Brandywine Investigations

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Brandywine Investigations Page 14

by Angel Martinez

  "I… All right." Leander swallowed hard, all attempts at telling past horrors vanishing. "Should I… should… I do anything?"

  Dio turned his face up to meet Leander's eyes, the mischief in his smile somehow full of kindness. "You do whatever you want. I'm not shy, and you can't shock me. Really. You wanna take your sweater off?"

  "Sweater." Leander frowned at the blue-and-gray herringbone cardigan that had been that morning's choice. The cardigans were something of a uniform, armor against the world. "No?"

  "Just asking. Don't mind if you keep it on. It's weirdly sexy. No. Not weird. They look freaking good on you. So long as you're not getting too hot."

  Yes, it was getting too warm, but Leander didn't think it was the fault of his cardigan. He slid down in his seat, trying to spread his legs to ease his aching balls without being crassly obvious. Dio chuckled and proceeded to unbutton his cardigan so he could tug the crisp linen shirt out of Leander's kilt. Before he could manage a full gasp, Dio had the shirt buttons undone as well, spreading the material apart to expose Leander's chest and stomach.

  "All right still? If it's stop, it's stop. I'll back right off, and we can hold hands and watch TV or something."

  "N-no. That is… Don't stop." Another squirm didn't help ease the erection pressing up against the heavy material of Leander's kilt. The bit of friction made it much worse.

  "Love a hairy chest. Oh, yeah." Dio stroked the furred V between Leander's nipples, his hand sliding down to the lighter fur on his stomach. "So gorgeous. Dark, dark ginger. Never understood why they called it ginger. I mean, the spice isn't red. The flower is. But you don't have that in the kitchen. Why not cinnamon instead of ginger? Or, I don't know, papaya? Though that's pinker, isn't it? Or green. Green hair is cool."

  Those soft words caressed Leander's skin, even as Dio's hands did, and the low moan he'd been biting back forced its way out. His hand found courage on its own, moving to stroke Dio's thick midnight hair.

  "Mmm. That's nice." Dio laid his head on Leander's chest, his little sounds reminiscent of purrs. "You touch me wherever you want to put those huge hands. So turned on by big hands. Want me to take your kilt off?" He pointed to the all too obvious bulge. "That looks yummy, but not comfy at all."

  This is absurd. I can't sit here like a lump. Surely that's not done. "I can… it's not… Would you undress for me?"

  Dio kissed the hollow of Leander's throat and slipped off the sofa. "Happy to. Deliriously happy to." Dio stood in the space between table and sofa, arms crossed and clutching the hem of his Nada Surf T-shirt. "I need to ask you something, but I don't want you all embarrassed and stuff. 'Cause you shouldn't be."

  Leander froze, his hands halfway through unfastening his kilt. "Yes?"

  "You've never done this before, have you? I mean, none of it, I'm thinking. Kissing, petting, getting naked with someone. The sex? Yeah. Pretty for damn sure you haven't done that yet."

  It took everything Leander had not to drag the blanket from the back of the couch to cover himself. His face grew so hot he wondered if steam rose from his head, and he dropped his gaze to his hooves. Not that he thought Dio would suddenly taunt him or poke fun, but it was still painfully difficult to admit that a being centuries old… "No," he whispered. "None of it."

  Dio grinned. "Everybody has a first time, you know." He yanked off his T-shirt, dropped it on the floor, then frowned at it before he picked it up and placed it neatly on the sofa arm. "Look, hon, I love sex. It's one of my favorite things. But not everyone does. I get that. Some people take longer before they're ready. Some people are never ready. And all of that's okay. It's all normal. You hear me?"

  "I… I do." Leander stood to face him. "There have been times… but I could never bear the thought with anyone I met. Before."

  "Oh, I like that before part. Makes it sounds like I have a chance." Dio popped the button on his jeans and stopped again. "So, are you friends with your hands?"


  "Do you take care of things yourself?" Dio slid his zipper down slowly. "Masturbate?"

  "Oh. Ah." Leander realized he was wringing his hands and forced himself to stop. "Yes. That is, I have. Not… often."

  "Normal, big guy. Perfectly normal." With wriggles and gyrations, those impossibly tight jeans were making their way down Dio's hips. "Do you have any favorite fantasies? Something that turns you on?"

  Leander was certain his face would explode in flames any moment. "I don't feel at all comfortable talking about this."

  Dio finally eased the denim down to mid-thigh, and his erection sprang free, his perfect, beam-straight erection in its nest of ebony hair. Thoughts of any kind abandoned Leander as he gaped at the perfect, beautiful body displayed for him. Smooth where he was hairy, perfectly sculpted and refined where he was massive, he had never experienced such searing attraction and such overwhelming intimidation in one being.

  A strange sound reached his ears, a low, desperate moan. He cut it off in mortification when he realized the sound had vibrated in his own chest. "You're… glorious. Fantasies. You would be in them." Leander clapped his hands over his mouth in horror. How could he have said something so stupid?

  "Leander, look at me. I mean, you are looking, but up here. There you are." Dio still smiled softly, hands clasped behind his back. "This is me. Naked and vulnerable, just for you. I'm glad you like what you see. Can we do this like the question game? I showed you mine, now maybe I get to see yours?"

  One foot directly in front of the other, Dio came toward him, slowly, as if he approached a frightened calf. He put a hand over Leander's and lowered the clasped hands from his mouth. "If it's no, it's no. You need to tell me if this is where you tap out. Where your rope ends. Where you hit your max. Or if you wanna take the next little step."

  "I…" Leander wrested his hands away, shame and anxiety gnawing holes in his brain. It wasn't as if Dio couldn't guess how hideous he was without the kilt, his strange, mismatched chimera body. With another hard swallow, he returned to the fastenings at the side of his kilt and finished undoing the buttons, letting his gray kilt fall to the floor.

  "So brave," Dio whispered. He backed a step and his eyes went wide as he dropped to his knees. "You're amazing. So fucking gorgeous. Holy roots and vines, I think you'll ruin me for anyone else."

  "Please don't," Leander whispered, covering himself with both hands. "I know… know I'm a monster. You don't have to… to… flatter me."

  Dio crawled closer until he could lean his head against Leander's furred thigh. "There'll be some serious beatings happening if I ever find the douche canoe who called you a monster. You're beautiful. Everything right where it should be and all sized to match."

  Every word sent a warm breath over Leander's erection and his thighs trembled. He wanted to jerk away, to run away and hide in his room, but he forced himself to stand his ground, shivering and dizzy.

  "Is it still yes?" Dio didn't reach for him other than petting his ankle softly. "I'm gonna keep asking. You want me to go on? To touch you?"

  "Yes—no!" Leander jerked back a step, amazed when Dio sat back patiently, hands in his lap.

  "You want me to get dressed?"

  "No. No, I think perhaps I should sit down."

  "Oh. Good idea."

  Leander eyed the sofa dubiously.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I, ah, don't usually sit unclothed on my furniture."

  "Of course you don't," Dio said on a chuckle. He reached carefully behind Leander without touching him, retrieved his kilt, and spread it out neatly on the seat of the sofa. "There. How about like that?"

  "Thank you." Leander twitched his tail to the side and sat gingerly, feeling silly that he hadn't thought of such a simple solution.

  "Good. Now you won't fall over. Where were we?" Dio tapped a finger on his jaw. "Right. Requesting permission to touch, lick, and possibly even suck on your beautiful cock, please. Pretty please. Though just 'cause I'm begging doesn't mean you have to say yes."
r />   Leander's gaze wandered over the perfect features, the long, straight nose, the full, inviting lips, the impossibly beautiful doe-dark eyes. He gathered the ragged bits of his courage and leaned forward, cupping Dio's face between his hands and curling over until he could press their lips together in a soft, needy kiss.

  "Yes. Please. I don't know how. I don't know anything. But I've never felt like this. My body is screaming for you."

  "Mmm. Good thing, since mine's just about going nuts for you." Dio put a hand in the center of his chest and pushed until Leander sat back against the sofa again. "For now, just relax. Have the feeling you're really keyed up and ready to blow. So we'll take care of that first, right?"

  "I don't… Is it possible not to talk about every step?"

  "Got it, got it. You want me to put something in my mouth and stop blabbing. I can do that." With that mischievous, crooked grin, Dio put his hands on Leander's knees and spread them wide.

  Leander's breaths came in huffing pants as he fought against slamming his legs closed. He put his head back and closed his eyes, trying to keep his heart from bursting as Dio's hands slid up the insides of his thighs from the thick fur to where it thinned and gave way to human skin. His eyes jerked open again when Dio palmed his sac, stroking in gentle circles.

  I can say no. I can say no. Any moment, I'll stop him. I'll have to. It's too much. It's too overwhelming. I can't do this.

  Wet heat enveloped the head of his cock. Any thoughts of no, yes, or can't scattered to the four winds as soft lips pushed his foreskin back to lick at the tender, over-sensitized head. He moaned and clutched at the sofa with both hands, lifting his hips into the touch, wanting, barely knowing what he wanted.

  "Need you so bad. Every wonderful huge inch of you. Want to see how much of this ginormous cock I can stuff in my mouth."

  "You still… seem to be talking," Leander gasped out.

  "Sorry." Dio snickered and wrapped his lips back around Leander's erection.

  The licks and gentle sucking were enough to start the ever-increasing tightness in Leander's groin that even he knew signaled climax. Then Dio wrapped his lips hard around the shaft and plunged down, taking in more than half of Leander's length in that first descent. On the second, he did something astounding with his throat. The head bumped against the tight passage, and Leander bellowed when Dio swallowed and pulled him within. The restrictive furnace heat unraveled him, sent him hurtling into an explosion of pleasure so intense he thought his body would fly apart. He beat on the arm of the sofa, crying out in a wordless agony of pleasure as he spent down Dio's throat. Distantly, he wondered how Dio didn't choke, but the pleased purrs made it clear that somehow this seemingly impossible invasion was enjoyable.

  When his pulses finally calmed, Leander collapsed against the back of the sofa, unable to catch his breath, while Dio pulled off and licked him once more.

  "Delicious. You're so freaking yummy. And now look at you, all nice and relaxed."

  The sofa depressed beside Leander, and he cracked an eye open. Dio climbed up beside him and snuggled up against his side.

  "Catch your breath. Let's get you to eat something. You know, keep your strength up."

  "Are we… finished?" Leander managed in a rasping murmur. "We can't be, can we? I haven't done anything at all for you yet."

  "My sweet, sweet bull." Dio grabbed the plate of grapes and strawberries and began to feed them to Leander one by one. "You do all kinds of things for me. To me. But if you're done, that's it. I'd never push for more. Hope for it? Sure. But not push."

  After a few grapes, a strawberry, and a sip of wine, Leander managed to gather his wits enough to ask, "What is it you would like? Would I do to your staff what you just did?"

  Dio laughed and fed him another grape. "We're going to have to work on your thingies. Those thingies that people say when they're too embarrassed to say a word."


  "Yeah. Those. See, what I did was take your cock in my mouth and give you a blow-your-mind blow job."

  Leander considered, rolling the crude words around before he sighed and wrapped an arm around Dio. "I can't say things like that."

  "Mmm." Dio nestled closer to put his head on Leander's chest. "Well, okay, but you could at least use your imagination. Like, I dunno, love spear or stone root or something."

  "You can't be serious."

  "No. Tons of time, I'm not. But it would at least be funny on purpose instead of saying staff and making me laugh 'cause it's all proper and stuff." Dio's fingers stroked furrows in his chest hair. "I'm teasing. You got all stiff and not in a good way. But if we're friends, we should be able to tease."

  Leander stroked Dio's back, such soft skin over steel-hard muscle. "Are we friends?"

  "I kinda hoped we were by now."

  The plaintive tone, with so much hurt threaded into the words, nearly made Leander's heart crack. He bent slowly and kissed the top of Dio's head. "Then we are. I should… should warn you. I'm not certain I remember how."

  Dio shrugged. "Nobody really does. You just figure it out as you go."

  "Do friends, ah, have relations?" He'd almost managed the word fuck, and the mere thought of saying the word made his belly tighten.

  "Sure. Happens all the time." Dio wrapped an arm across his chest. "Mmm. You're so freaking warm. Like snuggling up to a fireplace. A big furry, sexy fireplace."

  Leander laughed at the image, helpless to stop himself. "You didn't answer the question."

  "There was a question?"

  "Yes. What would you like?"

  "Oh. That." Dio wriggled around, grabbed both of Leander's horns to lift his head, and straddled his lap. "I want you inside me. Your cock up my ass, filling me like nothing ever has."

  Leander gaped at him, his thought processes not helped one bit by the way Dio ground his beautiful backside against the erection slowly reawakening. He understood the mechanics of how two men could join. But, this? "That can't be possible. I'm… I would never fit."

  "I don't do possible. All about the im. If I was human, I'd say, yeah, not a good idea. Potential road to damage there. But I'm not." Dio grinned and kissed Leander's nose. "I'm a lot more bendy and stretchy. Gumby god."

  "Gumby? No, never mind that. Please don't laugh."


  "Will it hurt me?"

  Dio leaned between his horns again to wrap his arms around Leander's neck. "Oh, sweetheart, no. I'm not going to let anything hurt you. And you have to let me know if anything does."

  "I'll do my best," Leander whispered, his eyes stinging again. Those simple words speared him. When was the last time anyone cared whether they hurt him or not?

  But he didn't have time for reflection since Dio was moving again, reaching behind him for the salad oil on the table. With a wink, he scooted back on Leander's lap and drizzled a line along his shaft… penis… cock, which was well on its way to erect again.


  "Just to make it slippery. More comfy for both of us."

  Leander gasped as Dio's fingers closed around him and spread the oil. The renewed erection never happened when he masturbated. Once and done for the night. Dio's hands on him were far more exciting, the miniature electrical shocks from each touch making him impatient.

  Dio tapped under his jaw. "Chin up. That's it. Don't wanna get tangled in those beautiful horns."

  Scooting closer again, Dio positioned himself with his chest nearly pressing against Leander's face. He took the opportunity to kiss the smooth, sculpture-perfect chest but was soon distracted by Dio positioning him to tease at his anus. He pushed down, the entrance so tight that Leander was certain he must have been mistaken. This couldn't possibly work.

  Then the head of his cock popped through the tight entrance ring, and he thought his body would melt into the floor, the pleasure was so astounding.

  "Oh gods, Dio," he gasped out. "Are you all right?"

  Though his eyes were squeezed shut, Dio spoke between panted br
eaths. "Hands on my hips. Keep me steady. Oh, thank you. Yeah, butt squeezing's nice too. So freaking nice."

  After only a few seconds' hesitation, Dio sank all the way down, wringing a delighted cry from Leander. He took hold of Leander's horns again at their midpoints and stilled to meet Leander's eyes.

  "Okay still?"

  "Oh yes. You feel so wonderful. Dio?"

  "Yes. Anything. Anything at all."

  "Please don't pull too hard. The horns are strong, but I'll get a headache."

  Dio leaned down to give him a hard, hungry kiss. "Just to keep me in the right spot. No pulling."

  The kiss alone nearly put Leander over the cliff's edge. Then Dio began to move up and down, his muscles holding so tight Leander was certain one of them would break. The first orgasm had been so quick and sharp. This one rose from his center more slowly, up from the base of his spine, a gradually building wall of pleasure as his hands explored the sweat-glistened skin of Dio's back and buttocks. The cheeks fit in his hands so perfectly, and each time he squeezed, he got a low, throaty moan as a reward, Dio sliding up and down his length faster with each stroke.

  "So flipping huge. Never been so stretched and full." Dio's eyes were glazed, lips parted as he glanced down at Leander. "Sweetheart, move with me. Do what you need to do. I'm so close here. With just your giant cock inside me."

  Leander moved uncertainly at first, but found he could thrust up as Dio came down, and soon his head was flung back, dark hair cascading down to tickle Leander's thighs. Soft cries escaped him, escalating with every thrust until he arched back with a cry of wild ecstasy. His body clamped hard around Leander, releasing and clamping rhythmically, and that was all Leander's primed and ready body needed. The building wall of pleasure slammed into him, forcing his seed from him in hot jets deep inside Dio, the world darkening around the edges, the sofa thumping and creaking ominously beneath them.

  His own bellow sounded more bull than human in his ears as he wrapped both arms tight around Dio, holding him still as the lightning-jolt intervals of climax lengthened and his breathing calmed. A sharp crack beneath them had him clutching Dio even tighter as their end of the sofa thumped unevenly to the floor.


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