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Return : Stratham Knights Book 1 Page 18

by NV Roez

  "I'm so glad you changed your mind, beautiful. Spring break was already going to be epic. The boys are going to lose their shit when they find out you'll be with us too."

  "Uhm, boys?"

  "Yea. The guys you met at dinner. We all make it up to the Hamptons this time of year."

  Honestly, I don't really care where we go, though I do wonder if I'm really up for the Hamptons. I shrug off the internal warnings in my gut and hop into Ryan's i8 Spyder.

  As we make our way out of the parking lot, I get the strangest feeling like I'm being watched, but when I look back at the building, all I see is Professor Wessex’s back as he walks towards the teachers’ hall.

  Jesus, Evelyn. Get it together.

  We make it to the Hamptons in no time with the way Ryan drives. It was partly exhilarating, partly traumatic. I mean, I did just recently flip my truck.

  Once we get there, Benji is salivating at the mouth for us to get out of the car. His monstrous body at odds with his goofy-ass face.

  "Hey, Evie. I'm so glad you came. We could use some estrogen to balance us out." Benji winks at me with a mischievous grin.

  I just chuckle, not sure whether I should encourage him or not. Out of the three, he's the most friendly. He helps me with my bags, gives me the tour of the house, and introduces me to the house staff.

  I excuse myself to my room that I'll be sharing with no one, and when I turn the corner, I can hear muffled voices coming from a room. The door is closed, but it sounds like Ryan and Randall are in the room and it doesn't sound friendly.

  "What is she doing here, Ryan? We have business to attend to this week, you know that."

  "Relax, Ran. She's harmless. I figure we can take her and give the appearance that we're not a threat. We're just there to have a good time and get some things straight."

  "What if he won't talk business around her? I don't trust her, Ry. Don't screw this up for us."

  "Just trust me. She's just as much against the Knights as we are. I've got this."

  They keep talking, but their voices are too low for me to hear any more. I don't want to get caught listening, so I just head to my room. I need a long shower and some sleep.

  I don't care what they were talking about. So Randall doesn't trust me, it's not like I trust him either. I learned at Ventura to just let people mind their own business affairs and stay out of it. But it's good to know that Randall doesn't trust me. People who don't trust usually have something to hide.

  I should know.

  I'm lounging by the pool, enjoying the crisp air and the quiet crashing of the ocean waves, when I hear the sliding glass door open.

  "Hey, beautiful. There's a surprise for you upstairs. We're all heading out to the city for our last night." Ryan says, walking up to me and effectively blocking what little sun is out.

  "Where are we headed?"

  "NYC. We need some real fun." His smile is blinding and his green eyes sparkle. I don't know why I can't find it in me to like him like I should.

  You know why, Evelyn. He's not your boys.

  I head upstairs to find a skimpy black dress on my bed and a pair of black Jimmy Choo stilettos. I'm torn between thinking that this is Ryan's way of being sweet and wanting to throw up at the selection.

  Sigh. I'll play along.

  When I'm done getting dressed and head downstairs, I'm greeted with obnoxious cat calls from Parker and Benji. Randall barely glances my way, but Ryan makes a show of stalking towards me like he's won the prize.

  "Definitely an upgrade from combat boots and skinny jeans. You look ravishing."

  "I like my boots, thanks. This really isn't my style," I retort, annoyed by Ryan's comment.

  "Sweetheart, you'd look beautiful in a garbage bag. I'm just saying that you look breathtaking, that's all."

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I get what he's saying and I should be grateful for how wonderful spring break has been. I wanted a getaway, and that's exactly what they've given me.

  It's been peaceful sitting by the pool, watching the ocean that's only a few feet away every afternoon. At night, I've played 8-ball with Parker or played video games with Benji. The only awkwardness I've had is with Ryan. He keeps hinting at wanting to spend the night in my room, but I've managed to find excuses to keep him at bay. I can't seem to find it in me to want him like the rest of the girls at Stratham University do.

  Two hours later, we arrive in the heart of the city. There really is something magical about the night lights of the Big Apple. I can't say I miss it, but I can't say I don't either.

  "Holy shit, this place is sweet. Plenty of babes gonna want a piece of this," Benji says, rubbing himself down as Randall parks the car in front of the club. "You sure you don't want a piece of this, Evie? Once the girls come flockin, I won't stop 'em."

  I snort. "Yeah, Benji. I'm good. Have at it."

  I get out of the car, and recognition hits me, making me pause. Ryan places a hand at my back and I jump at the touch.

  "Easy, Evie. It's just a club."

  He doesn't understand. I don't like being touched. And this isn't just any club. It's Sin.

  Fuck. Why didn't I pay more attention?

  I needed to get out of New Hampshire to get away from all the things that haunt me. I didn't need to come back to this place, a place that held a very different life for me.

  "Stay close to me, Evie, until we get up to the VIP area. Then you can do what you want within the velvet ropes," Ryan says from behind me as we walk through the doors to yet another life that I would much rather forget.

  The universe is having a great laugh at my expense.

  The place is packed tonight, but it's not a surprise. The two years I spent out here, in the rich underbelly of Manhattan, this place was always packed. I don't know why but I'm sort of surprised that these guys were even able to get in, but then again, maybe this is part of their spring break ritual.

  We get to the burly beast of a man in a barely constrained black suit who's guarding the stairs that lead up to VIP.

  "Bullshit! It must be snowing in hell. Is Styx really gracing us with her presence?" he teases once he spots me through the entourage of guys surrounding me.

  I put my head down, shaking my head ever so slightly, knowing he'd pick it up.

  "My apologies, Miss, you look like someone I used to know."

  "That's okay. It happens from time to time. I must have one of those faces." I smile, pretending that I don't know the burly man in front of us. "Uhm, can you point me in the direction of the ladies’ room?"

  "There's a bathroom in VIP, I told you to stay with me until after we get up there." Ryan says, grabbing onto my arm a little forcefully, and my stomach knots.

  I quickly yank my arm out of his hands and turn. "I'd like to use the ladies’ room down here, if you don't mind." I flutter my eyelashes and tilt my head slightly, trying to persuade the part of him that wants me so that I can get my way. Boys are so easy to manipulate sometimes.

  "Fine. But if you're not up there in five minutes, I'm going to come searching for you. Sin isn't a place you want to get lost in."

  I internally laugh at his comment. He doesn't know the half of what goes on in this place.

  "I'll make sure she gets back, sir," the bouncer says, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from laughing out loud at the way Mack says 'sir'. He hates uppity rich kids like it's going out of style.

  The guys make their way through the velvet ropes and upstairs, leaving me to find the ladies’ room. Once they're out of sight, Mack turns to me, eyebrow raised.

  "What are you doing with those rich pricks?"

  "Long story, Mack. How's the place been running?"

  Mack chuckles and the black t-shirt he's wearing underneath his suit looks like it's going to rip at the seams.

  "Same ol', same ol'. You shouldn't be here, Styx. I mean, it's great to see you're still breathing, but this isn't your life anymore. From what I hear, the entire crew is coming in tonight, a
nd I'm guessing you don't want your rich pricks to know who you really are. I'll do the best I can, but they will find you. Don't let this life pull you back in."

  The honesty and sincerity in his eyes warms my soul. He is too good for this life, even if he looks like he fits right in it.

  I sigh.

  What this world does to people.

  "I was never Styx, Mack. That was survival."

  Mack returns my sigh with one of his own. "I miss ya, kid. I've got your back tonight. You better get up there before that extra handsy one comes down looking for you," he says with an infectious grin, and I can't help but grin back.

  "Whatever, asshole. Let me up."

  I've loved Mack since the day we met, and if it wasn't for his ass, I might not have survived the streets of New York, let alone finish high school. He looks scary as hell, towering over six-and-a-half-feet of body piercings, tattoos, and muscles on top of muscles with a temper to match, but he's really a warm, cuddly bear who's always looked out for me.

  "Hey, who's on tonight?" I shout down the staircase to him.

  His eyes twinkle. "Delaney. I've already let her know, Evelyn." He's all teeth when he says her name.

  "You still after her?"

  "I never stopped."

  His response brings another rush of warmth to my chest that I haven't felt in a long time. To be wanted like that...

  This place may not have been home, but he and Delaney... yeah, they're as close to home as I've ever gotten since my parents died.

  I continue up the stairs to the VIP area that overlooks the dance floor. The table that Mack gave the guys has a full view of the front entrance, stairs, and employee entrance. My favorite table. Thanks, Mack.

  I slide into the booth as Delaney places drinks on the table. She places some fruity looking drink with an umbrella in it in front of me, and I choke.

  She chuckles lightly and nods her head in Ryan's direction.

  "Your boyfriend here took the liberty of ordering a drink for you."

  I cringe at the thought of drinking the hideous concoction of sugar in front of me. Not happening.

  "I'm sorry. Can I get a Johnny Walker Black, neat, please?"

  "You got it, doll." She winks as she walks back to the bar.

  "Johnny Walker Black? Damn, girl, you drink like a dude," Benji says, taking a large swig of his own drink.

  I just roll my eyes and look out to the crowd below.

  He's such a boy.

  Ryan slides closer, placing his arm behind me, but not actually touching my shoulders, thankfully.

  "I can't wait to dance with you later," he whispers in my ear, and I can't help the goosebumps that ride down my arm.

  Jesus, Evelyn, relax. He just likes you.

  Delaney walks back, bringing me a proper drink. She looks beautiful with her blond hair braided in an intricate fishtail that goes down her back and a complete tattoo sleeve on her right arm. She places the drink down and brushes her cheek to mine.

  "Careful tonight, kid. We're getting the full crew." When she stands, I can see it in her golden brown eyes. Trouble is coming...

  No sooner does she walk away when Alik Bianchi strolls through the velvet ropes.

  Fuck. Trouble has arrived.

  "I heard a rumor you were in here. Didn't think it was true, but here you are," he says, strolling up to our table like he owns the place. To be fair, he does, but that's not the point.

  "Good evening, gentlemen. So glad you could make it out to our little establishment," he says as an afterthought, not even bothering to look at any of them.

  Instead, he's just staring at me.

  "It's been a while. How did I get so lucky to be graced with your presence?"

  By the way he looks at me, I know that Mack let him know that I don't want to be called Styx tonight.

  I chance a side glance at Ryan, who is bristling with tension. Ah, the joys of unbalanced testosterone has entered the room.

  "You guys know each other?" Benji asks, raising an eyebrow.



  We both answer simultaneously.

  My eyes burn, glaring at Alik, silently begging him to not mention our history.

  "So which is it?" Randall says with annoyance. He's clearly not liking the fact that Alik is addressing me.

  Alik turns his head, ever so slowly in Randall's direction. "It's whatever the woman says it is. And frankly, none of your concern. If I were you, I'd watch your tone. Everyone in this club is owned by me, and they don't take to disrespect well."

  His black eyes turn even darker, and Randall immediately shrinks back into his seat.

  Alik turns back to me with questions that are dying to breathe air, but they never come. Instead, he just sits back in his seat while Delaney brings over a bottle of Jose Cuervo and sets it in front of him.

  The club is jumping alive with its own heartbeat as the DJ plays a fresh, remixed version of Zhu's “Good Life”. It's peak time for the roaches and the wolves of the city, the killing hour for the unfortunate.

  "Can we get down to business so we can get back to partying?" Parker asks into the tension.

  Alik raises his glass in salute, sips on his tequila, and nods his head to Ryan, a sign of permission for him to speak, but Randall beats him to it.

  "We're not talking business with her here," Randall spits out, raising his hand in my direction as if there is any other 'her' at the table.

  Alik raises his right eyebrow at me, and a smirk grows slowly on his lips. These guys are in over their head and they don't even know it.

  Ugh, why am I here again? Oh, that's right, I wanted to get away from campus. But with the way Alik is looking at the moment, being here is a mistake.

  "New terms. I'll hear you out, but I'll only do business with Evelyn or I don't do business at this table."

  Well, fuck.

  "Alik." I try to reason with him. "I don't know what business you all have to discuss, and I don't want to be involved. I'm just here to enjoy spring break."

  "I hear the words, but yet, here you are. You really didn't think you could come back in here and all the world wouldn't be the wiser?"

  "I didn't know I was coming. I have no desire to come back."

  "I'm sorry, princess, but no deal. I deal with you, or I don't deal with them at all. Those are my terms."

  I grit my teeth. I hate being called princess, and he knows it. I look over to Ryan. He is clearly confused and visibly angry. I glance at Randall. He looks like he's going to have a heart attack. Parker and Benji seem to find this whole scene comical. Benji pours another drink and snacks on an olive like it's popcorn, eyes twinkling like he's watching a movie.

  I should say no. I should get up from the table, walk away, and find my way back to campus. I shouldn't be here and everything in me is screaming to not get involved, but what choice do I have?

  I down my drink and cross my arms. "Fine."

  "Good girl." Alik nods his head in approval and leans over to one of his guards, telling him something I can't quite hear.

  A few seconds later, Eric Salvati sits at our table. We eye each other in acknowledgement, but that's as far as that greeting will go. I've never been a fan, but that's a story for another day.

  "Alright. So what is it that the Bianchi family can do for you, gentlemen?" Alik asks, and all three of the guys sit up straighter.

  "Moral of the story, take the Knights down a notch," Randall says without further explanation.

  I choke on my drink while Alik chuckles in response, pouring himself another glass of Cuervo.

  I fucking knew I should have walked away. I mean, I knew they didn't like the Knights, that there's some bad blood between the schools, but why would they come to Bianchi for help? The Bianchi family doesn't deal in childish spats.

  What the fuck is going on here?

  "And why would I do that? We have a good business going with the Knights." Alik shakes his head with disappointment. "You've come to the wrong plac
e, fellas."

  "We've come to the right place. We've come to propose a better business opportunity. With your help, we can make it so their pipeline runs dry. We can take over running the day to day and they'll have no choice but to work for us or starve."

  "That isn't much of an incentive if you're having to come to me. If you're as strong as you claim, why not take them out and then come to me?"

  "Because they've expanded into business areas that exceed yours," Parker says off-handedly, straightening his collar. "From my intel, the Bianchi family doesn't deal in the international slave trade and that's exactly where you're business partners have ventured into—have been for a while."

  "Excuse me?" Both Alik and I say at the same time. This is clearly new information for him, but even more so for me.

  What the hell? I don't know what happened to Elijah or even Caleb, but there is no way in hell Micah would be involved in the slave trade.

  Those assholes walk around all high and mighty—and they are most certainly assholes—but they wouldn't be involved in criminal activity of any type, let alone selling people, right?

  My mind is swirling in my own thoughts of tainted memories as the demons of my past once again rear their heads. I abhor the idea of anyone being sold for sick sexual enjoyment.

  My stomach bottoms out and is fighting to push out the liquor I've already had tonight. Jesus, I'm going to be sick.

  I move to stand, but Alik grabs my arm.

  "I said I deal with you. You leave, no deal."

  "Remove your fucking hand, Alik. Play these games with them, not me."

  "Sit down." Alik says more forcefully and his guards move closer to the table, ready to restrain me if Alik so wishes.

  I flop back in my seat, the air whooshing from the leather seat cushion. I eye Delaney at the bar, knowing she's been watching the whole time. The sadness in her eyes lets me know everything I need to know, even if I don't want to admit it.

  You're only given one chance to get out of this life, and I've already used mine.

  The guys have been sitting at our VIP booth for the last hour discussing all of the Elite's transgressions while Delaney continues the flow of drinks at our table. And me? I've just stopped listening. The voice in my head is louder than even the music in this club.


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