Forever Chance

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Forever Chance Page 10

by CJ Murphy

  “You did the right thing staying with him. He’ll feel better in a little while, and we’ll get you both back to your mom and dad soon.”

  “We’re going to be in big trouble, aren’t we?”

  Jax smiled at him. “I think we’ll worry about that later. Your mom and dad are very worried about you. I think they’ll be glad to know you’re okay.” She wrapped a blood pressure cuff around Laken’s arm and assessed his vitals. Everything was looking good. Half the bag of fluid ran into his arm before the boy began to flutter his eyelids and look around. Jax could see his confusion and spoke in quiet tones to assure him he was all right.

  “Laken, you’re awake!” Brayden squeezed his brother’s hand.

  The boy rubbed his eyes. “Where am I?”

  “Hi, I’m Jax. Unfortunately, you’re over a hill in Dolly Sods. My friends are on their way with some equipment to help us get back up. You let your sugar get really low, and you passed out. Your brother’s been doing a great job of watching over you. I started an IV, and I’ve given you some medicine to help bring your sugar back up. How are you feeling now?”

  Laken rolled his head and rubbed his eyes. “Tired, really tired, and a little sick to my stomach.”

  “That’s to be expected. You’ll start to feel better after all this runs in. Are you hurt anywhere?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  The radio drew her attention with a direct request for a situational update. “SD-1 to SB-17, how are things down there?”

  Jax filled Chance in on Laken’s progress and was given a twenty-minute ETA for the rest of the rescue party. She turned her attention back to the boys.

  “Let’s check your sugar again. Brayden, can you get me the box of test strips?” Jax wanted to keep both boys engaged and not thinking about being in trouble or moving around. After repeating the glucometer test, Laken’s sugar was up to eighty. Still lower than she’d like, but closer to stable. “Let’s get another bag of fluid ready to go while we wait for my friends to come and help us out of here.” She watched the sun start to drop below the horizon. She was sure the crew would be bringing lights with them to illuminate the scene. She flexed a glow stick, releasing the chemicals to give her some light. She heard Zeus bark excitedly. “I’m betting that’s our ride out of here. You guys sit tight for a minute, okay?”

  Both boys nodded as Jax got to her feet and dusted her hands off on her pants.

  “SD-1 to SB-17.”

  Jax clicked her radio. “Go ahead, Chance.”

  “Want some company down there?”

  “Always. If you stay to the left of where I went over, you’ll come down right beside me.”

  Within minutes, Chance stood on the ledge with her and unclipped the basket Laken would ride in up to the top.

  Chance introduced herself. “Hey guys, my name is Sheriff Chance, and we’re going to get you out of here now. Okay with you?”

  A tear slipped out of Brayden’s eye. “Please, I want to go home.”

  “That’s what we’re going to do. Come over here, so I can put this harness on you. Jax, here’s yours.”

  Jax was grateful. She’d barely felt her legs when she’d used the webbing harness to come down to the boys. One-inch webbing wasn’t comfortable and cut off circulation quickly. She slipped into the harness and helped Brayden do the same, then helped package Laken in the basket for transport.

  “I’m going to take Laken up and let you bring Brayden, okay?” Chance relayed more of the plan on how they would be hoisted.

  “We’re good with that, right Brayden?” Jax put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Yup, I’ll do whatever you tell me to.” Brayden wiped his face and let Jax check the fastening points on his harness.

  They watched Chance keep her body between the rock face and the rescue basket on their ascent. Once the basket had cleared the top of the rocks, the ropes were dropped back down.

  “Okay, buddy. Our turn to get out of here. You ready?”

  Brayden nodded enthusiastically. “Like, yesterday.”

  Jax laughed and spoke into her radio. “On rope.” She felt all the slack leave, and the rope took their weight. “You relax and enjoy the ride. Put your hands right here.” She placed Brayden’s hands on the rope above the connection and put her feet on the rocks to keep them off the face. Slowly, they made their way up until they reached the top, where several sets of hands helped them up and over the edge. She high-fived Brayden. “Good job, buddy. You did great!”

  The boy put his arms around Jax and squeezed. “Thank you, Jax. You’re awesome.”

  Jax went to one knee and held Brayden’s hands. “So are you. You did a great job taking care of your brother.”

  Chance was waiting as the two walked over to where the horses and Zeus waited. Chance wrapped an arm around Jax and shook Brayden’s hand. “I’m proud of you. You kept a cool head. I know your mom and dad are going to be proud of you as well.”

  Brayden shoved his hands in his pockets. “Maybe after they get done grounding us for a million years.”

  Jax bent down and took his hands. “I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  Brayden encircled her for another hug. “Thanks for everything.”

  Jax soaked it in. She was riding a rescue high and enjoyed every second of working for a positive outcome. She looked up at Chance. “You’re very welcome.”


  Hours later, Chance and Jax stood in the barn to brush Kelly and Mac out. It had been an intense rescue. They were both exhausted as they finished the care of the horses and shut up the barn. Chance wrapped an arm around Jax. “You did great out there today. Damn proud of you.”

  “I’m just glad the boys were okay. I talked to Eve a few minutes ago and she told me they were passed out in bed. The hospital released Laken with orders to rest. That whole thing could have turned out so much worse.”

  “Luckily for us, it didn’t. You got that line started and got Laken’s sugar up while reassuring Brayden. That was exceptional.”

  Jax sighed. “I saw Kendra out on the scene. She helped transport Brayden out on one of the Saddleback unit’s other horses.”

  “I saw her too. I told her we’d have dinner tomorrow.” Chance looked at her watch. “Well actually, today. I think we need a shower.”

  Jax held open the door to the house and let Zeus go in front of them. “That sounds like the best idea you’ve had all day. You and me, naked, with hot water all around us.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Jax pulled off her scrub top and dropped it on the floor, along with the tank top that had come off with it. Chance watched Jax slip out of her boots and leave them behind as she walked. The sight of Jax’s naked back suddenly erased the tension of the day. The jeans went next, until all Jax was wearing were the lacey bikini bottoms she favored. Chance increased her pace, picking up the discarded clothing and throwing it into the laundry room. When she looked up, the last bit of fabric left on Jax’s body was dangling from her index finger. She’s trying to kill me. As they drifted to the ground, Chance quickly shucked out of her own clothes and made great strides toward the bathroom. The sight of Jax’s naked body stepping into the large, walk-in shower made her center clench.

  Chance was grateful for the instant hot water heater she’d insisted on when they remodeled the bathroom. If there was one thing she loved, it was touching Jax under the steaming pulsations of the shower heads they had installed. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Jax turned in her arms and put her head back. Chance smoothed back her dark hair and let the hot water soak it through. With a need so great she could barely contain herself; she pulled their bodies close and let her lips linger on the soft flesh between Jax’s neck and shoulder. She nipped, and then licked the spot, enjoying the groan of pleasure that escaped Jax’s mouth.

  “Chance, I love you so much. Please touch me.”

  Not one to ever deny the woman she loved anything, she bent her head and captured Jax’s nipple i
n her mouth. She sucked and licked until the flesh became puckered and hard. Her right hand roamed down Jax’s sleek body, the water aiding the sensuous glide. Her left arm held Jax tightly to her while her lips traversed the landscape of skin over and around each breast. Jax’s hands had migrated to her hair and were holding her head tightly to the nipple she’d just drawn between her lips.

  “So beautiful.”

  “Chance, I love everything you’re doing to me, but if you don’t touch me soon, I’m going to explode on my own.”

  Chance raised her eyes to Jax’s. “We can’t have that happen, now can we?” She backed Jax over to the tiled bench seat built into the shower and lowered her to it.

  Curiosity danced in her eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “This.” Chance used her hands to draw Jax to the edge of the seat, then dropped down to her knees on the tile floor. Water cascaded all around them. She pushed Jax’s knees apart, then lowered her head to Jax’s center. Though diluted by the water, Chance could smell Jax’s arousal and moaned at the very thought of tasting her. She pointed her tongue and used it to part Jax’s silken folds. Chance nearly gasped at the delectable flavor of her lover’s desire. Her lips enveloped Jax’s center. Chance sucked. She licked and flicked across every tender surface, drawing moans of pleasure from her lover.

  “Oh my God, Chance. Yes.”

  Chance’s knees were uncomfortable, but it paled in comparison to the pleasure of making love to the woman who would be her wife. Her tongue explored every inch of the swollen flesh. She felt Jax dig her nails into her scalp. She buried her tongue deep inside Jax, stiffening it for greater penetration. Moving in and out, she listened to the whimpers of the woman before her and drew her head away only to join her lips with Jax’s in a passionate kiss. The desire to be inside Jax was overwhelming, and she moved her right hand between their bodies.

  “Please baby, go inside. I need to feel you.”

  Chance wanted to fulfill Jax’s every desire and she entered her with two fingers, watching as her head fell back in pleasure. She moved in and out of the heat as the water poured over Jax’s thighs. With each and every thrust, Jax met her with urgency. When their eyes locked, Chance brought their faces close together and growled out her demand. “Come for me, baby. Let go.”

  Jax’s eyes started to flutter, and Chance increased her speed, dropping her mouth once again to the erect nipple. When she nipped at it, she felt Jax clench around her fingers and pull her in even deeper. A deep tremble started in her lover. The spasms around her fingers increased, until she felt the hot rush of Jax’s climax coat her hand. She moved her body to prevent the spray from erasing her prize. She bent her head down and lapped at Jax, as she continued to push into her lover’s body. A second, more intense spasm clenched her fingers so tightly she couldn’t have withdrawn them if her life depended on it.

  With a final gasp, Jax came again. “Chance!”

  Chance gentled her licks and strokes, drawing out every aftershock from the two intense climaxes. Her love for this woman grew every second, and she vowed to bring a lifetime of pleasure and safety to Jax. When she stopped her motions, she withdrew gently and pulled Jax to the floor of the shower with her, cradling her in her arms. “I love you, Jax. More than you’ll ever know.”

  Chapter Eight

  THE NEXT MORNING, Chance decided Glenny had earned a ride since she’d missed out on the rescue adventure. Chance called Kendra and invited her to join their run and to go for a horseback ride after breakfast. She needed to pull an afternoon shift on patrol to cover a hole in the schedule. The ride would do everyone a world of good.

  The horses traveled through the woods on the farm property that bordered the Monongahela National Forest. “Mom says she’s enforcing the separate bedroom rule on you when you come next weekend for Leaf Peepers.” Chance shifted in her saddle.

  Kendra rolled her eyes. “Mom’s house, Mom’s rules. We’re practically living together on campus. I’m either in her dorm or she’s in mine, every night. I don’t get what the big deal is.”

  Jax pushed a branch out of her way. “It’s not that she doesn’t trust you. She needs to get to know Brandi and get used to the fact her baby isn’t a baby anymore.”

  Chance leaned over in the saddle to pinch Kendra’s cheek. “You’ll always be the baby.”

  Kendra shoved her. “Cut that out.”

  “Let’s hit part of the Loop Trail.” Chance pointed to the trailhead. “I need to talk to you about the job opening at the Sheriff’s Department. You aren’t going to like this, but I can’t avoid it. I know you want the position and the truth of the matter is I want you there. We can’t do it this time, and I don’t know when the next position will open up. When I fired Brad, it put us in a bad position with Daniel still in training. I have to have someone I can put on the road right now.”

  Kendra groaned. “This just sucks.”

  “I know it does, and I wish I could avoid it. I’d been hoping he’d max out in two years. You’d be finished with college and able to test. That’s not the way this is going to play out. I have an opening I have to fill now with someone already through the academy until I can get Daniel ready to go. I have two viable candidates I’m interviewing this week.”

  Kendra played with Mac’s mane. “I know you have to do what’s best. It doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “Doing what’s right isn’t always easy.” Jax offered her perspective. “The people of this county elected Chance to provide them with protection. She has an obligation to make that happen in the most efficient method possible.”

  “It still sucks.”

  Jax chuckled. “It certainly does.”

  Kendra blew out a long breath. “Who are you considering?”

  “Khodi Lahman is currently an officer with the Bridgeport Police Department. His parents have a house down in Dry Fork. Then there’s Steve Parsons. He’s currently a deputy over in Barbour County and has family over here. Both are good officers. The benefit with Khodi is that he’s already a K9 officer and owns his own dog. He’d be able to start patrol right away.” Chance stopped and let the horses rest and grab a drink in the small stream.

  “Is it unusual for an officer to personally own a K9?” Jax questioned.

  “Usually the dogs are owned by the department. His department wouldn’t pay for the dog but agreed to pay for the training. He’s been working there for nine years and wants a change. According to the chief, he’s an excellent officer. His K9 is exceptional and trained in narcotics detection as well as apprehension. Between us, he’s my top candidate if his next interview goes well. I can’t imagine being able to get anyone on by Leaf Peepers, but I hope to have someone on by next month. I may have to delay Daniel’s K9 training and have him work the court detail until I can bring on another patrol officer.”

  “Oh, he’s going to be bummed. He was looking forward to that.” Kendra shook her head.

  “Can’t be avoided. Brad put us in an impossible position and has the department spread thin. Until I get the department up to full speed, we’ll have to cover the shifts as best we can. I promise, Kendra, you will have an opportunity to be a deputy. I’ve got a lot of years left.”

  Chance could tell Kendra was disappointed. She also knew her sister well enough to know she would understand that the needs of the public outweighed her personal needs. That altruism would make her an excellent officer.

  They finished up their ride, and Chance got ready for work. She slid Zeus’ vest on and fastened it on the excited dog. Jax met her at the door and smoothed down all the Velcro on her vest.

  “Be careful out there tonight. Stop in for dinner if you can?” Jax kissed her.

  “You bet. I’ll call when I’m on my way. Let’s do simple. We have that chicken we planned for salads, how about putting that together? That way there won’t be any cook time in case I have to go.”

  “You got it, Sheriff. I’ll even make that honey mustard dressing you like.”

p; “Excellent. Call if you need anything.”

  “Will do. Zeus, keep her in line, okay?”

  A quick bark let everyone know he was ready. “Okay, okay, we’re going. See you later.” Chance gave her a long, lingering kiss, full of promise, before she put on her hat and stepped out the door.

  Chapter Nine

  THE FOLLOWING WEEK CHANCE sat at her desk, looking over the mounds of paperwork heaped on top of it. Zeus whined softly. “I know boy; we’ve got more office work to do before we can go out.” She looked over the applications again. Nearly a week had now passed since she’d fired and arrested Brad, and she needed to get someone hired. Leaf Peepers started the next morning and would run through the weekend. The previous day’s interview with Steve Parsons had gone well. She still had concerns about what training he would need in comparison to Khodi. The Bridgeport officer was due for his interview in fifteen minutes.

  Taylor strode in and collapsed in the seat by her desk, a manila folder in her hand. “Ready for this?”

  “I am. I’m hoping Khodi will be a good fit. It would solve several problems.” They heard the buzzer on the front door. Zeus picked up his head and looked in the direction and growled. Chance followed Taylor out to see a man wearing an ill-fitting suit, who stood there with paperwork in his hand.

  “How can we help you, Mr. Dexter?” Taylor asked.

  The man hitched up his pants, then ran a meaty hand across his sweaty brow. “I’m here to deliver some paperwork to the sheriff.”

  Chance moved in front of Taylor. “What kind of paperwork?”

  The man held up a thick envelope. “I’m representing Deputy Brad Waters in his civil lawsuit against you and this department, Sheriff. My client was wrongfully arrested and terminated. You’ve been served. I’ve filed all the paperwork with the courts, and we’ll be moving forward with our lawsuit unless you’d like to drop all charges and reinstate my client.”


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