Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 9

by Johnson, Cat

  Ana glanced at Cadhla who was blushing. “It’s nice to meet you, Mitch. You’re lucky I already know you’re married, or I’d be all up in my jealousy right now.” She winked at the friendly giant, who chuckled and shook her hand.

  “Have a seat you two, I’ll get you drinks and some bacon cheese fries and you can tell me everything. I’m an old married man now and I need to live vicariously through y’all’s adventures.”

  “He’s just nosy AF,” Ana stage-whispered to Cadhla.

  “That too!” he exclaimed as he started mixing their drinks. “You happy, lady? You look happy.”

  She lifted Ky’s hand from her lap and kissed her knuckles.

  “I honestly can’t recall a time I was happier, Mitch.”

  “Then let’s toast the shit out of that. To taking a chance on love with nothing but hope and a feeling that the next step is going to be infinitely more amazing than the last.”

  Ana felt more herself than ever, she’d done the scary thing, admitting it to herself and she’d revealed that part of herself to someone she loved and discovered that the next step was, in fact, infinitely more amazing than the last.

  Ana raised her glass and smiled at Ky, “To doing the scary thing!”

  About the Author

  Lasairiona McMaster writes sassy, classy and badassy women and strong, yet vulnerable men. She challenges reader’s expectations by openly dealing with mental health issues, often exploring tough-to-handle topics and ‘taboos’ and books with a whole lotta heart.

  She can either be found enjoying a gin and lemonade by the Irish sea, or baking sweet treats in her kitchen while singing at the top of her lungs. When she’s ‘home’ in Texas, and isn’t eating fresh-popped popcorn while buying things she has absolutely no need for in Target, she can be found at Chuys eating her body weight in chips and queso and washing it down with a margarita swirl.

  Heating Up

  Heather Kinnane

  Mia had long given up on the possibility of a relationship, let alone the threesome she’s always fantasised about. That is until two sexy firemen drop by...


  The siren falls silent as the truck comes to a stop, though the lights continue to flash blue and red as two yellow-clad firies emerge from the vehicle.

  God. How embarrassing.

  I force a smile as I move towards them.

  “Everything all right, ma’am?” They’re both mid-to-late twenties, one clean shaven with piercing grey eyes, the other with those sky-blue eyes I always fall for, and a slight stubble around his chin I just want to rub my thumb over. Their overalls hide everything else, but I’ve seen enough firefighter calendars for my imagination to fill in the necessary detail.

  I bet they’re both married. All the attractive men around here are married.


  I force my gaze back to those incredible blue eyes and nod. “All good.”

  “One of your neighbours called. They were worried by all the smoke. Do you mind if we just check things over?”

  I shake my head and gesture in the direction of the fire. They head over together, and I trail behind, stopping a little way from the fire, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

  I should have registered the burn, and I would have, but it was only supposed to be a small fire.

  And it would have only been a small fire, if I hadn’t decided to burn all the boxes Harvey insisted on leaving here while he went off to find himself, and another woman in the process.

  A page flutters from the sky, a portion of magazine, the edges singed. Of course the only clear part would be the cock, embedded in a shaved pussy.

  I snatch it from the ground, scrunch it up and squash it into my pocket.

  Fucking Harvey. If I’d known those boxes contained his porn collection I would have found a more discrete way of dealing with them.

  I can only hope the firies don’t notice.

  “Excuse me ma’am.” Blue-eyes approaches, and my heart flutters. “You’ve done all the right things; you’ve cleared a good area around your fire, and we can see you’ve got your bucket of water and the hose right nearby. That’s great. Next time you need to make sure you register your fire, so if we get a call we know not to send anyone out.”

  I nod, ever so glad the heat of the fire hides the real reason my cheeks are burning.

  “And you should probably be careful what you burn,” he continues. “Some things really shouldn’t be disposed of in fire.”


  He nods. “See how black the smoke is, coming from that box over there? It means there’s petroleum based products in it, rubber or plastic, that sort of thing. Those things should be recycled where possible, or sent to landfill.” We walk towards the fire, where the last box has finally caught.

  “Decided you didn’t want those magazines anymore?” Grey-eyes smirks as he nods towards the edge of the fire. One of Harvey’s magazines has spilled open, somehow immune to the fire which licks around the edges, framing a naked woman sprawled across the double page spread.

  “They’re my boyfriend’s magazines, not mine.” I blurt out, my face burning. “I mean, my ex-boyfriend.”

  “You stored your exes pornos?” The incredulity in grey-eyes’ voice is clear.

  “I didn’t know I was storing pornos!” I snap. “I would’ve got rid of them a long time ago if I’d realised that.”

  “So.” Blue-eyes’ holds my gaze. “He’s been gone a while then?”

  Is that a twinkle in his eye?

  I nod. “A year.”

  “And you’re still single?” Grey-eyes seems surprised.

  “Kinda struggled to let go, I guess.” I shrug. “Thought I was was over him, but seems he’s still causing me troubles.” I nod towards the boxes.

  “Maybe you just need some help moving on?” Blue-eyes’ voice is low.

  I raise an eyebrow, my heart pounding, but before I can answer the last box falls over, spilling the contents into the flames. Amongst Harvey’s old clothes and shoes is a familiar purple shaft.

  “My dildo!” I lunge for it, not really thinking, and grey-eyes grabs my arm and pulls me back.

  “It’s lost now.”

  Blue-eyes looks at me. “Your dildo?”

  I frown. “I thought the bastard took it with him. I never for a moment suspected he’d left it here.”

  “Sounds like you’re better off without him, if you had to use that to fulfil your needs.” Grey-eyes is smirking again.

  “He was fine.” I shrug. “I just liked the idea of a threesome, and an extra dildo was the closest we could get.” I cringe. Why the hell am I telling these guys this? “Sorry.” I close my eyes. “That was too much information.”

  “Not at all.”

  I open my eyes to catch blue-eyes’ grin, and my heart lurches.

  “Gage and I are always keen to help out a damsel in distress.” His voice is low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “You help damsels in distress?” My voice squeaks.

  He nods. “In whatever way she needs.”

  Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

  I glance over at Gage who gives a slight incline of his head, and then back to blue-eyes.

  I take a deep breath. “And how, exactly, might the two of you assist such a damsel?”

  He gives an odd sort of half-shrug, half head tilt. “Whatever a lady might want. A foot massage, a back rub. Gage is pretty good at head massages.”

  “Just massages?” I ask, looking at Gage.

  “Massages and more.” Gage’s gaze holds mine. “Threesomes, even.” The heat of his gaze is almost as hot as the fire behind him.

  “Like I said,” Blue-eyes continues. “Whatever a lady might need, but only what she needs, and nothing more.”

  Needs not wants. But maybe here they mean the same thing. I moisten my lips
with my tongue. “And you’d do that for a woman you only just met.”

  “It’s what we’re here for.” He spreads his arms wide. “Community service. Besides, sounds like you’ve been holding on to unnecessary luggage for far too long.” He nods towards the boxes.

  My chest constricts. A threesome, just like I’ve always wanted, with two sexy firemen. What more could a girl want?

  But these guys are complete strangers. They could be serial killers for all I know.

  “Name’s Laken, by the way.” Blue-eyes holds out his hand, and I take it, the warmth of his grip sending a tingle up my arm.


  “You don’t need to decide now.” Gage takes a pen and notebook from a soot-stained pocket, and scrawls something on it. “Have a think about it. If you want to take us up on the offer, call me, we’ll work something out.” He tears off the page and passes it to me.

  I peer at the number, then fold the paper, clenching it in my fist.

  “Best get back to the station,” Laken says.

  Gage nods, then looks at me. “Keep up the good work.”

  I watch as they climb back into their truck, the blue and red lights plunging into darkness as they turn the truck around and drive away.


  The week flies by. I can’t concentrate at work, my thoughts taken over by two hot firies; the warmth of Gage’s hand, the sparkle in Laken’s brilliant blue eyes.

  I haven’t had sex since Harvey left, hell, I haven’t even been on a date in all that time. Every man I feel the slightest spark of attraction to is already taken, and I’m working too hard to set aside time especially to go out and meet someone.

  And now two men have landed in my lap.

  I smooth out the paper with Gage’s phone number on it.

  Do I call? And what would it be? A one night stand? I push aside the idea that a threesome could be a permanent thing. As much as that is an extension of my fantasy I’m pretty certain it only happens in books. I’ve certainly never heard of anyone in real life who’s had a three-way relationship, let alone someone who’s had one last long term.

  I pick up my phone and press in Gage’s number. My thumb hovers over the call button. But my chest constricts. What sort of woman chases two men for a threesome?

  I delete Gage’s number. It’s a foolish dream that would probably end badly. Better to enjoy the fantasy than ruin it with a less than satisfying reality.

  * * *

  The supermarket is packed with shoppers by the time I get there after work. I grab the usual from the shelves; bread, milk, pasta, various oven-ready dishes that are probably full of preservatives and not much else. I really ought to just get my groceries home delivered, instead of wasting my time trudging these aisles. I grab a jar of bolognaise but somehow I haven’t gripped it properly and it slips from my grasp, smashing on the floor and splattering tomato sauce everywhere.

  “Shit.” What the hell am I supposed to do now? I kneel down and begin to pick up the chunks of glass.


  I glance up into Gage’s concerned grey eyes.

  My cheeks burn. “Uh, hi.”

  “You want some help?” He calls to one of the supermarket employees at the far end of the aisle, then squats next to me, gathering up more of the jagged glass. “Looks like you need rescuing again.” He smirks.

  “Sorry,” I say. “It’s been a long day. A long week really. Hell, a long year.” I shake my head. “I’m just so tired at the moment. I really just need to go home and have a good long sleep—”

  “Are you eating properly?”

  I glance up to see Gage peering into my trolley. “These aren’t exactly all that nutritious, you know?”

  I shrug. “I know. I’m just too tired to cook for myself at the moment.”

  He watches me for a moment. “I’ll cook for you.”


  “Tonight. You can come to ours, or we’ll come to yours.”


  Gage grins. “Laken and I share a place. He hasn’t been able to stop talking about you all week, in case you were wondering.”

  My heart flutters. “You did hear the bit where I said I was tired, didn’t you?”

  He laughs. “Just dinner.” He gestures to his own trolley. “Sweet and sour stir-fry with tofu, followed by pears poached in a caramel sauce.”

  My mouth salivates. “God, that sounds good.”

  “So. Our place or yours?”

  I contemplate this for a moment. “My place.” If things do go any further, I’d rather it be somewhere I’m more comfortable.

  “Great.” He grins, and my knees wobble. “See you in, say, an hour?”

  * * *

  At home there’s a clutter of dirty dishes on the sink that I haven’t got around to washing, and a pile of dirty laundry in the bathroom. I pour myself a glass of wine, sipping it as I shower and give the house a quick once over. I shove the dirty laundry into the washing machine, and leave washed dishes on the drying rack. The purr of a car engine up the driveway sends me into a panic, and I gather up all the other random bits I’ve left around the house and dump them in the spare room, downing the last of my wine just as they knock on the door.

  I take a deep breath and force a smile.

  I’m too nervous to smile for real.

  “Gorgeous place,” Laken comments as he comes in, passing me a bouquet of mixed flowers. He still has that bristle covering his chin, and there’s a small part of me that is very happy he hasn’t shaved. Gage follows behind, carrying two shopping bags laden with food.

  “It is, isn’t it.” I lead the way to the kitchen. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “That would be lovely.” Gage grins.

  Laken nods in the affirmative, and I pour out three glasses of red. I resist the urge to gulp mine down, even though it would help calm the nerves dancing in my chest.

  “You haven’t been here long.” Laken’s comment is more statement than question.

  I shrug. “A couple of years I suppose. Harvey, my ex, and I bought the place together, then he disappeared to find himself, whatever that’s supposed to mean.”

  Gage sets out his ingredients on the bench and accepts his glass with a thanks. “Sounds to me like he got scared. Buying a house together’s a pretty big commitment.”

  I snort. “Scared. Right. Be nice if he figured that out before we had a mortgage to worry about.”

  “You struggling?” The concern in Laken’s eyes melts my heart, and I shake my head.

  “I can cover it. But it’d be nice to have a little extra cash, you know, to cover all the other jobs that need doing. I’ve had to work extra hours these last couple of months to pay for the new water tank.”

  “Is that why we’ve never seen you around?” Gage asks. “Burying yourself in your work?”

  I laugh. “Yeah. Well, that, and I’m not naturally the most outgoing sort of person.”

  “No?” Laken asks, raising a brow. “You don’t usually invite two strangers into your house?”

  “First time,” I admit.

  “So we’re special?” Gage asks.

  Well, it’s kinda hard to turn down a home-cooked meal from a sexy fireman.” Did I just say that out loud? My face burns.

  “Looks like you’re in.” Laken nudges Gage with an elbow.

  I sense a sting in Laken’s tone.

  “Oh, poor Laken,” Gage teases. “Always misses out on catching the ladies.”

  “You’re just as sexy.” I blurt out, instantly regretting it as that smirk reappears on Gage’s face.

  Either of these men could turn out to be unbearable jerks, and here I am sounding like I’m hot for them both.

  The fact that I am hot for them both is completely beside the point.


  “God.” I cringe. “I’m going to leave you guys to cook while I set the table for dinner.”

  I grab Laken’s bouquet and head to the dining room, where I take a swig from my gl
ass. What the hell has gotten into me? Am I so desperate I can’t hide it anymore?

  I spread a table cloth over the table, and find a vase for the flowers. They need water, so I head outside to fill the vase from a garden tap. I’m not going near the kitchen right now. I can’t face the guys again just yet.

  The vase is half full when I hear the door open and close.

  “You hiding?” Laken’s voice carries across the yard.

  I laugh, my nerves calming for a moment. “Maybe.”

  He strolls across the yard towards me, but his gaze is on our surroundings.

  “You like it here?” he asks.

  “I do. It’s so beautiful. I love the fact I’m right on the edge of the bush, and that it snows in winter, and that I have this amazing view across the valley.” I spread my arms out wide as though to share the view, though it’s not that clear now the sun has set.

  “It is amazing, isn’t it?” Laken looks out into the twilight, peering at the distant mountains and valleys.

  Water runs over my hand, pulling my attention back to the now over-flowing vase. I twist off the tap, and pour some of the excess water on the ground.

  “Better get back to setting the table.”

  Laken glances at me. “Would you like a hand?”


  Inside I place the flowers in the vase, and direct Laken to the antique kitchen buffet, where the cutlery can be found. He sets out three places, one at the head of the table, and two either side.

  “Did you end up getting rid of all your exes stuff?”

  I think of the boxes, and my dildo, and my face heats up. “I did. Should’ve got rid of them a long time ago, but he asked me to look after them until he could find a place, and I didn’t want to be the bitchy ex.”


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