Beautiful Ghost

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by Hiranya Borah



  On 3rd September, 1995 at 1 PM, I was informed by my cousin, Rakesh that his mother, my closest Aunty, my mother’s younger sister had been seriously ill. I had the closest bond with this Aunty after my mother. In all practical purposes, she was my second mother. She happened to be my closest female friend till I got married and I was blessed with my daughters. Without wasting time, I took a bus from Guwahati at 3 PM and expected to reach her residence by 9 PM. But unfortunately, due to technical snag, I reached Biswanath Charali by 10 PM, the town of my Aunty’s residence. I could not get any Rickshaw to go the village which was about 2 KM away from the bus stand. So I had to walk down to the village.

  By 10-30 PM, when I reached the village, I found the whole village was plunged into darkness due to load shedding in the entire area. However, due to some moon light, I could manage my way to my Aunty’s residence quite comfortably. While walking I had a feeling that someone was following me very closely. I looked around, but I could not see anything. I thought, it was my sense of insecurity that led to the feeling of something was following me.

  Finally when I reached the entrance gate of Aunty’s residence, I saw my Aunty was waiting for me at the gate itself. She welcomed me, ‘I was worried, how you will come today from the bus stand, as most of the rickshaw pullers refuse to come to our village at night. I am happy that you reached the village safely.’ Then she led me to the Veranda and she told me through gesture to sit down. As we sat for a chit chat with Aunty, I realized she wanted to talk with me something special personally, which she did not want to divulge with anyone else.

  With faint smile on her face she said, ‘It is quite normal not to have electricity at night. Rakesh and his children had already gone to sleep and as I was sure that you would be coming today after getting Rakesh’s message, I was waiting for you. Hope everything in your house (family) is fine.’

  ‘Yes, Aunty. Everything is fine. How is your health now? After seeing you, I am little bit relaxed. Otherwise, I was really worried.’ I told her.

  ‘Do not worry my son. Without meeting you, I cannot go. You are also my son, after your mother delivered you she fainted, you cried for the first time in my hands. I cleared dirt from your tiny body. Till today, I remember your first cry and the dirt what every mother wants to see.’ She sighed.

  ‘I know that! You have told me that episode many times. Even then, I like to hear it from your mouth again and again. I know you also like to tell me again and again.’ I said with choking voice as I understood, Aunty would not survive for long; cancer had already taken a toll on her body.

  Before she replied something, I heard the sound of someone was moving towards the main door. The door was flung open and I saw Rakesh was standing before me. As soon as he saw me, he hugged me and started crying inconsolably. All on a sudden, I realized, Aunty was nowhere to be seen. I understood, with whom I was talking few seconds ago. For the second time, after Shruti Dawson, I had to talk with a spirit; but this time someone who had been so near to my heart. Then only I understood who had escorted me from bus stand to my Aunty’s residence.

  I comforted Rakesh. Rakesh told me that when he telephoned me at that time itself Aunty had died. Before her death, she wanted to talk to me, but she had to leave before my arrival. That might be the reason; she was waiting for me at the bus stand, accompanied me to her residence and wanted to say something, but before saying something she had to vanish.

  Her body had been kept in the hospital so that other relatives including me and my sister could see her dead body before she was put into the pyre.

  ‘Where she breathed her last? In the hospital or at home?’I asked Rakesh.

  ‘At home, in her room she died. Now, the room is locked. Antara (Rakesh’s wife) and children are wary to go to near the room.’ He said

  ‘Where is the room?’Is it cleaned?’ I asked Rakesh.

  ‘Room has been cleaned. But, why do you ask?’He asked me with some degree of surprise.

  ‘I want to sleep in that room tonight.’ I said.

  ‘We have made ready another bed in another room for you.’ Rakesh did not want to open that room.

  ‘The room must be used today. Otherwise, you will always have a fear, at least for the children to use the room at night.’ I tried him to see reason in my offer to stay in the room used by my Aunty till her death.

  On my insistence they put a bed roll on the floor for me in Aunty’s room. When all went for sleep, as expected, Aunty again appeared before me.

  ‘I did not know, my little son became so brave! I am so proud of you! Do you expect me to appear before you?’She asked me with sweet old smile on her face.

  ‘I was not sure. But I wanted to meet you again and that is why I wanted to sleep in this room.’ I explained.

  ‘Don’t you fear for spirit or ghost?’ She asked me.

  ‘No, if it is one of my Aunty’s spirit or for that matter, anyone who loves me very much and I also love him or her, I do not fear at all. I know those spirits will never harm me.’ With a pause, I said again, ‘Rather, I want to meet all of them at least once.’

  Then both of us talked many things about our past. Around 4 AM, she said, ‘Many people do not know, there is another world where spirits roam around like ordinary people which ordinary living people cannot see. Like, the world which all of you can see, where there are good people and bad people, in the world of spirit, there are good spirits and bad spirits. The exceptionally good spirits are eligible to leave the world of spirits to yet another world which is full of light and tranquillity. The ordinary good spirits have to find good wombs for their rebirth. Bad spirits have to take bad wombs for their rebirth. However, every spirit has to spend sometime in the spirit world. Length of their stay depends upon their deeds in your world and our spirit world. Every spirit has different power like power structure prevalent in your living world. Here, power is garnered as per the life he or she had spent in the world you are living. Here also good spirits are empowered more by the Almighty. I do not know how much power do I have; but I am told by some spirits that I have some power for my good works in the world which I left today. As you know, I lost my husband at a very tender age; but I did not marry and never had any intention to cheat my dead husband; and therefore, I got some extraordinary power. I understand, you have the guts to face any spirit and you have also habit to help others in their needs. Therefore, to give some safeguards from bad spirits, I want to give you something. Bhaity (my nick name), remember always, what I am giving you will protect you; so long you use your power to help others selflessly. If you use your power for your benefits or even for fame, you will lose your power and your protection gradually. Similarly, the more you utilize your power for benefits of others; you will be more powerful and will be protected more and more. A time will come when you will be able to call any spirit for benefits of others. So use your power with benevolence in your mind in future. Now take this ring, wear it in your ring finger. It will not be seen by others and the ring will never be lost till your death; but power of the ring to protect you will depend upon your deeds. You can see whether power is increased or decreased by pointing to a mirror on full moon day. The ring will emit glowing light which will increase or decrease according to the power it contains.’

  Then she gave me the ring. I put on the ring on my finger. I know, the moment I put on the ring, my responsibility to safeguard the interest of the good spirits and humanity had increased manifold. Earlier, I used to share my encounter with Shruti Dawson with many persons; but now I cannot say anybody about my future encounters. Further, I must be ready all the time to help the good spirits at any part of the world. Thinking this, I felt tiredness for the first time since I left Guwahati.

  ‘Aunty I want to sleep on your lap for some time and you run your fingers on my hair like you did when I was young. You sing a lullaby for me.’

  ‘My child I cannot do that; because I do not have a body now.’ She said.r />
  ‘I know that. But still you can do that; because you are my second mother.’ I insisted.

  She sat on my bed in such a way that her lap was placed on the pillow. I put my head on her virtual lap and closed my eyes. I felt her fingers were running through my hair.

  ‘Are you happy, my child?’ She asked with love in her voice.

  I did not answer. I tried to sleep for the last time on the lap of my Aunty.

  When Rakesh knocked the door in the morning, I did not find my Aunty. I saw to my ring finger, the ring was very much on my finger.

  ‘I heard whole night you were murmuring. Is everything alright?’ Rakesh asked me.

  ‘Oh, do not worry for that. Now days, your sister in law always complain about that.’ I told him with a big smile.

  We all took our bath and went to hospital to collect the lifeless body of my Aunty. Most of the relatives arrived by noon to pay last respect to Aunty. My sister was the last to arrive. She also cried a lot though she was not that close to Aunty. By evening we took her body to the cemetery. When, Rakesh lit the fire, I saw Aunty was waving her hands towards me. I also waved my hand, someone present there asked me, whom I was waving. I did not say anything.



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