Be My Bride (Make It Marriage Book 8)

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Be My Bride (Make It Marriage Book 8) Page 3

by Nia Arthurs

  The pain.

  The sorrow.

  “It’s better than the alternative,” he whispers.

  “Which is?”

  “Never seeing you again.”

  “Then you should prepare for the worst.”

  He chuckles. Smiles.

  It’s sincere.

  And it’s gorgeous.

  Not that any of his other smiles weren’t hot.

  But this one is real.

  He’s impressed with me. Probably more than he would have been if I’d flirted back or taken him up on his offer.

  “Do I at least get a name?”

  I offer my hand. “Asia. And I probably won't be calling you.”

  “Hansley.” He takes my fingers in his strong grip. “And that’s probably for the best.”



  A yawn spills from Tierra’s lips as I open the car door for her.

  I shake my head. “This drive is gonna be a long one. Might want to save that for later when I’m waxing on about how amazing I am.”

  “How amazing are you?”

  “Very.” I smirk.

  “That was a short discussion.”

  “That was only the summary.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Your ego’s pretty inflated for someone who just got shot down.”

  “It’s not bragging if it’s the truth.” I wink at her. “And getting turned down only strengthens the ego.”

  She laughs.

  I climb into the car.

  Tierra yawns again. “Sorry.” A fist to her plump mouth muffles the word. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Long day?”

  “Sort of.” Her lips curl up in a sly smile.

  I call her out on it. “I’m guessing Brett gave you something to remember him by.”

  “He didn’t let me sleep last night.”

  I pretend to grimace. “Too much information, T.”

  “Then it’s my turn to put you in the hot seat.” Her dark eyes fix on me. I can feel it even though I’m not looking at her. Tierra has an intensity that strips a person from their soul. “Who was she?”



  I tighten my fingers on the wheel. “A disgruntled client.”

  “Stop playing, Hans.”

  “It’s the truth. She warned me away from hiring you.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  I recall Asia’s blazing brown eyes and sultry voice as she went off on the pitfalls of love and Make It Marriage.

  I wonder what her deal is.

  I wonder who hurt that beautiful woman so badly she stormed a matchmaking agency to rant about fairytales and broken hearts.

  Whoever he is, he’s an idiot and she’s too good for him.

  Damn. She’s too good for me.

  Which is probably why she saw through my BS and turned me down.

  “Is that all?” Tierra asks.

  “Yes.” No.

  I’m not sure what it was exactly about her that caught me off guard. Maybe it was the gorgeous eyes or the heated words or the confident way she told me to have a nice life.

  Maybe it was all three.

  Those sharp, mascara-smudged eyes are gonna freaking haunt my dreams.

  “How often does that happen?”

  “Women warning me away from hiring someone to arrange my love life?”

  “You getting turned down.”

  I chuckle. “Not often.”

  “I wanted to high-five her.” Tierra takes her shoes off and crosses her legs. “I thought for sure she’d fall under your spell.”

  “Me too.”

  “You did not.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “Are you going to leave her alone?”

  I glance over at Tierra. “You trying to set me up?”

  “There was an engagement ring on her finger, Hansley.”


  “You’re not that evil, are you?”

  “What if I am?”

  She turns to look out the window. “I thought you didn’t do ‘complicated’.”

  “I make exceptions if they look like that.”

  Beneath Asia’s coat, I saw a body capable of stopping traffic.

  Nice chest. Tiny waist.

  Flared hips. The kind of behind that begs to be smacked.

  “She’s searching for something serious. That’s why she hired us. She’s not your type.”

  “I know that too.”

  “But you still want her.”

  I stare straight ahead without answering.

  Sharon’s face pops into mind. Her dull blue eyes. Her bright smile.

  My heart shatters.

  What do I want? Hell if I even know what that is anymore.


  “I’m not your client, Tierra,” I say firmly.

  “You’re getting defensive. Which proves I’m on to something.”

  “You’re pushing.”

  “It was just a question.”

  “With you, things are never that simple.” I glance at her.

  “You caught me.”

  The highway blurs outside the windshield. Black skies make room for orange and purple light shed from lampposts.

  I suck in a deep breath. Let it out.

  Asia’s caught in my head like those little burrs that used to get stuck on my socks when I visited my grandmother’s farm.

  My head is still wrapped around her bright eyes and gorgeous smile.

  The last time I felt this off-balance over a woman was…

  It was the day I realized I had feelings for Shar.

  There’s no way I’m going back there.


  Especially not with a girl I’ll never see again.

  My eyes slide away from the road to find Tierra. “Don’t bother.”


  “Trying to change me.”

  “Why? You don’t think you’re capable of settling down?”

  “I’m capable.” I leave one hand on the steering wheel. “I just don’t want to.”

  “I bet you were a jerk in high school,” Tierra muses.

  “I’ve been a bastard for a very long time.”


  “You’d call me something worse?” I grin.

  “No. Something better.”

  I groan. “Tierra, don’t get me and Brett mixed up. I’m not hiding a secret wound that only love can fix.”

  “I’ve got to believe there’s a heart beating behind all that,” she gestures to my broad shoulders and chest, “sex appeal.”

  “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  “Shut up.” She smacks me.

  I laugh. Flick the indicator.

  Fabric rustles against leather as Tierra turns to me. “Fine. I’ll drop it.” She shakes her head. “But when you get tired of your little playboy mansion, call me. I’ll set you up.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be making that call anytime soon.” I stop at a red light. Slam on the brakes.

  “You scared?”

  “Of you?” I pass my gaze over her. “Definitely.”

  “No. Of having something real.”

  I tighten my fingers on the wheel as Asia fills my mind. Something tells me that woman isn’t the type to play according to my rules. She’s got her head screwed on right. She’s got standards. Expectations. Basically everything I don’t want to deal with.

  Or maybe I’m the one who won’t be able to keep the lines drawn. If just one look at her left me frozen in shock, she could do a lot worse given some time.

  My lips inch up, thinking of how intelligent she was even when upset. She cut me to the quick in less than a minute and drew out the softest, most vulnerable parts of me.

  It felt natural to share my hurt.

  To be honest.

  I didn’t hide anything. Didn’t try to dress up my scars.

  Maybe because I could see how fresh hers were too.

’s been a long time since I’ve been so real with anyone. Usually, when I meet a woman as gorgeous as Asia, there’s not a lot of talking involved. Not a lot of clothes involved either.

  And I like it that way.

  The only woman who could draw me into a raw, earnest conversation like that was Shar. We’d spend hours talking about everything—from stupid crap to the complexities of life to her favorite Disney princesses.

  But Shar’s gone.

  And Asia…

  Doesn’t matter.

  I’m not ready to join the Happily Ever After parade. The kind of settled, stable man that Asia probably gravitates towards is someone I can’t be.

  “You’ve gone quiet,” Tierra muses. “Did I offend you?”

  “No. I’m thinking about work.”

  She bobs her head. “Any progress on the Jensen merger?”

  “We’re wearing him down, slowly but surely.” I sigh. “Nothing can go wrong though. Any red flags and he’ll run.”

  “I’m sure it’ll work out. You both deserve that win.”

  Her phone buzzes.

  She glances at it.

  I arch an eyebrow. “Is that Brett checking to make sure you haven’t run off with me?”

  “No, it’s Venus. She’s reminding me about this weekend.”

  “What’s happening this weekend?” I slow down in front of Brett’s place.

  “We’re going to Vegas.”

  “You? In Vegas?”

  “Is that so hard to believe?” Her lips tremble and then form a big smile. “I wouldn’t normally go, but Venus is getting married.”

  “Venus? The matchmaker Venus?”


  I imagine the hot Make It Marriage woman with the long legs, the brilliant brown skin and the reddish-brown curls. “And here I was, secretly hoping she’d dump the artist and find me.”

  “Sorry, Hansley. It seems you’re not winning any hearts tonight.”

  “Oh, where will I find a woman kind enough to heal my broken soul?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

  “Not over here!” She laughs. “Do you want to join us?”

  “In Vegas?”

  She nods.

  “Is it open invitation?”

  “Venus loves a crowd.” Tierra lifts a finger and shrieks. “And not like that.”

  I chuckle. “Why not? A weekend in Vegas sounds like fun.”

  “Great. I’ll see you later.” She hikes out of the car and heads inside.

  After I see her off safely, I drive to my place.

  The condo’s dark. Empty.

  I don’t bother turning on the lights.

  Heading straight to my bedroom, I flop on the mattress and stare at the ceiling.

  My phone chirps.

  It’s Svena.

  All of Svena.

  Under the picture is a text promising a night of fun.

  My eyes glaze over.

  Yesterday, I would have jumped on that chance.

  Today, this picture does nothing for me. What the hell changed between now and last night?

  Asia’s face pops into mind. Her smooth brown skin. The little wrinkle between her brows. Her soft fingers pressing into my palm as she returned my business card and walked away.

  I groan, hating myself for getting caught on this girl.

  Asia or no, my fling with Svena is over.

  I send her a polite ‘this was fun, but let’s end it here’ text and roll over to fall asleep.



  Present Day, Vegas

  I wake up to the sound of a frantic scream. A moment later, a dainty foot slams into my thigh with enough force to shatter the bone.

  I charge up, my entire body crackling with pain.

  There’s a woman next to me. Sunlight dances over her mocha brown skin.

  Turns her deep brown eyes to a light chocolate tone.

  Falls on her dark hand clutching a blanket to her chest.

  My gaze wanders back to her face.

  Shock slams into me. “Asia?”

  “What the hell is this?” she shrieks. “What the hell did you do, Hansley?”

  Her voice gets inside my head, rattling around like nails on a chalk board. I press my palms against my ears. “Can you lower your voice, woman?”

  “I will not!” Each word climbs in volume until she’s shouting loud enough to shatter glass.

  I squeeze my eyes shut. Rub my temple.

  It’s early.

  I just woke up.

  My head is killing me.

  And Asia’s in my bed…

  My eyes burst open. Why the hell is Asia naked in my bed?

  I wrench my gaze back to her.

  Look over her.

  She’s wearing nothing under that blanket.


  “Is this a dream?”

  She smacks my chest. The slap of her palm against my flesh echoes loudly. “This isn’t a freaking dream, you jerk.” Anger blazes from her dark brown eyes. “What kind of thoughts have you been having about me?” Her trim eyebrows slant together until they form one pointed V. “Wait. Don’t answer that.”

  I scrape my hand against my stubble. Feel the bristles rub against my palm.

  Dots are connecting in my head, and they’re painting one hell of a picture.

  I glance around the room. Catch the way our clothes are strewn haphazardly, as if a whirlwind blew through the place and left destruction in its wake.

  I barely remember taking my clothes off.

  Barely remember taking her clothes off.

  My gaze returns to Asia. “How long have you been up?”

  “Not important.” Asia shoves her finger in my face. “This is.”

  At first, I assume she’s flipping me off.

  But it’s not that simple.

  My eyes catch on a ring.

  A diamond ring.


  “Tell me this isn’t what I think it is, Hansley.”

  I can only stare at her as my mind trips over empty space.

  “Tell me we didn’t get freaking married last night!”

  “Can you give me a minute?” I snap. “I’m trying to… damn. I can’t remember exactly.”

  There are impressions in my mind.

  Bumping into Asia at a bar.

  Buying her another drink.


  Tears. Hers, of course.

  Drinking some more.

  I shake my head and the movement feels like I’m stabbing knives into my own skull. “We didn’t get married.”

  “Yes, we did.”

  “Does that make sense?”

  "None of this makes sense.”

  “Okay.” I rub my shoulder as I try to capture my whirring thoughts and fit them into a box that isn’t spinning. “Okay. Let’s back-track. Start from what you remember.”

  She smacks her lips together.

  She’s panicking.

  I can see it in her eyes.

  But she’s still here. She could have run out by now. Snuck away while I wasn’t watching. But she’s in bed. Screaming at me. Willing to hash it out. Piece the night back together.

  That means she must trust me on some level, right?

  I don’t want to let her down.


  I hope the story we uncover isn’t as crazy as it looks right now.

  Asia reaches back and gathers up her hair. Pulling it over one shoulder, she sucks in a long, audible breath. “Where do I begin?”

  “Start with when you came to Vegas,” I say.

  As far as I remember, she wasn’t on the private charter with the rest of the gang. There were a ton of Make It Marriage people on Brendon’s jet, but there is no way I would have missed Asia.

  “Okay.” She takes another calming breath. The muscles in her stiff shoulders relax a bit. Her bottom lip slips into her mouth and she begins to chew on it slowly.

  My eyes land there, staring at her bruised lips.

  And, suddenly,
I remember kissing her.

  Late last night.

  In the shadows.

  On the bed.

  The memory flashes into me like a hot brand.

  Asia’s tongue warring with mine.

  Her sweet breath hitting my face.

  Slender fingers digging into my back.

  Her moans getting lost deep in my throat.

  Heat stabs my heart.

  I remember her groans like it’s my favorite song. Hottest sounds I ever heard.

  My body stirs.

  Desire spreads down south.

  I ignore the throbbing as best as I can.

  Now is not the freaking time. We have bigger things to worry about.

  Like where the hell that wedding ring came from.

  And why it’s on her finger.

  You got married last night, idiot.

  No way.

  That can’t be right.

  Hooking up with Asia is one thing. I can make sense of that. She’s been on my mind since we ran into each other at Make It Marriage.

  It’s a slight obsession.

  Which is fine.

  I can get over it given time.

  But if I married her…

  “I came to Vegas because,” she rubs her forehead briskly, “of the honeymoon tickets.”


  “Thad wanted to come here after we got married.”

  “Your fiancé has strange tastes.”

  “Ex fiancé.” She shoots me a hard look.

  I fold my arms over my chest. Take note of the way she watches my muscles flex before she forces her gaze back to my eyes.

  Her tone is hard when she asks, “You have something against Vegas?”

  “No.” I look her over, my gaze slowly perusing her messy hair, her slim shoulders and the banging body she’s got hiding under that white sheet. “But I know that he wasn’t considering you when he chose this place.”

  I barely know her, but I could see that with my eyes closed. Asia’s a long walks on the beach holding hands girl.

  She’s coastal roads. Blue waves. Summer breezes.

  Sultry kisses on a picnic blanket.

  She’s couple massages and horseback riding.

  Vegas isn’t her speed. Her grimy ex probably wanted to gamble instead of spend time with his bride.


  “I was angry. And lonely. And the last thing I wanted to do was call my guests and tell them the wedding was off.”

  I reach out to her.

  Think better of it.


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