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Omertà Page 2

by J. L. Drake

  “Charlie,” I screamed from behind him. He reached for my hand and pulled me along. I had never been more terrified in my whole life. “I’m scared!”

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, honey.” He opened the door and pushed me in the seat. “Stay low, and whatever you do, don’t leave this seat. I will come back for you.” He leaned in and kissed my lips hard. “I love you, Stacy.” He took my hand and kissed my wedding band. “Don’t move.” With that, he was gone. I was left inside an old Cadillac in a scrap metal yard. My knees banged the floor, and I folded into a tight ball, praying I would stay hidden.

  The motor of the Tahoe stopped several feet away from me, and I peeked out the window and saw him as he scanned the property. He motioned for the men to go off in different directions. I was sure he could hear my thundering heartbeat from where he stood. One man got so close I held my breath and pressed myself down flat onto the floor of the car. Peeking out through a crack, I saw his shadow appear over the driver’s seat, and then his flashlight moved to the passenger side. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit down on my tongue in fear, waiting for his shout. The light stopped and became brighter. Oh my God! I knew they’d find us—they always did! Why did we think this time was any different? I had no weapon and no hope left.

  “Hey,” someone yelled, “over here!” The light moved away, and I slowly stared out the window just in time to see the man stick his gun in Charlie’s direction and pop two bullets right between my husband’s eyes.

  I scrambled out of the car and ran as fast as I could. I knew it was stupid, even suicidal, but I lost all sense of reason as I dropped to the ground where a pool of blood made paths through the dirt.

  “No!” I cried and held Charlie’s head to my chest. I looked up at the man and screamed, “You’re a monster! How could you do this?” I looked straight into his eyes, right before he raised his gun and stole my life away.

  Present Day

  FBI Agent Cooper Colin

  Nashville was cooler than Southern California. I had only been here once before, when I came across their case.

  I’d worked cold cases for the past nine years. There was something about solving something that others couldn’t that made it exciting. I liked to be down in the gallows of the building alone to connect the dots with little interruption.

  My room was huge, with pictures of crime scenes linked with red lines to suspects and evidence. Every case started with a crime, victim, a murder…then the truth. It all came together like a game, clues scattered, witnesses with their own versions of what happed, character traits, and the million dollar question—“who did it?”

  I was currently the best detective in my division. It was as if the evidence spoke to me, and I saw things most didn’t.

  I’d solved twenty-one cases in my nine years with the FBI. I’d taken out more of the Marrone family than any other FBI agent on our force. I had no remorse for the killers I brought down, and when they got arrested, the looks on their faces were satisfying. I’d solved every case I’d picked up but one. Charlie and Stacy Knight.

  The Knights’ murder was the first double homicide I’d come across that I knew who did it but could never prove it with the evidence. Until now…

  After I rented a car, I decided to head directly to the diner. I could check into my hotel later.

  The place looked exactly the same, and I took a seat at the counter and pictured Charlie waiting for his coffee. I watched as the waitress took orders one by one and imagined it was Stacy. I wondered what they spoke about and how she felt when he disappeared for that month. All I knew was Charlie returned to Phoenix, disappearing until he came back to Nashville with all of his belongings. Well, according to the witness, Stacy’s Uncle Jack.

  Jack sat hunched over the cash register and rang in people’s orders. He caught my eye then gave me a nod when he placed who I was. Jack and I had spoken about six times. The poor man has been through so much. I would do anything to make his last few years here happy ones.

  “Coffee?” the teenaged waitress asked with a genuine grin.

  “To go, please.” I returned her friendly tone. I dropped a five on the counter and thanked her for the coffee. She beamed at the tip and gave me a little wave.

  I started to leave, but paused when I saw a picture on the wall. With my cell phone in hand, I snapped a quick photo of the smiling couple and left.

  Bobby Marrone was the head of the Phoenix mafia family that was now scattered all over California. They came from Italy in the early forties and had remained in the U.S. ever since. The crime rate skyrocketed after their arrival, and for some reason spread over to Nashville thirty-five years ago. Why? That was what I’d been trying to figure out. I was convinced they had a part in my case’s murder.

  The Bureau gave me free rein with the Marrone family, mainly because I’d taken down more of their family than any major crime unit had in the last three years. I had to admit, I was a bit of a dirty player. I had my ways of dealing with people, and I was known for being an asshole. Which was great, because people left me alone. I had one focus in life, and it wasn’t to have friends.

  The hotel bar was dark and quiet, perfect for my mood. My phone rang three times; my sister just didn’t take the hint. She and Mom insisted on calling me every week so I’d join them for dinner. I wanted to be alone. I wasn’t the family man they wanted. I had too much internal shit to battle on a day to day basis, and they simply didn’t understand. How could they?

  The bartender refilled my drink the moment it was empty. When my head started to fog over, I finally felt myself relax. I wasn’t blind to the fact that Bobby’s men most likely knew I was here because they normally sent someone to follow me. But this time, it was what I wanted.

  My fingers tugged at my tie until it broke free and hung in place. I undid a few buttons on my shirt and rolled up my sleeves. Downing my third drink, I watched the amber liquid slide from the neck of the bottle and land with a splash into the glass.

  I hunkered down for a peaceful night of just me and my thoughts.

  Before I even opened my eyes, I felt the hammer smash the inside of my skull. My neck was stiff from the angle at which I’d slept. Still in my clothes from the night before, I rolled over and trudged to the shower, but right before I stepped in, my phone rang. It was Tommy.

  “I heard you were back in town.”

  “News travels quickly.”

  “Bobby’s brother, Vinnie, is in town too. He knows you’re here. My advice is go home.”

  I smirked in the mirror. “Now, why would I do that?”

  “Don’t fuck with things you don’t understand.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Tommy. I’m very aware of what I’m doing.”

  “Your funeral.”

  “Better to be buried by six than judged by twelve.” I shrugged, revising our normal motto to fit my dark side.

  The line went dead.

  The hotel bar started to pick up by 5:00 p.m. I sat in my spot from last night and nursed my drink and waited. It didn’t take long for the bait to be taken.

  Vinnie’s reflection flickered over the ridges of the Bombay bottle as he took a seat beside me. He ordered a Crown on the rocks.

  “So what brings the FBI to Nashville?” Vinnie asked as he sipped his drink and slid onto the stool next to me. Vinnie was a billboard for the mafia. It didn’t help that he was born and raised in Italy, later moving to the U.S. to be with his brother. He wore expensive suits, shoes, and cufflinks, and his accent matched his personality. Hell, he was mob right down to the cigar that rested in his breast pocket.

  “What brings the Marrones to Nashville?” Most were nervous around this family, but not me. For some reason, they didn’t fuck with me. Sometimes the line blurred as to who was using whom.

  “Just visiting an old friend,” he said and snickered into his glass.

  “Whiskey sour, please.” Her voice was soft and sweet from behind Vinnie’s massive body. He started to move, and
my jaw nearly went with him. Jesus Christ! There she was, right where she said she’d be. I thought my balls had just stood at attention. Her black, skin-tight dress barely covered her ass, and her long legs stopped at her six-inch red heels. Her breasts nearly hit Vinnie in the face, and her hair had a slight wave around her midsection. Christ, she was sex on heels.

  Not caring if she saw, I obviously shifted my erection.

  “Well, well, well,” Vinnie purred at the uninvited guest who’d stepped up to join them. “Why can’t all women look like you?”

  She gave him a sidelong glance as she thanked the bartender for her drink. I nearly groaned when I took in the back, mainly because it was missing. Her spine had a beautiful curve to it, begging for my fingers to coast downward.

  She checked her phone as if she were waiting for someone. Vinnie couldn’t remove his stare from her.

  “Excuse me?” I asked on cue. “Can I tell you something?”

  She turned and stuck her hip out at me. “That’s original. Are you going to tell me that you feel a gravitation pull that goes from you to me?”

  I nearly laughed. She was quick. “No, but I rather like that one. I’m not from here and was curious about a good place to eat. You know, somewhere with a local vibe.”

  She took a moment and thought. “Trish’s Diner. That always seems to be a favorite with the out-of-towners.”

  “Trish’s Diner…You know Jack?” Vinnie’s curiosity appeared piqued.

  “Yes, he was my mother’s uncle.”

  All I needed to see was written across Vinnie’s expression. It was almost like seeing inside his soulless body.

  “Was?” he asked smoothly.

  “Yes, that normally means past tense.”

  Damn, this girl was naturally witty.

  Vinnie smirked, and I could see he was interested. “So, they died?”

  “Yes. Anything else painful you’d like to bring up?” She turned her back to us while she signed her bill. “I should’ve been a lesbian.” She sauntered across the bar to sit in a chair across the room.

  “Smooth.” I laughed into my glass.

  “I suppose you have some questions for me, Agent Colin. If you want answers, get that girl to come to dinner with us.” He stood. “Meet me at the usual spot in twenty.”

  I waited for him to leave before I headed over and politely extended my hand, knowing Vinnie’s men were watching. “My name is Cooper Colin.”

  She crossed her legs, which made her dress inch up further, before she leaned forward and shook my hand. “Sydney.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.” I glanced around. “I don’t suppose you’d like to join me for dinner?”

  She gave me a small smile.

  Dine in the Shallows was a restaurant located under an old hotel. You’d walk right by it if you weren’t watching for it. The place was dark, and the seating was intimate. Red velvet high-back cushioned chairs circled the tables and booths. Black, sleek tables shone under the flickering candles. A man in a three-piece tux played a violin while a woman softy sang to a late forties tune.

  I could tell Sydney was impressed. Her face lit up when she looked around but quickly dropped when she saw Vinnie at a table with four others. One of them was Tommy, my informant, and Vinnie and Bobby’s nephew.

  “Relax,” I whispered in her ear and eased her forward. “They won’t bite.”

  The men rose as we drew closer. “I’m impressed, Colin.” Vinnie laughed and called over the waiter. “Vino for my guests!”

  I pulled out Sydney’s chair and sat next to her. I didn’t want to bring to her attention that Vinnie had this place packed with his men. I could practically smell the steel from their weapons, there was so many. Even the damn waiter shook as he poured the wine.

  “Vinnie, this is Sydney Claire.” I looked at her. “This is Vinnie, Tommy, Sly, and Cook.” Most people would have pissed themselves to be at the same table as the mafia. Not me. I knew them so well I could tell you what each of them would order. I’d invested years into understanding their habits so I could take them out…one by one.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” she cooed and granted them a smile that made it hard to swallow. Christ, she was sexy. “This is a spectacular place. I never even knew it was here.”

  “It’s only been open for a year,” Sly said, eyeing her.

  “Well, that explains it.” She smiled at me and caught my expression, which I quickly wiped clean off my face. “I have been on the east coast for some time now.”

  “What brought you to the east coast?” Vinnie asked, but I could tell he was digging.

  “My aunt lives there. She raised me after…” She looked down and cleared her throat. “So, what’s good to eat here?”

  I glanced at Vinnie, who stared at her almost as if he’d seen a ghost. Yes, he’d figured it out…Sydney was the long-lost daughter of Charlie and Stacy Knight.

  I knew in my gut Vinnie was connected with their murder. Every piece of evidence pointed to the Marrones, but they were good and had solid alibies.

  “The crab is superb.” Vinnie grinned at her, then looked over at me. “Are you gonna tell me it was a coincidence that you and her were both at the bar at the same time?”

  I was waiting for this.

  “No, it wasn’t.” I turned to face Sydney. “I’ve been following you.”

  “What?” Her gaze darted around nervously. Her hand flew to her purse, but I stopped her.

  “I’ve been working your parents’ case for some time now. When I heard you were back in town, I hurried to Nashville to see if I could catch you. Ask some questions, see what you could offer me.” I placed my hand on hers. “We’re both looking for answers, that’s all.”

  She slowly looked around the table and let out a long, unsteady breath. “I, ah, I’m not sure what I can help you with. I was very young when they were taken from me. So are you a detective or something? ”


  “FBI?” Her voice cracked. “I thought the case was closed. Unsolved.”

  I shook my head. “It’s a cold case, but that’s what I do. I solve the unsolved. I have some questions, and I hope you have some answers.”

  “So do I.” Vinnie eyed her.

  She looked over at him and squared her shoulders. “And who might you be? Because I’m guessing you’re not the FBI.”

  Sly and Cook laughed with their mouths full of food. Tommy snuck me a look, and I could see he was uncomfortable. Tommy and Vinnie were like oil and water. Tommy would do anything to see Vinnie at the bottom of a river somewhere—family bickering over who would take over the business when Bobby died.

  Dinner was served, and we all ate and chatted about little things. Having dinner with the Devil’s spawn was not something I had planned, but I would take any chance to gather anything new I could.

  Sydney avoided any personal questions they shot at her with a witty comment that seemed to put them in their place. Though they kept trying to pry.

  “Tell me…” Vinnie pushed his plate away from his huge stomach. “What do you remember about your parents?”

  She downed the rest of her wine. This was her third. “How much do you remember from when you were two?”

  He smirked, but I could tell he was getting a tad annoyed with her dodging. Perhaps it was time to leave.

  “You have quite the mouth.”

  “One could say the same about you.”

  Sly cleared his throat and rested his hand on his gun. Which, in turn, made me do the same.

  Vinnie rubbed his chin while he studied her. Her finger ran along the rim of the glass as she stared right back at him. Liquid courage could be deadly here.

  “You’re not what I pictured.”

  “Didn’t know you pictured me.” She leaned her elbows on the table. “Is this the part where you tell me you murdered my parents?”

  I thought I might have left my body for a moment. Did she really say that to him? To Vinnie Marrone, second in line for the seat at the
head table. The next Godfather. I wasn’t sure if I should high five her or cock my gun for battle.

  Vinnie’s tongue raced around his teeth before he broke out in an odd laugh, and the rest of the men followed.

  “I like you.” He chuckled awkwardly. “I want you to join me at my cottage this weekend. Both of you.”

  “Why would I do that, exactly?” she challenged.

  “Because I don’t normally ask, my dear.” His eyes darkened and his face changed to the look I knew all too well. Yeah, it was time to go. I would not let her tear down my case.

  “You have my number, text me the address.” I rose to my feet. “I will take you back to the hotel, Sydney.”

  She stood, then turned back around and held onto the back of the chair. “If you did kill my parents and I find out, I will take your balls and snap them off at the base.” She flashed them a bitch smile. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, gentlemen.”

  I took her wrist and hurried her out of the restaurant before we added more red to the décor.

  It wasn’t until we were in the cab that she finally sucked in a deep breath and showed me her true emotions.

  Her hands shook as she ran them over her thighs.

  “Sydney,” I whispered while pushing back my own anxiety from what just happened. “You’re playing with fire, fire that will burn you without a thought.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” She wiped a tear away with a huff. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  I closed my eyes and remembered that people don’t work like I do. I shifted to get closer and wrapped my arm around her bare shoulders.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I know.”

  Once inside the elevator of the hotel, I felt her withdraw, and she couldn’t do that yet. I needed her to stay focused.

  With a sideways glance, I couldn’t help but stare at her tight body inside that little black dress. Damn, she was fine-looking.

  “I need a drink.” She fluttered her hands. “Christ, I can’t calm my nerves.” She pulled her hair to one side and let out a long breath. “You want to hit up the bar?”


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