Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4)

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Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4) Page 19

by K. Webster

  I’m not in the mood to conversate, so I head for my room. After a quick shower, I text Terrence to check on Tierra.

  Me: How is she?

  Smash: I gave her my bed for the night. She was in pain but just really wiped out.

  Me: Is the couch even long enough for you?

  Smash: My feet hang off the end.

  Me: You could come sleep with me. My big bed is empty.

  Smash: Don’t tempt me.

  I yawn, which makes my split lip sting, as fatigue consumes me.

  Me: I had fun today. Lunch and ice cream. Thank you.

  Smash: You’re my girl. I’d do that shit more often if you’d let me.

  A smile tugs at my lips. I tongue the spot I reopened with my yawn, tasting the metallic blood.

  Me: Maybe I will let you.


  A video pings through and I swipe open the text, assuming it’s Terrence. As soon as I realize who it’s from, my blood runs cold.


  I don’t have to know the number to know who it’s from. As soon as the video starts playing, my blood runs cold.

  “This cold, hateful bitch is getting exactly what she deserves,” Eli rumbles, though I can’t see him on the video. All I see is me. I can hear Aaron and Paxton laughing.

  Eli reaches forward yanking down the front of my dress, to rip off my bra and then frees my breasts. Paxton comes into view, a Sharpie in his hand. He starts writing all over my chest while I lie there passed out.

  Bile creeps up my throat. I want to turn it off, but I need to see what they did to me. Eli then shoves my dress up. He crudely fondles me before ripping my panties down my thighs.

  “A souvenir,” Eli states, making the other two laugh. “I get to fuck her first.”

  Paxton writes more crap on my thighs. “Whatever, man. Wrap your dick up, though, because I don’t want your crabs.”

  “Is she going to wake up?” Aaron asks, nerves in his tone.

  Eli snorts. “No, man. She’s down for the night. You need a little coke courage?”

  “Hell yeah,” Paxton says, capping the Sharpie. “Let’s do this.”

  The video sweeps over my exposed, sleeping body and Eli speaks again to my unmoving form. “We’ll continue this video when I’m fucking your nasty ass.”

  It clicks off.

  I stare at it, sick to my stomach.

  Those bastards.

  I want to kill them.

  There should be tears or fear, but currently, they’re being drowned out by rage. My blood pressure rises and my heart threatens to explode. I climb out of bed and exit my bedroom. The loft is dark, Dad and Jace already in bed. Padding down the hall, I let myself into Jace’s room. The television lights up the dark room. He’s sprawled out in all his convict glory in a pair of boxers and nothing else. His eyebrow hitches up when he sees me.

  “Nightmare? Need a cuddle, kiddo?” He grins at me in his usual taunting way.

  I push play on the video and shove it in his face. His smile falls and then fury morphs his features. He shoves it away before it’s done playing. Sitting up, he grabs my wrist, glaring up at me.

  “Those motherfuckers sent this to you?” he growls.

  “Eli specifically. He was the one taking the video.” I pluck my arm from his grip and pocket my phone. “I want revenge and, Jace, I need you to help me.”

  Amber eyes glow at me like windows into the devil’s soul. “We including Daddy Gary?”

  “Nope.” I pop the P. “Terrence neither. He has Zella to think about.”

  He nods. “I’m in.”

  “Thanks, pet.”

  I start to walk away, but he stands and yanks me to him for a fierce hug. I’m stiff, still burning with anger, but I allow myself a hug from an unlikely friend. Tears burn at my eyes and I have to swallow down my emotion.

  “We’ll make him pay,” he assures me. “We’ll do it together.”

  I sniffle and nod. “I knew I could count on you.”

  “You always can.”


  “Sorry to call you on a Sunday morning, doll,” Samantha purrs down the line. “I have a visitation set up for you.”

  My heart skips a few beats. “No shit? Today?”

  “From noon to six.”

  “Renee bringing her here?”

  “She will, but she’s not staying.” Her fingernails make a loud clicking as she taps away on her keyboard. “Also, I spoke with Barry. He’s got a few reports from neighbors of what an asshole Jack was. You can’t arrest someone for being an asshole, but it’s a start.”

  “Those letters…”

  “Don’t implicate him,” she says with a sigh. “Sure, we can read through the lines, but we need something more concrete. It’d be helpful if Lacey would show her face. Her testimony would be what we need to put him away, and at the very least secure your custody over Zella.”

  I glance at the clock. A quarter to eleven. Putting my phone on speaker, I start dressing quickly so I’ll be ready when Renee arrives with Zella.

  “Did he call Mary Stevens?” I ask.

  “He did. All Mrs. Stevens knows is that Lacey was a sweet, talented girl and she still owes her money. She’s worried about her. Barry asked if Lacey ever mentioned Jack or someone hurting her. Mrs. Stevens said she didn’t. Talked about her little girl a lot. Mentioned she was saving money up so they could get out on their own.”

  “Anything else?”

  “No.” She sighs. “But we’ll figure it out. Our main concern right now is getting you custody of Zella. It was one thing when you didn’t know she existed, but now that she’s here and the paternity test proves you’re the father, without Lacey, Jack will have a hard time earning any custody. He’ll have grandparent rights he can fight for, but those visitations will be just that. Zella is going to be yours. These things just take time.”

  “Thanks, Samantha.”

  After we hang up, I quickly shower and shoot Penny a quick text.

  Me: I get to see Zella today. I’ll call you after dinner later. How’s the lip?

  Penny: Jace now calls me Tyler Durden.

  Me: From Fight Club?

  Penny: That’s the one. How’s Tierra?

  I walk out of my room to find Tierra sassing Cal in the kitchen. They’re both laughing and cutting up, much to my relief.

  Me: Being her usual self.

  Penny: Good.

  Me: Talk later, baby.

  “Zella’s coming over,” I state as I poke Tierra’s side, making her squeal. “Where’s Charlotte?”

  “In the shower,” Cal says. “Do we need to bail?”

  “Nah, man. I get to keep her for six hours.”

  “I get to meet my niece,” Tierra says with a huge, silly grin. “I can’t wait.”

  “She’s your cousin, dumbass, not your niece.”

  “Don’t be a brat,” Tierra sasses. “I can be Aunt Tee if I want.”

  “Whatever, weirdo. How’s the ankle?” I ask, nodding at her bright orange cast that matches Cal’s on his hand.

  “Hurts like a bitch.” Her lips pull into a frown. She leans her ass against the counter to swing her crutch out at Cal. “But I have this weapon, so that’s fun.”

  “Garrett said you’re out for the season. How are you dealing with that?” I lift a brow at her, scrutinizing her emotions.

  She deflates a little. “It sucks.”

  “It does.” I give her a side hug. “If it makes you feel any better, there were several witnesses. It’s considered assault and it’ll be up to you if you want to press charges. Rockford’s coach already texted me this morning saying she’s been kicked off the team and expelled.”

  Tierra grimaces. “Cool.”

  “Has she or anyone from your old school been bothering you since you moved here?” Cal demands, folding his arms over his chest.

  Tierra scowls and her eyes darken, but she simply shrugs. Cal and I exchange a heavy look that has Tierra huffing.

pushes past us, shaking her head. “Leave her alone. You can interrogate her later. For now, she’s going to keep me company while I make lunch.”

  “Make enough for Zella. She’ll be here soon,” I say with a grin.

  The front door pushes open and Garrett strides in in serious doctor mode. He walks into the kitchen to kiss his daughter before squatting down in front of Tierra.

  “Let me look,” he says.

  Tierra bites down on her bottom lip, a smile tugging at her lips. “Okay.”

  I leave them to it as I check to see if Zella is here yet. The moment the sedan pulls up, I fly out the front door, eager to see my little girl. This time when she sees me, she runs right into my arms, squealing with delight.


  This right here.

  I will fucking fight to the death for this.

  “This is surreal,” I mutter, glancing over at Hollis, who’s sitting on the bench beside me.

  He flashes me a cheesy grin. “Right?”

  Sebban and Zella both giggle as they chase each other around the park. There are other kids, but ours are the loudest.

  “I can’t wait until they let me keep her all the time.” I can’t wipe the smile off my face. “She’s so damn adorable and sweet.”

  “Sebban will like having a kid who’s close to his age to play with.” He checks his phone for the twentieth time since we sat down.

  “Waiting on a call?”

  He sighs heavily. “Yeah. Roan.”

  I don’t probe him and just enjoy watching our kids play.

  “Roan thinks you’re fucking my sister,” Hollis blurts out, his tone cooling.

  Snapping my head his way, I frown. “I’m not fucking Penny.”


  “But if I was, it’d be her choice, not yours.”

  His jaw clenches. “She’s still a kid.”

  “Penny is more mature than both of us combined,” I grumble. “And I haven’t had sex with her.”

  “You admit, though, to seeing her?”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, man. She’s my girl.”

  “Penny’s not some girl you can fuck around with. She’s not wired like everyone else.” He frowns, rubbing at the back of his neck. “When she was little, my parents thought she was autistic.”

  I perk up, eager for any peek into her past. “How so?”

  “She just had certain quirks. Sounds bothered her. New people bothered her. Changes in routine bothered her. She was socially behind Char and me, along with everyone her own age.”


  “Penny’s intelligent. She adapts well. I think it’s a self-preservation thing. The girl still says inappropriate things all the time, but I think that’s just part of her personality. When she thinks she’s being cornered, it’s like she does and says exactly what she thinks is required of her, not necessarily what comes natural.” He smiles and waves at Sebban, who’s trying to get his attention as he goes down the slide. “My point is, Penny is different. She doesn’t need someone to fuck around with her and then leave. I don’t think she’s wired for a casual relationship. My sister is loyal to a fault. Doesn’t see things in gray. Just black or white. So if she thinks you’re together, then you are. If you’re in it for a piece of ass and will drop her when you get bored…”

  “I won’t,” I tell him with a fierce growl. “I know Penny is special. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. I’m drawn to her. I want to hold and protect her—to uncover the parts of her she keeps hidden from everyone. I’d never hurt her. I’ll admit, I’m out of my depth with her. She clams up and withdraws, which can be maddening at times, but I know for a girl like her, I have to put in the hard work because the rewards will be that much sweeter.” I chuckle. “Like her smile or her laugh. Do you know how fucking hard that is to earn?”

  “It’s my duty to whip your ass if you hurt her,” he says, barely containing his grin, “but we both know Penny can hold her own.”

  “Penny doesn’t need a hero,” I agree. “She’s armed with a sharp tongue and more sass than I’ll ever know what to do with.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Keep her safe.”

  “I will,” I vow.

  After our talk, the air isn’t so tense. Hollis’s phone buzzes. As soon as he reads the text, he leaps from the bench, hollering in excitement.

  “What is it?” I arch a brow at him.

  He plops back down, flashing me the cheesiest grin filled with hope and excitement. “We didn’t want to tell anyone until we knew for sure because we didn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up.” He laughs, shaking his head as though he can’t believe it. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  My eyes bug out of my head. “What?”

  He sobers up some, his blue eyes seeming distant, reminding me so much of his sister. “You remember Wes?”

  “You can’t exactly forget a pervert like that.” I grit my teeth. “I hope he enjoys prison. They don’t take well to pedos like him.”

  “He knocked up a girl named Leslie late last spring. She’s a sophomore now. After seeing a counselor, she made the decision with her parents to give the baby up for adoption. I only found this out because one of the other responders I work with is friends with Leslie’s mom. Anyway, she got us in touch with the family. Leslie is in no way prepared to be a mother and is suffering from the psychological effects of what happened with Wes. She thinks the baby will do better with parents who are capable of taking care of the child.”

  “What about Wes? Does he get rights?”

  “He could probably fight it, though hard to do in prison. But, lucky for us, he signed away his rights because he’s apparently in denial the baby is his.” Hollis sighs. “For weeks we’ve been waiting on this paperwork. Just in time, too. She’ll pop that baby out next month if she goes that far.”

  I scrub my palm over my face. “Wow. Wes’s baby, huh?”

  “Roan’s and my baby,” he corrects. “The baby will be ours.”

  “Right on,” I say with a nod. “Congrats, man. This is exciting. You’re outgrowing that garage apartment, though.”

  He smirks. “We looked at three different houses this week. Roan wanted the fixer-upper because it’s bigger, but with us having small children, that might not be the best idea.”

  “I’m sure Jace would be glad to help his son out. He works for that construction company now.” I shrug. “Just an idea.”

  “One that Roan is warming to,” Hollis admits with a chuckle. “He really wants that house. It might be what he and his dad need to finally patch things up between them.”

  “Whatever you guys decide on, it’ll be great. I’m proud of you two. Grown-ups and shit. Who would have predicted we’d be here?”

  “Certainly not me,” he says with a groan. “You guys were such assholes to me.” He smirks. “And because of me, most of you Hoodlums are finding love.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I tease, playfully punching his arm. “You ready to get these kids high on sugar?”

  “It’s what daddies do.” He laughs and then hollers at the kids. “Who wants ice cream?”

  Those squeals of delight will never get old.

  And pretty soon, we’ll have more to add to the bunch.


  “You sure this is it?” Jace asks, peering through the windshield at the nice two-story home.

  “God,” I groan. “You’re so fucking old. You act like you’ve never heard of the internet, pet.”

  “I’m just sayin’ if we’re going to be rolling up on some dude in the suburbs, it better be his damn house. I don’t need a neighborhood watch granny calling the cops on us and it be wasted on the wrong house.”

  “You’re grumpy.” I turn and lift a brow at him. “You can sit in the car if you want.”

  “And let your skinny ass deal with that motherfucker alone? Get real, kid.”

  I shrug, climbing out of the Jeep. We walk up the street to his house, keeping to bushes and trees when possible. />
  “What if his parents are home?” Jace whispers. “What then?”

  “I already stalked out his parents on social media. They go to church every Sunday and then go to his mom’s sister’s for lunch. Without fail.”

  We prowl across his yard and then walk up the steps on Eli’s front porch to the front door. Jace and I thought long and hard over breakfast this morning coming to the best solution.

  Surprise attack.

  Jace stands off to the side—because who would really answer the door to a six-foot, tatted up, cut as fuck ex-convict looking dude?—while I bang on the front door. A few minutes later, I hear footsteps and then the door opens.

  “You’ve got some balls showing up here alone,” Eli sneers. “Come to finish what you started?”

  Jace steps in front of me. “She’s not alone, fuckwad.”

  I don’t get to see the look of surprise on Eli’s face, but the sickening pop of Jace’s fist is enough satisfaction for me. Eli crumples to the entryway floor, knocked out cold.

  Jace shakes out his hand and then drags Eli away from the door so we can close it behind us. He towers over him while I squat down.

  “You’re really going to do this? Are you sure you want to see—”

  “Take off his shirt,” I order. “Now.”

  Jace grumbles but works on removing Eli’s shirt while I unbutton his jeans. I grab his jeans and boxers, pulling them all the way down to his ankles. Once his dick, in a nest of overgrown pubes, is on display, I grab my Sharpie from my hoodie pocket.

  I’m a fucking wannabe rapist with a teeny tiny dick.

  I write it nice and big across his chest, making sure to draw many arrows to his stupid cock. Jace snorts out a laugh.

  Roofies are the only way I can get laid.

  That line gets written on his thigh.

  Bitch boy.


  Paxton and Aaron are wannabe rapists too.

  That shit gets written on his arm.

  I got beat up by a girl because the girl I tried to rape fought back.

  That gets written on his upper chest. I draw a line from that statement up his neck, over his chin, past his cheek, and to his head where I nailed him with a baseball bat.

  I could write horrible things on him all day, but he’s starting to come to and I don’t want to stick around to talk to him.


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