Be My Bride (Make It Marriage Book 8)

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Be My Bride (Make It Marriage Book 8) Page 5

by Nia Arthurs

  “Thad,” Asia screams, “that’s enough.”

  I freeze. “Thad?”

  She pushes my arms away and settles against the door. Digging her fingers into the wall, she bends slightly. Her long, black hair covers her face, but I can hear her struggling to breathe.

  “Asia.” I hover over her, trying to straighten her up. “Asia.”

  She shakes her hair away from her face. “I’m fine. Just… just give me a minute.”

  My eyes move from her to String Bean.

  He looks like a stiff wind would blow him over.

  Beady eyes. Thin lips. Pretentious-looking smirk.

  This bozo gave up Asia?

  This guy?

  The hell was he thinking?

  A woman as intelligent, beautiful, and capable as Asia bothering to look in his direction was a miracle. He should have kissed the ground that she walked on and catered to her every whim.

  Is he insane?

  I grit my teeth as I recall Asia’s pitiful sobs last night. This idiot broke her heart and made her feel like she wasn’t good enough. Does he have any idea what he did to her? What he did to this amazing woman?

  I take a threatening step forward, my fists raised.

  I should rearrange his face for that.

  Asia smacks my wrist. My hands are so much bigger than hers that she has to wrap both her palms around my knuckles just to hold me back. With two little tugs, she draws my attention over to her.

  Her eyes are strained, but she lifts her chin bravely and shakes her head.

  She doesn’t want me beating Thad to a pulp.

  For some reason, that annoys me even more. Does she still have feelings for this punk?

  I arch an eyebrow just one little punch.

  Her lips mash together no.

  I sneer but obediently take a step back.

  Thad plants his stick arms on his stick hips and laughs. “I can’t believe this.”

  Neither can I. The hell were those matchmakers thinking with this punk?

  “Asia, we need to talk.” Thad purses his lips. Slants a sharp look my way. “Alone.”

  Asia chews on her bottom lip. Seems to consider it.

  Anger slams against my heart.

  Like hell.

  I don’t care what regrets this scarecrow might be feeling now that Asia’s shown she’s capable of moving on, but I won’t stand here and let him jerk her around when we’re in this mess because she got drunk running from the hurt he caused her.

  “I should go,” Asia says to me in a quiet voice.

  My hold on her wrist tightens. “Hell no.”

  Her bottom lip rolls between her teeth. “He came all this way, Hansley.”

  “So? He can find his way back.”

  I don’t know when I got so freaking protective of her. The only thing I’m certain of is that Asia deserves better than this. She deserves better than the both of us.

  “I’ll be right out. Just let me get changed,” Asia tells Thad, turning away from the door.

  String Bean tries to wiggle his way inside.

  “Like hell you will.” I slam the door in his face and glare in Asia’s direction.



  Hansley’s hard stare falls on me like an anchor. I pretend I don’t see him, but it’s kind of hard to ignore a six-foot hunk wearing nothing but black boxer briefs and a scowl.

  “You’re not going to change my mind,” I say, going on the hunt for my clothes.

  Since we moved our… festivities into Hansley’s hotel room, I don’t have my suitcase or any of my toiletries on hand. I’m forced to begin the hunt for my discarded clothes while avoiding Hansley’s gaze.

  “What do you and that guy have to discuss?”

  “You saw him. Do you think he’ll just go away?”

  “If I toss him out, yeah.”

  I pause. Turn around. Pin him with a get real look. “Thad’ll call the cops.”

  “I bet he will.”

  “Which is what you do when someone beats you up for no reason,” I say with exasperation.

  “I have a reason.” Hansley points at the door. “I have lots of freaking reasons.”

  “Yeah? Name one.”

  “He’s a punk. He broke up with you. He made you cry—”

  “Won’t hold up in court, Mr. Nicholas.” I spot my panties lying crumpled against the sliding glass door.

  Why I took my drawers off there of all places—where the rest of the hotel could casually glance this way and see me standing commando—is a mystery I do not want solved.

  Heat flogs my heart as I pick up the thin lace. The material is tearing from the edges. An image of Hansley yanking it off with his teeth flashes through my mind and I crumple the lingerie in my fist.

  I am never touching another beer for as long as I live.

  Hansley’s voice sounds behind me, but it’s not the deep, masculine I’m going to make you scream my name tone it was last night.

  His words are quick, heated and annoyed. “I don’t think you should do this."

  “It’s a good thing you don’t make my decisions for me.” I face him. “Thad flew all the way here. He bought the plane ticket. Got dressed. Grabbed a taxi. He put in that much effort just to talk to me. I’d say that deserves a conversation at least.”

  “What’ll you do when he asks about us.”

  “Us?” I arch an eyebrow. “What us?”

  He stalks forward and grabs my hand. His thumb gently brushes the centre of my palm and sends skitters of hot electricity straight down into my core.

  I gasp.

  Lean back.

  Try to tug my hand away to escape from the crackling sensation.

  Hansley holds firm. He lifts my arm and my ring jerks toward the sunlight, bouncing light fractions all around the room.

  He tilts his head in that cocky way of his. “This us.”

  “We’re not actually married,” I hiss, yanking my hand away.

  I can’t believe I’m still affected by him. This is so not the time or place to lose my head over a man like Hansley. Whatever his deal is, I know one thing—the man is incapable of commitment.

  He said so himself. Admitted it to my face.

  What kind of idiot would I be to ignore the warning?

  I can’t go losing my head because he’s hot.

  Because we spent one crazy, eventful night together.

  “As your husband, I forbid it.” Hansley folds his arms over his chest. He’s got these incredible muscles that bunch every time he moves.

  His body is pure art. Six feet of dirty fantasies.

  That mouth-watering physique almost overshadows what he says.


  “You forbid it?” I arch both eyebrows. “Who do you think you’re talking to?”

  His lips twitch.

  “Might I remind you that you’re not my husband.”

  “I am.” He’s barely hiding his smirk now.

  And I’m barely hiding my annoyance. “Even if you were, you don’t tell me what to do or say or feel. This isn’t the freaking 1950’s. I don’t have to listen to you.”


  “You think you’re funny?”

  “You don’t owe that punk anything. He was your fiancé? So what? Screw him for letting you go. Make him suffer for it. He doesn’t get to show up when he feels like it. He doesn’t get to make demands on you and your time. Send him packing. I’ll do it for you. Gladly.”

  I pick up my dress and my bra. “Since when did you care so deeply about me getting revenge on this guy?”

  “Since I spent the night wiping your tears.”

  A lump forms in my throat.

  He’s right.

  He did.

  “Look, Hansley, I appreciate everything you did for me. I really do. But we’re getting an annulment and we’re never seeing each other again. That is what we are to each other. I don’t need your opinions or your help.”

  He frowns. Hard. “Yo
u think I could walk away from you now?”

  “That’s what you’re good at, isn’t it? Why am I any different than those other girls?”

  His jaw muscles flex, but he doesn’t say anything.

  He can’t.

  He knows I’m right.

  What does he expect? That we’ll keep being friends because of one stupid decision we made when we were drunk? There’s no way a guy like him would be ‘just friends’ with a woman. I don’t think he’s capable of it.

  “If I want Thad back, that’s my mistake to make.” My words are gentle now. More understanding than they were before.

  Hansley’s not a bad guy. I saw that yesterday. He was patient and kind with me, not once trying to get into my pants or take advantage of my emotionally fragile state.

  If I remember correctly, I was the one who kissed him at our wedding.

  And then we came back to his hotel room and… you know.

  “You’re just trying to protect me. I get it. I do. But I’m not in the same desperate place I was yesterday. I slept on it. I got married.” A crazed laugh escapes me. “And now I’m ready to face the world like an adult and work through my problems the way I should have done from the start.”

  His eyes narrow. “Are you going back to him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He scowls at me again.

  Thad knocks on the door. “Asia? Are you almost ready?”

  Hansley barks at him. “Don’t freaking rush her, you—”

  “I’ll be right out!” I call, cutting Hansley off with a look.

  He grunts in response.

  I head to the bathroom and set my clothes on the counter. The moment I spot my reflection in the mirror, I gasp loudly.

  Hansley pounds on the door. “What’s wrong?”

  “I look awful!” I scrape at the eye gunk and mascara stains. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I can’t believe Thad saw me like this.” I cup my hands beneath the faucet and wash my face.

  “Why do you care what that punk thinks of you?”

  I glare in his direction. “You could have given me a heads-up. I look like Frankensteins black bride.”

  “No way. You look beautiful,” he says.

  Both hands go still on my cheeks.

  The water pouring into the sink is the only sound filling the silence.

  Hansley raps on the door. “You good in there?”

  “Yeah.” I shake my head to clear the haze and continue getting dressed.

  I refuse to let Hansley’s words get to my head. There’s a reason he can plow through girls the way I plow through shows on Netflix.

  Let’s not pretty this up.

  I’m a glorified lay with his ring on my finger. Take the ring off and I’m just like those other girls who opened their legs for one night only.

  No sense getting excited about that compliment.

  “Alright.” I open the door. Gesture to my face and neat clothes. “Now I look like a human being.”

  Hansley straightens, his dark eyes caressing every inch of my body.

  Heat slithers through the air, tightening around my spine the longer he stares at me.

  Hansley juts his chin down once. “He’s an idiot.”


  “That punk. String Bean.” His eyes slam into mine. “He’s a freaking idiot.”

  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  Hansley follows me to the door, an even darker expression on his face now than was there five minutes ago.

  I can feel his disapproval ramming into my back, but I try to ignore it. The hunky billionaire can’t always have his way. We’re in damage control mode. Our one night together is over. Time to pick up the pieces and see what I can do to get back to normal.

  I open the door and nod at Thad. “Let’s go.”

  “Great.” He reaches out to take my hand.

  Hansley smacks Thad away.

  I glare up at him, my eyebrows squeezing together. “Hansley, what—?”

  Before I can finish, he wraps his arms around my waist and crushes his lips to mine.



  If Asia wants to entertain this punk, she can do whatever the hells she wants.

  But I’m not going to make it easy.

  Sweeping her into my arms, I crush her body to mine and kiss her.


  Her hands fall on my chest like she’ll push me back, but I only draw her deeper into me. A soft, feminine sound rumbles out of her—somewhere between a moan and a purr.

  My blood boils.

  Desire shoots through my veins, tightening every nerve.

  She’s soft in my arms.

  Molding to all of me.

  Her curves rub against my hard body.

  My heart thunders loud enough that the entire hotel can hear it.

  She feels good.

  Feels right.

  I kiss her fiercely, slanting my mouth over hers and tilting my head so I can deepen the embrace. Only when I’ve sucked her lips to my hearts content—and not a freaking second before—do I ease back.

  She blinks rapidly, a dazed look on her face.

  I add another kiss to her forehead. “Have a nice chat, wife.”

  “Hansley…” My name is a warning hiss on her lips.

  I smirk.

  She narrows her eyes in response.

  Thad the String Bean clears his throat. “Let’s go, Asia.”

  I bristle at the way he’s calling her. Like she’s some dog in the park that he’s got ownership of. Like she’s his pet who should come running when he gives the order.

  It takes everything in me not to swing at String Bean’s face.

  Asia turns away from me. My heart pangs when she doesn’t scold Thad for his rough tone. I’m going to pretend she’s letting that slide because she’s still reeling from our kiss. I will not allow myself to accept any other explanation.

  Forcing myself back inside the hotel room, I close the door and head to the shower. It’s going to take a cold one to get over that kiss.

  I don’t know why I’m so stirred up right now. Asia did a lot more than kiss me last night. And it’s not like I’ve never kissed a woman before.

  Why the hell is my heart still beating so fast?

  I press a hand to my chest and feel the stuttering pulse. I’m having a freaking heart attack.

  My eyes dart to the door.


  I want her back in my arms right now. So much it hurts.

  Why does she bother me like this? Why does the thought of her going back to String Bean and never talking to me again piss me off?

  She’s just another girl.

  Just another…

  Damn. I don’t do this.

  I don’t yearn.

  That’s not who I am.

  I make a woman scream. Make her moan. Make her writhe in satisfaction. Then I send her on her way.

  There’s no bonds. No feelings involved.

  I shouldn’t have kissed her.

  Hell, I shouldn’t have married her.

  But it’s a little too late for regrets. Both ships have sailed.

  The muscles in my jaw bunch as I step into the shower and turn on the cold water. The pellets hit my skin like tiny pins. My flesh shudders, bringing my excitement under submission.

  Then I turn.

  And the kiss flashes in my head.

  Asia’s soft lips. Her sweet fragrance. That quiet little moan…


  I slam my fist against the wall.

  She’s downstairs making up with her ex. If she goes back to him, it’ll be Thad’s scrawny fingers that get to wrap around her waist.

  Thad’s beady eyes soaking in the sight of her gorgeous smile.

  Thad pressing his lips to hers.

  Throwing her on the bed.

  Shoving those sweet, thighs apart.

  My nails dig into
my palms as the water flows over me.

  I can’t freaking take this.

  Lathering myself with the tiny soap, I rinse off quickly and jump out of the shower.

  Not stopping to dry my hair, I dress in a pair of khakis and a T-shirt over a simple blazer. Grabbing my wallet and keycard, I head downstairs.

  My phone lights up with a call when I’m in the elevator.

  It’s Tierra.

  I answer. “What?”

  “We leave you for one day and you go and get married?”

  “Now’s not a good time, T.”

  “We’re coming over.”

  “I’ll be gone.”

  “If you want to see another day, you’ll be at the door with bells on.”

  “You’re annoying.”

  “I know.”

  The reason I chose a separate hotel was because I didn’t want the Make It Marriage crew all up in my business. They’re a fun group of couples, but I don’t necessarily belong.

  Plus I knew I’d need space from Brett and his judgmental glances.

  I didn’t know those judgmental glances would be warranted this time, but you live and you learn.

  “I’ve got everything under control.”

  “My favorite celebrity blogger says otherwise. By the way, is your wife around or did she run off with half your money?”

  “You shouldn’t believe everything you read.” The elevator lands in the lobby.

  “Brett is fuming.”

  “He’s always fuming,” I mumble.

  “This is unlike you, Hansley.”

  “Then you don’t know me that well.”

  “Oh. So getting married to strangers in Vegas is your thing?”

  “Nice kink, right?”

  “I have to admit. I never thought you’d settle down so soon. Congratulations.”

  My eyes sweep the crowded foyer. I look for a woman with brown skin, long black hair and gorgeous curves sucked into a tight black dress. “You got a point, T?”

  “No point. Just an observation.”

  Brett’s voice booms in the background. “Is that Hansley?”

  “I should go before he starts up again. We’ll be there in about an hour, okay?”

  “Wait. Do you happen to have Asia’s number?”

  “You don't know your own wife’s phone number?” There’s laughter in her tone.

  “Can you just send it to me?”


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