Head Over Heels

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Head Over Heels Page 9

by Lena Matthews

  The evil duo was where she’d expected them to be, sitting on their asses watching her television. Irritated, Cyn walked over to the entertainment center and turned it off When Drew raised the remote to turn it back on, she bent over and pulled the plug from the wall.

  “What the hell is your problem?” Drew bellowed.

  “You and your sidekick.” Cyn crossed her arms over her breasts. “Which one of you bitches has been keeping my messages from me?”

  The twin sisters shared a guilty look, letting Cyn know it wasn’t a one-man act.

  Drew was the first to meet her eyes but instead of appearing the slightest bit guilty, she looked pleased. “All of this over a few missed messages?”

  “Three is a few, Drew. I believe there were more than three.” Cyn turned her heated stare to Staci who had the grace to look ashamed. “Isn’t that right, Staci?”

  “Maybe one or two more.”

  “Right.” She didn’t buy that for a second. “After everything I’ve done for you, my father has done for you, you’ll still act like a bunch of—”

  Drew rolled her eyes as if she was bored. “Get over yourself, Cyn. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”



  Head over Heels

  “My world does and from now on, you’re not welcome in it.” She’d tried. Lord knows she had, but she wasn’t a saint nor was she a doormat. “The two of you have a month to find another place to live.” Cyn wanted to say a week, but she knew if she did they would be on her father’s doorstep by sundown.

  Her words apparently caught their attention. “What?”

  “You…you can’t do that,” Staci whined, rising to her feet. “Where will we go?”

  “Not my problem.” And man did it feel good to say those words. Satisfied for the first time in a long time, Cyn moved from in front of the television and headed back to the kitchen.

  She was headed off in her path though by Drew, who was no longer looking so pleased. “This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.”

  “Oh, but it is.” Cyn brushed past the angry woman. She would no longer let her family obligations deprive her of those things she wanted in life. And Parker was number one on her priority list. Her father was just going to have to understand. As for Drew, Staci and their mother, she didn’t really care if they understood or not. It was her time now.

  No matter how many times Parker saw Cyn, it was always as if he was looking at her for the first time. Standing outside The Glass Slipper, he peered through the window and watched her work. Not that she was working. With the exception of Cyn and an older African American man, the shop was empty. Not that it seemed to bother Cyn. She was sitting on top of the counter as she talked to the gentlemen, smiling and laughing with him as if he was an old friend.

  Just watching her smile brought a smile to his lips. She looked as lovely as he remembered. She was dressed in a mauve, short sleeve shirt and a matching floral skirt that showcased her sexy legs in the hottest of ways. It seemed as if it had been years since he’d last seen her, not merely a couple of weeks. With his work schedule and hers, they www.samhainpublishing.com 81

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  hadn’t been able to get together. They talked every day, several times a day on the phone, but it wasn’t the same.

  Despite being horny as hell, he’d purposely made sure all of their phone calls were as non-erotic as possible. That was until last night. Thanks to a little breathless moan on her part and a willing cock on his, their goodnight call turned into a good night phone call.

  Dirty words merged into heady moans, which were soon over taken by guttural groans as they came together. Although the orgasm was much needed and long overdue, it paled in comparison to the real deal. Parker didn’t want his hand. He wanted Cyn. So much so he blew off his meetings today to come see her.

  And it was well worth the headache he’d have when he flew home tomorrow afternoon. She didn’t know he was there, in fact she didn’t even know he was coming to town, which allowed him to view her in an entirely different way, unguarded. Parker sometimes felt she erected a wall around herself to keep him at a distance. It wasn’t going to work though. He was too stubborn and falling too deeply in love with her to allow that to happen.

  Unable to wait a moment longer to have her in his arms, Parker opened the door and walked into the shop. When the bell above dinged, two sets of similar eyes turned in his direction, but he was only interested in one.

  A soft gasp escaped Cyn before she jumped off the counter and ran full force into his arms. Pleasure like none other filled Parker as he swept her up into his arms and swung her around. God, he’d missed this woman. He’d been wrong earlier. He wasn’t falling in love with her. He was already there.

  As they stood staring into each others’ eyes, Parker realized it was more than just the few nights apart that were getting to him. It was her presence in his day to day life he was missing, although he’d only had it for a short time. She wasn’t around when he wanted to share some news. She wasn’t the last person he saw before he drifted off to sleep. Nor was she the first person he saw when he woke. Cyn wasn’t there. And he didn’t like it one bit.



  Head over Heels

  “Hello, stranger,” she said in her standard greeting. Her warm brown eyes seemed to smile as she stared up at him.

  “Hey.” Parker stared at her, wishing he could come up with some clever line, but it had been too long and he needed her, right now, if only in a small way. Bending his head, he kissed her. The feel of her soft, full lips under his was good, but still not enough. His tongue swept inside her mouth, relishing the taste of her as he pulled her body tight against his.

  The sound of a clearing throat finally penetrated the haze in his brain, forcing him to remember where they were and reminding him that they were not alone. Begrudgingly, he broke their kiss and stared down into her eyes as he tried to communicate all his feelings in that one look. He loved her and he wanted her to be able to tell with every touch, every look, and every caress of his hand.

  “I take it you missed me.” Her voice was husky

  “I’d say,” said a deep voice from behind them. “I was about to break out the fire hose.”


  Dad! Parker immediately dropped his arms, released Cyn and turned to face the father of the woman he’d been seconds away from molesting. Not exactly the first impression he wanted to make. “So would this be a good time to let you know that I do know your daughter and that I’m not some random freak with a foot fetish who likes to accost women in shoe stores?”

  “Yes. Now would be the time.”

  “Oh, stop it. He knows exactly who you are,” Cyn said with exasperation. “Parker Maguire, this is my father Walter Elder. Dad, this Parker.”

  She’d told her father about him. Interesting. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

  “Call me Walt.” Her father offered Parker his hand. “So you’re the young man who has captured my daughter’s heart.”

  “Dad!” Although her response was indignant, she didn’t correct her father’s assumptions.

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  “Only as much as she’s captured my own.” Parker was more than willing to let this man know just how he felt about his daughter. He didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings. Cyn turned with a frown marring her lovely face and Parker realized he’d just declared himself to her father, although he hadn’t actually told her of his feelings.

  “I’m glad to hear it. She deserves only the best.”

  “I agree.” Whole-heartedly.

  Cyn cleared her throat loudly, turning the attention of both men toward her. “She’s in the room. Can I be included in this conversation?”

  “This is man-talk, woman.” Her father’s eyes twinkled with unsuppressed amusement.

  “That’s right. I need to find out what
your bride price is.” He turned his attention back to Walt. “Now are we talking ten goats or twenty?”

  Walt brought his hand up to his chin and rubbed it as if he was contemplating Parker’s question. “It depends on the goats.”

  “Great.” She groaned good-naturedly. “Two wise asses.”

  “For the price of one.” Parker teased and pulled her in tight to him. She felt so good in his arms he didn’t want to ever let her go. “Aren’t you the lucky one?”

  “That’s me. The lucky one,” she said with a roll of her eyes. But even her sarcasm was welcomed, especially when she snuggled up to him as she gave hell. “I still can’t believe you’re here. I didn’t think I was going to get to see you before the ball.”

  “What kind of ball are we talking about here?” Walter asked.

  “A charity costume ball my mother hosts every year. It benefits the Make a Wish Foundation.” An idea struck him. “If you like I’d be more than happy to get an extra invitation for you and yo…” Cyn pulled away from him and discreetly shook her head as his offer slipped out, forcing him to trail his words off weakly. “Urrr…”

  Thankfully, Walt was shaking his head at the same time. “Thank you anyway, but I have to pass. My days of dancing till midnight are long past.” Walt glanced over at his daughter with love in his eyes. “Have you picked a costume yet, honey?”



  Head over Heels

  “No. I haven’t had time to look for anything.” Cyn turned to him and eyed him speculatively. “What are you going as?”

  “Prince Charming.” He watched her lips twist in grin. “Shut up.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so.” She teased. “And tell me, Prince Parker, did you come up with this idea all by yourself?”

  “I’m not that vain. My mother had the costume made. She’s big on themes. This year she wants us to dress up like characters from a fairy tale. Lame I know.”

  “It’s not lame. I think it’s sexy you still do what your mommy wants.”

  “Brat.” Cyn was lucky her father was in the room or he might show her what he really thought of her comment, with his hand against her upturned bare bottom.

  Cyn blew him a kiss in lieu of a response. Their childish antics seemed to amuse her father who discreetly interrupted them. “If you pardon an old man’s foolishness, I think I might have an idea.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “It’s a surprise.” Walt walked back around the counter and picked up his car keys.

  “I’ll be back.”

  “A surprise. Dad!”

  “Twenty minutes tops.” Walt grinned as he hurried out of the shop, leaving Parker and Cyn staring after him.

  Cyn glanced from her father’s retreating back to Parker and took his hand into hers.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  He couldn’t believe it took him that long to make the trip. “I couldn’t stand to be away from you any longer.”



  She glanced at the door then back to him with a wicked little grin. “You know a lot can happen in twenty minutes.”

  “Do tell.”

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  She put her finger to her lips before winking at him. Then with a spring in her step, she walked over to the door. She turned her head toward him and waggled her brows. He knew she was up to something nefarious when she flipped the lock and the closed sign and then pulled down the shade.

  “What’s going on?”

  Rejoining him, she took his hand and began to pull him toward the back of the store.

  “There’s a little something back here I think you need to see.”

  “What’s that?”




  Head over Heels

  Chapter Nine

  The second they stepped in the storage room, they were all over one another. There was no time for finesse. They were on a time crunch. Although there was a lot they could do in twenty minutes, Cyn was only interested in one.


  Cyn wasn’t sure who initiated the kiss, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was being in Parker’s arms once more. His tongue swept across hers as he ran his hands over her back, as if familiarizing himself with her body once more. It was a sentiment with which Cyn could definitely relate as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him with all her might.

  A low growl sounded deep in his throat as she pressed her breasts up against the massive wall of his chest. She could feel the evidence of his desire touching her belly, pressing hard and thick in all its glory. She felt as if she was on fire, and Parker was the only one who could quench her flame.

  Their mouths were fused, as if they were attempting to make up for all their time apart in this one moment. Yet it still wasn’t enough.

  Parker broke their kiss as he nudged her back against the wall and shoved his hand under her skirt. He brushed his fingers against her cloth-covered mound, before taking the silk material in his hand and tugging lightly. “I want this off. Now.”

  Cyn considered herself a very independent, head strong, Sojourner Truth type woman, yet the second Parker’s voice took on that commanding tone, her knees weakened, her pulse sped up, and she instantly became wet. “Bossy.”

  “The clock’s ticking, Cyn.” He took a step back, giving her enough room to do as he bid, but nothing else. “Don’t have me tell you again.”

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  Oh God, she was going to combust into a million particles. But it was going to be well worth it. Licking her lips, she moved her hands to her waist and pushed the red silk past her hips.

  He watched her intently as her panties dropped to the floor. His heat-filled gaze practically devoured her whole. With a simple look, Parker made her feel as if she was everything, the most beautiful and desirable woman alive. And he was all hers.

  She couldn’t wait to take him into her body again. The second she stepped out of her panties she reached for him. She wasn’t in the mood for foreplay. She wanted him to take her and take her now. “Fuck me.”

  “You should know better than that. Spread your legs. Now.” Parker dropped to the floor in front of her, wound his hand in her skirt, and held it up and to the side. He moved her left leg over his shoulder and pulled her hips forward before inhaling deeply. Leaning back he looked up at her with a heat-filled gaze. “God, I missed the scent of you.”

  “Is that all you missed?”

  “No. I missed the way you taste as well. I missed waking up with you in the morning.” Parker spread Cyn’s nether lips wide and lightly brushed his finger over her clit, dragging a moan from the depths of her. “And I really missed the way you cry my name when you come.”

  “I don’t cry your name.”

  “Yes, you do.” He blew lightly on her overheated bundle of nerves, before caressing her once more. “Should I remind you?”

  “Please do.” Cyn whimpered as she leaned weakly against the wall. She didn’t know if she had the strength to stand while he pleasured her, but she was going to do her damndest and try.

  “I think I will.” And that was all that he said. The smooth flesh of his finger was replaced by the warm heat of his mouth. His tongue stroked over her sensitive clit, lashing her engorged bud as she leaned back against the wall and held on for dear life.



  Head over Heels

  “Parker,” she moaned, as she buried her hands in his thick hair and held him to her pussy. She didn’t want him to ever stop. The touch of his mouth was like heaven on earth, and it’d had been way too long since she’d been to heaven.

  His tongue lathed the sensitive bundle of nerves as he slid two fingers deep within her moist depths. There was nothing gentle about the way he fing
er fucked her, which was good because she wasn’t in a gentle state of mind. She wanted to be taken, ravished, fucked until she couldn’t think straight, and Parker was just the man to do it.

  “Oh, God. Don’t stop,” she begged. “So close.”

  His mouth teased and tormented her as his fingers plunged into her hot, wet sex, fucking her over and over until she thought she’d go mad from the pleasure of his touch alone.

  Her body trembled as the climax, seemingly out of reach, rushed upon her.

  She screamed his name as she came. Her orgasm tore through her at lightening speed. One second she was on the brink and the next she was falling head over heels into the abyss. Her release was so fast it was painful, but well worth the wait.

  Her spasm had barely slowed before he pushed her leg to the ground. Her hand fell limply from his hair as he stood. All of her energy was spent in keeping her on her feet.

  He made quick work of his pants, pushing them down past his knees. The sound of foil ripping was the only warning she received before he lifted her hips, anchored her to the wall and centered his cock at the apex of her sex.

  “Still in denial about the crying?” he asked, as brushed his crown against her moist tender flesh.

  “I didn’t cry.” Her voice was rough and shaky. As light-headed as she felt, Cyn was surprised she was able to form words into sentences. “I screamed.”

  “Even better.” Without saying another word, Parker began his slow penetration into her body. He pushed into her steadily, not stopping until he was buried balls deep inside her. “Damn, I missed you,” he groaned. “I can already tell, baby, this is going to be a fast and bumpy ride.”

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  Cyn cried out as her body stretched around his thick cock. It had been so long, so fucking long since she’d felt him inside her. “Do you hear me…complaining?”


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