The Scorpion's Tail (Nora Kelly Book 2)

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The Scorpion's Tail (Nora Kelly Book 2) Page 1

by Douglas Preston




  Also by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

  Agent Pendergast Novels



  The Cabinet of Curiosities

  Still Life with Crows


  Dance of Death**

  The Book of the Dead**

  The Wheel of Darkness

  Cemetery Dance

  Fever Dream†

  Cold Vengeance†

  Two Graves†

  White Fire

  Blue Labyrinth

  Crimson Shore

  The Obsidian Chamber

  City of Endless Night

  Verses for the Dead

  Crooked River

  Nora Kelly Novels

  Old Bones

  The Scorpion’s Tail

  Gideon Crew Novels

  Gideon’s Sword

  Gideon’s Corpse

  The Lost Island

  Beyond the Ice Limit

  The Pharoah King

  Other Novels

  Mount Dragon



  The Ice Limit

  By Douglas Preston

  The Lost City of the Monkey God

  The Kraken Project Impact

  The Monster of Florence

  (with Mario Spezi)


  Tyrannosaur Canyon

  The Codex

  Ribbons of Time

  The Royal Road

  Talking to the Ground


  Cities of Gold

  Dinosaurs in the Attic

  By Lincoln Child

  Full Wolf Moon

  The Forgotten Room

  The Third Gate

  Terminal Freeze

  Deep Storm

  Death Match

  Lethal Velocity (formerly Utopia)

  Tales of the Dark 1–3

  Dark Banquet

  Dark Company

  *Relic and Reliquary are ideally read in sequence

  **The Diogenes Trilogy

  †The Helen Trilogy






  First published in the USA in 2021 by Grand Central Publishing, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc.

  First published in the UK in 2021 by Head of Zeus, Ltd

  Copyright © 2021 by Splendide Mendax, Inc. and Lincoln Child

  Images in chapter 51 courtesy of the author.

  The moral right of the authors to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN (HB): 9781838931230

  ISBN (XTPB): 9781838931254

  ISBN (E): 9781838931261

  Head of Zeus Ltd

  First Floor East

  5–8 Hardwick Street

  London EC1R 4RG


  In memory of William Smithback, Jr.



  Also by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  About the Authors

  An Invitation from the Publisher





  SINCE GRADUATING FROM the Academy eight months before, Special Agent Corrie Swanson had learned to expect almost anything. Nevertheless, she hadn’t expected to be serving warrants on bawling teenagers. As she rode back through the mountains with the rest of the FBI team, she felt relieved that a difficult day was almost over.

  They were returning from the town of Edgewood, having served the warrant on a pimply-faced hacker who, when he answered the door of his mother’s house, had broken down in tears at the sight of them. Corrie felt bad for the kid, and then felt bad for feeling bad—because, after all, he’d hacked into a classified network at Los Alamos National Laboratory “just for fun.” Now his computers, external hard drives, iPhone, USB sticks, PlayStation, and even home security system were all loaded into the black Navigator with tinted windows that was following their vehicle with Agent Liz Khoury at the wheel and Agent Harry Martinez riding shotgun.

  Corrie sat next to her boss, Supervisory Special Agent Hale Morwood, who was driving the least likely G-ride Corrie had ever seen: a late-model Nissan pickup, loaded, in candy-apple red with racing stripes and a Chinese dragon decal running diagonally across the hood. It was totally unlike Morwood’s dry personality. When Corrie had finally screwed up the courage to ask her boss why he drove it, his response had been “I travel incognito.”

  “So,” Morwood said, shifting into his mentoring voice. “Enough excitement for you today?”

  Difficult or not, Corrie knew that the day had been a reward of sorts. She’d put in more than her share of desk duty, worked hard to impress Morwood, and even managed to play a major role in a recent case. To Morwood, no doubt this was the equivalent of a field trip.

  Still, she knew he wouldn’t like a display of gratitude. “I felt a little silly,” she said, “wearing a bulletproof vest on a call like that.”

  “You never know. Instead of just yelling, that mother might have pulled out a .357 Magnum.”

  “What are they going to do with
all that computer equipment?”

  “The lab will look at it, find out exactly what he did and how, and then we’ll go back and arrest him—and his life will be over.”

  Corrie swallowed.

  “Seems harsh to you?”

  “He didn’t fit my idea of a criminal, to be honest.”

  “Me neither. Smart kid, stable middle-class home, straight-A student, promising future. That in a way makes it worse than, say, some kid who grows up in the inner city and starts dealing drugs because it’s all he knows. Our boy is eighteen, he’s an adult, and he broke into a system that holds classified nuclear bomb information.”

  “I get it, totally.”

  After a moment Morwood said: “It’s good to have compassion. That’s something a lot of agents lose over time. But balance it with a sense of justice. He’s going to get a fair trial in front of twelve ordinary, commonsense Americans. That’s how it works—and it’s a beautiful system.”

  Corrie nodded. Morwood was a twenty-year agent, and his lack of cynicism continually surprised her. Maybe that’s why he’d been tapped to mentor new agents during their two-year probationary period. So many of her fellow rookies—most of the guys, some of the women—were already trying on a tough, cynical, hard-boiled macho persona.

  They were passing through the town of Tijeras, on old Route 66, when Morwood reached down and turned up the volume on the police scanner, which had been murmuring in the background. Domestic, Cedro Peak Campground, report of shots fired...

  Corrie brought her wandering thoughts to attention.

  Reports indicate a domestic dispute and shots fired in a camper, possible shooting victim, possible hostage situation. Location Cedro Peak Campground, New Mexico 252, Sabino Canyon turnoff...

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” said Morwood, fiddling with his navigation program, “that’s just around the corner. Looks like this is one for us.” He pulled down his mic. “Special Agents Morwood and Swanson, Khoury and Martinez responding. We’re passing through Tijeras on Route Six-Six, turning onto New Mexico Three-Three-Seven south. Ten minutes out.”

  Morwood accelerated, talking to the dispatcher and the agents in the following car. The tires squealed as he took the turn from Route 66 onto 337, heading into the foothills of the Sandia Mountains. As he did so, he reached for the dash, hitting the siren and activating the hideaway lights. The SUV followed suit.

  The dispatcher relayed all the information she had, which was precious little. Essentially, others in the campground had called 911, reporting an incident in a pop-up camper—a loud argument, a woman screaming, shots fired. One said he thought he heard a little girl crying as well. Naturally, everyone in the campground had gotten the hell out.

  “Looks like we’re going to get some real action, not just a crybaby hacker,” Morwood said. “We’re the first responders. Check your weapon.”

  Corrie felt her heart accelerate. She removed her Glock 19M from the underarm holster, popped out the magazine, checked it, then reinserted and reholstered. Per standard procedure there was already a round in the chamber. She was glad to still be wearing the bulletproof vest.

  “Domestics,” said Morwood, switching again into mentoring mode, “as you probably learned at the Academy, can be the most dangerous of calls. The perp can be irrational, agitated, and often suicidal.”


  The speedometer edged up to seventy miles an hour, which while not fast in itself was frightening enough on a mountain road with steep drop-offs and few guardrails. The tires gave a little protest of rubber at each curve.

  “So what’s the plan of action?” Corrie asked. This wasn’t some pimply kid; this was real. This was her first active shooter call.

  “They’ve called in a SWAT team and a CNU negotiator, and the FBI’s got the CIRG on alert. So what we do is, we take up defensive positions, announce, assess, and de-escalate. Basically, we keep the guy talking until the pros arrive.”

  “What if he’s taken a hostage?”

  “In that case, the key is to keep him talking, reassure him, and focus on getting him to release the hostage. Unless it’s a crisis, the less we do the better. The most dangerous moment is when we first arrive and the shooter sees us. So we go in nice and easy, no shouting, no confrontational stuff. Should be a cakewalk. Good experience for you.” He paused. “But if things go south … just follow my instructions.”

  “Got it.”

  “Remind me of your shooting qualification score?”

  “Um, forty-nine.” Corrie reddened; that was barely above qualification, and followed weeks of practice at the range so intense her forearms had ached for days. Shooting just wasn’t her forte.

  Morwood grunted a nonreply and pressed still harder on the accelerator, the truck flying up the meandering two-lane road that climbed through piñon- and juniper-clad hillsides. Five minutes brought them to the turnoff for the Cedro Peak Group Campground in Cibola National Forest, and another five to a gravel road. Morwood eased back on his speed. In a few more minutes they arrived at the campground: a peaceful, grassy basin with picnic tables, a group shelter, and firepits set among piñon trees, with the great mass of Sandia Crest rising behind.

  At the far end of a loop road, she could see a lone camper attached to a white Ford pickup. The rest of the campground was empty of people, with a few tents scattered around.

  Morwood turned his truck into the right side of the loop and gestured out the window for Khoury and Martinez to go around the other way and converge at the far end.

  “Keep down in case he shoots at us,” said Morwood. “I’m going to drive in as close as I can.”

  He pulled the truck to within twenty feet of the camper. No shots were fired. The camper was one of the kind that fold open, with sleeping compartments on either side of a central living space, screened in with mosquito netting and white nylon. The thing was practically see-through—and Corrie could, in fact, see a man standing in the living space, holding a little child in a hammerlock, gun pressed to her head. She was sobbing in terror.

  “Oh shit,” breathed Morwood, crouching down in the seat and sliding out his weapon.

  The man said nothing, did not move, keeping the weapon to the girl’s head.

  Corrie also reached for her gun.

  “Get out on the far side and use the truck as cover. Stay behind the engine block.”


  They both crept out and crouched behind the front of the truck. Morwood had grabbed the vehicle’s mic cord and pulled it out with him. He now spoke into the mic, voice unhurried and neutral over the truck’s loudspeaker.

  “We’re Agents Hale Morwood and Corinne Swanson, FBI,” he said. “Sir, I’m going to ask you to please release the girl. We’re here to talk to you, that’s all. No one’s going to get hurt.”

  There was a long silence. The man was backlit through the netting, so she couldn’t see the expression on his face. But his chest was heaving and she heard the rasp of his breath. And then she noticed: blood was draining out the door and running in rivulets down the camper’s steps into the dirt below.

  “You see the blood?” Morwood asked.

  “Yes.” Her heart was in her throat. The guy had shot someone inside the camper already.

  “Sir? We’re asking you to release the hostage. Let the child leave. As soon as you do that, we can talk. We’ll listen to what you have to say and work things out.”

  The man pulled the gun from the girl’s head and fired twice at them. Both rounds missed the truck entirely.

  I’ve been shot at before, Corrie thought. I can handle this. Besides, he can’t aim.

  Morwood spoke again, his voice steady. “Please, let the child leave. If there’s anything you need from me in order to do that, tell me.”

  “I don’t need shit from you!” the man suddenly screamed, so full of rage and gargling hysteria that the words were hardly intelligible. “I’m going to kill her! I’m fucking going to kill her right now!”

The child began to scream.

  “Shut the fuck up!”

  Morwood continued to speak, steady but firm. “Sir, you are not going to kill a child. Is she your daughter?”

  “She’s the bitch’s daughter, and I’m going to kill her right now!”

  Corrie saw him raise the gun and fire two more shots toward them, one of which slammed into the truck’s rear side. Then the man pressed the gun back to the child’s head.

  “She’s gonna die, count of three!”

  The girl’s tiny, terrified scream sounded like a metal blade cutting through tin. “No!” she choked out. “Please, Uncle, no!”


  Morwood turned to Corrie and spoke quietly and rapidly: “I’m authorizing deadly force. I’m going to the right to get a side angle on him. Cover me. If you get a clear shot—and I mean absolutely clear—take it.”



  The Glock felt like a block of heavy wet plastic in her trembling hand. Calm down and focus, for fuck’s sake. She peered over the hood and then took a low shooting stance, bracing her arms. It exposed her, but the guy couldn’t aim worth shit. She repeated it in her head: The guy can’t aim worth shit.

  She carefully drew a bead on the man’s head and placed her finger lightly on the trigger. He was holding the girl in front of him, and ten yards was too far for a positive shot.

  Morwood bolted from behind the truck and scrambled to a piñon tree thirty feet to the right, throwing himself down into a prone shooting position.

  Corrie kept the man square in her sights. A head shot at this distance with her Glock 19M was still way too risky for the child. She glanced to her left and noted that Khoury and Martinez were behind their SUV, guns trained. Now she could hear the faint sirens of the SWAT team coming up the road.

  Thank God—they were almost there.


  Morwood fired his weapon, but Corrie instantly understood it was a decoy shot to distract the man, stop him from shooting the girl—and distract him it did. He pulled the gun from the girl’s head and returned fire, two wild shots. And in that moment the girl twisted away and broke free of his grasp, lunging for the door but slipping and falling short.

  In that moment the man was isolated, alone, and perfectly silhouetted against the netting. The girl was on the floor. Corrie had the man dead in her sights.


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