by Robin Roseau
“Not my fault,” Olivia said.
“And Coo is naked,” Bee added.
“Oops,” I said.
“She’s Allium now,” Dee said.
Bee moved closer, looking at all of us. “Allium?”
“Come here, Bee.” I opened my arms. She came closer, but didn’t climb onto the bed with us. “Bee,” I said. “The number of people I love is very small. Three of them are in this room.”
She looked at me uncertainly. Neither Olivia or Dee said anything. “Dee and I share everything,” Bee said eventually.
“I’m fairly sure she shared me with you, Bee.”
“She did,” Bee said. “But you didn’t belong to us. You belonged to her.”
“What would make you feel better, Bee?”
“Will you do a challenge with me sometime, too?”
“I’d love to, Bee,” I replied. “The next time I can risk belonging to someone for a week, I want it to be you. But I don’t know when that will be.”
“Or else,” Dee said. “Bee, Allium will be doing a lot of overnight challenges with us. I wanted half of them to be against you. You want to help teach her, don’t you?”
Slowly, she nodded. “But can I still have a one-week challenge sometime, too?”
“If Olivia allows it, Bee. I just don’t know when.”
She smiled broadly. “I want to be tickled.”
I didn’t wait. I grabbed her. Soon I had help, and we tickled her until she couldn’t breathe.
* * * *
Later, we attended the monthly event. The event began with about forty white-shift-wearing women finding places in the arena. Then eight women wearing leather entered the arena. I didn’t ask questions but simply observed. Those eight women each selected one of the women wearing white shifts and led her from the arena. Eight more leather-clad women stepped onto the field, and then another eight.
Then, walking together, I saw Lisolte and Claary. They hugged briefly then turned in opposite directions. It was only a minute longer before they each led a woman from the arena.
“That was Claary and Lisolte,” I commented.
“You missed Gigi,” Olivia said. “She was in the second group.”
All the women were selected and led away. I wondered if there would be forty events. I thought that would take forever. No, there weren’t. Teasest got the crowd going, and then sixteen women appeared, all in white shifts now, walking in pairs, holding hands. Then I thought it became obvious which woman of each pair was the challenger, as she led the other one to one of the locations around the arena.
The different events seemed to require somewhat different preparations, but none was extensive. Some of the women began bound. Some sat on stools after carefully lowering themselves over one of the devices. And some began similarly to how Dee and I had.
And then Teasest called begin. And we watched eight simultaneous events, the crowd encouraging the players the entire time, but showing extra appreciation from time to time. The first woman succumbed perhaps five minutes into the event; the final event took nearly three times that long.
The women were led away, and then eight more pairs stepped into the arena, and we watched it all over again.
The entire time, Dee’s excitement was obvious. On the other side of Olivia, Bee clung to her. And partway through the event, Dee began whispering to me. “Imagine us down there. Imagine if I was doing that to you. Imagine belonging to me for two weeks instead of one.” She whispered to me through much of the event, and so there were at least three of us who were quite clearly affected.
Later, in the carriage, Dee didn’t stop touching me, and Bee clung tightly to Olivia. She looked across to me. She smiled. “Did you enjoy the event?” Olivia asked, her tone playful.
“Someone whispered to me the entire time,” I said and made a pointed squirm while fanning myself.
Bee and Dee giggled. Olivia nodded. “I know that feeling. Coming home with us?”
I offered my own smile. “No.”
Dee began squealing in outrage. I turned to her, and she looked hurt, truly hurt. “Dee,” I said. “One question. Do you want me to stop being ambassador?”
“No,” she said. “But-”
“But I need to clear my head. You are intoxicating, you minx, and if I go home with you, I’m never going to want to leave. How much longer before I’m begging you for a permanent challenge?”
She moved away from me, watching me. Then she lowered her gaze. “Not very long,” she whispered.
“You are both quite addictive,” I said. “And the resin is addictive, too. Just your usual joy is infectious. I’ve never met two people who make me feel so good as the two of you, just to be around them. But I need to take a little control of my emotions.”
“Take control tomorrow, Allium,” she said, not looking at me. “We’ll help you tomorrow.”
“On this, I don’t need help, Dee,” I said. I reached out, and she didn’t shy away when I cupped her cheek. “Do you have a single doubt how much I love you?”
“Do you have any doubts how much I enjoy being with you?”
“No,” she said more firmly.
“This can go only a few ways,” I said. “I can be strong. Or I can become more completely convinced that my best choice is to beg to be allowed to belong to you forever. Olivia may accept, because she would gain another slave, and I think part of her likes that. But do you think that’s what she’d do?”
She looked up. “No.”
“No,” I said. “Because she needs me to be ambassador. And so I need to understand what is safe to want. And what I want is to belong to you in moderation, and Bee as well.”
“You’re not saying ‘no’ forever.”
“No. In fact, I’m about to ask when I may have my next lesson.”
“With me!” Bee said. “Right?”
“Right,” I confirmed.
“How much time do you need, Allium?” Olivia asked.
“Three days, Olivia.”
“That night doesn’t work. Come for dinner four nights from tonight.”
I smiled. “Olivia, do I ask Bee or you?”
“Bee and Dee, you may both accept overnight challenges from Allium as often as she asks, but you must confirm the schedule with me.”
“Bee,” I said. “Will you accept an overnight challenge from me in four nights?”
“Yes!” she said, clapping happily.
“For your lesson,” Dee said to me. “You will be negotiating the terms of the event.”
“Very good,” I said. “Now, would you please cuddle with me for the rest of the ride?”
* * * *
Over the coming months, I alternated belonging to Bee and Dee, one or two nights a week. Their pleasure was obvious, but so was mine.
And I learned, although it would take time.
In the meantime, I took no other challenges, and I shared no other beds, but I enjoyed a dynamic social life. I accepted all invitations as my schedule permitted, and was quite egalitarian. I learned the city, but I also learned the surrounding countryside, accepting invitations not only from the cream of Ressaline society in Charth, but a few times from women who described themselves as simple farmers and craftsmen.
And I’ll come back to some of this, but through this, of course, I had duties.
Chapter Fifteen
It was the afternoon, the day after my first challenge with Bee. I knew I would be busy, beyond busy, soon, but I felt I had another week or two before it would begin. My estimate wasn’t entirely accurate.
“Allium,” Cha said, interrupting my progress on the book I was reading. I looked up. “There is a woman here to see you.”
I considered. “Who is it, Cha?”
“She is from Flarvor.”
“Oh,” I said simply. “Please send her in.”
I rose to my feet, and then a woman stepped into the study. She was dressed in the uniform of the Royal Couriers, and she carried a sa
tchel at her side, the strap over her head and resting on the opposite shoulder. “I am Ambassador Cuprite,” I said.
“Ambassador,” she replied. “I am Bridgie Tourmaline of His Majesty’s Royal Couriers. I must verify your identity.”
“Of course. Cha, give us a few minutes, but if you could bring fresh tea, I would appreciate it.”
“Of course, Ambassador Cuprite.” I might be Allium in private, but in front of anyone else, she was quite carefully formal.
I turned back to the courier and waited. She looked me up and down, must have been satisfied my appearance matched her expectation, and then asked a series of questions. I answered easily, and finally she nodded. I waited while she unlimbered the satchel and withdrew a heavy diplomatic pouch.
I took the pouch and gestured her to a chair. “Do you know the contents?”
“No, Ambassador,” she said. “Except for one, an introduction to me.”
“Is that common?”
“I am to be placed here,” she said.
“Placed here? What does that mean?”
“His Majesty would prefer you use one of his couriers rather than one whose allegiance is unsure.”
“Did my diplomatic pouch arrive in some fashion suggesting tampering?”
“No, ambassador,” she replied. “Am I unwelcome?”
“Not by me,” I said. “I only wonder if the king is unhappy with me.”
“I have no indication of that, Ambassador.”
I nodded. “Ms. Tourmaline, are you aware of Ressaline requirements to be allowed free travel?”
“I am, Ambassador. Several of us volunteered. Details are in the dispatch. Do you know how to verify the integrity of the seal?”
“I believe so.” I inspected it carefully, the way I’d been taught, and finally opened the pouch. Inside were additional envelopes, each addressed to me. I moved to a small desk and set everything out.
There was a knock, and then the door opened. Cha entered, pushing a teacart. “Thank you,” I told her. “Cha, please serve, and include yourself, then take a seat.”
“Yes, Ambassador.” A moment later she handed me a teacup. I took it absentmindedly and sipped at it. Then I opened the first envelope.
It contained a letter from King Leander. I read it carefully.
Ambassador Cuprite,
I am so pleased. Our faith in you is vindicated, and so quickly besides. Thank you.
I ratify the agreements you have made so far. Please proceed, and I look forward to continued details.
I agree there was no need to reclaim the old embassy, and I appreciate the symbolism of new beginnings. The new location sounds absolutely perfect.
Regarding the free travel zone: I am very pleased. Included are more details. Please point out there are areas on both sides of our shared border that have for generations been considered shared territory. Do what you can in those regards.
Regarding your reaction to some of the more despicable acts: I agree completely with you. Ensure Lady Olivia and Queen Lisdee that anyone caught engaging in such crimes should surely be punished. Please privately extend my personal apologies.
This interrogation method you described is intriguing. Allium, if you trust Lady Olivia, then use your judgment in experiencing this for yourself. While I may not want your every thought laid out in some sort of sensationalist tabloid, there is nothing you know that you couldn’t tell Lady Olivia. While having such a capability for use here would be very useful, it also is dangerous. The temptation to abuse such power would be great. Please engage in further discussions. Perhaps Ressaline could help us with some of our most egregious cases, when the known facts are not as definitive as would make me comfortable.
We are anxious for the return of our citizens. While I may not understand entirely, I trust your judgment. Please send them home when they are ready for such travel. Assure Lady Olivia and Queen Lisdee that we fully respect their right to apply their laws within their borders, but we would appreciate some degree of understanding when possible.
Included you will find a separate response to the issue of visits from the royal family.
This leaves us with issues that are more personal to you. I was aware of the whisper campaign. It didn’t make sense until it became obvious that Ressaline had a particular woman in mind to serve as ambassador. I appreciate your candor, Allium. Yes, Lady Olivia was playing politics with the lives of Flarvorian citizens, but at the same time, I would not dispute her claim as to where they were discovered. I’d rather you not repeat this to anyone else, but I wanted to send you from the moment you brought news an embassy in Charth would be welcomed, but it is very difficult to make decisions like that without first reaching consensus amongst my advisors and key ministers. Lady Olivia forced our hand, and while I don’t necessarily appreciate that, I don’t mind the end results. You are the woman I wanted in Charth.
Regarding items more personal to you: it is your life, Allium. Be happy. There is nothing wrong with embracing the culture of your posting. I ask only that you remain frank with me regarding your loyalties.
Understand that you serve two distinct roles. You are my representative to Lady Olivia and Queen Lisdee. But you serve as an opposite role as well. You are rightfully an advocate for the Ressaline people. This leaves you with divided loyalties, and I recognize that.
Be happy, Allium.
It was signed by the king. I read it through twice and then said, my tone subdued, “Cha, I will require an audience with Lady Olivia. It is not urgent, but I would like it at her convenience, any time more than an hour from now. Can you please make arrangements?”
“Of course, Ambassador Cuprite.”
Once Cha pulled the door closed behind her, Ms. Tourmaline said, “She’s a slave, isn’t she? Did you buy her?”
“Yes, she’s a slave,” I said. “She and Vi-vi are a loan from Lady Olivia while my staff is experiencing their firsts. Do you understand what I just said?”
“Yes,” she replied. “I thought their slaves wore red.”
“They wear a variety of colors depending upon their role,” I explained. “Black is a clerk. They’re common throughout Government House. Household slaves are typically blue. Red are pleasure slaves. There are other colors as well. I’m sorry. I need to work through these dispatches. You’ll come with me to meet with the duchess.”
“For my first time?”
“No, but she’ll want an introduction. Did you wish to freshen up?”
“Did you see another slave out there?”
“Yes, there were two.”
“That is Vi-vi. Ask her to assign you to a room. See to your needs and then return to me. Do not put on airs with your appearance.”
“I reserved a clean uniform. I’ll need to visit the laundry.”
“Is tomorrow sufficiently soon?”
“Yes, Ambassador.”
“See Vi-vi about that, but she is not a household slave. I’ve been using a public laundry. She can direct you.”
“Thank you, Ambassador. I won’t be long.”
* * * *
I reviewed the remaining materials. One envelope included a map plus a sheet of paper describing the areas the king would prefer to treat as shared territory. Two thirds were within Ressaline, but he was offering several within Flarvor. I would talk to Olivia about it.
Next I found the message about the Royal Couriers. In short, there were four women who would be assigned to travel between Charth and Barrish. The goal was to try to always have someone available who could be dispatched in one direction or the other. I was told the others would arrive as there was more for them to carry, and the king understood they would each become unavailable for a period immediately after.
I was just opening the final packet when Ms. Tourmaline returned. I looked up at her. “You volunteered.”
“Yes, Ambassador.”
“Sit,” I said. “In private, which also means when the only people around are members of this
household, my name is Allium.”
“Bridgie,” she replied. “They’re all at their first, aren’t they?”
“Yes,” I said. “They surprised me. I expected a few to change their mind. It was close, but they all stuck to it. Are you scared?”
“No. Nervous, but no. The king arranged for us to talk to several other women, all of whom said flat out they’d do it again.”
“I would like to know how willingly you agreed.”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“What pressure was applied?”
“The king himself explained the need and the risks,” she said. “Ambassador, when the king himself asks for volunteers…” She trailed off. “We might be nervous, but this is not a war zone. I am told that travel on this side of the river is the safest I could experience. Do you personally feel I made a mistake when I volunteered?”
“No, I don’t. I don’t know how much use I’ll have for your services.”
“I will need to spend time learning the region,” she said. “You use me any time you need a courier. You would have sent me instead of the slave, except I am told I must remain at the embassy unless I am escorted. If you do not keep me busy, we can discuss other duties as well.”
“All right. I’m nearly done.”
“Of course.”
I returned to the papers. The last envelope had contained a brief letter to me, penned by the queen.
My dear Allium,
I find it unlikely I will ever visit Charth. However, you are right. It would be good for both countries if my daughter and Queen Lisdee’s daughter were given the opportunity for friendship. Included are several sealed letters. I have included copies for you.
I miss you, my friend, but you are doing important work. Congratulations on your early success.
Queen Ralifta
There were three letters, one each to Olivia, Lisdee, and Queen Lisdee’s daughter. The letter to Olivia simply was to inform her that Princess Ahlianna would be inviting Princess Gionna to visit accompanied by a request Olivia extend the invitation on Flarvor’s behalf. The letter to the queen was also from Ralifta, an invitation to her daughter and assurances she would be welcomed into the queen’s household.