Be My Bride (Make It Marriage Book 8)

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Be My Bride (Make It Marriage Book 8) Page 19

by Nia Arthurs

Of course.

  There’s no way I could let Asia go. I spent way too long sulking, wallowing in my fear and misery. But the moment I saw those divorce papers, what I was about to lose exploded in startling clarity.

  My mind kicked into high gear.

  Screw my birth mother’s prophesy.

  Instead of letting it rule my life, I’ve decided to prove her wrong.

  In that moment, I vowed two things with absolute certainty:

  That I was never getting divorced.

  And that I would fight for Asia until I died.

  I want to spend the rest of my life supporting her, pushing her towards her dreams and giving her the best this world has to offer. I’m going to do the opposite of ruin her life. I’m going to make it better.

  Asia blinks rapidly as her gaze darts over my shoulder. “M-Mom?”

  “Hey, sweetie.” Her mother steps out of the crowd of Make It Marriage matchmakers and friends to wrap her arms around Asia. Her father joins in too.

  Asia’s eyes nearly bug out of her face. “Dad, you’re here too?”

  “Hansley flew out to speak to me early this morning.” He turns and gives me a nod. “We had a long conversation. One I’d been waiting to have since I heard the news.”

  “Wait, you knew about Vegas?”

  “Of course I knew about Vegas.” He leans back. “I was just giving you the space to reach out to me on your own time.”

  “Daddy…” Asia tucks her head into her father’s chest.

  He kisses her forehead. “The one thing I could always count on was that my little Asia would make the right choice. Even if I didn’t understand it, I knew you had it handled.” He meets my eyes. “And like I predicted, you made a good choice.”

  I dip my chin, understanding the true weight of his acknowledgement.

  The approval was hard-earned.

  This morning, when I went to visit Asia’s father, he gave me hell. I sat in his office, sweating and squirming as I admitted to everything—how Asia and I met and married in Vegas and also about the pregnancy hanging over my head.

  He glared at me and I thought for sure that he’d chase me out of his office, but he just started asking me all these questions—about my commitment to Asia, about my intentions.

  I answered them all honestly and told him about my plan.

  He agreed.

  And now we’re here.

  I take Asia’s hand and get down on one knee.

  She covers her mouth with her free hand, tears sparkling in her eyes. “I wanted your parents and all our friends here when I proposed to you.” My knee hits the floor and I stare into her beautiful eyes. “First, I want you to know that I’m sober.”

  She chuckles under her breath.

  Her mother sniffs.

  Venus hoots from behind me.

  I smile. “Asia, you are everything I have ever wanted. The day you walked into my life, you stole my heart and you never gave it back. I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of you, honoring you and pushing you towards your dreams. Would you do me the honor of marrying me… again?”

  My heart is pounding out a crazy rhythm. Going the grand gesture route meant I haven’t had a proper conversation with Asia about where we stand, how she feels about being a potential step-mother. All of that.

  I’m just banking on the fact that I’m committed to her and I want her to see that. Everything else will fall into place.

  “Hansley,” she inhales deeply, “I want you to know…”

  I lean forward, bracing myself.

  “That I’m stone-cold sober too,” she says.

  Laughter drifts out, but I’m too nervous to do more than smirk.

  “And,” her fingers tighten in mine, “my answer is yes.”


  She nods. “Yes.”

  I produce the ring box I bought, but she pushes it away.

  In a quiet, intimate voice she breathes, “I never took this one off.” She points to the diamond. “Not once.”

  Joy fills my heart.

  I swoop Asia into my arms and kiss her to the applause of our friends and family. My parents step forward next and wrap us both in hugs.

  “Zo!” Asia squeals like my mom’s her best friend. “You’re here too!”

  “I couldn’t miss this for the world.” Mom kisses her cheek and then pinches mine. “My son’s a romantic.”

  “Ma.” I pull my face away from hers, but a smile flirts with my lips.

  There’s a knock on the door.

  I pause, an eyebrow arched.

  “I’ll get it,” Asia says.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Venus roars from behind us. “Now let’s get drunk!”

  I open the door and a big grin breaks out on my face when I see Kayla and Brendon standing outside.

  “What are you doing here?” Asia laughs, wrapping her arm around the crook of Kayla’s neck.

  “Am I late?” The glowing new mother darts her gaze from me to Asia. "Did I miss the proposal?”

  “By a hair.”

  “Sorry.” Asia winces.

  “I can propose again if it makes you feel better.”

  Brendon gives his wife a tender look. “Would you? She was really looking forward to seeing it.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Brendon.” Kayla’s lips twitch in amusement. Her light brown skin carries a hint of the sunshine despite the harsh fluorescent lights. Exhaustion pulls at her shoulders, but there’s happiness in her eyes. “I’ll just watch it on video.”

  “Hey, little baby.” Asia waves to Kayla and Brendon’s newborn. The little girl has towny-colored skin, silky black hair and the smallest fingers and toes I’d ever seen.

  My own heart twists watching her. Even though it’s not under the circumstances I would have planned, seeing Kayla and Brendon’s kid has me looking forward to having one of my own.

  Doesn’t matter how it happened, I’m going to love the child and be there for them, the way I was raised by my real father to do.

  Asia glances at me with a soft look and I know she’s thinking the same thing. She’s going to love the kid too.

  Can she be even more amazing? How the hell did I get so lucky?

  In that moment, I'm even more certain that I chose the right woman.

  That I made the best choice.

  I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. Kissing her forehead, I whisper in her ear, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She squeezes her eyes shut and lets out a contented sigh. “I really freaking love you, Hansley Nicholas.”

  Laughter rumbles in my chest. “Sounds like you’ve been waiting a lifetime to say that.”

  “I have.” Her eyes meet mine. “I know we need to talk about… everything, when we’re not this crowded.” She gestures to the packed house. “But I want to make it clear that I’m not scared anymore. I want to be with you and if I get to be a mother-figure or an auntie to your child without actually going through any labor pains, well, I can live with that.”

  I nuzzle my nose against hers. “You have my word. I won’t let you down.”

  “I believe you.” She rubs her fingertips against my cheeks. “I trust you, Hansley.”

  Venus’s voice boom through the room. “Can the newly-engaged-but-already-married couple please find themselves over here! We’re making toasts!”

  Wrapping my arms around Asia’s shoulders, I step forward into a future that’s filled with love and light.



  My phone buzzes on the dresser.

  Morning sunlight creeps into the room and falls on the bed where I’m wrapped in Hansley’s arms. He likes to sleep cuddled into my body and the heat of his arms trap me to his chest.

  His knees cup my rear, welding our flesh together so it feels like we’ve become one entity.

  Under usual circumstances, I'd wake him up to get myself out of bed.

  The process of gaining my freedom ranges from the trie
d and true ‘smack him until he wakes up’ variety to rubbing all over him until he wakes up between my legs.

  Today, I go the smack route.

  My phone’s buzzing.

  It could be Venus trying to settle on the girls’ trip to Vegas that Hansley swears he won’t let me go on.

  Could be Elizabeth setting up another coffee date.

  Or Kayla, whom I made promise to call me if she ever needs a babysitter for her adorable baby.

  It could be Mom, wanting to drag me out to yet another florist shop.


  It’s not that I don’t like planning a wedding but… I don’t like planning a wedding.

  The details don’t matter to me.

  I just want Hansley at the end of the aisle and I’m good.

  We could be naked for all I care.

  Mom… has other opinions.

  I know if I don’t answer the phone, she’s going to show up and collect me herself.

  The phone keeps chirping.

  I groan and try to pry Hansley off me.

  He’s a deep sleeper and moving him off is like tackling a bear in hibernation.

  His body reacts to my squirming and I resist the urge to grind against him, scolding myself for being so insatiable.

  Seriously, we passed out only a few hours ago.

  My limbs are still moving liquid. I’m going to need more than a couple hours of sleep to recuperate from that.

  If I start him up again, I’m pretty much guaranteeing that I won’t be able to walk for the rest of the week.

  My cheeks heat as he grunts in his sleep and wraps his fingers around my chest, squeezing lightly. Pleasure skitters straight to my core.

  Passion has never been our problem but, since we’ve let the walls down, it’s gotten more… explosive.

  There’s nothing between us now. No secrets. No fears. No doubts.

  The honesty and commitment between us has only made his touch sweeter.



  My own confidence has grown in return.

  And I’ve seen the changes everywhere, not just in the bedroom. With my graphic design business, I’m more flexible, more assured and more willing to let inspiration carry me rather than focusing so much on my list.

  The woman I’ve become under Hansley’s care is both delicate and powerful. Like a flower in bloom. All petals and strong roots and enough determination to break past cement.

  I’m unravelling in the best way.

  Coming alive in the most thrilling way.

  It’s… incredible.

  I, honestly, had no idea I could feel this way about anyone. All my life, I thought I could be happy settling for a mature marriage where both of us did what we were supposed to do—stayed faithful, had kids, paid our bills and then died knowing we’d kept our family structure sound.

  I never dreamed I could have it all. A man who’s faithful to me, respects me and loves me and the kind of volcanic intimacy that can shatter my body and put it back together again.

  And Hansley was right.

  I do like to watch.

  “Babe.” I try to turn in Hansley’s arms so I can get both my hands pressed against his pecs.

  He’s all hard muscle and tan skin beneath my palm.

  Making sure to wiggle my hips away from his, I hiss, “My phone.”

  He doesn’t open his eyes, but his hold slackens.

  Ah, sweet freedom.

  I press a quick kiss to his chin and roll over so I can grab my cell.

  “Who is it?” Hansley mumbles from behind me.

  “Probably mom.”

  He yawns and drapes his hands out, setting his finger over my hip and tugging at the band of my panties. “Tell her I’ve been working on it.”

  “Working on what?”

  “Giving her grandkids.”

  I laugh softly. “I will not.”

  He goes back to sleep with a smile on his lips.

  I grab my phone, slightly horrified that my parents are having those kinds of conversations with my husband—especially considering how much I enjoy the baby-making process.

  Stuffing my feet in my slippers, I swipe my phone off the stand and answer without checking the ID.

  “Hello?” I croak. My voice is hoarse from waking up…

  Okay, it’s mostly hoarse from screaming Hansley’s name all night, but who’s judging?

  I clear my throat and try again, "Who is it?”

  “It’s Svena.”

  I freeze, one foot in front of the other.

  “S-svena?” I glance over my shoulder at Hansley’s sleeping form. His back ripples with every breath he takes and his wavy hair falls over his forehead, pointing to his strong nose and kissable lips.

  “Can I meet you for a minute, Asia?”


  “I’m downstairs.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I dress quickly and fly downstairs.

  Since the night Hansley proposed for the second time, I’ve been training myself to not feel jealous or insecure around Svena.

  There’s a possibility she’s going to be in our lives for a long time and I don’t want to let bitterness fester in my heart and ruin my marriage.

  It helps that she’s not the stereotypical bratty ex trying to get with Hansley or the gold digger trying to extort him for money.

  She’s just a woman with a baby. A woman who expects the father to take responsibility and I respect that. Even if it’s uncomfortable sometimes, Hansley taking care of his child is the right thing to do and I love him even more for making that choice to step up without question.

  “Hey.” I take a seat around the table in the cafe downstairs. “What’s up? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

  “Can I ask you something?” Svena’s blue eyes take me in.

  “Anything.” I push my purse off my shoulder and set it on the chair next to me. “Go ahead.”

  “Why did you stay with Hansley?”


  “You know we were together before he met you,” she says.

  I wince.

  “You know that I could be carrying his baby and what that means for the two of you, but you stayed. You’re still with him. And,” she looks down, “you’re happy. Why is that?”

  I consider my words. “The Hansley of the past isn’t the man I’m married to. He shows me every day that I can trust him.”

  The waiter appears at our table, but I shake my head.

  He walks away.

  Smiling at Svena, I continue, “I won’t keep bringing up past mistakes when Hansley keeps showing me with his actions that he’s ready to commit to me.” I lift a shoulder. “I tested and observed him. I didn’t just rely on my feelings to make that decision.”

  “So you stayed because he’s different now?”

  “I stayed because I love him and he loves me.” My words are soft and thoughtful. “I’ve learned that marriage is about getting through hard times and working through the problems like there’s no other option. Because for me, there’s not.”

  She blows out a breath. Nods.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “I got the results back.”

  “What did it say?”

  “Hansley’s not the father.”

  I flop back. Shocked. Numb.

  To be honest, I’m a little disappointed too.

  Not because I necessarily wanted the kid to be Hansley’s, but I was already getting used to it.

  Last week, I found some cute little baby booties and my first thought was purchasing them for Svena. It was almost natural and not weird at all.

  Somewhere between Hansley’s patient love and service to me and my own confidence blooming, I started dreading the Svena-baby-mama issue less and less and started accepting it as a mistake that’s turning into something good.

  “Out of respect for you, I wanted to let you know first rather than have a secret meeting with Hansley.” She pushes off from the table. “That's it.”r />
  “Wait.” I reach for her when she starts to get up. "Is the real father going to take responsibility.”

  “He doesn’t believe me.”

  “Even with the paternity test?”

  “He claims that I forged it.” She tenses. “But don’t worry. I’ve got it handled.”

  There’s pride in her eyes and fear in her expression. She’s terrified, but she doesn’t trust me.

  And I get it.

  This is her life and she probably thinks that I hate her for bringing chaos into mine.

  But that’s not true.

  Even if the baby had been Hansley's, Svena didn’t make the kid by herself. It took two. She’s not the villain here. She’s just a young woman. Just like me. Someone trying to figure the world out.

  “If he doesn’t step up, let me know.” I wink. “My good friend Elizabeth is married to the city’s best lawyer.”

  Her lips curl up. “You still want to help me?”

  “Why not?”

  Svena observes me intently without saying anything.

  One beat of silence passes.


  “Is this how a woman with a good husband behaves? So confident and… self-assured?”

  I smirk. “Call me anytime, Svena.”

  She slips her hand out of mine and waves without making the promise. She probably won’t call. She’s far too stubborn. I make a note to check in with her later.

  Wide awake now, I head back upstairs and climb into bed with my husband. Hansley’s waiting for me and he pulls me closer to him as soon as my back hits the mattress.

  “What did your mom say?” He rests his chin on top of my head.

  I inhale his dark, masculine scent. “It wasn’t my mom.” I tell him about Svena and his eyes open wide. “What are you thinking?” I prod.

  “I don’t know.” He wraps his fingers around my waist. “I’m a little stunned. I was so sure it was mine.”

  “Are you relieved?” I ask.

  “Yeah.” He looks at me, his eyebrows crinkling. “Aren’t you?”

  “I feel sorry for Svena.” I think about her dull expression when she talked about battling the baby’s real father. “She’s all alone.”

  Hansley doesn’t answer.

  I glance up and find him grinning down at me. “What?”

  “I love you so much.”

  I laugh out loud. “Random.”


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