When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 2

by Olivia Rose

  "Thank you, Mon! You are the best. Today sucked. Cake and tacos are exactly what I need."

  "Well then, I'm extra glad I made your favorites. I know we don't celebrate your birthday—which is your decision, and I respect that—but you're nearly an adult, all grown up, and today is the day you made my life a whole lot brighter. It's special to me, and so, cake and tacos!" she says, waving jazz hands.

  I squeeze her a little tighter in thanks. Today is the day Pastor Michaels found me; the day my new life started. I have no idea when my actual birthday is; my parents didn't care enough to register me before they abandoned me. I had no documents until the Pastor and Monica registered me and I don't want to celebrate something that isn't true. It never really mattered to me, but every year, Monica makes me tacos and cupcakes to celebrate the day I came into her life, and so I don't make a fuss. I might be a bitch, but I'm not ungrateful.

  "Let's eat!" She announces before grabbing plates and shooing me toward the table.

  WE'RE WASHING THE DISHES and dancing around the kitchen to the radio when there's a knock at the door.

  "I'll get it," I smile at Monica. Putting down my towel, I rush to the door, hating to keep someone waiting. I open it with a big smile, until I see Evan stood across from me.

  "Happy Birthday, Erin!" He brings his hands from behind his back and presents me with a cupcake with a candle in it. My love of cupcakes is apparently well known.

  "Hey there, Evan," Monica pipes up behind me. "Come on in!"

  I stop the scowl threatening my face. After today, I'm not sure I want him to come in, but my manners prevent me from being rude to him. I step backward and wave him in. He shuts the door as he follows me to the kitchen.

  "I've got a class to teach, Erin, so I'll be back in an hour or so, honey. Have a good evening!" She breezes through the kitchen, grabbing her keys and yoga mat before kissing my cheek. The front door slams behind her, signaling her exit.

  "Why are you here, Evan?" I ask. We might be friends, but the way he treated me today sucked.

  "I came because it's your birthday, and I always come over." He says, confused. I huff, because he either doesn't think what he did earlier was wrong, or he's completely oblivious; but he smiles at me and offers me the cupcake again, and I forgive him, just like I always have.

  "Did you want to watch ''Ten things I hate about you'' like always? Or are we branching out this year?" he teases, as he reaches around me and opens the refrigerator. He grabs a soda, closes the door and moves forward, pushing me backward until my back presses against the door. He places the soda on the counter, then reaches up and tucks my hair behind my ears and I feel stuck. Rooted to the spot, unsure of what the hell is happening or if I want it to stop.

  "I miss hanging out with you, Erin." He sighs as he steps even closer to me. There's barely an inch between us when he leans down and kisses me gently. I can't stop myself from kissing him back before my senses kick in and I push him away.

  "What the hell, Evan? This isn't right. You're back with Tegan; you made your choice." It burns me to turn him down, knowing how long I've wanted this exact thing, but not like this.

  "Maybe it wasn't the right choice," he runs his hand through his hair.

  "Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but you need to go."

  "Come on, Erin."

  "No, Evan. You need to go. Right now." I rush to the front door and tear it open. "Now."

  "I'm sorry for letting Tegan be so mean to you earlier. And I'm sorry about kissing you." He says as he leaves, watching me over his shoulder.

  "You're such a jerk, Evan." I slam the door on him before he can say anymore.

  God, this day sucks!


  It's been one week. One week since Mason Knight barged in and interrupted my quiet little world. I liked my little bubble where I worked on my own and didn't have to rely on a partner for a grade in my classes. When people didn't talk to me about the new guy at school. I liked the quiet that came with being a pariah. The worst part of it all is, the bad bits have gotten worse. Girls are the worst creatures ever created, I swear to God.

  Some girls hid my clothes during gym class yesterday; I found them soaking wet in a shower cubicle. Astounding. Just because the new guy speaks to me in class where he HAS to. He's quiet other than that, seeming to keep to himself, even though he draws people toward him without trying. He has this magnetism people just can't resist, and they follow him like a lost flock. And so, because he speaks to me, I get punished.

  I'm currently hiding in a locked stall in the girls' room, trying to get some peace and quiet during lunch. Seat cover down, Kindle out, feet up, door locked. It's not the perfect setting, but it's a whole lot better than out there. People discovered my spot in the library and kept interrupting my lunch to ask if I could pass on their number to Mason. I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY! I nearly lost it at the last girl but ended up running away as ever and now I'm here. The warning bell rings, disturbing my quiet time, and I can't help the exaggerated sigh that escapes me. Just four more hours and I'm free. Just two more periods then I can go home and have a long hot soak in the tub. But first, class.

  I gather up my stuff and pop it into my backpack before heading toward Math, which I survive unscathed. Last but not least, I have English, just reaching my chair as the final bell rings. I slide into the seat next to Mason before unpacking my textbooks and jotter, and arranging my pens, just so, on the table.

  "Hey," I say with a small smile and a glance in his direction. What? Just because I hate the repercussions of being his table buddy doesn't mean I'm immune to him. The guy is drop dead. Like, move over Noah Centineo and Jacob Elordi. Take a step back, Mason Knight is in the house. He smiles at me and holy crap, I've not seen him smile before, not even a smirk. Ladies and gentlemen, my brain has just melted. He's hot when he's all broody, but smiling? I think my heart just gave out.

  I shake my head a little before turning toward Mr. Perry, our teacher, who is groaning on about the philosophies of life.

  "What would you do if you were offered everything you ever dreamed of, but the cost was unthinkable? Would you pay that cost? What if it was to save a friend or a loved one? Would that make it different?"

  I think about it for a minute. I don't think I've ever wanted something that bad. Yes, I'd like to know who my family are, and why they left me, but would I do something insane for it? I don't think so. And other than Monica, I don't really have people, so the second part doesn't really apply.

  Sneaking a glance at Mason, he looks deep in thought, almost sad. I look away before he can catch me watching him and focus back on Mr. Perry, who is handing out copies of a selection of snippings from various literature. He's still rambling, but I zone out, doodling on my jotter. That is until I hear Mason pipe up next to me. I turn to look at him and he's leaning back in his chair, looking as if he owns the room.

  "My favorite book, Mr. Perry? Well that's not a simple choice. The selection is too great," Mason says with a smile. I can't tell if he is serious or not.

  "Well, Mr. Knight, if you are as versed as you say, maybe you can delight us all with a few lines from one of your favorites," Mr. Perry challenges.

  He's stood at the front of the room, leaning back on his desk with his arms crossed. I have obviously missed something. Mason clears his throat before speaking.

  "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists... it is real... it is possible... it's yours." He speaks with such passion; his rich, undulating baritone is hypnotic. The whole room is hung on every eloquently spoken word. The bell rings drawing me out of my zombie-like daze.

  "From Ayn Rand's, Atlas Shrugged. Very well, Mr. Knight," he says, obviously impressed. "I expect you all to read your handouts before next class. We will be di
scussing them, and I will know if you didn't read it properly," he shouts as the class gathers their books.

  Slinging my bag onto my shoulder, I move forward without looking up and walk straight into a warm, hard chest. I look up to see Mason looking down at me, his hands on my arms, keeping me upright. Oh, my god!

  I take a step back from him, but not before taking in a breath of him. Like honey and the smell of dew on the grass after a heavy rain. Then I pray to God he didn't notice because what the hell was that? Did I actually just sniff him?

  "Steady there, tiger. You don't want to fall down on that pretty ass of yours." He almost growls the words; his voice is so gravelly.

  I blush. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

  "It's fine, having you pushed up against me really isn't a hardship." He smirks and I feel the heat rise from my neck to my hairline. No-one has ever spoken to me like this, and I'm not sure whether to say thank you or slap him, so I settle with blushing and running away. Real mature way of handling that, Erin! Super cool. I resist physically face-palming as I scurry to my locker, hiding my face in there, hoping to God that no-one else witnessed my epic fail.

  "Hey, pretty girl." Looking up, I see Mason leaning against the locker next to mine. He's smiling at me again, and EVERYONE is looking. Kill me now.

  "Aww, come on, tiger. You can't ignore me after you've already rejected me today. My poor little ego couldn't take it." He softens his words with the cheekiest smile and I can't help but laugh.

  "I doubt your ego is little; I'm pretty sure it can take a few hits," I murmur before going wide-eyed.

  "What was that, tiger? You can't resist my wit and charms?"

  "Something like that," I say, tucking my hair behind my ear, then prizing it back out, trying not to look as awkward as I feel.

  "Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me settle in on my first week. Being the new kid is never fun." He shifts his backpack higher up his shoulder and almost looks uncomfortable.

  "Oh, erm... you're welcome, though I didn't really do much."

  "You were nice, and you were genuine. Never underestimate the powers of just being yourself, Erin."

  "Thanks... I think. I've got to get going. I'll see you next week?"

  "You can bet on it, tiger." He winks at me again and I shake my head before walking away from him, leaving school with a smile for the first time that I can remember in a long while.

  I make it as far as the front steps. Of course I'm not home free. Why would that ever possibly happen to me? I come face to face with the hit squad. Delightful.

  "Well, well, well," Tegan snarls. "Looks like Little Orphan Annie made a friend. Tell me, how did someone like you end up friends with someone like him?"

  "He is not my friend," I deny. "We sit together in lesson, we talk. That's all of it."

  "It better be. We wouldn't want you ruining his life, too. You've done enough of that. People around you just seem to magically drop dead. I wonder how long your poor foster mom will last? She's surely cutting her time close."

  Her little band of followers nod like the bobble heads they are. I take a deep breath, pull my bag strap up and walk away from them. Two, maybe four steps away, I feel the impact of ice, cold and wet. I reach up to the back of my head to the chorus of giggles coming from behind me. Blue slushie; it's in my hair and dripping down my neck, down the back of my leather jacket.

  "Are you serious?" a voice shouts from behind me. "Stupid fucking girls," he growls. I turn and see Mason striding towards me. Oh this is all I need. He looks down at me before taking off his shirt and dabbing the back of my head with the soft cotton, soaking up some of the ice-cold drink.

  "Are you okay?" he asks gently.

  I nod slowly, still in shock from the slushie shower. The fact is he's standing half-naked in front of me, looking like some sort of chiseled marble statue of a god. He's all lean muscle, and possibly, the walking definition of washboard abs. I catch a peak of the ink on his back and chest. It just makes him seem like... more. This might be the reason for some of my lack of words... might. His t-shirts showed that he was ripped, but this, this is something different altogether.

  "Th-thank you. I'll be okay. You didn't have to do that, but thank you," I manage to say, trying not to stare.

  "Eyes up here, tiger," He chuckles, and I blush again. I see the hit squad looking at us in shock. Evan is stood there, laughing into Tegan's hair and I feel tears sting my eyes.

  "Sorry," I mutter, looking down at my shoes. He reaches under my chin with his forefinger, bringing my eyes back up to his.

  "Anytime," he says quietly.

  Tires screech and there is loud, obnoxious music, and even louder shouting. I turn to see a low riding, old blue Camaro, rusted in spots but nothing major, filled with three guys who all look a little rough around the edges.

  "Mason! Come on, man. Put your fucking clothes on, bro!" One voice yells. The rest laugh at him.

  "Shut your face, Rico," Mason yells back.

  "Oooooo, is this your latest conquest, Mason?" Another laughs, making kissy noises.

  I roll my eyes and clear my throat catching Mason's attention. "So, I'm just going to go. Thanks again."

  "No sweat. Anytime. Have a good night, tiger," he says with a smile.

  "My name's Erin," I say, trying to hold in my frustration at being called tiger.

  "Oh, I know, tiger." He smirks and pulls on his wet, now slightly blue-spotted t-shirt before heading to his friends in the car.

  He winks at me before the car speeds away. I look back at Tegan. For once she appears to have nothing to say. I hold myself tall and walk away

  This year is going to be different, that's for sure.


  "Are you shitting me, Erin? They did that and you did nothing? I swear to God, one day that bitch is going to have that smug smile wiped off her face. I hope to hell I'm there to witness it!" Scottie whisper shouts at me since Monica is still asleep. She's my best friend. She used to live next door, the side that isn't Evan, I mean. Her family have lived on the other side of town ever since her Dad created some computer tech thing, and became stupid rich. Now we have weekly dates on a Saturday morning at my house, and yes, cupcakes are mandatory.

  "There is absolutely nothing I can do to stop her making my life hell. I don't know why she hates me so much, but she does. I just try to stay out of her way." I shrug, taking another giant bite of my red velvet cupcake. Mmmmm.

  "For God's sake, Erin! Get angry! Get even. Just something! You can't let this crap continue."

  "Can we please just drop it? I told you, this week has been exceptionally different from my normal life. Normally, I can slink into the shadows and stay off her radar."

  "Oh yeah, the new guy. What was his name again?"

  "Mason. Mason Knight."

  "Oh my god, Erin, you're blushing! Why are you blushing? What didn't you tell me? Is he into you? Are you into him?"

  "Jeez, Scottie, calm your tits; he's just a guy, but yeah, I guess he's hot."

  "I don't think I've ever seen you blush before. Does this mean you're finally over Evan 'the dud' Walker?" She squeals, clapping her hands. Her short, red hair fans as she bounces excitedly.

  "Stop it, Scottie. Evan is nice; you just don't know him like I do."

  "What I know, babe, is he's nice to you when everyone else is not around. That does not make him nice, that makes him a jerk. If he was really a nice guy, he would have stopped Tegan, rather than laugh at you!"

  "She's his girlfriend, Scottie," I whine. "Of course, he's going to take her side. I know you don't get it, but just stop. Please."

  "He took your virginity, Erin! He creeped over to you all upset, used you, then skulked back to that bitch the next day! He isn't a good person, and I really wish you'd see this."

  "Stop it. I don't want to fight with you about this—again."

  "Fine. I never really understood your crush on him. You're so different; he stifles you. You
need someone who will let you discover who you are. What you need is your very own Mr. Darcy."

  I roll my eyes at her. "As much as I wish Mr. Darcy existed, I have a feeling that if I hold out hope for him, I'm going to be severely disappointed."

  "Don't you speak such blasphemy of Mr. Darcy! You'll hurt his feelings!"

  "Yes, ma'am," I giggle.

  "Don't you 'ma'am' me," she yawns. "I can't believe I haven't slept yet.

  "I still can't believe you were out all night and you won't tell me who with. But cupcakes will get you through."

  "Cupcakes are always the best way to start the day."

  "Yuh-huh. Come on, I'll let you out." I walk her out and softly close the door before retreating to my room and flopping back on my pillows. Maybe I can get some more sleep or finish the book on my Kindle. I don't remember the last time I had nothing to do.

  A knock on my window startles me from my daydreaming. I look up to see Evan perched on the tree branches outside of my window. I sigh before pulling off my covers and going to open the window for him. This isn't something new, but it's been a while since he came to see me this way, and I'm still sore at him for the slushie shower. He might not have been the one to do it, but he didn't stop it either, and that makes him as bad as they are. I'm not quite ready to forgive him yet, but I know I'll forgive him eventually; I always do.

  He has the decency to look sheepish as he climbs in my window. I climb on top of my bed—glad my pj's and knee-high socks cover me. He rubs the back of his neck and grins shyly at me.

  "Get on with it, Evan. I don't have all day for you to say you're sorry for Tegan. Again."

  "I really am sorry though, Erin. I didn't know what she had planned. I don't understand girls. What she did wasn't cool."

  "If you were really that sorry, Evan, you wouldn't have stood there and laughed at me along with everyone else. A real friend would have told them all to shut the fuck up and would have helped me. You know, like Mason did. He hardly knows me, and he did that, but you, who has known me my entire life, just stood by and watched. What she did wasn't cool, but neither were you."


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