Bash's Hurricane (Black Crows MC)

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Bash's Hurricane (Black Crows MC) Page 7

by EA Hunt

  “I know, honey,” Bash kissed his daughter’s head before straightening and moving with the rest of the line. Tessa Psalm had come to town a year ago with her triplets and opened a preschool/daycare that many in Rydal desperately needed. Before that, there hadn’t been one and many people who worked in Atlanta or the surrounding area would leave their children with friends or relatives until they could start school. Tessa had come in and bought the old Wilmont place. It was an old one-story farmhouse the club had purchased several years ago along with its outbuildings, to house the products they couriered from supplier to customer before they’d completed the supply building on the actual club compound. Tessa had bought the Wilmont place with cash and turned several of the outbuildings into classrooms for different age groups. She’d also transformed the three-bedroom, one-bath main house into her home. Bash had been impressed with the young woman. She’d come to the club with cash in hand – well, a duffle – with the promise that she didn’t want any trouble. All she wanted was a quiet life to raise her children and run her business. Which was what the Wilmont Day School provided.

  Melly was learning a lot at Tessa’s school. Not only did Tessa and her staff of five, teach the kids their ABCs and colors, they also taught them about animal care and how to grow gardens. Wilmont was always taking the kids on field trips around the county and sometimes to the museums in Atlanta. On those trips, a brother, usually Danish, and several Old Ladies would accompany the kids. Wilmont was a part of his town and he protected those in his town –

  especially Tessa. She’d come to him with respect and knowledge of how things ran. It was impressive and ballsy. Which was one of the reasons he’d wanted his daughter at the school. Melly was learning a lot from the women of the club but she needed an education. And Tessa’s was the perfect start to that education.

  “Look, Daddy,” Melly pointed. “We’re next,” she clapped, happily.

  Bash chuckled. Since her trip to Willa Jean’s the day before, Melly couldn’t stop talking about the place. Tessa had brought her class of ten pre-kindergarten students here to have a baking lesson with the owner of the bakery which had opened two months before with much fanfare. It had helped that the owner of the bakery had sent out dozens of cookies with the bakery’s logo and a hand-written invitation to the grand opening to every business in town. Even the club had received a dozen or so cookies that his brothers couldn’t stop raving about but hadn’t gone to get more of. He’d wondered why because from what he could see, Willa Jean’s was the place to get your sugar fix. The line out the front door and the tables quickly being filled up on the inside, was certainly a testament to that.

  “Ms. Celise!” Melly called out once they’d entered the bakery.

  He had to be dreaming. He was back at his house in his king-sized bed, dreaming of his Babygirl standing in the middle of the bakery in a halter-top, floor-length dress. Her curves a little fuller than they’d been five years ago and her hair now shoulder-length – no longer down her back for him to wrap around his finger. Though his Babygirl had changed, she was still as beautiful as ever. Even with the light grey baby sling across her body. Wait! Bash blinked. He’d never dreamed of his Babygirl with a baby. Not one that wasn’t his. Nor had he dreamed of her hugging Melly to her side. This wasn’t a dream – his woman was before him! Talking to his daughter with a sad smile on her face! He slowly walked over to the two most important women in his life.

  “Ms. Celise, I brought my Daddy,” Melly beamed.

  “I see,” Celise replied to the little girl while trying not to stare at Bash. His beard had gone from partial to full-faced. He was a little leaner, but keeping up with someone as joyful as Melly could cause anyone to shed a few pounds. Heck, she’d had trouble keeping up with the little girl’s questions when they’d come for the cupcake decorating class she’d decided to offer. It was one of the many ways she was planning to keep business flowing in. She could only imagine what the little girl was like on two legs. Celise held out her hand to the one man she’d tried her best to get over but hadn’t truly succeeded. “Celise,” she introduced, not wanting Melly to pick up on the tension between herself and Bash.

  “Bastion,” he replied, watching her eyes constrict. Her reaction told him she still remembered what it meant for her to call him by his given name. He took her hand in his. It was still as soft as he remembered. Stepping closer to her, he looked into the sling. A beautiful caramel-skinned little girl with blue-grey eyes smiled back at him. She had black hair with a big grey bowed headband, one just like Melly use to wear, around her head. She was adorable, just like her mother. He turned his gaze back to Celise. He had so many questions, but they could all wait until they were alone and not in the middle of the bakery.

  “Daddy, you have to see the cookies Ms. Celise had us make. Then we got to decorate some cupcakes,” Melly came to stand between the adults. “I want Ms. Celise to make my birthday cake,” Melly told him.

  “I want Ms. Celise to make something sweet for me too,” Bash told his daughter, still looking at Celise. He smiled to himself as Celise’s breath became slightly labored.

  “Ms. Celise,” Melly looked at the woman. “Can you make something sweet for my Daddy? Or maybe we can buy a cake or cookies for my Uncles.”

  “Yes,” Celise looked at Melly, ignoring Bash’s subtle hint. “I think buying something would be great.” She took the little girl’s hand and added, “Why don’t you and I look at the cookies and cakes and see what your Daddy would like.”

  “Can I, Daddy?” Melly eagerly questioned, looking at her father.

  Bash looked at his daughter. “Yes, baby. You can go with Ba – Ms. Celise,” he said as he watched a slight shiver run through Celise as he almost slipped and used the name he’d given her all those years ago.

  With the girls distracted with the cakes and cookies in the glass case, he pulled his phone out from his pocket, calling the one person he knew he could get the information he needed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because you were on a run and didn’t need the distraction,” Danish replied. He’d been tasked by Trigger to keep an eye on Celise while Trigger dealt with their brother spiraling because Celise was no longer in his life. Bash hadn’t been the same once he’d pushed Celise out of his life. He’d become mean, withdrawn and it was all because the woman he’d wanted and loved was no longer within reach.

  “Babygirl is not a distraction,” he replied as he watched Celise bend and show Melly a cookie cake. “Damn,” he breathed. Her ass was even more rounded than he remembered.

  “Yeah, right,” Danish chuckled.

  “Still not hearing why you didn’t tell me she was home?” Bash said. Rydal would always be home for Celise. Rydal and him were where she belonged and now that she was back, he was going to make sure she stayed right where he could see her.

  “Again, you were on a pretty long run when she moved in. It was also the middle of the night.” He and Trigger had been on their way to the club for the night when they’d seen the moving truck parked in the back of the bakery and a woman, Trigger hadn’t seen in five years but Danish had sporadically seen from a distance, exit the truck. “By the time you got back, you were dealing with club business, Melly and discussing new Prospects. Plus, we thought it best to let you find her on your own.”

  “This place has been open for two months,” Bash seethed. He couldn’t believe his woman had been ten miles from him and he hadn’t known it.

  “Yeah,” Danish replied. “She’s been working on the place, getting it ready to open. She’s living in a small apartment right above it. Trig and I kept the boys away until you knew she was here. We’ve also been keeping watch, making sure she’s all right,” Danish said. Scottie was still in town though scarcely a part of the club. She was bitter Claire had left without her. Neither man had wanted the woman to take her bitterness out on Celise.

  “Have Ace and Deuce,” two Prospects who were due to patch in soon and who were also interested in wo
rking with Danish – a position many shied away from. “On standby. I’m gonna need them to move Celise and the baby –”

  “Willa. Her name is Willa Jean, and she’s three months old” Danish provided.

  Willa Jean Delacrox had a nice ring to it. “Into my house by the end of the week.”

  “It’s not going to be that simple, Bastion,” Danish replied.

  No, it was not going to be that easy but Celise was his and the home he had was going to be her home. Even if he had to beg her until the day he died. “I know it’s not going to be that easy, but I’m not letting her go this time. And no one, not even Willa’s father…”

  “He’s not a factor. He met Celise at the bakery she was working at in Charleston a little over a year ago. He was married, something he never told Celise. When she became pregnant, he bailed but not before he signed papers relinquishing his parental rights.”

  Bash smirked. He could only imagine what Danish had done in order to get the man to sign the papers. “I’ll need a copy of those papers to give to the club lawyer so he can have my name placed on Willa’s birth certificate.” After that was finished, he was going to call Tessa and see if she had room for Willa at Wilmont. His Babygirl was exhausted. It was written on her face along with the lust he saw. Running this place and raising a newborn? She needed a break, and he was here to give her one.

  “They’re in the club safe, waiting for you,” Danish replied. “If you need anything else let me know.”

  “I will. And Danish? Thanks for watching over her,” Bash said.

  “She’s family,” Danish acknowledged. “And we take care of family,” he declared, simply, before ending the call.

  Yes, they always took care of family, Bash thought as he watched his girls walk into the kitchen.

  Chapter Five

  To the casual observer, it would look like Bash was responding to her only waitress, Maisie, and flirting with small smiles and slight nods. But Celise knew the truth. He was being polite – and her Bash wasn’t usually polite. He was rude, unapologetic and… not hers, she reminded herself. She had to remember he wasn’t hers. When what she really wanted to do was run her fingers through his beard. Her nails lightly scratching his face. But no. She couldn’t allow the fact that when he’d come into the bakery her whole body hummed in a way it hadn’t in a very long time. Nor, could she allow the fact that when he took her hand in his, her skin started to feel a deep arousing heat. Or that when he called her ‘Babygirl,’ her panties started to cream. None of that meant anything. Melly had a mother. Claire was still in the picture, somewhere. And there was no way she would want Celise touching her child’s father. Plus, because of what had happened with Claire before Melly was born, she still had some kind of punishment coming. If not a bullet, because then Willa would have no one, then maybe a beating? Did the Black Crows beat up women? Also, the way Bash had threatened her... Despite her body’s reaction to the man, she needed to keep her guard up. Needed to keep away from the man at all cost.

  “Is this all right, Ms. Celise?”

  Celise turned away from the large pass-through, a huge glassless window which gave you a view inside the kitchen and a full view of the bakery’s main floor, including Bash and Maisie. She looked down at the adorable little girl who had just asked her a question. She and Melly had come into the kitchen to make cookies for her Uncles and Aunties at the club – it didn’t hurt to have the little girl help her prep for the next day since her part-time help had decided to quit right as the afternoon rush had descended. “That is perfect, honey,” she smiled at Melly. The little girl was really good at baking. “Now we have to make little balls and then we can put them in the oven and when they’re all cooked and cooling, we’ll put chocolate kisses in them,” Celise said excitedly. “Do you think your Uncles and Aunties will like our chocolate kisses?”

  “If they don’t, I will.”

  Closing her eyes, Celise took a cleansing breath. Damn the man and his sexy baritone. Opening her eyes, she picked up the small ice cream scoop and showed Melly what to do before she turned and faced Bash. He winked at her, causing her breathing to be affected once again.

  “Customers aren’t allowed back here unless it’s a baking class,” she informed him. She rounded Melly, making sure to keep the stainless steel table in the middle of the room between them, and walked the short distance it would take to reach the playpen she’d put Willa in once she and Melly had entered the kitchen.

  “It looks like a baking class to me,” Bash replied. She was running from him. Which was all right because he was up for the chase.

  Checking Willa, who was sucking her fist, she responded, “It’s not really a baking class. Melly just wanted to make some cookies for the club and I needed a helper for tomorrow’s prep,” she informed Bash as she turned to face him.

  “Then it’s a job that Melly should be paid for,” he countered, coming to stand at the end of the table. He’d allow her to believe she was a safe distance from him for a little while longer.

  “As payment, I told Melly I would make her any cake she wanted for her birthday in two months,” Celise replied, walking the short distance to the wall oven. She had a cake inside which was almost done. As she was opening the oven, she pulled out a long stick from the container she had hanging next to the oven and placed it in the middle of the cake. She was removing the stick, hoping no batter was on it, when she felt Bash at her back. “Bastion,” she breathed.

  “Melly, honey,” Bash said. “Miss Maisie has a cookie and some milk for you waiting at the counter.”

  “Ok, Daddy,” Melly said before hopping off her stool and heading out of the kitchen.

  Deciding the cake needed a few more minutes, Celise closed the oven and turned to face Bash. “Why…” Celise started, slipping to her right. “… did you send Melly out of the kitchen?” Did that mean he was going to hurt her and didn’t want Melly to see?

  Quickly reaching out, Bash grasped her wrist, stilling her. He turned to face her. “No running from me, Babygirl,” he told her as he slowly pulled her towards him.

  “I’m not running, Bash,” Celise replied, looking at his chest. She knew if she looked into his eyes she would cave. She would forgive him and take any punishment she was given.

  “Aren’t you?” Bash replied, placing a hand on her cheek. He brought her face up to his. “I don’t like you running from me, Babygirl.”

  “And I don’t like thinking you’ve sent Melly out of the room so you can hurt me,” Celise tossed back at him while placing a hand on his chest. She could feel tears welling in her eyes.

  “Celise –” he started.

  “No! I’ve disrespected you and disrespect gets a bullet,” she told him, sniffling. “I just need you to promise someone will take care of Willa,” she swallowed. “She has no one but me and if I’m gone –”

  “Babygirl, what are you talking about?” Bash asked, wiping away a single tear with his thumb. “Tell me where you’re getting this from?” He shook his head and added, “Babygirl, I would never hurt you.”

  “You would never hurt me?” Celise pulled away from him, giving herself enough room that he couldn’t touch her. “What do you call what you did at the club five years ago? And what about when Claire came to the café I use to work at week after week? Rubbing my face in the fact that you were her child’s father?!” She pointed towards the main room of the bakery before lowering her hand and continuing, “Or when she showed me her engagement ring? After so much taunting, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I slapped her while she was pregnant…” with her head bowed, Celise wiped at her tears just as Willa started to fuss. “I need to –”

  “Willa…shhh…darlin’… I’ve got you now,” Bash cooed, scooping up the baby.

  Turning her head, Celise looked at Bash. When had he moved? That thought was thrown out of her mind when she saw her daughter lying on his chest, over his heart as he gently rocked her. Sniffing, Celise felt a new set of tears. While she was pregnant, s
he’d dreamed of Bash holding her baby in the same way he was now. She’d be standing in the doorway of Willa’s nursery, just smiling at the sight before her. And now that she was seeing it in real life, all she wanted to cry even more because her confession was going to cost her this. And so much more.

  Bash looked at his woman. He hated her tears. He’d hated her tears five years ago and he hated them now. Rounding the table, he stopped before Celise. Wrapping his free arm around her, he pulled her into his chest where she began to cry harder. “I’m here now, Babygirl,” he kissed her hair.

  “I know,” she wiped at her tears as she inhaled his scent. “But only because you didn’t know where I was before in order –”

  “If you think I didn’t know where you were, then I didn’t make as much of an impression as I thought,” Bash replied, giving her a little squeeze. Though he hadn’t kept track of his woman, he knew Danish had, which was the reason he’d called the man earlier. Danish didn’t like many people, but he liked Celise and wanted to see her happy.

  “If you knew, then why…” she sniffled. “… why didn’t you come after me?” Celise questioned, lifting her head to look at the man. “Especially after what happened with Claire. I was expecting to see you at every turn,” she told him.

  “Oh, Babygirl,” he sighed. He hadn’t even known about the incident with Claire. Any contact he’d had with the woman had been limited. He hadn’t even taken her calls. “I –”

  “Sorry to interrupt.”

  Both turned to face the person who’d spoken. Celise waved to Trigger as he stood at the back door of the bakery. Where Bash was leaner, Trigger had gained some weight and wasn’t as lanky as he’d been before. He looked good. “Hey, Trig.”

  “Babygirl,” Trigger replied, giving her a little smile. He’d been behind the bar when Danish had received Bash’s call. He’d laughed as he heard the conversation Danish had placed on speaker. Their brother had his woman back in his sights and this time he wasn’t going to let anything keep him from his Babygirl. “It’s nice to see you’re where you belong,” he winked at her.


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