Beautiful Ghost

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by Hiranya Borah



  Travelling for the first time to USA is always exciting. In 2008, I was selected to attend an international meeting in Washington DC under the aegis of World Bank. I was given an executive ticket to travel by Air India direct flight from New Delhi to New York. The Airlines had upgraded my ticket to first class at the time of check in.

  When the airhostess told me to take the window seat, I saw a young lady was sitting on my seat. On seeing me she stood up and she came out so that I could sit on my allotted seat. When I sat, she also occupied the aisle seat. I asked her if she would like to sit on the window seat, we could interchange. But she said she was Okay with the aisle seat.

  The lady sitting beside me was about thirty year old. Her ascent was American one and she was having my height but with a very slim figure. When we were student, while travelling by city bus, we avoid sitting with a girl because we could not see the girl properly from the nearest seat. Now also I do not like to sit with an unknown lady fearing to become victim of misunderstanding during jerking of aeroplane or bus. But when such a situation arises I want to talk with the lady to normalize the relation and develop mutual respect.

  After few minutes, the airhostess gave me juice but she did not offer anything to my co-passenger. I thought she might have already taken juice. However, the airhostess apologised to her and she wanted to bring juice to her also. The young lady waived her with a smile signalling that she would not like to take anything.

  When the airhostess moved away the young girl told me, ‘Hope, I am meeting the right person to convey my problem!

  Her oblique remark made me suspicious about her, ‘Why commented like that!’

  Then my sixth sense struck, the young lady might be a spirit. But how it could be, she was seen by the airhostess also. I was more confused only.

  Probably, she could read my confusion. ‘Do not be confused. You are right, I am a spirit only. I am little bit powerful than some other spirits. Therefore, though I cannot communicate verbally with everybody, I can make me visible as and when I like.’

  Once my confusion was over, I asked her, ‘Do you want some assistance from me or just you want to talk with me?’

  ‘I want some help from you as I am able to communicate with you properly and you are not afraid of any spirit. Are you a magician?’

  ‘No, neither nor I am a professional in this line. I am blessed with this power only to help the deserving spirits. I always stay behind the scene, so that; my work does not get any publicity.’ I assured her if her request is genuine and deserves my help I shall help her without any return.

  When I was talking to her, the same airhostess came to me to ask about my dinner. When she saw me talking in air, she was perplexed. Before giving any explanation, the spirit of the young lady started visible for the airhostess. Seeing someone visible from invisibility is always frightening for ordinary people. The airhostess about to faint, but I catch hold of her and eased her to sit on the aisle seat apparently occupied by the young lady. I let the airhostess to take a glass of water which was originally meant for me.

  Comforting her I said, ‘Do not worry madam. Do not discuss the matter with anybody else as othewise people will start panicking. Even your pilots may panic which may in turn be devastating. Kindly behave normally to others. She will not harm you or any other passenger on our flight. She actually wants some assistance from me. God has been kind enough to assign me to help such spirits who need help. What I am talking should be between us only for all the time to come. If you do not follow my advice, you may be in deep trouble; otherwise you will never face any trouble from any spirit.’

  I was worried if the airhostess started screaming in fear, there would be real danger for the safety and security of the passengers. Therefore, with a good intention, I used a carrot and stick policy to keep the airhostess mum. All along, the young ghost was smiling.

  The airhostess took almost five minutes to compose herself. All the time, I was tapping on her back like an elder brother comforting his sister after getting a shock. She finished the water and said, ‘Sir, will you do a favour for me?’

  ‘Sure, madam, tell me.’ With a comforting voice I told her.

  ‘Tell your spirit, not to surface again before me till the flight lands at JFK airport and do not show her face again while coming back from JFK to Delhi.’ She pleaded.

  ‘I assure you she will not do that again. She is listening to you. She will go with me so that she gets her justice from the person who did injustice to her. I am sure; you had never harmed this lady!’ With lot of confidence I told her. Then I told to her, ‘This assurance from me is not from a gentleman, but from your elder brother.’

  The airhostess grabbed my hands and told me, ‘Now I am assured of no harm. As an Indian, I always believe, sisters are protected by brothers even sacrificing their own lives.’ After utter this sentence she moved to her place near the cockpit with a confident note.

  After she left I turned to my young ghost and asked, ‘Now tell me your problem.’

  Her story is like this:

  Her name was Isabella and she was from Washington DC. She was married to her colleague James five years ago. Just after one year there were some differences cropped up between them. In the meantime, James developed close relation with another lady. That was the ‘last nail on the coffin’ as far as their relation is concerned. They were at the verge of divorce.

  But before divorce took place, when she was travelling from New York to Washington, she died in a freak accident. On that day, it was raining cats and dogs. When she was standing to catch a bus ferrying passengers to the aircraft she slipped and had gone under the rear wheel of the moving bus and died instantly. It was purely a freak accident which had been agreed even by the spirit of Isabella. However, she was not happy because all the insurance money, compensatory money given by the air company went to her estranged husband. Now he married to that lady for whom their relation soured and they were enjoying on her money. Her parents who were completely dependent on her had to live in pecuniary for last two years.

  Isabella wanted to help her parents by paying her compensation amount which otherwise had been enjoyed by James and his new family.

  When she finished, I asked her, ‘How I can help you in this matter? Will James agree to pay if I ask him to pay?

  ‘No, I do not think he will pay so easily. But if you help me, I have a plan. I shall accompany you to his house. I shall be visible to him; but as I cannot communicate with a normal living person, you can communicate on behalf of me.’

  I agreed to her proposal.

  On the next day, after attending my official meeting at around seven I pushed the calling bell of James’ residence which was at Maryland beyond Pentagon.

  A strongly built young man of around thirty appeared before me. He asked me with a rude voice who was I and what Did I want.

  I told about my identity and told him, ‘Personally, I have no business with you. I am requested by your late wife Isabella to negotiate some financial matter with you. ‘

  ‘What, do you think about me! Am I a fool to believe you that my late wife has sent you to discuss financial matter with me on her behalf! Even if she would have sent you, I am not a nut to discuss financial matter with a nuts like you.’ With a very aggressive body language he thundered.

  He was about to push me out from his house immediately after uttering those words. But as soon as Isabella was visible to him, he lost all his energy and I was able to push him aside and enter to his house. Sitting on a sofa comfortably, I looked at his eyes. He was trembling in fear. He was a complete different man from the man who was standing before me few seconds ago.

  ‘See James, I am not your enemy; rather I am a friend of both of you. She has the power to be visible to you and your family. I understand your wife is on a family way. If Isabella show her body/ face to your wife, she may have to undergo some adverse affect. So sit down and try to solve your problem mutual
ly.’ I told him calmly.

  ‘How much I have to pay to the family of Isabella and you.’ He asked with a trembling voice.

  ‘Pay entire compensation amount received from the Airways to Isabella’s parents keeping insurance amount with you. So far I am concerned; you can offer a cup of coffee which will be my fee for the negotiation.’ I finished.

  To my surprise, he agreed to my proposal and I left his residence without getting my fee, a cup of coffee.

  On the way, I told Isabella, ‘He agreed so easily, I am little bit suspicious about his intention. He may play another game. You better stay with me for my physical and other safety.’

  She was also little bit apprehensive about James’ intention to agree my proposal so easily and assured me that she would stay with me till I board my plane to New Delhi from New York after three days.

  I need not have to wait for three days to face the fury of James. He along with two police officers visited my hotel with a complaint that I threaten him for an extortion bid.

  ‘I know, you will play this dirty game. Therefore, I told your ex-wife to stay with me.’ Telling James these two sentences, I turned to the police officers, ‘I am a senior officer from Government of India, having an official passport, on official duty. Even two days back, I did not know about James and his ex-wife Isabella. Isabella requested me to help her in getting her money for her parents who are languishing a poverty stricken life. I do understand, you are not in a position to believe that Isabella has requested me to negotiate the matter with James on her behalf, unless you see her. In fact, spirit of Isabella requested me to help her in getting some amount of money for her parents.’

  As I finished, Isabella became visible to all of them. James started trembling again. The officers were also about to run away from my room.

  ‘Do not worry; she will not harm you as long as you will hear her request with humility.’ I assured them

  One of the police officers wanted to touch her in vain. Then I told all three of them, ‘You can agree to her proposal or otherwise her spirit will disturb you every day. Choice is yours. I am a guest of your country, whether you behave me properly or not, it is also your choice.’

  The police saw reasons on my statement. All three went from my room without exchanging any further words.

  Till I left New York, Isabella accompanied me like a shadow.

  After three months, I got a letter from Deborah, wife of James. She thanked me for my efforts to get rid of money which was morally belongs to the parents of Isabella. Deborah was able to convince James to hand over not only the compensation amount but also the insurance amount to the parents of Isabella.

  On my next visit to USA in November 2013, I could not meet Isabella but I had to meet James and Deborah at their home at New York on their request. They have shifted to New York from Washington DC after birth of their first child. James was a complete different man from the arrogant young man whom I met in Washington DC. This time, Deborah offered me my fee, a cup of strong coffee with a late fee of some snacks.




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