Head Over Heels

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Head Over Heels Page 5

by Lena Matthews

  “Plans change. As you said, dear heart, family pitches in at times like these. But, Drew, I expect you at the shop no later than three, plus you’ll take one of Cyn’s closing shifts this week to make up for the weekends she covered for you.”

  “But…” Walt raised a brow and he stared at Drew until she caved. “Yes, sir.”

  “Wonderful.” Walt’s face relaxed. He was a pushover the majority of the time, but he never failed to step up to the plate when necessary. “Now, Cyn, I want all the details of this young man.”

  With his hand around Cyn’s shoulder he led her from the room, but not before she saw Franny shoot her a hostile glare as if it were Cyn’s fault her father was working today. With a heavy sigh, Cyn shook her head. She knew without a doubt this wouldn’t be the last time she was going to hear about this.

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  Lena Matthews

  This was ridiculous. Parker released a heavy sigh and for what seemed to be the millionth time, walked to the door of the restaurant and peered into the dimly lit street. It was five minutes past the hour. Where was she? Better question, what the hell was wrong with him? Anyone would think from the way he was acting he’d never been on a date before.

  For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why he was so anxious. On the same note though, what drew him to Cyn was just as baffling. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, he lived in Hollywood for Pete’s sake. But there was just something about her he couldn’t get out of his mind.

  There were no two ways about it, she was haunting him. Even though they lived over three hundred miles apart, Parker found himself damn near breaking his neck doing a double take when a woman who even slightly resembled her walked by.

  He needed a drink. He needed a smoke. Hell, he needed to get laid. He needed her under him, writhing beneath him, meeting him stroke for stroke. Her heated flesh, her breathy cries, just her.

  “Christ.” Frustrated, he turned his back on the door and ran his fingers through his hair. He needed to get a hold of himself before he attacked her the second she entered the restaurant.

  It was just a date. A simple little da—

  “Hello, stranger.”

  And just like that, his tension eased. His mouth curved in an unconscious smile as he turned around. “Hello.”

  She’d been worth the wait. In a word, she was beautiful. No wonder he’d been obsessing all week long. His gaze raked boldly over her as he took in her enticing appearance. She was wearing a simple yet elegant black knee length dress, that showcased her legs and ample curves to a T. Sexy and sophisticated, two of his favorite qualities in one tempting little package. Life didn’t get any better.



  Head over Heels

  With an apologetic smile, she walked to his side. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was heavier than usual. Were you waiting long?”

  “No. I just arrived a bit ago,” he lied huskily. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you.” The sweet coco butter scented fragrance she wore danced through his head, as she ran her gaze down his body and she brushed finger across his lapel. “You look wonderful as well.”

  “Thank you.” Unable to help himself, Parker brought his hand up and covered her own, connecting her to him once and for all.

  Startled, Cyn raised her head and her heated gaze met with his. The rest of the world seemingly fell away as they stared into one another’s eyes. Why were they here? He didn’t want to break bread with her; he wanted her to be his meal so he could feast on her tender flesh.

  Enough was enough. “Come here,” he ordered, sliding his hand down her arm and around her back. With a gentle pull he brought her into his arms and lowered his mouth upon hers. Her lips parted and he drank in the sweetness of her kiss. To his delight, she kissed him back with a fierce hunger that matched his own fevered pitch. His hands explored her thinly covered back as he devoured her mouth with his. Their bodies melded into one.

  If it wasn’t for the sound of someone clearing their throat loudly, Parker would have been content to never stop. Reluctantly he pulled back and stared into her passion filled eyes. Her breathing was rough and halting, much like his own.

  It was gratifying to know she reacted to him just as strongly as he did to her. This woman was completely under his skin. And damn it, he still didn’t know her last name, but that was going to change, here and now. Parker took a step away from her and held out his hand. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” Her brows furrowed as if in confusion.

  “I’m Parker McGuire. Movie producer, nightclub owner, also known as ‘The Prince of Hollywood’.” He didn’t want her to say he was holding anything back again. “And you are?”

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  With an understanding smile, she took his hand into hers. “Cynthia Elder, manager of The Glass Slipper, shoe seller, also known as Cyn, to my friends.”

  “Are we friends?” he asked, her hand still clasped in his.

  She gave a shaky little laugh before replying, “I hope so.”

  “So do I.”

  “Sir,” a voice called from behind him. “Your table is ready.”

  “Nice to meet you, Cyn Elder.” Parker released her hand and placed his on her lower back. With a nod of his head, he called for the maître d, who led them to their table. The restaurant was dimly lit, the perfect place for a romantic dinner. The ambience was perfect for seduction, but exactly who would be the seducer he wasn’t sure. For he’d been seduced from the moment they first met. If Cyn felt half the desire for him he felt for her, they were in for a night neither would forget.

  When they arrived at their table, Parker waved the waiter away from her seat and held out her chair for her. After she took her seat he went around the table to his own chair. But instead of sitting across from her, Parker moved it next to hers and sat by her side. “Much better.”

  “I agree.”

  After receiving her permission, he ordered for both of them and requested a bottle of chardonnay before sending their waiter on his way. The waiter quickly returned with the chilled bottle, pouring them each a glass. When the man finally scurried off, Parker turned his attention back to Cyn who was watching him with a look akin to amusement on her pretty face.

  “Well, well, well.” Cyn swirled her wine around her glass slowly. “Do you always command service like this?”


  “Then you need to come with me to the dry cleaners. I can’t get any respect there.”

  “Say the word and I’m there.” At this point he was willing to do whatever she wanted, leap tall buildings with a single bound even.

  “Really, are you just going to hop in your car and race up here to fix my problem?”



  Head over Heels

  “If you’d like.”

  “Hmmm…” She nodded thoughtfully, as if weighing his words. “I might have to take you up on that.”

  “You go right ahead.”

  “I will.”

  Parker felt like a gauche schoolboy, making small talk with Cyn. He never had problems letting a woman know when he was interested, but tonight he seemed like a fumbling idiot.

  “Have I told you how lovely you look?”

  “Yes, right before you kissed me.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “Just answering your question.” She smiled seductively.

  “Well, here’s another question for you. Is your cell phone off?”

  She frowned in confusion. “No, why?”

  “Because I don’t want to chance you running off again. I let you escape once. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “I’m here aren’t I?” She took a sip of her wine, a coy smile hovering over her lips.

  “Yes, but just think where you could have been if you hadn’t left.” Taking her free hand in his, he rubbed his th
umb over the soft flesh of her wrist. He could hear her breath catch at the caress.

  “And where is that?”

  “My bed.” Just saying the words made the image pop into his brain. Cyn, nude, lying across his bed, with her arms spread wide and welcoming.

  “The night is still young.”

  “Is that a promise?” He certainly hoped so.

  “No,” she laughed. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”

  “Then keep it.” His fingers glided along her arm and he watched as her body reacted to his touch. He could tell she was just as attuned to him as he was to her.

  “What am I going to do with you?”

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  Lena Matthews

  “I can think of many things.”

  “Feel free to share?”

  “I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet.”

  “Then think again.” Her teasing words had an arousing effect on him. Suddenly, she was no longer a passive party in his subtle game of flirtation. She was a full-out accomplice.

  Last Saturday hadn’t been a fluke. There was something between them, so much stronger than simple desire.



  Head over Heels

  Chapter Five

  After dinner, Parker suggested they drive over to Delilah’s Jook Joint, a local jazz club off the Bay. It was a stark contrast to the restaurant where they’d just eaten. Where Agua was a four star crème de la crème eatery, Delilah’s wasn’t on any tourist maps. It was a local club with dark, seedy music that spoke to the soul. Definitely not the type of place Cyn would have imagined Parker would haunt.

  Since she’d driven to the restaurant, she followed him over to the club in her car, using the time alone to think back over the evening. Just like the first time she met him, Parker blew her away. He was cute as hell and twice as charming. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so drawn to anyone. From the first moment she laid eyes on him in the restaurant, she’d known without a doubt where the night would lead.

  It was very easy to see why he was sought after by the media and women. He had a way of looking a person directly in the eyes when he talked to them, making them feel as if they were the only one in the room. Even Cyn, who considered herself jaded and schooled, felt a tingle after talking to him for mere minutes.

  Noticing the time, Cyn reached across the center divide to the passenger seat and wrestled her purse open. As she wove through traffic she pulled out her cell phone and turned it on. Using the speed dial she called Miller. The phone rang only twice before it was promptly answered.

  “Do you know what time it is?” Miller her protector tore into her as she knew he would. He was her safety call, something she was supposed to have done over an hour ago.

  “My bad. The time completely ran away from me.”

  “No excuses. I’ve called your cell phone three times.”

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  “I had it off,” she meekly said. The sad thing was Cyn knew better. Lord knows she’d chewed Miller’s ear off for the same offense so many times before. The way the world was today, a person had to be careful.

  “Off,” he bellowed. “What in the world for?”

  “Because I’m on a date and I didn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Of all the irresponsible things to do—”

  “Oh, pipe down,” a voice called out from the background.

  “Is that…” No, it couldn’t be. Could it? “Is that MeShell?”

  “Yes.” And from the sound of Miller’s voice he was none too pleased about his visitor. “I can’t get him to leave.”

  Him. For as long as Cyn could remember Miller had referred to MeShell as shim.

  Interesting. Very interesting. “What is she doing there in the first place?”

  “I have no idea why he’s here,” he stressed the pronoun, “but he needs to leave.”

  “I’ll go when I’m good and ready.” MeShell’s voice rang out loud and clear.

  Apparently she wasn’t the only one on a date tonight. “I won’t keep you. I just called to check in. Everything is going good. Dinner was fine now we’re off to Delilah’s.”

  “Delilah’s? His idea or yours?”

  “His,” she said as she pulled into the semi-crowded parking lot and parked next to Parker’s Porsche. Her Mazda looked tacky next to his ride, but then again, he made movies and she slung shoes.

  “Well, well then. Cute and good taste. You go ahead then.”

  “I think I will.”


  “Yes, but I have to go now. We’re here. I’ll call you afterwards to let you know I’m heading home.”

  “You better not be going there alone.”

  “I doubt either one of us will be going to bed alone.”

  “Bite your tongue,” he argued, much to her amusement.



  Head over Heels

  Cyn would have given just about anything to be a fly on the wall of Miller’s apartment. Something was definitely going on between him and MeShell, and Cyn couldn’t wait to find out all the juicy details. But that would have to wait for tomorrow.

  Tonight, she was going to concentrate on her own social life for a change. “Love you.”

  “You too, doll. Have fun.”

  By the time Cyn hung up, Parker had exited his car and was waiting patiently for her.

  When she unlocked the door, he opened it and held his hand out for her to take. “My lady.”

  “My, my. You princes and your manners.”

  “It’s all due to charm school.”

  “I bet.” After locking and alarming her car, they set off for the club. “I have to say, I’m very impressed with your taste. First Aqua, now Delilah’s. How does an L.A. brat like you know of all these cool places?”


  “Now why don’t I believe you?”

  He brought his hand to the corner of his upper lip and pretended to twist a mustache.

  “Because keeping you on your toes is part of my evil plan.”

  “Tell more about this nefarious plan of yours.”

  “First I fill your tummy with wonderful food, and then I feed your soul with equally wonderful music.”

  “Are my soul and tummy the only things you plan to fill tonight?” The words slipped out before she could stop them and from the grin on his face, he was glad they did.

  “Lord, I hope not,” he murmured as he held open the door for her to enter.

  Delilah’s was one of her favorite places in the Bay Area. Unfortunately, Cyn didn’t often have the opportunity to come here. She was looking forward to showing Parker around the place, but to her utter amazement he didn’t just know of Delilah’s he knew Delilah. When they walked into the club, the dark-skinned, heavyset woman greeted him as if he were a long lost son. She came from around the bar and crushed him to her in a bone-breaking hug.

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  After a few back-cracking slaps, she pushed him from her and stared up into his face.

  “Damn, boy, when was the last time you brought your pretty ass in here?”

  “It’s been awhile.”

  “I’d say.” The loud woman cackled as she stepped away. When she glanced over Parker’s shoulder and spotted Cyn, her smile widened. “Although last time you were here, your date wasn’t as lovely. Who’s this cute little thing?”

  Grinning, he placed his arm around her and brought her forth for introductions.

  “Cyn, this is Delilah, my godmother.”

  “Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand but it was swiftly cast aside as Delilah wrapped her arms around Cyn, hugging her almost as fiercely as she’d hugged Parker.

  “We don’t stand on ceremony around here, girl.”

  Nor did they understand the meaning of p
ersonal space. “I see.”

  “Ya’ll go over there and have a seat. I’ll send Geanie over to get you a drink. And, boy, don’t you think of leaving here without saying goodbye.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. Can you go ahead and send Geanie upstairs?”

  “Sure can.”

  As they made their way up the stairs, Cyn couldn’t help but tease him. “Bring all your dates here, do you?”

  “You’d be the first.”

  “Then what did she mean when she said I was prettier than the last date you brought here?”

  A slow smile spread across his lips, making him look even yummier than usual.

  “She’s talking about my best friend, Solomon. He’s as in love with Delilah as I am.

  Whenever he’s in town he bugs me to bring him here so he can, as he says, woo her.”

  Cyn glanced over her shoulder at the woman in question behind the bar, laughing it up with her customers and found it easy to believe how his friend could become enamored with the vivacious woman. “She seems as if she’s a wonderful lady.”



  Head over Heels

  “She is,” he agreed. “She’s my mother’s best friend. Back in the day, Delilah used to be a make-up artist and she worked on one of the shows my mother was cast on. They’ve been friends since the moment they met.”

  “So now that you have me here, whatever shall you do with me?”

  “You mentioned over dinner you enjoyed playing pool.”

  “I play a little,” she lied.

  “You want to play a few games?”

  “Most definitely.”

  The upper area was less crowded and more relaxed, which was just the atmosphere Cyn preferred. The three pool tables were filled with players and smokers, smashing the balls to the heavy beat of the music. Parker slapped down seventy-five cents on the corner of the table, signaling he wanted to play next and pulled out a bar stool for her.

  Easing up on the stool, she leaned back against the bar and watched the men in front of her clearing the table.

  “What would you like to drink?”


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