a bird on the wind.

  The captain of that boat was Christ himself, 860

  The Ruler and Redeemer, the Glory of kings.

recognized his holy words, his sacred speech,

  Even though he disguised his divinity,

  His holy power, in a sailor’s seafaring form.”

  Then his young followers responded in kind, 865

  Revealing their own spiritual mystery, saying:

  “Andrew, we also want to tell you a wonder,

  A riddle for you to unravel in your wisdom.

  Sleep fell upon us, weary sailors at sea,

  When over the surging waves, eagles arrived 870

  In a gather of glory, an exultation of wings.

  They lifted our souls as we slept and swept them up

  In the joyous air, singing praise-songs,

  Striding on the wind, the ethereal sea,

  Surrounding our souls with majestic hymns, 875

  Triumphant tones, holy harmonies,

  Like an endlessly sweet symphony of seraphim.

  We saw the Prince surrounded by angels,

  A throng of thousands praising God,

  The Lord of lords, with their celebrant songs, 880

  While our souls rejoiced in the reverberant air.

  We saw many martyrs and patriarchs there,

  A zealous company rapt in glory,

  Singing their hearts out to their triumphant Lord.

  There was also David, a blessed champion, 885

  King of the Israelites, son of Jesse,

  A powerful ruler in the presence of Christ.

  We saw all of you standing with God’s Son,

  Endowed with virtue, radiant with grace,

  Twelve triumphant heroes together, 890

  Surrounded by exalted, shining archangels,

  Serving and sustaining the holy apostles.

  There the blessed ones will drink delight

  In the harmony of heaven, the heart’s homeland,

  Where peace is palpable, the soul is sustained, 895

  And sorrow and strife are ever unrife.

  Some will find joy in that holy haven;

  Others will find torment and terror abounding

  In a hall of flames, when banished from bliss,

  They travel on life’s last unending road.” 900

  Then the saint’s heart was gladdened in his breast

  When he heard that God would grant the apostles

  Esteem and honor, the gift of grace.

  So the wise protector of the bold-hearted

  Warrior-band spoke these words: 905

  “My Lord and God, the Glory of kings,

  I see now you were never far from me,

  Steering our ship over the ocean waves,

  Though I was blind then to your bright divinity.

  Prince of angels, Sustainer of spirits, 910

  Radiant King, be merciful to me in Mermedonia.

  I spoke so eagerly on our seafaring voyage—

  Now I know who carried me across

  The surging sea, holding the heft of wood


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