Jamieson Finn (Redemption Series Book 3)

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Jamieson Finn (Redemption Series Book 3) Page 20

by Sandi Lynn

  “What?” I smiled.

  “You can work under me and I’ll teach you.” He grinned.

  “Wouldn’t you be worried that I would be better than you?” I smirked as I bumped his shoulder with mine.

  “Good point, but the offer is always open.” He kissed my lips before walking away.

  “You two are nauseating.” Jackie smiled.

  “We are, aren’t we?” A grin crossed my face.

  I received a page from Jamieson that Justin was awake. As soon as I got up to his room, Jamieson was in there examining him.

  “Tell me if you can feel this,” Jamieson spoke as he pricked his foot.

  “Ouch. Yes, I can feel that.” Justin smiled.

  “And this?” Jamieson pricked his leg.

  “Ouch. Yes! Dr. Finn, does that—”

  “Yes. Yes it does, Justin. You will have full use of your legs again.”

  Justin and his parents teared up, as did I. It worked. Jamieson’s surgery worked, and he might have just helped thousands of people walk again.


  Tonight was the night of the hospital’s fundraising gala, so I left early to go home and get ready because my hairstylist, Larissa, was coming over to do my hair and makeup.

  “How is everything going with you and Dr. Hottie?” she asked.

  “Things are amazing. I’m really happy.”

  “I think someone is in love.” She grinned. “Have you said it yet?”

  “No. He hasn’t either and I don’t want to be the first one. I’m a firm believer the man should say it first.”

  “I agree,” she spoke. “But what if he doesn’t? From what you’ve told me, I don’t think he’s ever told anyone he loved them before.”

  “I thought about that. He’s changed so much since we first met, and I know he’ll tell me when he’s ready.”

  “You’re gorgeous, Grace.” She smiled as she stared at me through the mirror.

  “She sure is,” Jamieson spoke as he walked into the bathroom. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Jamieson.”

  “Are the two of you done in here? I need to jump in the shower. If not, I can use one of the other ones in the house.”

  “We’re done, Dr. Finn,” Larissa spoke as she packed up her things.

  I walked her out and then ran back upstairs to slip into my dress. It was a mermaid-style, long black and silver, off-the-shoulder dress with flared sleeves. As I was trying to zip it up, Jamieson walked over in nothing but a towel and soaking wet hair.

  “Let me get that for you,” he spoke as he slowly zipped it up. “Or maybe, let me take it off.” His tongue slid across the side of my neck.

  “You will have to wait to get me out of this dress, Dr. Finn. We’re already going to be late.”

  “Fine.” He let out a sigh.

  While he put on his tuxedo, I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped my feet into a pair of strappy silver shoes with a stiletto heel. I looked in the mirror one last time to check my elegant up-do and to touch up my lipstick.

  We arrived at the Le Foyer Ballroom in North Hollywood, and as soon as we stepped inside, we were greeted with a glass of champagne.

  “There you two are,” Renata spoke as she gave us each a hug. “Grace, you look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks, Renata. So do you. I love that color on you.”

  “Aren’t you going to tell me I look gorgeous too?” Jamieson asked her.

  “No, dear. You already know you look gorgeous.” She gave him a wink.

  Jamieson and I parted ways for a bit to talk to different people. As I was talking to Dr. Park, I looked across the room and saw Jamieson’s step-mother standing by the bar.

  “Mrs. Finn.” I smiled as I walked over to her. “I don’t know if you remember me.”

  “Of course I do. Dr. Grace Harper, right?”


  “How lovely to see you again. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been great. How was your cruise?”

  “Magnificent. Any time I get to spend with Carlyle is precious. You know how hectic doctors’ schedules are. I was hoping that Jamieson is here. Have you seen him?”

  “Yes. We drove together. He’s around here somewhere.”

  “So are the two of you dating?” She slyly smiled.

  “As a matter of fact, we are.”

  “As in long-term dating or just a casual fling?”

  I couldn’t believe she asked me that.

  “I’m not really sure.” I laughed. “I’m hoping for long-term.”

  “Wow. I’m so happy to hear that. You know, he doesn’t come around much. I’ve invited him to several events and even dinner at our home, but he never shows.”

  “Well, I know him and Carlyle don’t get along.”

  “So Jamieson told you everything?”

  “He did.” I nodded my head.

  “I can honestly say that I’m shocked. He must really love you.” The corners of her mouth curved up into a smile as she lightly placed her hand on my arm. “All I want is to see him happy.”

  “Me too.”

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go find him and talk to him.”

  “Sure. Of course. It was nice to see you again.”

  “You too, Grace. I would love to have the two of you over. Maybe you can talk Jamieson into coming.”

  “I can try.” I smiled.

  A waiter walked by with a tray in his hand and I grabbed another glass of champagne. When I turned around, I saw Jamieson’s father approaching me.

  “Dr. Harper, it’s nice to see you again. You look stunning.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Finn. Please call me Grace.”

  “And you shall call me Carlyle. I saw your presentation at the medical conference. Very impressive. How are things going for you here?”

  “Things are great. Jamieson just made a breakthrough in medicine. The two of us helped a sixteen-year-old boy who was paralyzed walk again.”

  “Isn’t that nice. But I have a question for you. Are you involved with my son?” he asked.

  “Yes. I am. The two of us are dating.”

  Shit. There was no way I was telling him we were actually married.

  “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into. You’re a beautiful and intelligent woman. You’ll figure it out soon enough and leave him.”

  Okay. Now I was pissed.

  “Actually, Carlyle, I’m in love with your son and I know exactly who he is. He is kind, generous, loving, and a brilliant surgeon. He is everything I ever wanted in a man.”

  “I have no idea who you are describing, but that sure isn’t my son. My son is a narcissistic, arrogant, and disrespectful man.”

  I could feel the anger burning inside me and I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t about to stand there and listen to this man talk bullshit about my husband.

  “Maybe if you weren’t such a terrible father, he wouldn’t be that way to you.”

  “Excuse me, young lady? Who the hell do you think you are?”

  His uncoordinated eye movement caught my attention.

  “I’m the woman who loves your son,” I calmly spoke.

  “I don’t know what he’s told you, but he’s crazy like his mother.”

  He went to grab a drink from the waiter’s tray and he dropped it.

  “Goddamn it!” he shouted. “Now look what you made me do!”

  “What is going on?” Jamieson asked as he walked over.

  “Your girlfriend here made me drop my drink!”

  “Carlyle, it’s okay, honey,” Tracy spoke. “We’ll get someone to clean it up and I’ll get you another one.”

  “You need to keep your girl in line, son. She is disrespectful to her peers.”

  “And I’m sure you said something to her that warranted that disrespect,” Jamieson spoke sternly as he got in his father’s face.

  I stepped between them and placed my hand on Jamieson’s chest.

“Don’t. Father or not, he’s not worth it.”

  Jamieson looked at me and then took a step back. I turned to Tracy.

  “About that dinner invitation, I don’t think we’ll be able to make it,” I spoke as I took hold of Jamieson’s hand and led him across the ballroom.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  “What the hell did he say to you?” I asked Grace.

  “It doesn’t matter. What did Tracy want to talk to you about?”

  “It does matter, Grace. I want to know what the hell happened.”

  “I promise to tell you later and then you can tell me.”

  “Grace,” I pursed my lips.

  “We’ll talk later, Jamieson. Now let’s go mingle.”

  Grace and I left the gala before it was over and headed home. As we were driving, I felt it was the right time for her to tell me what happened between her and my father.

  “Talk to me. What happened between you and my father? What did he say?”

  She sighed as she looked over at me and placed her hand on my leg.

  “Your father is a very angry man. He was insulting you, and I wasn’t going to stand around and let him. So I told him that maybe if he wasn’t such a terrible father, you wouldn’t act that way towards him.”

  “Jesus, Grace. You said that to him?”

  “Yes. And I don’t apologize for it either. He is everything you told me he was. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt because there’s two sides to every story. But him, he proved it right off the bat. Your father is a complete asshole.”

  I let out a light laugh.

  “I told you he was. Tracy said she thinks something is wrong with him.”

  “Like what?”

  “She said he’s been having trouble swallowing and choking a lot on his food. He’s been having frequent headaches, mood swings, and his blood pressure is high, so he prescribed himself blood pressure medication.”

  “I noticed a couple things myself while he was verbally assaulting me.”

  “What things?”

  “His uncoordinated eye movement for one and the fact that when he went to pick up a glass of champagne from the tray, he dropped it. Maybe there is something wrong.”

  “I don’t know. I told Tracy there was nothing I could do if he didn’t come see me, and we both know Hell will freeze over before that happens. First, he’d have to admit he was having problems and he’s a stubborn son of a bitch. He’ll almost have to be on death’s bed before he seeks help.”

  I pulled into the driveway and we both climbed out of the car and went inside the house.

  “Maybe you could talk to him?”

  “Talk to him? Are you kidding me? I am not talking to him. If he doesn’t think he has a problem, there’s nothing I can do. Plus, I might punch him for what he said to you. So I don’t think you want me talking to him.”

  We both went upstairs, and she asked me to unzip her dress.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” I softly kissed her neck as I grabbed hold of her zipper and slowly pulled it down. “I’ve been waiting to take you out of this dress all night.”

  The next morning, Grace climbed out of bed and I noticed she was walking funny.

  “Are you okay? You’re walking weird.”

  “Really?” Both her brows raised as she turned and looked at me.

  “What?” I held out my hands.

  “We did it like four times last night. And pretty rough, may I add. Excuse me if I’m a little sore and inflamed.”

  “I’m sorry.” I pouted. “Let me take a look. I can kiss it and make it all better.” I smirked.

  “Absolutely not! You aren’t going anywhere near there for at least a couple of days. So keep your dick in your pants, Dr. Finn, because my pleasure box is closed for maintenance.”

  “Damn, Grace.” I laughed. “Since you put it that way, I’m afraid your pleasure box is now a hazardous zone.”

  “That’s right. Remember that!” She pointed at me as she waddled her way into the bathroom.

  I couldn’t stop laughing. She was just way too adorable, and I loved having her here with me.


  One Month Later


  “What do we have?” I asked as I pulled open the back door of the ambulance.

  “Krista Reeves, thirty-three-year-old female who is thirty-six weeks pregnant. She fell down a couple of stairs and is complaining of back and abdominal pain.”

  “Hi, Krista.” I smiled. “I’m Dr. Harper. Let’s see what’s going on.”

  We wheeled her into trauma room two and transferred her to the bed.

  “Did you hit your head?” I asked.

  “No. My back is killing me.”

  “Dr. Lasher, page OB.”

  “Right away, Dr. Harper.”

  I hooked her up to the fetal monitor and then performed an ultrasound.

  “OH MY GOD!!” she screamed as she gripped the sides of the bed.

  “Your baby looks great, Krista, and it appears you are in labor. Dr. Lasher, let’s get an X-ray of her back just to be safe.”

  “Make it stop, Dr. Harper. I can’t have this baby yet. My husband is out of town on business. He’s due back tomorrow.”

  “I’m going to examine you to see what’s going on with your cervix. Is that okay?”

  She lightly nodded her head as she let out another scream. I put her feet in the stirrups and examined her.

  “Krista, your baby is coming. Where’s OB?” I asked Dr. Lasher.

  “She’s in surgery right now.”

  “FUCK!” Krista screamed.

  “We need to deliver your baby, Krista, so I’m going to need you to take in a deep breath and get ready to push.”

  “No. I can’t without my husband. I need him here. I need his support. We were supposed to do this together. I’m not pushing until he gets here. Do what you have to. Push that baby back up there.”

  “Dr. Lasher, hold her hand.”

  “No. I need my husband,” Krista spoke. “I am not doing this without him.”

  “How about a substitute husband?” I asked her and Dr. Lasher shot me a look.

  “What do you mean?” she shouted.

  “I can get you someone in here to help you out and you can pretend he’s your husband.”

  My God, what was I saying?

  “I can’t do it. I’m not having this baby yet.”

  “I’m sorry, Krista, but your baby is coming whether you like it or not. Trust me, you will like who I have in mind.”

  “Fine,” she spoke.

  “Page Dr. Finn stat.” I smiled at Dr. Lasher.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. I know he’s available because he doesn’t have any surgeries today. He’s doing his research.”

  Krista moaned and groaned.

  “You paged me?” Jamieson spoke as he walked in the room.

  “Yes. Can I speak to you in the hallway for a moment?”

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “My patient is having her baby and she refuses to push until her husband gets here and he’s out of town at the moment. So I need you to be her pretend husband and tell her to push and support her so she can deliver this baby without any complications.”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “Grace, come on.” He cocked his head. “Screaming pregnant women make me nervous.”

  “Get in there!”

  “For fuck sakes.” He sighed.

  “Krista, this is Dr. Finn. He’s going to help you through your labor. Just pretend he’s your husband.”

  “Lord have mercy.” She smiled at me.

  “It shouldn’t be hard to pretend. Plus, he has experience pretending to be someone’s husband.” I grinned. “Now let’s bring your baby into the world.”

  Jamieson clasped her hand and talked her through her labor pains.

  “Push, Krista,” I spoke as I could see the
baby’s head.

  She gave one hard push and collapsed back onto the bed.

  “I can’t do this anymore. Just go up there and rip this kid out of me. She’s killing me.”

  “Come on, Krista. You can do this,” Jamieson spoke. “A couple more pushes and you’ll be holding your baby in your arms.”

  “Just focus on Dr. Finn, Krista.”

  Jamieson shot me a look and I couldn’t help but smile.

  She stared at him as she screamed and pushed as hard as she could.

  “Here she comes. One more is all it will take. One more, Krista.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t,” she spoke in exhaustion.

  “Krista, push that baby out now!!” Jamieson spoke in a stern tone.

  She sat up and gave one last push and heard the cries of her newborn baby. OB finally made it down and took over.

  “You’re a little late,” I spoke as I looked at Dr. Edmonds.

  “I was in surgery. Good job, Dr. Harper. I got it from here.”

  Jamieson and I walked out of the room and he kept rubbing his hand.

  “Damn it. I think she broke my hand.”

  “You’re fine. Thank you.” I smiled.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again. You owe me.”

  “Fine. Whatever you want.”

  He laughed as he began to walk away.

  “You’re going to regret saying that, Dr. Harper.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Two Months Later


  I had finally fallen asleep, when my pager went off. Reaching my arm and feeling around on the floor of the on-call room, I picked it up and looked at it. I sighed as I got up from the bed and walked outside to wait for the ambulance to pull up. When it did, and I opened the door, I saw Tracy sitting there.

  “Tracy?” I looked at her and then at Jamieson’s father lying on the stretcher. “What happened?”

  “He’s been in bed for two days with a migraine and he’s been vomiting profusely. He wouldn’t let me take him to the doctor. I think he’s dehydrated.”

  “I don’t need a damn doctor. I am a doctor and it’s a migraine,” Carlyle shouted.

  “BP is 140/90 and his pulse is 130,” the paramedic spoke.

  “This is humiliating, Tracy. I can’t believe you called 911.”

  “If you weren’t such a stubborn ass, I wouldn’t have had to. You gave me no choice.”


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