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Charlie Page 15

by Davis, Siobhan

  Dad had been working for an accounting firm a couple of hours’ drive away, but once Mom passed, he was forced to resign, because he could no longer commit to the commute as a newly widowed single parent.

  Jobs were thin on the ground back then, and he swallowed his pride and approached Charles Barron for work. Charles gave him a job, purely in Mom’s memory, and he spent the next twenty-two years ensuring my father was kept firmly under his thumb.

  Charlie is shocked and disgusted at how his father treated mine, and I know, from talking to other colleagues at work, that it was unusual for the ex-CEO. From what Charlie has told me, his parents had an epic love, so it seems like Charles drew the longer straw, and he could’ve been more charitable. Especially when it came to my father’s stroke and subsequent paralysis when Charles’s treatment of him was particularly cruel.

  But the man himself isn’t here anymore to explain why he did it or why he was still holding on to a grudge after more than twenty years.

  “Demi.” Dad nudges me and I realize I’ve zoned out.

  “Sorry. What were you saying?”

  “Are you okay with everything I told you last week? About your mom and Charles Barron?”

  “It explains a lot.” Dad nods. “And I’m glad you got the girl, Dad.”

  The doorbell chimes, and Mrs. Griffin pops her head in the room a minute later. “Your young man is here, Demi. Looking rather dashing, I might add.”

  “Thanks, Nora.” I kiss Dad’s papery cheek. “Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you too, princess.” He smiles. “I wish your mother could be here to see what a wonderful young woman you’ve become. She’d be so proud of you.”

  Tears prick my eyes. “She’d be so proud of you too.” I clasp his hand, overcome with sudden emotion. “You have showered me with love and support my entire life, made sure I always had everything I needed, and set the best example. I’m the luckiest girl in the world because I have you for my father.”

  A sob from behind reminds me we’re not alone. “You two.” Mrs. Griffin sobs, patting her chest. “You get me every time.”

  “Go have fun, sweetheart,” Dad says, shooing me away. “Tell Charlie hi from me.”

  Charlie is waiting outside on the front path when I emerge. The beam from the porch light bathes him in a golden hue as he slowly turns around, and he literally looks like he dropped down to Earth from heaven.

  How did I get so lucky to call him mine?

  I suck in a breath as my gaze rakes over his gorgeous body in his sharp, fitted, black tux. His hair is neatly styled back off his face, and his jaw is freshly shaven. “Wow.” I smile broadly as I walk toward him. “You look hot.”

  His eyes seem troubled as they lock on mine.

  The smile instantly drops off my face. “What’s wrong? Did something happen with your mom and Lil?” Panic bubbles up my throat.

  “They’re fine,” he assures me. His gaze roams over me briefly, and his tormented expression deepens. “You are absolutely breathtaking, Demi. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  I melt under his praise, but alarm bells are still ringing in my ears. I step closer, placing my palms on his firm chest. “What’s going on, babe?”

  Pain flares across his face, and an anxious, fluttering feeling floods my chest cavity. “I’m so sorry, Demi, but I can’t do this anymore.”

  My brows knit together as my hands fall to my sides. “What do you mean? Do what?”

  He takes a step back, gesturing between us with his hand. “Us. Relationships. It’s not going to work.”

  “It is working,” I protest. “I don’t understand. What’s brought all this on?”

  “Today was a potent reminder of the evils of my world. You don’t belong in that world, Demi, and I was a fool to think this could work. Thankfully, I’ve come to my senses before I made things worse.”

  Pain courses through me, and I’m struggling to breathe. “How can you do this to me?” I close the gap between us. “How can you do this to us?” My voice raises as anger blends with my pain. “Things are going great, and I’m prepared for tonight, and—”

  A bitter laugh rips from his throat. “You are not prepared for tonight,” he hisses. “And I was clearly insane to even consider bringing you. They would devour you upon sight.”

  The implication that I’m weak or naïve or unable to keep my wits about me is the final straw. “Fuck you, Charlie.”

  He smirks, reminding me that asshole mask he wears is never far from the surface. “Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.” His lips curl into a sneer. “Time to buy a new one.”

  I slap him across the cheek. “You were right. You don’t know how to handle intimacy or relationships. I feel sorry for you, because you will end up bitter and alone.”

  He shrugs, like my words mean nothing. “See you around, Demi.”



  I crack apart on the inside as I stand rooted to the spot, watching him walk off, like he hasn’t a care in the world.

  Like he hasn’t just irreparably shattered my heart and crushed my soul.

  He slips into the back of the blacked-out limousine, and it glides away from the curb a few seconds later.

  A sob bursts from my chest, and I hold my hand over my mouth, struggling to hold my emotion at bay. I glance all around, hoping none of the neighbors bore witness to my humiliation. Couldn’t he have decided this before I got all dolled up? It would’ve helped minimize the humiliation although nothing could dampen the pain of his rejection.

  What to do? I can’t go back inside because I don’t want to upset Dad. I tap out a text to Xena, and then I tiptoe back into the house, as quiet as a mouse, and retrieve the keys to my Volvo. Then I hop in my car and drive to my bestie’s house.

  Xena opens the door to me with a bottle of wine in one hand and a carton of Belgian chocolate chip ice cream in the other. “He’s a fucking bastard,” she says, stepping sideways to let me in.

  An errant sob sneaks from my mouth, and my lower lip wobbles as pain presses down on my chest, making breathing difficult. “I love him,” I croak, as tears stream down my face. “And he just kicked me aside like I meant nothing to him.”

  She sets the wine and ice cream down and envelops me in a hug. I fall apart in her arms, clinging to her as the floodgates open and I pour all my anguish out.

  “He doesn’t deserve you, and he’s going to regret ruining the best thing to ever happen to him.” She smooths a hand up and down my back as I cry. “Let it all out, babe. Purge the devil from your soul.”

  I half-laugh through my tears, but nothing can heal the cracks appearing all over my heart.

  I sob into her shoulder, dampening her shirt, and she whispers comforting words as she holds me. We hug it out for a while until my tears finally dry. “I’m okay now.” I ease out of her embrace, sniffing.

  “You’re going to be fine,” she reassures me, pulling two wine glasses out of a cupboard.

  “Where are the guys?” I inquire, anxiously looking around.

  “Bo is working, and Leo is at a friend’s bachelor party. We have the place to ourselves.”

  “Can I borrow something to wear?” I desperately need to get out of this dress.

  “Of course. Help yourself. You know where my closet is.”

  Clothing options are limited because we’re not the same size, but I find a pair of sweats and a loose-fitting shirt that works, and I pad out to the living room in my bare feet.

  “You look beautiful, by the way,” she says, handing me the ice cream and a spoon as I join her on the couch.

  “He had the nerve to tell me that too.” I savagely attack the ice cream carton.

  “I don’t understand it. Those times we hung out, he seemed devoted to you.”

  “He thinks he’s protecting me,” I admit, slurping ice cream from the spoon, the taste barely registering over the taste of my anger.

  I’ve thought about it on the drive over, and it
’s the only explanation that makes sense. I haven’t told her the stuff Charlie told me about the elite because he told me that in confidence, and I think even knowing is risky, so she’s in the dark. “But he’s taken the coward’s way out. He might as well have just called me weak to my face, because that’s really what he means. He doesn’t think I’m tough enough for his world.” I stab the spoon into the tub again, imagining it’s Charlie’s face.

  “It’s his loss, babe. And I bet he realizes that soon and regrets it.”

  Abby shows up at my house on Sunday, seething over the way Charlie has treated me. She blew up my cell last night with concerned texts, and I’m touched she cares enough to check in with me in person. “He’s an idiot, but his heart is in the right place. He’s just scared something will happen to you and that’s clouded his judgement.”

  “What’s done is done, Abby. He dumped me cruelly, leaving me standing at my front door like poor Cinderella. If he cared for me at all, he wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Don’t give up on him,” she pleads, taking my hands in hers. “He’s been so happy with you. He’ll come around.”

  “I’m not sure I want him to. He clearly has no faith in me.”

  She vehemently shakes her head. “It’s not that at all. Mixing in elite circles is dangerous, and he’s been worried sick this past month about exposing you to those bastards. I thought I’d convinced him, but I obviously hadn’t.”

  “Wait.” I pin her with a suspicious look. “Are you saying he’s been having doubts all along?”

  “Not about you. He loves you.”

  I snort. “He doesn’t love me.”

  Her features soften. “He hasn’t told you?”

  “Nope.” I cross my arms over my chest. “And it doesn’t matter now.”

  “He loves you. I’m sure of it. He’s probably just afraid to tell you, but he’s crazy about you. He wouldn’t have done this otherwise. I told him you were strong enough to face the elite shit, and that I’d help, but the memory of what happened to me is too fresh in his mind, and he couldn’t take that risk. He’s done this because he loves you so much he wants to shield you from them.”

  “What exactly happened to you? Charlie never elaborated.”

  “Bad shit I don’t like thinking about let alone discussing,” she says, averting her eyes.

  “I’m sorry for whatever you went through.”

  She squeezes my hand. “Thank you. I survived it, and arguably, I’m stronger for it. The thing about these guys is they think we’re too fragile to think for ourselves.” She rolls her eyes. “They think we can’t properly protect ourselves. I’ve been fighting that misconception for as long as I can remember. It’s complete bullshit, but they think they need to be these tough, alpha assholes, to keep their women safe.”

  A ghost of a smile appears on my face.

  “Charlie will wise up and realize the safest place for you is in his arms. He’ll see you for the strong, independent woman you are. And he’ll feel like the biggest piece of shit for letting you go.”

  “I know you mean well, Abby, and I’m so grateful you dropped by, but Charlie and I are finished. I don’t care if he crawls back to me on his hands and knees. All he had to do was talk to me about his concerns so we could discuss it like two grown-ups, but instead he made the decision for me. I can’t be in a relationship with a guy like that, and the best thing he can do for me is to act like I don’t exist.”

  On Monday, when I show up for work to find my desk moved to the finance department, I wonder if Abby relayed my request to Charlie and he waved his magic wand and made it happen. I guess I should be pleased I’ve been promoted, but it feels more like a demotion to me despite the pay increase and new duties.

  The pointed fingers and whispers behind my back don’t help. Nor does the smug grin on Corrinna Smith’s face as she gleefully goes through the details of my new contract with me. She could easily have one of her minions do this, but I’m guessing she wants to wallow in my misery like everyone else.

  I’ve seen the way she flirts with him.

  She probably thinks she has a chance with him now. Perhaps, she does. He’s probably already returned to his man slut ways.

  A fresh wave of pain settles on my chest at that thought. I spent a sleepless night on Saturday wondering if Charlie had taken some elite beauty to his bed. But no good comes from thinking about that shit, so I lock Charlie away in a sealed box, determined to leave him in the past.

  The next month is pure hell, and if I thought time would heal my broken heart, I was sorely mistaken.

  No breakup has ever affected me like this.

  No guy has ever stubbornly lingered in my thoughts like this.

  No pain has ever gutted me, night after night, quite like this.

  It feels like I’ll never recover.

  Like I’m destined to live the rest of my life with this constant ache in my chest.

  He avoids me like the plague at work and at Abby’s house, and it hurts.

  I hate that I miss him.

  But I miss him so much.

  And it’s not getting any easier.

  I’m standing at the copier on Thursday at lunchtime when I overhear a conversation I wish I hadn’t. Two interns are gossiping at a desk behind me, knowing full and well I’m in earshot. “I hear Charlie Barron has moved on with Corrinna Smith,” one of them says.

  “I heard that too,” the second bitch concurs. “Apparently, he’s taking her as his date to that management dinner tonight.”

  “They make such a gorgeous couple,” the first bitch says. “Imagine how adorable their kids would be.”

  I slam the top of the photocopier down, grabbing my documents, and shooting them a scathing look as I return to my desk. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to endure such shit, and I’m officially done.

  I retrieve my resume from my personal folder in the cloud and begin updating it. Then I scroll through some recruitment websites, and apply for a few jobs, uncaring if anyone sees what I’m doing.

  At this point, getting the hell out of his building is all I care about. I cannot stay here and watch Charlie parade that gold digger on his arm. I’ve got more pride than that.

  It feels like the rest of the day drags, and when five o’clock finally rolls around, I’m the first up out of my chair for a change. I head down in the elevator, needing to put as much distance between me and this place as I can.

  My heels make a clacking sound as I dash across the lobby. I’m torturing myself with images of Charlie and Corrinna, so I’m not paying attention, and I almost slam into Charlie and Simon Reed as they shake hands just in front of the entrance doors.

  “Demi!” Simon’s eyes light up. “I was disappointed to hear you had moved although congratulations on your promotion.” His smile is appreciative as he casts a quick glance over me.

  All the tiny hairs are standing at attention on the nape of my neck, and I can feel Charlie embedding daggers in my spine as I give him my back, purposely avoiding looking at him or even acknowledging him.

  As far as I’m concerned, he’s dead to me now.

  “Thank you.” I smile sweetly at Simon, batting my eyelashes in a deliberate attempt to flirt.

  I’m in the mood to inflict some pain.

  Although, Charlie probably won’t give a flying fuck, considering he’s already moved on.

  “I’m disappointed we didn’t get an opportunity to work together on the project,” I tell Simon, “but I’m delighted you won the business. I guess congratulations are in order for you too.”

  “We should celebrate.”

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  Behind me, Charlie’s energy field is like a thunderstorm hovering overhead, ready to wreak havoc across the sky at any moment.

  “How about dinner? Tomorrow night after work?” he asks.

  Simon is attractive, smart, and easy to talk to. But there is zero chemistry between us. Ordinarily, I would shut him down because
I can tell from the hope in his eyes that he doesn’t feel the same, and I don’t like leading guys on. But I’m still so freaking pissed, and quite frankly, a night of good food and good conversation is just what the doctor ordered. “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Demi has to work overtime tomorrow,” Charlie barks, injecting himself into the conversation.

  “No, I don’t.” I still refuse to look at him, so he moves around me, standing beside Simon so I’ve no choice but to see him and his disgustingly perfect face.

  “Your boss obviously hasn’t spoken to you yet, but you’re not available tomorrow night.”

  The air is knocked out of my lungs as we stare at one another for the first time in weeks. Pain obliterates every part of me, and my legs feel like they might go out from under me. Tension bleeds into the air, and I know I need to reply to his statement, to call him out on his bullshit, but I’m too heartsore to do it.

  “Ah, I see.” Simon’s smile is flat. “I didn’t realize there was something going on between you two.”

  “There isn’t,” I say the same time Charlie says, “There is.”

  Simon takes a step back. “I wish you well, Ms. Alexander.” He tips his head at Charlie. “I will see you at the meeting on Monday.”

  “Thank you, Simon. I’ll see you then,” Charlie grits out, and I can tell it’s killing him to act polite.

  I grab the strap of my bag and force my limbs to move. But I’ve only taken two steps away when Charlie takes hold of my elbow. “Don’t go.”

  “Take your hand off me.”

  He moves in front of me before dropping his hold. “Can we talk?”

  I fold my arms across my chest. “No. I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Well, I have plenty to say to you.”

  “I don’t care.” I glare at him, ignoring the voice squealing in my ear to hear him out. I stomp off, but he follows me.

  “I made a mistake, Demi. I was stupid, and I can’t live without you. I want you back. I—”


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