Christmas Wish

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Christmas Wish Page 15

by Wilder, Chiah

  Ryder pulled his mouth away from hers. “I’d like just thirty minutes with that fucker to teach him a lesson. Goddamn sonofabitch,” his said in a low voice.

  Savannah curled her fingers around his wrists. Every time he held her face between his hands, it felt like he was untying all of her knots.

  “I just want to move on with my life, but I’m so damn afraid of him and his money. I’ll never let him take Timmy from me.”

  “Come here,” he whispered.

  Savannah pivoted around. Ryder put his arm around her, and she settled into the hollow of his neck. His body radiated warmth.

  “I know he doesn’t give a shit about Timmy, but Corinne, his mom, is such a mean bitch. She won’t let this go.”

  Ryder kissed the side of her hair. “You gotta face this. I’ll help you, and Cara can guide you with legal advice. No one’s taking Timmy from you—I won’t let them.”

  Savannah wanted to ask about his son and why he let the mother of his child take Colt away, but she didn’t have the strength for it; she’d used up all her energy reliving that horrible day.

  “I’m so happy I met you.” Wrapping her arm around his waist, she squeezed it. “I know this sounds cheesy, but I really feel like you are our Christmas wish come true. I don’t know what would’ve happened to us if you hadn’t come into our lives.”

  Savannah didn’t expect Ryder to say anything—that wasn’t his way, but the way he held her tight and peppered kisses on her hair spoke volumes.

  She burrowed deeper into the crook of his arm and closed her eyes.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ryder perched on the edge of the bed and placed the suction liner over his cone-shaped stump as doubt snaked through him. What the hell was he thinking? If he undressed, Savannah would see it and probably cringe or pretend that it was okay, which would be even worse than if she ran away from him. “You’re not the man you used to be. I need a whole man.” Dana’s words echoed through his head, and he smacked his fist against it trying to make them stop.

  Savannah wants me—she knows about my leg. For fuck’s sake, she held me while I freaked out that night. She’s not Dana. He hung his head down and ran his fingers through his hair; he couldn’t risk triggering an episode—not when his life seemed to be getting back to normal. Savannah was the first woman he’d been interested in since Dana left him. What a fucking mess.

  Grabbing his prosthesis, he fit his protected flesh into the inner socket then stood up and pulled up his jeans. He’d learned long ago that it was easier to slide his jeans on over his artificial leg before putting it on. After buttoning his shirt and pulling on his boots, he opened the door to the sweet aroma of cinnamon and brown sugar curling around him.

  When he entered the kitchen, Savannah was by the sink with her back to him. Her fine rounded ass moved in time to the beats of “Jingle Bell Rock” as she sang out loud while stacking pans in the chrome rack.

  Ryder smiled and quietly walked over to put his arm around her waist.

  “Oh!” Savannah craned her neck then giggled. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “Don’t stop dancing, darlin’,” he said, his mouth barely touching her ear. He swept her hair to one side and gently sucked her earlobe between his teeth then kissed a trail to her shoulder. She moaned and cocked her head to the side, and her sweet ass wiggled against his hard-as-fuck dick.

  “I like the way you move, baby,” he rasped. His hand inched its way down toward her crotch until the jarring sound of the oven timer startled him. Savannah kissed his chin and broke away, then grabbed a pair of potholders before opening the oven door. She took out a sheet of bubbling cinnamon rolls, some of the gooey filling oozing onto the pan, and Ryder’s stomach growled.

  “Those smell fucking awesome, woman,” he said.

  “Are they ready yet?” Timmy asked as he walked into the kitchen. Brutus padded behind him, stretched and shook himself, then he circled several times before dropping to the ground.

  “They will be real soon—I just have to ice them. Go ahead and sit down,” Savannah said.

  Ryder pulled out the chair for Timmy then slid into the one next to him. He bent down and ran his hand over his dog’s thick fur.

  “What have you and Brutus been up to?” he asked Timmy.

  The small boy shrugged as he watched his mother spread icing over the warm rolls. “Mommy and me took Brutus for a walk.”

  “Mommy and I, not me, sweetie,” Savannah said.

  Timmy shifted his gaze to Ryder. “We went to our trailer.”

  A sharp pain hit him low and hard in the gut, and his heart clenched. “Why did you do that?” he asked, his focus on Savannah.

  She pushed back the hair from her face with her wrist. “I had to get some things—like this cookie sheet, and I wanted to run the engine, but I couldn’t get it to turn over.”

  “It’s broken,” Timmy added.

  “I can take a look at it later. You planning on going somewhere?” He twisted his mouth. Damn, he hated to ask the question, but he had to know if Savannah and her boy were moving on as much as he’d dreaded the answer.

  “Not really. I just thought I should run the engine. My dad used to pound that in our heads when we were teenagers.”

  Ryder let out a ragged breath. “Yeah, it’s good to do that on cold days. It probably just needs a battery jump.”

  “Here you go,” Savannah said as she placed the plate of cinnamon rolls in the middle of the table.” She placed one on Timmy’s plate and did the same for Ryder then poured coffee in his mug.

  Ryder ran his hand up her thigh then winked at her when she looked down at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  “Is that all you’re having for breakfast, champ?” Ryder stirred a dash of milk into his coffee.

  “I had yogurt and bananas, strawberries and … what else did I have, Mommy?” Cream cheese frosting smeared across his face.

  Savannah wiped a damp paper towel over his mouth and chin. “Blueberries and pineapple.”

  Ryder chuckled and picked up his roll then put it back on the plate. “Damn. I forgot to feed Brutus.”

  Savannah placed a hand on his shoulder. “I already fed him. Do you want some fruit salad? I picked up a bunch of frozen fruit at the store the other day.”

  Nodding, he watched her take down a bowl and spoon the colorful mixture into it. How the fuck could her pansy-fuck-of-a-husband not cherish her? How could he do what he did to her? All Ryder could think about was bashing the asshole’s face in.

  “When do I go over to Braxton’s?” Timmy asked.

  “Not for a few more hours. Do you want to do some puzzles?” Savannah wrapped her hands around the mug.

  Why the fuck is everything this woman’s doing driving me so damn crazy? Holding a fucking coffee cup is giving me a hard-on. What the hell? Ryder shifted in his seat to try and get more comfortable, but it didn’t work. There was no way he was going to have Savannah see how hard he was. He grabbed a few more napkins from the holder and put them on his lap, breathing a sigh of relief when she stood up and walked over to the sink.

  Ryder quickly shoved down the fruit salad, plopped another roll on his plate, and jumped up.

  “I gotta finish up some stuff before Saturday night’s Toys for Tots.” Not waiting for her to respond, he hightailed it out of there with Brutus by his side.

  He locked the door behind him and sat at the chair behind the worktable. After finishing his second roll, he tapped in Hawk’s number then stared out the window as he waited for the biker to pick up.

  “Hey, I was just getting ready to call you. Tonight’s ass kicking is postponed until tomorrow night.”

  “Why’s that?” Ryder was going to use the excuse of club business as the reason for Savannah and him not to fuck.

  “Skinless said the douchebags got some concert they’re going to tonight.”

  “How does a prospect know so much about these guys?”

  “The bartender over there is
his cousin.”

  “Are they still wearing the Colorado bottom rocker?”

  “Yep. I can’t wait to teach these punks a lesson. Fuck, dude, there’s no respect anymore with these young guys. What happened to the days when an unspoken understanding among bikers was the one thing that bound all of us together?”

  “It’s gone, bro, and it’s not just obsolete in the biker world,” Ryder replied.

  “I remember the new assholes on the block always used to contact us and ask permission to start a club in the area. Ah, hell … those were the good days.”

  Ryder guffawed. “You act like you’re an old man, bro.”

  “After staying up half the night with Isa, and the other half satisfying my old lady, I feel like one.” Hawk chuckled. “How’s it going with you and Savannah?”

  “Good. Hey, I wanted to ask you a favor. Savannah’s got a sonofabitch husband who’s soon to be her ex. I told her to talk to Cara about it, but that’s a different story. I wanna know who this fuckface is.”

  “Did he hurt her?”

  “Yeah. I can’t say too much about that, but I just want to know what he’s capable of.”

  “Sure. What’s the fucker’s name?”

  “Bret—one t—Carlton.”

  “Got it. I’ll do some digging later tonight.”

  “Are you gonna be home for the sleepover?”

  “Yeah—I wouldn’t leave Cara alone with all that. Banger’s coming over for a bit to go over some club business.”

  Ryder sucked in a sharp breath. “Have you found out anything about Colt?”

  “Sorry, bro, but I can’t find shit. I put it out there on the grapevine, but so far, nothing’s come back.”

  “Maybe … with it out there, I may get lucky.”

  “Maybe. I can’t believe the bitch did that to you,” Hawk gritted.

  “I don’t get why she took Colt away like that and never let me know where he was. She acted like I purposely stepped on that goddamn landmine.” Heat flushed his face as he clenched his fist.

  “Let it go. Don’t let this trigger an episode. Just breathe in and out—deeply. I’ll keep count.”

  Ryder followed Hawk’s advice, and by the time he was done, his anger and anxiety had dissipated.

  “You’re a good friend,” Ryder said in a low voice.

  “We watch out for each other.”

  “Yeah.” But Ryder knew it was so much more than that. Their war experiences tied them together, but the brotherhood—the love and loyalty one brother felt for the other—was what bound them together for life.

  “You want me to come by and pick up Timmy?”

  “Nah. Savannah’s gonna bring him. She wants to do some more shopping in town. Damn, that woman can drop some serious cash.”

  Hawk chuckled. “Sounds like Cara. We better not let those two go shopping together.”

  “That’s for damn sure. Let me know about tomorrow night. See you, bro.”

  Ryder jammed the cell phone in his pocket, then he swiveled around in the chair and picked up one of the buildings in the train set to paint it. Woodworking was a detailed craft and required a lot of focus, and that’s exactly what he needed at that moment to keep his thoughts off of Colt, along with that horrible day he’d lost his best friend, and how he’d have to turn down Savannah’s advances later that night. Leaning over, he turned on the CD player and lost himself in the music of Suicidal Tendencies—one of his favorite bands. When he heard knocking on the door, he ignored it and hiked up the volume then went back to painting the wooden town he’d created.

  * * *

  The smell of whiskey, tobacco, pot, and pussy washed over Ryder as he entered the Insurgents’ clubhouse. A small silver tree with blinking lights was out of place amid the framed posters of half-naked women on motorcycles. He glanced around and saw several of the members in various stages of fucking. Some of the club girls—Lola, Wendy, and Charlotte—were sucking some of the members’ cocks, while Tania and Kristy sucked dick while being fucked at the same time. Yep … a pretty normal Thursday night at the clubhouse.

  Ryder hoisted himself on a barstool and told the prospect he wanted a double Jack. One of the prospects’ jobs was to tend bar, and it was required that they knew what the members drank and had the drink ready and on the bar before a brother asked for it. Since Ryder was an inactive member and didn’t go to the clubhouse much, he didn’t expect Skinless, Hog, or Dagger to remember what he drank.

  “Good to see you, bro,” Axe said, clapping Ryder on the back. “It’s been too long.”

  “It has. How’s your boy doing?”

  Axe chuckled. “Jagger’s good. He just turned five months last week.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Animal asked as he settled on the stool next to Ryder.

  “Stopped by for a drink and some company.”

  “What about your blonde roommate?” Animal picked up his beer bottle.

  “Yeah … that’s right. I heard you had a roommate.” Axe nudged Ryder’s arm.

  Ryder narrowed his eyes. “She does her own thing.”

  “I thought you had something going with her. You two acted like it the other night in Main Square,” Animal said.

  “Just leave it the fuck alone, okay?” Ryder swiveled around and stared at Lola bouncing up and down on Helm’s cock, her big tits swaying and her blonde hair flying. Why am I hiding out here like a goddamn pussy? I’m a fucking biker—an Insurgent. Fuck!

  “I gotta go. I promised Baylee I’d stay with Jagger while she went out to dinner with a couple of her friends,” Axe said as he put his empty glass down on the bar. “See you on Saturday.” He bumped fists with Ryder then ambled away.

  “Hey, baby.” Brandi’s sweet-smelling orange scent wafted around him. She leaned into him, her large breasts pressing against his chest, and planted a big kiss on his lips. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as Ryder gently pushed her away. Her eyes widened and confusion marred her face.

  “I just came by for a drink,” he said.

  Brandi’s face fell. “Oh, I was hoping we could have some fun.”

  “Not tonight.” He picked up the other drink the prospect put on the bar for him. “Did you help with putting up the tree?” Stupid question, but he wanted to break the awkwardness between them. She bobbed her head. “It’s nice.”

  A wide grin broke over her face. “Thanks.”

  “Brandi, bring me a bottle of Coors,” Smokey’s deep voice boomed.

  She looked over her shoulder and winked at the dark-haired biker. “I gotta go,” she said to Ryder. “Take care of yourself and don’t be a stranger.” She rubbed against him as she picked up the bottle of beer then spun around and walked over to Smokey, her hips swaying wickedly.

  After a few hours of motorcycle talk and playing pool, Ryder strode out of the club into the crisp, frigid night air and hauled himself up into the jeep. At that moment, he wished the roads weren’t so damn icy so he could go for a long moonlit ride. He craved the serenity riding his bike always gave him, and if he still had his left leg, he’d already be on his Harley, taking a chance on the backroads.

  The twinkling colored lights shimmered and cast a kaleidoscope of color on the snow, and he wondered if Savannah would be waiting up for him. After she’d returned from dropping off Timmy and shopping, he’d told her he was headed out to the clubhouse to hang with his brothers. He ignored the surprised, then pained, look that flashed across her face and, without saying anything more, he’d walked out of the house. It was a shitty thing to do, especially since she’d told him how her ass-wipe husband’s penchant for twenty-year-olds made her feel insecure about her aging body. Ryder knew that he was giving Savannah mixed signals, but he couldn’t stomach the look of disgust, which would most definitely be in her eyes, when she saw him without his prosthesis.

  Brutus whined then barked gleefully, and Ryder shushed him before coaxing him outside. The German shep
herd didn’t stay more than fifteen minutes; the night air was even too cold for him. Ryder dried him off then walked out of the mud room.

  He glanced into the family room, and there was no sign of Savannah, only the lit tree and the dying fire in the fireplace gave off any light.

  “Come on, boy,” Ryder whispered, gesturing to Brutus to follow him. When he passed Savannah’s room, a thin sliver of yellow light seeped from under the closed door. Pausing at the door, he strained to hear any noise from within the room, but Brutus’s panting was the only sound in the cabin. Turning away, he hastened to his room.

  Ryder had just switched off the table lamp when a knock on the door startled him.

  “Ryder?” Savannah’s soft voice drifted through the door and wrapped around him. “Are you awake?”

  He sat there, bedcovers clenched in his hands, and stared.

  The brass knob jiggled, then the door opened slowly, and Savannah’s silhouette appeared against the dim light of the hallway. And what a sexy outline it was: curvy, full tits, and mighty fine legs.

  Brutus jumped up and barked.

  “It’s okay, boy.” His voice sounded hollow and hoarse.

  “Did I wake you?” she asked.

  Her soft voice had a bit of rasp to it and was making his dick wake up.

  “Nah … I was just ready to turn in.”

  Without asking, she came into the room and slinked toward him. Ryder swallowed several times, his mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton, and he wiped his sweaty palms on the comforter. Savannah stepped closer and the scent of her caressed him, the sound of her quick breaths stoked a fire deep down in his belly as desire for her raged through him.

  “Do you want some company?”

  Ryder didn’t answer as she closed the space between them. Every turn of her head and sway of her hips mesmerized and enticed him until all he wanted to do was ravage and claim her, but he didn’t move a muscle, he just sat there breathing harshly. The bed shifted slightly as she perched on the edge of the mattress. Lust twisted in his gut when her cool hand glided down his hot face, but when her tongue licked along his bottom lip, all his restraint vanished and he grabbed her, his fingers digging into her arms as he yanked her close to him. Hard and rough, he ground his lips to hers. Their mouths dissolved together, wet and hot and wild.


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