Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4)

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Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4) Page 11

by K. Webster

  Tierra is here, but she’s asleep in Carson’s arms. Thankfully she’s safe. I grab her purse and dig around for my phone. Once it’s in my grip, I back up dialing the one person I know I can count on. He answers on the first ring.

  “Hey, did you miss m—”

  “Aaron Hodges’ house,” I croak out. “T-They drugged us. Come get us, Terrence. Please. Hurry.”

  Paxton storms into the media room, his eyes narrowed as he searches for me. The moment our eyes lock, I drop my phone to the carpet in favor of the baseball bat.

  “Get the fuck away from me,” I scream, drawing everyone’s attention my way.

  Paxton’s jaw clenches. “She’s just a crazy, hysterical bitch,” he says in explanation to the confused looks he’s getting. “Tripping on some shit she took. Just trying to get her somewhere where she can sleep it off.” His eyes lock on mine. “Come on, Penny. Let’s get you tucked into bed.”

  Some stoner guy I don’t even know stands in front of me. “Nah, man, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Fuck you, Mason. No one invited you.”

  “You come near me,” I shriek, “and I will knock your teeth out of your mouth!”

  Paxton takes another step, but another guy I don’t know moves to stand beside Mason. When another guy follows suit, Paxton gets pissed.

  “Whatever,” Paxton bites out. “This is the thanks I get for trying to be the nice guy? Fuck you all. Have fun with the psycho bitch.”

  He stalks out of the media room, punching a hole through the wall on his way out. The moment he’s gone, Mason turns around, concern in his eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, reaching for me.

  “Stay the fuck away from me!” I yell, raising my bat. “All of you.”

  Mason frowns and squats to pick up my phone. He brings it to his ear and says, “Hello?” Whatever he must hear has his face blanching. “Dude, I’m just trying to help.” He flinches. “Yeah, man. I’ll watch her. Heard you loud and clear.” He looks over his shoulder. “Tierra is here too.” Another pause. “That’s the right address, yeah. Okay. Sure.” He sighs. “Look, man, don’t shoot the messenger. Just trying to help.”

  He tries to hand me my phone, but I nearly stumble over my own feet, trying to escape his proximity. He eyes the bat warily and shrugs.

  “I’m going to put your phone on the table.” He sets it down. “Why don’t you set the bat down?”

  I shake my head.

  I’m not letting go of this bat until Tierra and I are out of this fucking hell hole.


  “I’m going to rip that kid’s tongue out and shove it up his ass,” Cal growls as he gasses his truck.

  We’re all crammed in his truck—me, Cal, Jordy, Roan, and Hollis. What started as a fun night hanging with my boys has turned into a rescue mission. I can’t forget the look on Charlotte’s face. Pure terror and dread.

  If they hurt Tierra or Penny, I will gladly help Cal murder those motherfuckers.

  “Turn right here,” Hollis says from the back seat. “His house is on this street according to the GPS.”

  Cal drives into the ditch, making us all bounce, and over the lawn, driving through flowerbeds and shit until he’s pulled up to the front door. I don’t wait for him to shut the truck off before I’m storming toward the house.

  Jordy is right on my heels, a baseball bat in his grip.

  “Check upstairs,” Roan barks out, “we’ll check down here.”

  We pass a couple of guys on the stairs and one of the guys whistles to his friend. “Holy fuck. It’s going down now. Hoodlums are here and they look pissed.”

  Cal, Jordy, and I rush up the stairs, pushing past people along the way. I find my way to the media room where there seems to be a crowd of people partying. Right away, I notice Tierra sitting on the floor against the wall, frowning. Standing above her like an avenging angel is Penny.

  What the fuck did they do to my goddamn girl?

  She left so beautiful and perfect.

  Her hair is a mess, her makeup is smudged, and her dress isn’t even on straight. Someone took Sharpie and wrote all over her chest, arms, and legs. In her hands is a bloody baseball bat.

  “Paxton’s not here,” Cal snaps. “Jordy, with me.”

  They rush out of the room. I’m already stalking over to my girl. Some lanky dude—better be the twerp I talked to on the phone—lingers nearby like he’s trying to protect her.

  Not Penny.

  She can take care of her damn self.

  Looks like she has my cousin’s back too.

  “Terrence,” she chokes out.

  I rush over to her, pulling her against me. “Hey, baby, I’m here. Shh. It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  “I, uh, tried to help,” the lanky dude says. “Here’s her phone.”

  I take the phone from him without ever letting go of her. After I shove it into my jeans, I glance down at Tierra. Aside from being wide-eyed and slightly confused, she seems okay.

  “Oh, Jesus, thank fuck you’re okay,” Hollis rumbles, yanking my girl from my arms into his. “We need to check you out, Penny.”

  “Not here,” I grind out. “Let’s get them and go.”

  Hollis starts to pick Penny up, but she extricates herself from him, launching back into my arms. He frowns at me, but then sets to helping Roan with Tierra. Roan scoops up my cousin like she weighs nothing as Hollis takes the purse from some guy I used to go to high school with named Carson.

  “I got you, beautiful,” I murmur to Penny. “Want to let go of that bat?”

  “No,” she croaks. “It’s mine now.”

  Okay, then.

  I’m not taking away her bat, that’s for damn sure. Gently, I pick her up, carrying her bridal style out of the media room. As we exit, Cal drags some motherfucker down the hall by his hair.

  “Paxton?” I ask, hatred burning my blood hot.

  “No,” Cal grinds out. “Aaron. He says it was Eli and Paxton, but they’re both gone. All he did was watch.”

  Jordy kicks the crying dude in his ribs. Cal continues on his trek, dragging this kid down the hall toward the stairs. For a moment I think he might toss him over the side. Instead, he lets this kid’s ass hit every step on the way down.

  “Party’s over, douchebags!” Cal bellows. “If you don’t want to be caught on video confessing you’re an accomplice to attempted rape, I suggest you get the fuck out of here!”

  People start scattering like their asses are on fire.

  “Cal…” Roan grips his shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m about to strip this motherfucker and humiliate him until he tells me everything I want to know. You guys should get the girls home.” Cal glances at Jordy, who nods.

  “I’m going to help Cal,” Jordy says. “Roan?”

  Roan turns to Hollis. “Take Penny’s Jeep back to Cal’s. We’ll meet you all there…soon.”

  Hollis, ever the peacemaker, nods at his husband. Anger burns through him, making him tremble with rage. As much as I want to beat the shit out of someone, I know my girl needs me.

  “Let’s get them home.”

  They’re okay.

  Thank fuck Hollis is an EMT. After he checked over both the girls, he determined that they didn’t ingest too much of whatever shit they were drugged with. Tierra ended up falling asleep on the recliner. Roux covered her with a blanket and then hovered close by, Emilia sleeping against her chest.


  She’s a mess.

  Where Penny is dead-ass expressionless, Charlotte can’t stop crying. I know this shit messes with her because she went through something similar with Ryan. Hollis, now that he’s not in EMT mode, has been pacing, ripping at his hair as fury consumes him.

  The guys haven’t made it back yet.

  I’m itching to hop back in Penny’s Jeep and drive my ass back to help put the hurt on that asshole. Just when I think I might do just that, they show back up.

; All three of them are splattered with blood.

  “Paxton? Eli?” I ask, hoping like fuck the answer is yes.

  “No, man. Just their pussy friend, Aaron.” Cal plops down on the sofa next to Charlotte. “You okay, Charlie girl?”

  She nods and leans into him. “I’m worried about Penny.”

  “I said I’m fine,” Penny snaps. “I just…I want to shower.”

  “Come on,” I say, offering my hand. “I’ll help you.”

  A hand fists my shirt. “You’re not helping my sister in the shower.” Fucking rat.

  “No shit, Sherlock,” I grind out. “I’m just going to get the shower going and grab her some clothes. Back off.”

  Roan calls him off. Hollis scowls at me, but doesn’t stop me when I pull Penny to her feet. I curl an arm around her waist, guiding her out of the living room. Once in the bathroom, I get the shower started. I locate a towel and then leave her to find some clothes. When I return, Charlotte meets me at the bathroom door with some makeup remover and girly shampoo shit. I take it from her and then push into the bathroom.

  Penny stands in the same place I left her. Head bowed, body tense, trembling, bat still in hand. I set the things down on the counter before closing the door behind me. Her eyes are caked with mascara and that shit isn’t coming off with soap. I grab one of the pads Charlotte gave me and turn Penny to face me.

  “Close your eyes,” I murmur.

  Her eyes fall closed as I set to removing the makeup. I expect tears or a fracture in her façade. Nothing. Penny gives me nothing. If I know my girl, her walls have erected all the way up to heaven.

  Good thing I know how to dig.

  I’ll dig right under her walls every goddamn time. Deep, so deep with Penny. I will find her.

  “You’re good. Water is hot. Holler if you need me.” I kiss her forehead. “I’ll be right outside that door.”

  A tiny whimper claws up her throat, making me stall.

  “You’re safe now, Penny.” I gently take the bat from her grip and lean it against the counter. “Get undressed and cleaned up.”

  She reaches for her zipper, but her hand trembles too wildly to grab onto it. Without thinking, I grab the zipper and drag it down to help. As soon as I realize what I’ve done, I freeze. The last thing she needs right now is a guy trying to take her dress off. She grabs the dress before it falls to the floor, barely keeping her chest covered.

  “I’ll be right out there,” I vow.

  When she gives me a clipped nod, I leave her be. By the time I make it out of the bathroom, Tierra has been moved to the couch and given a pillow and blanket. Charlotte must be in Cal’s room, and everyone else is gone. Cal paces the living room, his body coiled and ready for a fight.

  “I’m not letting this shit go,” he growls. “Eli and Paxton are both fuckfaces who have messed with Charlotte before. Penny too. I’ll be goddamned if I let them get away with this.”

  “We won’t,” I vow. “Go shower off that blood and get to sleep. I’ve got Penny. Is Charlotte okay?”

  “She will be. I just hate that this was a fucking reminder of what Ryan did to her.” His jaw clenches. “I will kill those bastards. I don’t even give a fuck if I go to prison.”

  I know he’s dead serious too.

  “Yeah, man. I hear you. Go to bed.”

  After he walks off, I turn off the lights and lock up. I undress and pull on some basketball shorts just as the shower shuts off. I want to go help her, but I know Penny. She needs space. I’ll give her what she needs.

  Quickly, I flip off the overhead light and leave just the bedside lamp on as I crawl into bed. She remains in the bathroom for nearly an hour. I’m about to check on her when the bedroom door opens.

  She wears my T-shirt. It’s huge and hits her at her knees. In her hands are my sweatpants. “Too big,” she croaks out, tossing the pants on a chair.

  Earlier, she was outwardly wrecked. Now, she’s clean and fresh-faced, but her eyes are what’s damaged.

  She crawls into the bed, drawing the covers all the way up to her chin as she stares at the celling. Rather than yanking her to me like I want to, I pick up my phone. I find the music app and turn on her favorite.

  White noise.

  I keep it at a pleasant, soft volume before setting it back down on the table. With one last glance at her, I turn off the light. Once we’re bathed in darkness, I reach over and find her hand. Her fingers thread with mine.

  “I’m sorry about what happened,” I murmur. “If you want to—”

  “Stop talking.” Her words are barely whispered.

  “Yeah, babe. Okay.”

  The bed moves as she curls herself around me, her palm splaying out over my bare abs. I hug her to me, kissing her wet hair. I’m convinced she’s asleep until I feel the bed move.

  A slight tremble.

  The softest, most heart-breaking sob I’ve ever heard.

  Hot teardrops pool on my chest where her head is resting.

  Those fuckers will pay for making the tough, unbreakable Penny English cry. I will hurt them so fucking bad for this.

  “Go to sleep, lil’ slugger.”

  She sniffles and then does another rare Penny thing.


  It’s then I remember that no matter what anyone does to Penny, she’ll come out swinging. They might have made her cry, but they did not destroy this girl.

  No one on this planet has that power.

  She’s going to be okay because she’s Penny fucking English.



  I hate them.

  Breathing. Coughing. Sneezing.

  Tapping. Snapping. Crunching. Chewing.

  But, when it comes to Terrence, I don’t hate his noises at all. The soft, steady sound of his breath filling his lungs and then quietly exhaling is more soothing than the white noise he put on for me.

  Something about that small act of turning on my calming sounds has me wanting to hold onto him and never let him go.

  I never really thought of myself as someone who relied on another person until Terrence showed up tonight. The moment I saw him, I felt immediate relief and gratitude. I felt safe and protected and cared for. I was terrified and infuriated, but as soon as he pulled me in his arms, I let go of everything. Just handed my troubles to him and let him take care of them.

  I’d never understood Hollis and Roan or Charlotte and Cal. I thought my siblings were strange for wanting to tie themselves to someone and stay there. To me, everyone is basically annoying to some degree.

  Not Terrence.

  Sure, he teases me and pushes at my buttons, but it’s in a way I like.

  I finally get my brother and sister now. Because the way they need their men is the same way I need this man.

  It scares the crap out of me because I’ve never wanted anyone. Not like this. I found people attractive, but not enough to want to kiss or date them. Terrence is more than a good-looking guy who’s been through physical hell and back. He’s caring and gentle and funny. And I like his kisses and touches.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I’m starting to get antsy. I want to tell Terrence that he’s mine too. Surely if he’s allowed to claim me, I can claim him back. I know I don’t express myself well and he probably thinks I’m a bitch, but I do want him.

  Since he’s asleep, I take a moment to explore his muscular chest with my fingertips. Each rounded curve or dip between muscles. The smattering of chest hair between his pecs. Hard nipples. My fingers stray lower, marveling over his abs that seem like they’re cut from stone. His naval gets attention too, and then I tease my finger along the trail of hair that leads into his shorts.

  My palm ghosts over him, lower, barely caressing his cock. I’m fascinated how the softest of my touch has him hardening. His cock seems giant, though I don’t have anything to compare it to. He lets out a curse when I wrap my hand around it over his shorts.

  “Penny,” he grinds out. “Whatcha doing, ba

  “Feeling you.”

  “You’ve been through a lot tonight…”

  Anger shoots up my spine, making my ears burn. “You think because those assholes touched me that I don’t want to be touched by you? If anything, Terrence, I’d much rather distract myself with good things with you than let the nightmares of what-ifs consume me.”


  “Stop talking.” I grip his dick harder. “Did you know I have the words ‘virgin slut’ and ‘ice cunt’ and ‘Charlotte’s whore sister’ written in Sharpie on my fucking boobs?”

  “Those motherfuckers—”

  “I said stop talking,” I snap. “They touched me. I know they did. There’s a drawing of a fucking crab on my thigh.” Tears burn at my eyes, but I refuse to let them spring out. “They took my bra. My panties were gone. I don’t know if they had their fingers in me or on me. It’s maddening to not know. So excuse the fuck out of me if I want to be touched in a way that feels good. In a way I can control. Something I want.”

  Silence fills the room.

  “Are you done bitching me out?”

  “For now.”

  “Good. Now kiss me with that mean-ass mouth.” He grabs my hip, hauling me over his waist so I can straddle him. His hand finds my throat as he tugs me to him. “There’s my girl.”

  Our kiss is angry at first. As though I can punish him for what they did or for his words. But his kisses quickly become ravenous, tasting and nipping and sucking as though he wants to consume me. Soon, I forget I’m angry, lost in the way he distracts me from everything but him.

  Only him.

  His large palms skim over my thighs and then slide beneath the shirt I’m wearing. A groan escapes him. He doesn’t have to ask. He knows. I don’t have panties because that fucker stole them from me. Again, Terrence draws me away from a few hours ago and brings me to the present.

  “Goddamn, Penny. This ass is going to make me crazy.” He squeezes my cheeks, pulling on them, making me feel exposed in a way I never have before.


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