Tag You're Mine

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Tag You're Mine Page 15

by Catherine Charles

  I can see she’s a little shocked and scared, hell, so am I. We never planned for this and she absolutely has valid points. “I can take online classes and go to school in the off-season. It’s the minors, babe. And not that it makes a difference, but I would be getting paid; it’s not much, but it’s a start.”

  I know she wants to tell me to pick one of the schools. She wants to take the safe route, I know she has a future in mind, one I very much want to make come true for her, this is a huge gamble, but it could very well be the best thing to ever happen to us.

  “So, what do you want to do?” She’s putting this on me. She’s putting our future on me.

  “Honestly I have no idea, but I have to let Coach know by the tenth.”

  -March 25th-

  Robert still hasn’t asked me to prom yet, and I honestly don’t expect him to. I think there’s probably some unwritten code when two people are already together, you automatically are each other’s dates. Between games, deciding what he’s going to do with his future, and the standard stresses of the last few months before graduation, I’d just be grateful to spend some time with him. We seem to be like ships passing in the night.

  Liv has started giving me rides home after school; I’m officially over the bus scene and the obnoxiousness of freshman boys. They start the year decent enough, and then slowly begin to spiral downward until they reach the epitome of cockiness that surfaces shortly after Christmas break.

  Liv turns down the radio, pulling me out of my daze. “So, has he asked you to prom yet?

  I can’t help but laugh. “Liv, I highly doubt he will. We’re a couple, isn’t it just assumed we’ll go with each other?”

  “Oh, hell, no! Trey and I are dating, but I made sure he knew he had to ask me to prom, or he would be going alone.”

  I laugh again at the thought of their conversation. Trey’s a good guy, but Liv definitely wears the pants in their relationship.

  “Well, have you decided where you’re going to school yet?” She looks between me and the road.

  “Not yet. I’m kinda waiting to see what Robert decides. I wish he would hurry up though, acceptance deadlines are quickly approaching, and I need to turn in my notice if I’m going to accept my scholarships. Who knows, at this point, I may end up going to community college in Arizona somewhere.”

  I try to make light of the situation, but the reality is, I never saw myself as a community college kind of student, nothing against them. I had always envisioned living in a dorm, my parents dropping me off the week before school started, and then getting used to campus. I envisioned late nights at the library, a roommate who came in way too loud at night and looking forward to my sophomore year when I could move out of the dorm and into my own apartment.

  We turn down the driveway and I change the conversation. “Principal Stewart confirmed I’m this year’s Valedictorian.”

  “Congratulations, girl, but um, isn’t it still a little far out yet?”

  “Kind of, but I’m taking easy classes and have a 4.3 GPA, the next closest person has a 3.9. I’m pretty much a shoo-in, which means I can focus on writing my speech instead of focusing my energy on wondering where I’m going to school. On top of writing a speech, Liv and I were asked to preform our UIL pieces during the graduation ceremony.”

  We pull up outside the ranch and make our way inside where I’m greeted by a sea of long stem red roses throughout the front foyer and living room. There are hundreds of them in vases covering the floor and tables. My hands instantly fly to my face, hiding my surprise, as tears appear out of nowhere. I feel Liv’s arm wrapped around my shoulder as she turns me and points me towards my bedroom.

  “He’s not done yet.”

  I peer through split fingers to find an incredibly handsome man walking towards me, dressed in his full baseball uniform, holding another bouquet of roses. His arm replaces Liv’s and I bury my face in his chest; he struggles to keep me back. He’s chuckling at my attempt to fight against him, and I give up when he promises to stay the night. I look at him and then at the bouquet he’s still holding. Tucked in the middle of a dozen roses is a baseball with PROM? written on it.

  “So what do you say beautiful, wanna go to prom with me?” He wears a cocky smile as if there was any way I could even say no to him.

  “I didn’t think you were gonna ask.”

  “Presley, I would be a fool to not ask you to prom. Just because we’re together, doesn’t mean I get to skimp out on all the romantic stuff. Us being together forces me to make sure romantic moments are ones you’ll never forget.”

  I can't believe this man.

  “So, what’s it gonna be, princess? You comin’ with me?”

  I nod my head in a resounding yes before little yeses break through my broken tears. Tightly wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling into him, he lifts me off the floor, kissing my cheek firmly before setting me down.

  “Look over there,” he says, pointing to the kitchen where our mothers are both fervently taking a million pictures.

  Mom stops and holds out her hand to me as I cautiously make my way over to her. “There’s more good news, dear. Your father is on his way to the medical center in Germany. He has some severe wounds, but he’s alive.”

  “Are you serious? Mom, please don’t tell me this is a joke.”

  “It’s not a joke, sweetie. He’s coming home.”

  I hug my mom with all the strength I have left, a huge burden has been lifted off of me.

  “They had to amputate his leg, so he will have to go through some physical therapy and get fitted for his prosthetic, but then he’s coming home for good. I let his sergeant know when your graduation was, and he said he would do his best to get him home in time.”

  Mom and I stand there embracing one another and soon two more sets of arms wrap around us, Robert and Diane’s. This is our family, and no matter what happens, everything is gonna be okay. I feel it.

  -March 28th-

  Today after practice Coach follows me home to discuss the different offers I’ve been given. Mom and I have talked about it, both her and Presley want me to go to school, it’s the safe bet, it’s the smart decision, but something keeps pulling me towards Arizona. I really hope this meeting with coach helps to clarify things for me and not confuse us anymore.

  Mom recaps everything coach has laid out for us, and Presley holds my hand as she sits next to me. There’s no question, she’ll be there no matter what. I’m still trying to figure out how I got so incredibly lucky with this girl.

  “So to make sure I understand everything correctly if he goes to either school he will have all his classes, books, and housing taken care of. The only thing we will need to take care of will be food and such. If he goes to the minors, we will need to take care of everything. Housing, food, and then, of course, there’s still schooling to pay for”—Mom glances up at me—“don’t you dare think you’re not going to college. You need to have a backup in place in case you don’t get signed to a major league team. It’s not a guarantee, and it could be years before that even happens.”

  She’s right, it could be years, but the way coach has been talking, the Rangers have already made me an offer; Arizona is more of a formality.

  She focuses her attention back to Coach. “And if he goes to college, what are the odds of him getting picked up there?”

  “Honestly, I haven’t the slightest idea. He is my first player to be in this position. He could be picked up, but he will be a year or so older. Players are getting signed earlier and earlier. It’s a mixture of talent and longevity.”

  Mom looks back at me, the seriousness of this decision not only affects me but Presley and Mom. I worked hard for scholarships because the money for college wasn’t there. And now, if I give college up to pursue an amazing opportunity, the financial burden is there for both Mom and me.

  “What do you want to do, Robert?”

  I look over at Presley. I need her. I know she won't tell me what to do, but
this affects us both and I can't make this decision on my own. “Let’s go talk.”

  She nods, and we make our way out to the front porch, sitting down on the wooden bench swing. The sky is a bright peach color as the sun begins to set.

  “So, what do you think?” My eyes are focused on the horizon as I hear her take a deep breath.

  “It’s still a lot to process, Robert. Did you ever consider playing professional baseball? Did you ever think of trying out during college, or what would happen after school was done?”

  “I never saw it as an option for me, Presley. I figured we would go off to college together, I’d play ball for the scholarship, find a job somewhere, then get you a house with the white picket fence and eventually knock you up.”

  We both chuckle at the last part before she turns serious again.

  “What would you want to get a degree in?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea and that scares the shit out of me. You know exactly what you want to do with your life and I’m clueless. I could spend thousands of dollars trying to figure it out. Taking different classes until something grabs my attention. I don’t want that. There are only two things in this life I’m certain about. I love you, and I love baseball.”

  “Then I think you’ve made your decision. You know what to do, Robert.”

  “But what about you? I can't ask you to give everything up to follow me, and I can't do this without you. All you have to say is let’s go to South Carolina, and I’ll go.”

  “I know. But my dreams changed when I met you. My dreams now include you. Sure, I could tell you to pick South Carolina, but you would be incredibly unhappy, which would only make me feel guilty.” She turns in her seat to face me, taking my hands in hers and looking me dead in the eye, “Robert, if I was willing to go to Ole Miss for you, then why wouldn’t I be willing to go to Arizona? I can get a degree from anywhere. It doesn’t matter what it says on my diploma as long as I’m with you, and we do this together.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Absolutely! I love you too, and I want a life and family with you too.”

  “So, we’re going to Arizona?”

  “We’re going to Arizona!”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  -March 29th-

  Tonight is one of my toughest games of the season. Both Presley and I are still riding a high from yesterday, which is why I think I have been able to remain relatively calm and focused tonight. There is no more uncertainty between us.

  It’s the bottom of the ninth and the score is tied 5–5. I throw out the pitch and it makes solid contact with the bat. It’s popped up and I sprint forward to get under the ball, hoping to get the catch and get not only one, but two outs and end the inning. I’m so focused on the ball I don’t notice the bat has split, and the larger piece is flying straight for my head. I feel it make contact, and then everything goes black.


  It’s as if time stands still, and I’m taken out of my body. I’m an observer standing on the sidelines, completely helpless to do anything. I see the ball. I see the bat. I see Robert lying unconscious on the field. Liv shakes me and brings me back to reality and I jump up from my seat, fighting through the crowd of people who move to get a better look at what happened.

  I shout at people, “Move out of my way, now!” I’m down on the field, but Trey blocks me from running any further.

  “Presley, stop!”

  “Please, Trey. I need to be over there.” For the first time, I realize I am sobbing hysterically. My words come out broken.

  Trey gives me a sympathetic look as my eyes dart back and forth between him and Robert, who is now surrounded by Coach and several of the trainers.

  “Let them take care of him.”

  I feel utterly useless as I watch them strap Robert onto a backboard and secure him. Trey grips my shoulders and places his face in front of mine.

  “Presley. Look at me.” His voice is firm, and he gives me a small shake. I pull my eyes away from Robert for a split second. “Go to the field house. Coach will tell you everything you need.”

  I nod and sprint down the hill towards the field house. Thankfully this is a home game, and in the last few months, I’ve become very familiar with this part of the school. I can see why Robert feels at home here. I get down the hill in time to see the ambulance pull away.

  “Where are they taking him?”

  “Saint Mark’s Hospital. I’ve already called his mom. She will meet you there.” Coach throws me Robert’s truck keys.

  I thank him and give him a quick hug before I go. I know he didn’t have to tell me anything, but he did.

  I find Robert’s truck in the parking lot and speed off. So many thoughts coursing through my mind.

  Diane and I are sitting silently in the waiting room. She looks as if she had been crying on the way into town, but then turned stoic the instant she walked through the doors of the hospital. I don’t know if it’s for my benefit or hers, but I don’t want her to feel like she’s alone in this. He may be her son, but he’s my future. Yesterday we were sitting on the front porch talking about family and a house with a picket fence, and now I’m sitting in a hospital waiting room, completely clueless.

  The sliding doors open and in walk Coach, Trey, Liv, and Marcus. I give Marcus a death stare as vile spews from my mouth, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Presley, I’m sorry. I messed up. I didn’t think.”

  A humorless ironic laugh seeps from my lips. “God, that’s the understatement of the century. But you’re wrong, Marcus, you did think, but with the wrong fucking head.”

  Trey seems to choke on air as he lets out a whispered, “Damn.”

  “You’re right, and I’m sorry. But Robert and I have been best friends since he was ten, and I want to be here for both of you.”

  “Some friend you turned out to be.” I roll my eyes at him and sink back into my chair. “You know, had you been man enough weeks ago to apologize to me, we might be in a better situation, but you were too busy being a fucking pussy.”

  “I deserve that.”

  “Hell, yes, you deserve that! And you deserve a lot more, but tonight isn’t about you, so you can stay, but this does not mean I forgive you for formal and it doesn’t mean we’re even friends. You betrayed me by bringing her. You knew she wanted Robert. You knew she would do anything to get what she wanted, and you didn’t fucking care.”

  The sliding doors open again and in walk Mom, Gramps, and Grams. Mom rushes over to Diane and me, giving us both a tight hug before sitting down next to Diane. “It’s gonna be okay. Just you wait and see.”

  The doctor appears and Diane immediately stands up.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. We have Robert stabilized. He is currently in a medically induced coma. He had quite a bit of swelling due to his injury, I want to give his brain some time to come down from the swelling before we wake him up. Hopefully we should be able to wake him in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. He’s young and strong. I’m expecting a full recovery for him.

  Diane lets out an exhale, “Thank you. Can we go back and see him?”

  “Yes. No more than four people at a time, though.”

  “Thank you.” Diane looks at me, “Presley, Tina, would you like to go first?”

  I nod and get up.

  “You too, Liv. I know you’re Presley’s support.”

  Liv stands and threads her arm through mine as I rest my head on her shoulder.

  Suddenly I feel a heavy burden settle on my shoulders as I walk to his room; my heart races as we get closer, and I see him lying in bed. Besides the light bruising on his face from where he was hit, he looks peaceful. My instincts say to curl up next to him, but I hold back. Liv whispers in my ear, reminding me of the doctor’s words and his optimism.

  Mom and Liv stay for a few minutes before leaving, allowing the rest of the group to cycle through before going home for the night.

  “Why don’t you go home, de
ar. Get some rest. It’s been a long day for you, and the doctor said it would be tomorrow night at the earliest before they would wake him up.”

  “I don’t want to leave him, Mrs. West. Please let me stay. You can have the couch, and I’ll sleep in the chair. Please don’t make me go.”

  There’s a knock on the door, signaling the end of visiting hours. The nurse states that only immediate family is allowed at this point, her eyes trained on me as I silently plead with Diane.

  “She’s his fiancé. She stays.”

  The nurse cocks her head, not quite sure what to make of Diane’s statement, but writes something down and closes the door.

  “I’m going home. You call me immediately if there are any changes, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Diane turns out the lights on her way out the door, and I crawl into bed with Robert. I’m careful of the lines connecting him to different monitors, an IV line, something to monitor heart rate, and then a few sensors positioned on his forehead. I rest my head on his chest and snuggle into him as best I can. The beep beep beep of one of the machines seems to quicken for a moment before returning to its normal rhythm.

  “I don’t know if you can hear me, but Trey said the team won tonight, in case you were curious. Marcus apologized for bringing Heather. And your mom called me your fiancé. I liked the way it sounded.” The beeps quickened again and I smiled, my head pressed against his chest, “I love you too, Robert. Good night.”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Why anyone would willingly choose to sleep in a hospital is beyond me. I slept terribly and pray never to be in this situation again. The nurses kept coming in every ninety minutes to check his vitals. I finally gave up on sleep about three-thirty in the morning and ended up binge-watching Law and Order SVU. I look at the clock as the door opens; it’s nine-thirty and Mrs. West is a vibrant ray of sunshine.

  “I would ask how your night was, but I can obviously see it was anything but restful. Do you want to go home for a few hours?”


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